




JSON-RPC API – Release 1



调用API的url https://api.random.org/json-rpc/1/invoke



>>> base_url='https://api.random.org/json-rpc/1/invoke'
>>> import requests
>>> req_dict={'jsonrpc':'2.0','method':'generateIntegers','id':'1111'}
>>> req_dict['params']={'apiKey':'your_own_key','n':1,'min':1,'max':100}
>>> resp = requests.post(base_url,json=req_dict)
>>> resp.json()
{'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'result': {'advisoryDelay': 40, 'bitsUsed': 7, 'bitsLeft': 249993, 'requestsLeft': 999, 'random': {'completionTime': '2016-01-28 07:14:50Z', 'data': [26]}}, 'id': '1111'}
>>> resp_dict = resp.json()
>>> resp_dict['result']['random']['data']







This method generates true random integers within a user-defined range. Your client must set the method property of its JSON-RPC request object to generateIntegers. The request must also contain an id member, which will be returned in the response.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are mandatory and should be specified in the params array of the JSON-RPC request:

Your  API key, which is used to track the true random bit usage for your client.
How many random integers you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
The lower boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
The upper boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.

Optional Parameters

The following parameters are optional and can be included in the params object of your JSON-RPC request if you want functionality that is different from the default:

replacement (default value  true)
Specifies whether the random numbers should be picked with replacement. The default ( true) will cause the numbers to be picked with replacement, i.e., the resulting numbers may contain duplicate values (like a series of dice rolls). If you want the numbers picked to be unique (like raffle tickets drawn from a container), set this value to  false.
base (default value  10)
Specifies the base that will be used to display the numbers. Values allowed are  2810 and  16. This affects the JSON types and formatting of the resulting data as discussed below.

Successful Response

If the numbers were generated successfully, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response with the result property containing an object with the following named values:

This object encapsulates the random numbers and associated data. It contains the following properties.
An array containing the sequence of numbers requested. If the request specified  base  10 (or did not specify a base and therefore defaults to  10), the elements in the array will be integers. Because JSON (according to  RFC4627) only allows numbers to be written as decimal, the numbers will be typed as strings if a different  base than  10 was specified in the request. Numbers in any base other than  10 will be padded with leading zeros up to the width required to display the chosen range.
A string containing the timestamp in  ISO 8601 format at which the request was completed.
An integer containing the number of true random bits used to complete this request.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining true random bits available to the client.
An integer containing the (estimated) number of remaining API requests available to the client.
An integer containing the recommended number of milliseconds that the client should delay before issuing another request.

For a successful response, the error property is absent.

Simple clients may not necessarily need all of the properties in the response. A minimal client could use only the random.data andadvisoryDelay properties and ignore the rest of the response.

Error Response

If an error occurred, RANDOM.ORG returns a JSON-RPC response in which the result property is absent and the error property contains an error object as described in Error Codes and Messages.

Example 1

The following requests six numbers in the [1,6] range. The replacement parameter is set to true, which means the numbers will be picked with replacement, i.e., can contain duplicate values. This makes them suitable for use as dice rolls.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateIntegers",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "6b1e65b9-4186-45c2-8981-b77a9842c4f0",
        "n": 6,
        "min": 1,
        "max": 6,
        "replacement": true
    "id": 42


The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
    	"random": {
            "data": [
                1, 5, 4, 6, 6, 4
            "completionTime": "2011-10-10 13:19:12Z"
        "bitsUsed": 16,
        "bitsLeft": 199984,
        "requestsLeft": 9999,
        "advisoryDelay": 0
    "id": 42


The random object contains the true random values (in the data array) produced as well as the completion time. Note that thecompletionTime specifies UTC time zone (‘Zulu time’) by the letter ‘Z’ after the clock time. Through the other fields in the result object, RANDOM.ORG also advises how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request (16) and how many bits (199,984) and requests (9,999) are left in the client's quota. It also advises the client that it can go ahead and issue the next request without delay (0 milliseconds).

Example 2

The following requests 52 numbers in the [1,52] range. The replacement parameter is set to false, meaning the numbers will be picked without replacement, i.e., duplicates will not occur. This makes them suitable to shuffle a deck of cards.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateIntegers",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "6b1e65b9-4186-45c2-8981-b77a9842c4f0",
        "n": 52,
        "min": 1,
        "max": 52,
	"replacement": false
    "id": 3076


The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "data": [
                39, 24, 18, 46, 6, 52, 36, 30, 40, 42, 37, 4, 7, 20, 1, 44, 25, 9, 21,
                29, 51, 41, 14, 15, 48, 50, 31, 17, 3, 19, 45, 35, 2, 43, 26, 16, 5, 23,
                12, 8, 10, 47, 13, 33, 34, 49, 22, 11, 28, 27, 38, 32 
            "completionTime": "2011-10-10 13:19:12Z",
	"bitsUsed": 296,
	"bitsLeft": 199704,
        "requestsLeft": 9999,
	"advisoryDelay": 2000
    "id": 3076


The random object contains the true random numbers (in the data array) produced, as well as the completion time.

The remaining fields in the result object indicate how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request as well as how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota. The response also advises the client preferably to delay at least two seconds before issuing a new request.

Example 3

The following requests 512 bytes, i.e., numbers in the [0,255] range. No replacement parameter is given, which means the service will use the default value of true and the numbers will be picked with replacement, i.e., duplicates are allowed. The optional base parameter is used to indicate that the client wishes the numbers to be returned in hexadecimal form. The numbers could be used as seed material for a pseudo-random number generator.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "generateIntegers",
    "params": {
        "apiKey": "6b1e65b9-4186-45c2-8981-b77a9842c4f0",
        "n": 512,
        "min": 0,
        "max": 255,
        "base": 16
    "id": 4352


The service responds with the following:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "random": {
            "data": [
	        "90", "a6", "3e", "f7", "06", ...
            "completionTime": "2011-10-10 13:19:12Z"
        "bitsUsed": 4096,
        "bitsLeft": 195904,
        "requestsLeft": 9999,
        "advisoryDelay": 0
    "id": 4352


The random object contains the random data generated by the server. For brevity, only the first five bytes are shown in the response. Note that the data array contains strings rather than integers, because the numbers are formatted in base 16.

The service also advises how many true random bits were used to satisfy the request and how many bits and requests are left in the client's quota.
