Core Java学习2(基础知识)

Chapter 3. Fundamental Programming Structures in Java

There are eight primitive types in Java. Four of them are integer types; two are floating-point number types; one is the character type char, used for code units in the Unicode encoding scheme; and one is a boolean type for truth values.
Type Storage Requirement Range (Inclusive)
Int 4 bytes –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483, 647 (just over 2 billion)
Short 2 bytes –32,768 to 32,767
Long 8 bytes –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Byte 1 byte –128 to 127

float 4 bytes approximately ±3.40282347E+38F (6–7 significant decimal digits)
double 8 bytes approximately ±1.79769313486231570E+308 (15 significant decimal digits)

All floating-point computations follow the IEEE 754 specification. In particular, there are three special floating-point values:
• positive infinity
• negative infinity
• NaN (not a number)
If you need precise numerical computations without roundoff errors, use the BigDecimal class   

In Java, you use the keyword final to denote a constant.


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