JUnit best practices

Techniques for building resilient, relocatable, multithreaded JUnit tests
作者 Andy Schneider
译者 雷云飞 javawebstart Barret gstian [AKA]
校对 gstian [AKA]
Extreme Programming's rise in popularity among the Java community has prompted more development teams to use JUnit: a simple test framework for building and executing unit tests. Like any toolkit, JUnit can be used effectively and ineffectively. In this article, Andy Schneider discusses good and bad ways to use JUnit and provides practical recommendations for its use by development teams. In addition, he explains simple mechanisms to support:
Java社区里面流行的编程热的不断升温使越来越多的开发团队使用 JUnit进行测试。JUnit 是一种构造和进行单元测试的简便的测试框架。就象所有的工具包一样,JUnit 可以被高效的使用,也可以被低效的使用。在这篇文章种,Andy Schneider讨论了JUnit 的高效和低效的使用方法,并且为开发团队提供了实用的JUnit使用建议。另外,他提供了几种简单的机制来解释两种方法的差别:
Automatic construction of composite tests
Multithreaded test cases
This article assumes some familiarity with JUnit. (4,000 words)
JUnit is a typical toolkit: if used with care and with recognition of its idiosyncrasies, JUnit will help to develop good, robust tests. Used blindly, it may produce a pile of spaghetti instead of a test suite. This article presents some guidelines that can help you avoid the pasta nightmare. The guidelines sometimes contradict themselves and each other -- this is deliberate. In my experience, there are rarely hard and fast rules in development, and guidelines that claim to be are misleading.
We'll also closely examine two useful additions to the developer's toolkit:
A mechanism for automatically creating test suites from classfiles in part of a filesystem
A new TestCase that better supports tests in multiple threads
When faced with unit testing, many teams end up producing some kind of testing framework. JUnit, available as open source, eliminates this onerous task by providing a ready-made framework for unit testing. JUnit, best used as an integral part of a development testing regime, provides a mechanism that developers can use to consistently write and execute tests. So, what are the JUnit best practices?
Do not use the test-case constructor to set up a test case
Setting up a test case in the constructor is not a good idea. Consider:
public class SomeTest extends TestCase
public SomeTest (String testName) {
super (testName);
// Perform test set-up
Imagine that while performing the setup, the setup code throws an IllegalStateException. In response, JUnit would throw an AssertionFailedError, indicating that the test case could not be instantiated. Here is an example of the resulting stack trace:
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Cannot instantiate test case: test1 at
junit.framework.Assert.fail(Assert.java:143) at
junit.framework.TestSuite$1.runTest(TestSuite.java:178) at
junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(TestCase.java:129) at
junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(TestResult.java:100) at
junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(TestResult.java:117) at
junit.framework.TestResult.run(TestResult.java:103) at
junit.framework.TestCase.run(TestCase.java:120) at
junit.framework.TestSuite.run(TestSuite.java, Compiled Code) at
This stack trace proves rather uninformative; it only indicates that the test case could not be instantiated. It doesn't detail the original error's location or place of origin. This lack of information makes it hard to deduce the exception's underlying cause.
Instead of setting up the data in the constructor, perform test setup by overriding setUp(). Any exception thrown within setUp() is reported correctly. Compare this stack trace with the previous example:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Oops at bp.DTC.setUp(DTC.java:34) at
junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(TestCase.java:127) at
junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(TestResult.java:100) at
junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(TestResult.java:117) at
This stack trace is much more informative; it shows which exception was thrown (IllegalStateException) and from where. That makes it far easier to explain the test setup's failure.
这个堆栈跟踪含有更多的信息量。它表明了异常类型(IllegalStateException), 以及产生位置。这使得可以更容易解释为何测试建立失败。
Don't assume the order in which tests within a test case run
You should not assume that tests will be called in any particular order. Consider the following code segment:
public class SomeTestCase extends TestCase {
public SomeTestCase (String testName) {
super (testName);
public void testDoThisFirst () {
public void testDoThisSecond () {
In this example, it is not certain that JUnit will run these tests in any specific order when using reflection. Running the tests on different platforms and Java VMs may therefore yield different results, unless your tests are designed to run in any order. Avoiding temporal coupling will make the test case more robust, since changes in the order will not affect other tests. If the tests are coupled, the errors that result from a minor update may prove difficult to find.
在这个例子中,当使用映射时,JUnit将按照何种顺序执行这些测试并不能确定。在不同的平台及Java VM上,可能产生不同的结果,除非你的测试被事先设计为按某种顺序执行。由于执行顺序的改变不会影响其它测试,避免这种短暂的耦合使得你的测试用例更加健壮。如果测试耦合在一起,由于一个小变动引起的错误也许会难于发现。
In situations where ordering tests makes sense -- when it is more efficient for tests to operate on some shared data that establish a fresh state as each test runs -- use a static suite() method like this one to ensure the ordering:
在某些情况下,测试的顺序还是有意义的----例如,测试们可以使用一些共享数据时来提高效率。这些共享数据对于每个测试运行时都会建立一个新的状态。----可以使用一个静态的 suite() 方法来保证执行顺序,如下:
public static Test suite() {
suite.addTest(new SomeTestCase ("testDoThisFirst");
suite.addTest(new SomeTestCase ("testDoThisSecond");
return suite;
Test cases that have side effects exhibit two problems:
They can affect data that other test cases rely upon
You cannot repeat tests without manual intervention
In the first situation, the individual test case may operate correctly. However, if incorporated into a TestSuite that runs every test case on the system, it may cause other test cases to fail. That failure mode can be difficult to diagnose, and the error may be located far from the test failure.
在第一种情况下,独立的测试用例也许可以正确的执行,然而,当它们被置入一个执行 该系统中所有测试的测试集时,可能导致其他测试用例失败。但这种失败的做法很难 诊断出来,错误也许离失败的地方很远。
In the second situation, a test case may have updated some system state so that it cannot run again without manual intervention, which may consist of deleting test data from the database (for example). Think carefully before introducing manual intervention. First, the manual intervention will need to be documented. Second, the tests could no longer be run in an unattended mode, removing your ability to run tests overnight or as part of some automated periodic test run.
在第二种情况下,一个测试用例可能运行后更改了系统状态,以至于它不能在没有手工干预 的情况下被再次执行。例如,这有可能是从数据库中删除了测试数据造成的。在手工 干预之前,仔细的考虑下面两点:首先,手工干预应该被记录在文档当中,其次,这种测试不 能在无人监控的情况下被执行,应该去掉它们通宵执行测试或者作为自动运行的周期性测试的一部分的能力.
Call a superclass's setUp() and tearDown() methods when subclassing
子类化的时候,调用父类的 setUp() 方法和 tearDown() 方法
When you consider:
public class SomeTestCase extends AnotherTestCase {
// A connection to a database
private Database theDatabase;
public SomeTestCase (String testName) {
super (testName);
public void testFeatureX () {
public void setUp () {
// Clear out the database
theDatabase.clear ();
Can you spot the deliberate mistake? setUp() should call super.setUp() to ensure that the environment defined in AnotherTestCase initializes. Of course, there are exceptions: if you design the base class to work with arbitrary test data, there won't be a problem.
你能发现隐藏其中的那个需要深思的错误吗?setUp()方法应该调用父类的setUp()方法以保证能够初始化在父类AnotherTestCase 中定义的测试环境。当然,这也并不是绝对的--如果父类设计成可以通用的基类的话,那么,以上就不是一个问题。
Do not load data from hard-coded locations on a filesystem
Tests often need to load data from some location in the filesystem. Consider the following:
public void setUp () {
FileInputStream inp ("C://TestData//dataSet1.dat");
The code above relies on the data set being in the C:/TestData path. That assumption is incorrect in two situations:
A tester does not have room to store the test data on C: and stores it on another disk
The tests run on another platform, such as Unix
One solution might be:
public void setUp () {
FileInputStream inp ("dataSet1.dat");
However, that solution depends on the test running from the same directory as the test data. If several different test cases assume this, it is difficult to integrate them into one test suite without continually changing the current directory.
To solve the problem, access the dataset using either Class.getResource() or Class.getResourceAsStream(). Using them, however, means that resources load from a location relative to the class's origin.
Test data should, if possible, be stored with the source code in a configuration management (CM) system. However, if you're using the aforementioned resource mechanism, you'll need to write a script that moves all the test data from the CM system into the classpath of the system under test. A less ungainly approach is to store the test data in the source tree along with the source files. With this approach, you need a location-independent mechanism to locate the test data within the source tree. One such mechanism is a class. If a class can be mapped to a specific source directory, you could write code like this:
InputStream inp = SourceResourceLoader.getResourceAsStream (this.getClass (), "dataSet1.dat");
Now you must only determine how to map from a class to the directory that contains the relevant source file. You can identify the root of the source tree (assuming it has a single root) by a system property. The class's package name can then identify the directory where the source file lies. The resource loads from that directory. For Unix and NT, the mapping is straightforward: replace every instance of '.' with File.separatorChar.
Keep tests in the same location as the source code
If the test source is kept in the same location as the tested classes, both test and class will compile during a build. This forces you to keep the tests and classes synchronized during development. Indeed, unit tests not considered part of the normal build quickly become dated and useless.
Name tests properly
Name the test case TestClassUnderTest. For example, the test case for the class MessageLog should be TestMessageLog. That makes it simple to work out what class a test case tests. Test methods' names within the test case should describe what they test:
Proper naming helps code readers understand each test's purpose.
Ensure that tests are time-independent
Where possible, avoid using data that may expire; such data should be either manually or programmatically refreshed. It is often simpler to instrument the class under test, with a mechanism for changing its notion of today. The test can then operate in a time-independent manner without having to refresh the data.
Consider locale when writing tests
Consider a test that uses dates. One approach to creating dates would be:
Date date = DateFormat.getInstance ().parse ("dd/mm/yyyy");
There is no guarantee in the JUnit API documentation as to the order your tests will be called in, because JUnit employs a Vector to store tests. However, you can expect the above tests to be executed in the order they were added to the test suite.
在JUnit API 文档中并没有保证你的测试被调用的顺序,因为JUnit使用V一个区段来存放测试。 然而,你可以保证上面的测试按照它们被加入测试集的顺序被执行。
Avoid writing test cases with side effects
Unfortunately, that code doesn't work on a machine with a different locale. Therefore, it would be far better to write:
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance ();
Cal.set (yyyy, mm-1, dd);
Date date = Calendar.getTime ();
The second approach is far more resilient to locale changes.
Utilize JUnit's assert/fail methods and exception handling for clean test code
Many JUnit novices make the mistake of generating elaborate try and catch blocks to catch unexpected exceptions and flag a test failure. Here is a trivial example of this:
public void exampleTest () {
try {
// do some test
} catch (SomeApplicationException e) {
fail ("Caught SomeApplicationException exception");
JUnit automatically catches exceptions. It considers uncaught exceptions to be errors, which means the above example has redundant code in it.
Here's a far simpler way to achieve the same result:
public void exampleTest () throws SomeApplicationException {
// do some test
In this example, the redundant code has been removed, making the test easier to read and maintain (since there is less code).
Use the wide variety of assert methods to express your intention in a simpler fashion. Instead of writing:
assert (creds == 3);
assertEquals ("The number of credentials should be 3", 3, creds);
The above example is much more useful to a code reader. And if the assertion fails, it provides the tester with more information. JUnit also supports floating point comparisons:
assertEquals ("some message", result, expected, delta);
When you compare floating point numbers, this useful function saves you from repeatedly writing code to compute the difference between the result and the expected value.
Use assertSame() to test for two references that point to the same object. Use assertEquals() to test for two objects that are equal.
Document tests in javadoc
Test plans documented in a word processor tend to be error-prone and tedious to create. Also, word-processor-based documentation must be kept synchronized with the unit tests, adding another layer of complexity to the process. If possible, a better solution would be to include the test plans in the tests' javadoc, ensuring that all test plan data reside in one place.
Avoid visual inspection
Testing servlets, user interfaces, and other systems that produce complex output is often left to visual inspection. Visual inspection -- a human inspecting output data for errors -- requires patience, the ability to process large quantities of information, and great attention to detail: attributes not often found in the average human being. Below are some basic techniques that will help reduce the visual inspection component of your test cycle.
When testing a Swing-based UI, you can write tests to ensure that:
All the components reside in the correct panels
You've configured the layout managers correctly
Text widgets have the correct fonts
Text widgets(文字集)里有正确的字体
A more thorough treatment of this can be found in the worked example of testing a GUI, referenced in the Resources section.
When testing classes that process XML, it pays to write a routine that compares two XML DOMs for equality. You can then programmatically define the correct DOM in advance and compare it with the actual output from your processing methods.
当测试处理XML的类时,写一个程序比较两个XML DOM是否相等。这样你可以预先精确地定义正确的DOM并且与使用你的处理方法得出的实际结果相比较。
