一 静态label
静态label使用labelsync或tag来生成,实际上包含了具体的文件和版本信息。 文件必须同时包含在clientspec和label的view中,clientspec和label的view可以不相同。
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test depots
Depot depot 2012/10/20 local depot/... 'Default depot'
Depot depot2 2012/10/20 local depot2/... 'Created by AAA. '
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test changes
Change 2 on 2012/10/20 by AAA@AAA_Test 'second '
Change 1 on 2012/10/20 by AAA@AAA_Test 'first '
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test client -o
Client: AAA_Test
Update: 2012/10/20 11:12:11
Access: 2012/10/20 11:21:04
Owner: AAA
Host: AAA-PC
Created by AAA.
Root: D:/p4/AAA_Test
Options: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime normdir
SubmitOptions: submitunchanged
LineEnd: local
//depot/... //AAA_Test/depot/...
3) 创建label1
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test label label1
Label label1 saved.
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test label -o label1
# A Perforce Label Specification.
# Label: The label name.
# Update: The date this specification was last modified.
# Access: The date of the last 'labelsync' on this label.
# Owner: The user who created this label.
# Description: A short description of the label (optional).
# Options: Label update options: [un]locked, [no]autoreload.
# Revision: Optional revision specification to make an automatic label.
# View: Lines to select depot files for the label.
# Use 'p4 help label' to see more about label views.
Label: label1
Update: 2012/10/20 11:27:16
Access: 2012/10/20 11:27:16
Owner: AAA
Created by AAA.
Options: unlocked noautoreload
4)将本地的depot下的文件sync到label1中 (可以看到虽然label中view包含了depot2,但是由于我们本地的client中只包含depot下的文件,所以最终label1中也只有depot下的文件)
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test labelsync -l label1 //...#have
//depot/File1.txt#1 - added
//depot/file2.txt#1 - added
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test files //...@label1
//depot/File1.txt#1 - add change 1 (text)
//depot/file2.txt#1 - add change 1 (text)
5)用tag命令创建label2 (可以看到虽然label中view包含了depot2,但是由于我们本地的client中只包含depot下的文件,所以最终label2中也只有depot下的文件)
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test tag -l label2 //...#have
//depot/File1.txt#1 - added
//depot/file2.txt#1 - added
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test label -o label2
# A Perforce Label Specification.
# Label: The label name.
# Update: The date this specification was last modified.
# Access: The date of the last 'labelsync' on this label.
# Owner: The user who created this label.
# Description: A short description of the label (optional).
# Options: Label update options: [un]locked, [no]autoreload.
# Revision: Optional revision specification to make an automatic label.
# View: Lines to select depot files for the label.
# Use 'p4 help label' to see more about label views.
Label: label2
Update: 2012/10/20 11:30:43
Access: 2012/10/20 11:30:43
Owner: AAA
Created by AAA.
Options: unlocked noautoreload
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test files //...@label2
//depot/File1.txt#1 - add change 1 (text)
//depot/file2.txt#1 - add change 1 (text)
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test client
Client AAA_Test not changed.
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test client -o
Client: AAA_Test
Update: 2012/10/20 11:31:47
Access: 2012/10/20 11:31:04
Owner: AAA
Host: AAA-PC
Created by AAA.
Root: D:/p4/AAA_Test
Options: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime normdir
SubmitOptions: submitunchanged
LineEnd: local
//depot/... //AAA_Test/depot/...
//depot2/... //AAA_Test/depot2/...
7) 使用label1来sync代码
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test sync -f //...@label1
//depot/File1.txt#1 - refreshing D:/p4/AAA_Test\depot\File1.txt
//depot/file2.txt#1 - refreshing D:/p4/AAA_Test\depot\file2.txt
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test sync -f //...
//depot/File1.txt#1 - refreshing D:/p4/AAA_Test\depot\File1.txt
//depot/file2.txt#1 - refreshing D:/p4/AAA_Test\depot\file2.txt
//depot2/test1.txt#1 - added as D:/p4/AAA_Test\depot2\test1.txt
//depot2/test2.txt#1 - added as D:/p4/AAA_Test\depot2\test2.txt
二 动态的label
动态的label需要创建的时候指定revision来指定版本,其实内部并没有记录具体的文件,只指定了版本(手动编辑Revision: @2字段)。不需要使用labelsync或tag来sync文件。
1)创建label3 (注意 Revision:@2 表示此label与changlist 2 关联)
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test label label3
Label label3 saved.
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test label -o label3
# A Perforce Label Specification.
# Label: The label name.
# Update: The date this specification was last modified.
# Access: The date of the last 'labelsync' on this label.
# Owner: The user who created this label.
# Description: A short description of the label (optional).
# Options: Label update options: [un]locked, [no]autoreload.
# Revision: Optional revision specification to make an automatic label.
# View: Lines to select depot files for the label.
# Use 'p4 help label' to see more about label views.
Label: label3
Update: 2012/10/20 11:46:23
Access: 2012/10/20 11:46:23
Owner: AAA
Created by AAA.
Options: unlocked noautoreload
Revision: @2
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test changes
Change 3 on 2012/10/20 by AAA@AAA_Test 'c '
Change 2 on 2012/10/20 by AAA@AAA_Test 'second '
Change 1 on 2012/10/20 by AAA@AAA_Test 'first '
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test files //...@label3
//depot/File1.txt#1 - add change 1 (text)
//depot/file2.txt#1 - add change 1 (text)
//depot2/test1.txt#1 - add change 2 (text)
//depot2/test2.txt#1 - add change 2 (text)
C:\>p4 -p localhost:1666 -u aaa -c aaa_test sync -f //...@label3
//depot/File1.txt#1 - refreshing D:/p4/AAA_Test\depot\File1.txt
//depot/file2.txt#1 - refreshing D:/p4/AAA_Test\depot\file2.txt
//depot2/test1.txt#1 - updating D:/p4/AAA_Test\depot2\test1.txt
//depot2/test2.txt#1 - refreshing D:/p4/AAA_Test\depot2\test2.txt
查看某个label中文件的最新版本: p4 changes -m 3 //...@your_label
查看某个label中所有的文件版本:p4 files //...@your_label
使用tag来跟新label : p4 tag -l your_label //your_depot_path/...@changelist
使用label和labelsync来将本地client的所有文件的版本打进label: p4 label yourlable && p4 labelsync -l yourlabel //...#have