sencha touch的开源插件和例子

  写了好久的sencha touch,没想到换工作竟然一年多没有搞了。因为项目的缘故收集了好多的组件,由于懒惰,没有整理,现在想想有点后悔了,再加上如果就这样丢弃,感觉有些遗憾,今天整理了一下放在github上了,可以帮助sencha-touch的朋友们提高。

    1. TouchTreeGrid and CalendarPicker 
      Sencha Touch Tree Grid, Basic Grid and Accordion Component with Examples 
      Project Address:

    2. Drag-Drop-example-for-Sencha-Touch 
      Learn how to use drag and drop features of Sencha Touch 
      Project Address:

    3. senchatouch-jqueryfullcalendarv2 
      Fullcalendar implementation compatible with ST v2 
      Project Address:

    4. Jarvus.field.ListPicker 
      A high-volume picker field for Sencha Touch 2 based on Ext.List -- see forum thread for screenshots
      Project Address:

    5. sencha-PintrestList 
      This is an attempt to make a Pintrest-like list for Sencha Touch 
      Project Address:

    6. sencha-SlideNavigation 
      Sliding (collapsible) side menu for Sencha Touch apps. Inspired by Facebook's mobile app menu.
      Project Address:

    7. Sencha-Touch-Facebook-Slide-Menu 
      Facebook style slide menu for Sencha Touch apps - made in 5 minutes 
      Project Address:

    8. sencha-touch-flat-ui-theme 
      Sencha Touch Flat UI Theme 
      Project Address:

    9. Ext.ux.AccordionList 
      Accordion List for Sencha Touch 2 
      Project Address:

    10. SignaturePadST2 
      SignaturePad plugin for Sencha Touch 2 
      Project Address:

    11. sencha-ListActions 
      A list plugin that makes it easy to apply actions to list items in bulk. The behavior is modelled after the iOS mail application's "edit" functionality. 
      Project Address:

    12. sencha-ListActions 
      A list plugin that makes it easy to apply actions to list items in bulk. The behavior is modelled after the iOS mail application's "edit" functionality. 
      Project Address:

    13. sencha-SlideNavigation 
      Sliding side menu for Sencha Touch apps. Inspired by Facebook's mobile app menu 
      Project Address:

    14. sencha-TapToScroll 
      Simple plugin that makes it easy to add automatic scrolling via touch events. 
      Project Address:

    15. sencha-SlideViewExample 
      Example usage of sencha-SlideView 
      Project Address:

    16. Ext.ux.OfflineSyncStore 
      No description or website provided. 
      Project Address:

    17. Ext.ux.TouchCalendar 
      Sencha Touch Calendar component 
      Project Address:

    18. Ext.ux.ZoomPanel 
      A multi touch zoomable Panel for Sencha Touch 2. 
      Project Address:

    19. ST2_ImageViewer 
      A zoom-able Image Viewer Class for the Sencha Touch 2.0 Framework.
      Project Address:

    20. st2_pdf_panel 
      A PDF Viewer Panel for the Sencha Touch 2 Framework - No Browser Plugin required, pure JavaScript.
      Project Address:

    21. Ux.Coverflow 
      Infinite, buffered, cylinder Coverflow in Sencha Touch 2.2 
      Project Address:

    22. senchatouch-datetimepickerv2 
      Datetime picker and form field 
      Project Address:

    23. senchatouch-datetimepickerv2 
      Datetime picker and form field 
      Project Address:

    24. Ux.field.Multiselect 
      Simple multi select field for Sencha Touch 2 
      Project Address:

    25. Ux.field.Multiselect 
      Simple multi select field for Sencha Touch 2 
      Project Address:

    26. Ext.ux.Cover 
      Coverflow implementation for Sencha Touch
      Project Address:

    27. Ux.plugin.HorizontalDataViewPaging 
      Sencha Touch 2 plsugin that adds a Load More button at the end(right) of a dataview with horizontal scrollable 
      Project Address:

    28. NodeJS proxy 
      A NodeJS proxy server 
      Project Address:

    29. pull-menu 
      A Sencha Touch 2 plugin which can hide and show menus by pulling up/down/left/right the main content area 
      Project Address:

    30. pull-refresh-panel 
      This is a Sencha Touch 2 plugin which adds the PullRefresh functionality to Panels 
      Project Address:

    31. Ext.ux.touch.Leaflet 
      A Sencha Touch Component that encompases a Leaflet map 
      Project Address:

    32. Ext.ux.touch.AccelerometerTabs 
      A plugin for Sencha Touch that lets the user shake the device back and forth to move through tabs. Only devices that have a gyroscope and the 'devicemotion' event will work.
      Project Address:

    33. Ext.ux.touch.SwipeTabs 
      Swipe Tab Plugin for sencha Touch
      Project Address:

    34. JSON-RPC-client-and-server-for-Sencha-Touch-2.0 
      This components you can use for build communication between Sencha Touch 2.0 application and server via JSON-RPC (spec. 2.0) or XML-RPC protocol. 
      Project Address:

    35. Sencha-Touch-2-WordPress-connector 
      Sencha Touch connector for WordPress 
      Project Address:

    36. Online-Manager-for-Sencha-Touch 
      Utility for detection of the online status, and something else 
      Project Address:

    37. Ext.ux.plugin.DomCleanable 
      Sencha Touch plugin which helps to automatically clean up DOM from hidden components 
      Project Address:

    38. Pinch-emulator-for-Sencha-Touch 
      Emulation of double touch pinch event for desktops 
      Project Address:

    39. ImagesTiles-component-for-Sencha-Touch-2.0 
      Component for displaying nested data as images tiles 
      Project Address:

      Project Address:

    41. Sencha-Radio 
      Music Playing Touch Sample Application 
      Project Address:

    42. Simple-shopping-cart-for-Sencha-Touch-2 
      Simple yet powerful script for adding shopping cart features to Sencha Touch based mobile apps. 
      Project Address:

    43. File-uploading-component-for-Sencha-Touch 
      Ext.Button based component for uploading files in Sencha Touch apps without page refresh 
      Project Address:

    44. Sencha-Touch-2.0-MVC-test-application-with-NestedList 
      Project Address:

    45. Ext.tux.InstallPanel 
      Simple Sencha Touch plugin witch display an help panel reporting some application informations, and explain how to "install" the application on iOS devices. 
      Project Address:

    46. Ext.tux.EditableList 
      Sencha Touch extension of the official Ext.List component, which provides more interesting features like element sorting, single / multi delete mode and much more. 
      Project Address:

    47. FeedBurner-RSS-Reader 
      Feed Burner RSS Reader application developed with Sencha Touch 2 
      Project Address:

    48. MultiBadgeButton 
      Ext.Button extension for Sencha Touch 2.x 
      Project Address:


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