function p(n:longint;s:string):longint; var i:longint; begin p:=0; for i:=1 to length(s) do begin p:=p*n; if s[i]='A''B'C'D'E'F'.... then Inc(p,ord(s[i])-ord('A')+10) else inc(p,ord(s[i])-48); end; end;
while x<>0 do begin inc(k); a[k]:=x mod n; x:=x div n; end; for i:=1 to k do write(f[a[i]]);
const two:array[0..1] of char=('0','1'); three:array[0..2] of char=('0','1','2'); four:array[0..3] of char=('0','1','2','3'); five:array[0..4] of char=('0','1','2','3','4'); six:array[0..5] of char=('0','1','2','3','4','5'); seven:array[0..6] of char=('0','1','2','3','4','5','6'); eight:array[0..7] of char=('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7'); nine:array[0..8] of char=('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8'); eleven:array[0..10] of char=('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A'); twelve:array[0..11] of char=('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B'); thirteen:array[0..12] of char=('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C'); fourteen:array[0..13] of char=('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D'); fifteen:array[0..14] of char=('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E'); sixteen:array[0..15] of char=('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'); var a:array[0..100000] of longint; i,j,k,n,x,m:longint; y:string; ch:char; procedure shiliu(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 16; n:=n div 16; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(sixteen[a[i]]); end; procedure shiwu(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 15; n:=n div 15; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(fifteen[a[i]]); end; procedure shisi(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 14; n:=n div 14; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(fourteen[a[i]]); end; procedure shisan(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 13; n:=n div 13; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(thirteen[a[i]]); end; procedure shier(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 12; n:=n div 12; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(twelve[a[i]]); end; procedure shiyi(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 11; n:=n div 11; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(eleven[a[i]]); end; procedure jiu(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 9; n:=n div 9; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(nine[a[i]]); end; procedure ba(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 8; n:=n div 8; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(eight[a[i]]); end; procedure qi(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 7; n:=n div 7; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(seven[a[i]]); end; procedure liu(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 6; n:=n div 6; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(six[a[i]]); end; procedure wu(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 5; n:=n div 5; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(five[a[i]]); end; procedure si(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 4; n:=n div 4; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(four[a[i]]); end; procedure san(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 3; n:=n div 3; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(three[a[i]]); end; procedure er(n:longint); begin while (n<>0) do begin inc(k); a[k]:=n mod 2; n:=n div 2; end; for i:=k downto 1 do write(two[a[i]]); end; procedure shi(n:longint); begin writeln(n); end; function change(n:longint;s:string):longint; var i:longint; begin change:=0; for i:=1 to length(s) do begin change:=change*n; if (s[i]='A')or(s[i]='B')OR(S[I]='C')OR(S[I]='D')OR(S[I]='E')OR(S[I]='F') then change:=change+(ord(s[i])-ord('A')+10) else change:=change+(ord(s[i])-48); end; end; begin readln(n); readln(y); readln(m); if y='0' then begin writeln(0); halt; end; x:=change(n,y); case m of 2:er(x); 3:san(x); 4:si(x); 5:wu(x); 6:liu(x); 7:qi(x); 8:ba(x); 9:jiu(x); 10:shi(x); 11:shiyi(x); 12:shier(x); 13:shisan(x); 14:shisi(x); 15:shiwu(x); 16:shiliu(x); end; end.