adb push 失败提示 ‘Read-only file system’

$ adb push ./xxx /xxx/
failed to copy './xxx' to '/xxx/xxx': Read-only file system


$ adb root
restarting adbd as root
$ adb remount
remount succeeded
$ adb push ./ /system/lib/
2783 KB/s (58588 bytes in 0.020s)

已经按照上面的步骤做了,还是提示 ‘Read-only file system’怎么办

$ adb shell
# mount
/dev/block/by-name/android_system /system ext4 ro,seclabel,relati                             me,data=ordered 0 0


#mount -o remount -o rw /system
/dev/block/by-name/android_system /system ext4 rw,seclabel,relati                             me,data=ordered 0 0

先 adb root 再adb remount 否则会出现下面的情况

$ adb remount
remount of system failed: Permission denied
remount failed

可能需要adb reboot 注意看命令行中的提示

你可能感兴趣的:(adb push 失败提示 ‘Read-only file system’)