

1 down vote favorite

I have noticed that while using the Substance UI for Java that when I set a new JFrame or JDialog to undecorated it is not honored.


frame.setUndecorated(true); frame.setVisible(true);

When run under Substance shows a decorated frame.

When run under system default L&F shows an undecorated frame.

Anyone have ideas for working around this? I have been unable to find anything on this at the Substance website/ forums or already existing in SO.

This is a very old question, however for anyone who finds this post:

The problem with using,


to fix the undecorated issue, is that it causes ALL of your dialogs to use the default look and feel when they are DECORATED. If you'd just like one dialog to be undecorated without affecting all the other dialogs, call this on your dialog after setting it undecorated:

