<%@ Language=VBScript %><% Option Explicit %><SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript RUNAT=SERVER> '确保引用 ADO Typelib 或使用 ADOVBS.Inc Dim iPageNum, iRowsPerPage
Main Sub Main() Dim rst Dim sSQL, sConnString
If Request.QueryString("iPageNum") = "" Then iPageNum = 1 Else iPageNum = Request.QueryString("iPageNum") iPageNum = CInt(iPageNum) End If
iRowsPerPage = 10
sConnString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;password=Xyz123;user id=WebUser;" & _ "Initial Catalog=NorthWind;Data Source=MySQLServer;" & _ "network=dbmssocn;"
'下列 SQL 从 SQL 视图中检索所有列。 '要优化性能: '- 使用存储过程、视图或在 SELECT 中指定列 '- 使用限制返回的记录的条件(例如,WHERE 子句) sSQL = "SELECT CategoryName, ProductName, QuantityPerUnit," sSQL = sSQL & "UnitsInStock, Discontinued" sSQL = sSQL & " FROM [Products By Category]"
Set rst = GetRecords(sConnString, sSQL)
WriteTableHeader rst WriteTableBody rst, iRowsPerPage, iPageNum ShowNavBar rst
'ShowFastNavBar 方法不使用 RecordCount '或 PageCount,所以它重试的记录数仅等于 '记录集的 CacheSize 指定的数量。
'ShowFastNavBar rst
CleanUp rst End Sub
Function GetRecords(sConnString, sSQL) Dim cnn Dim rst
set cnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION") cnn.ConnectionString = sConnString nn.Open
Set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET")
Set rst.ActiveConnection = cnn
'当记录集打开时,adUseClient 的 CursorLocation ' 将检索所有的记录。 'adUseServer 允许沿用 CacheSize rst.CursorLocation = adUseServer
'在使用服务器端游标时,CacheSize '限制了取回的行数。我们将只抓取正在显示的 '的记录的数目 - iRowsPerPage rst.CacheSize = iRowsPerPage
rst.Open sSQL,,adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly牋? Set GetRecords = rst end Function
Sub WriteTableHeader(rst) Dim fld
Response.Write "<TABLE WIDTH=80% BORDER=1>" Response.Write "<TR>"
'建立表的列标题 For Each fld in rst.Fields Response.Write "<TD><B>" & fld.Name & "</B></TD>" Next Response.Write "</TR>" End Sub
Sub WriteTableBody(rst, iRowsPerPage, iPageNum) Dim iLoop Dim fld
iLoop = 1
rst.PageSize = iRowsPerPage rst.AbsolutePage = iPageNum
'写出记录的当前页 Do While (Not rst.EOF) and (iLoop <= iRowsPerPage) Response.Write "<TR>" For Each fld in rst.Fields Response.Write "<TD>" & fld.value & "</TD>" Next iLoop = iLoop + 1 rst.MoveNext Response.Write "</TR>" Loop Response.Write "</TABLE>" End Sub
Sub ShowNavBar(rst) Dim iPageCount Dim iLoop Dim sScriptName
'本版本提供了更丰富的用户导航,但是 '依赖于 RecordCount 和 PageCount, '它抵消了为服务器端游标 '指定 CacheSize 的好处。
Response.Write "<BR><BR>" sScriptName = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
If iPageNum > 1 Then Response.Write " <a href=" & sScriptName & "?iPageNum=" Response.Write (iPageNum -1) & "><< Previous</a>" End If
iPageCount = rst.PageCount Do Until iLoop > iPageCount f iLoop = iPageNum Then Response.Write " <B>" & CStr(iLoop) & "</B>" Else Response.Write " <a href=" & sScriptName & "?iPageNum=" & _ Cstr(iLoop) & ">" & iLoop & "</a>" End If iLoop = iLoop + 1 Loop
If Not rst.EOF Then Response.Write " <a href=" & sScriptName & "?iPageNum=" Response.Write (iPageNum +1) & "> Next >></a><BR>" Else Response.Write "<BR>" End If
Response.Write "Page " & iPageNum & " of " & iPageCount & "<BR>" Response.Write rst.RecordCount & " Records" 牋? End Sub
Sub ShowFastNavBar(rst) Dim iPageCount Dim iLoop Dim sScriptName
'在指定 CacheSize 和使用服务器端游标时, '该方法特别有效,因为它不使用 RecordCount '和 PageCount。需要用户具有经验。
Response.Write "<BR><BR>" sScriptName = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
If iPageNum > 1 Then Response.Write " <a href=" & sScriptName & "?iPageNum=" Response.Write (iPageNum -1) & "><< Previous</a>" End If
If Not rst.EOF Then Response.Write " <a href=" & sScriptName & "?iPageNum=" Response.Write (iPageNum +1) & "> Next >></a><BR>" Else Response.Write "<BR>" End If
Response.Write "Page " & iPageNum
End Sub
Sub CleanUp(rst) If Not rst Is Nothing then If rst.state = adStateOpen then rst.close set rst = nothing End If End Sub