c++之路进阶——斜率优化形如DP[i]=f[j]+x[i](f[j]只与j变量有关)的问题(Print Article)



Print Article

Time Limit: 9000/3000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 7976    Accepted Submission(s): 2471

Problem Description
Zero has an old printer that doesn't work well sometimes. As it is antique, he still like to use it to print articles. But it is too old to work for a long time and it will certainly wear and tear, so Zero use a cost to evaluate this degree.
One day Zero want to print an article which has N words, and each word i has a cost Ci to be printed. Also, Zero know that print k words in one line will cost
c++之路进阶——斜率优化形如DP[i]=f[j]+x[i](f[j]只与j变量有关)的问题(Print Article)_第1张图片
M is a const number.
Now Zero want to know the minimum cost in order to arrange the article perfectly.


There are many test cases. For each test case, There are two numbers N and M in the first line (0 ≤ n ≤  500000, 0 ≤ M ≤ 1000). Then, there are N numbers in the next 2 to N + 1 lines. Input are terminated by EOF.


A single number, meaning the mininum cost to print the article.


Sample Input
5 5 5 9 5 7 5


Sample Output




c++之路进阶——斜率优化形如DP[i]=f[j]+x[i](f[j]只与j变量有关)的问题(Print Article)_第2张图片
c++之路进阶——斜率优化形如DP[i]=f[j]+x[i](f[j]只与j变量有关)的问题(Print Article)_第3张图片

     2,假设队列中从头到尾已经有元素a b c。那么当d要入队的时候,我们维护队列的上凸性质,即如果g[d,c]<g[c,b],那么就将c点删除。直到找到g[d,x]>=g[x,y]为止,并将d点加入在           该位置中。 

     3,求解时候,从队头开始,如果已有元素a b c,当i点要求解时,如果g[b,a]<sum[i],那么说明b点比a点更优,a点可以排除,于是a出队。最后dp[i]=getDp(q[head])。

 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<cmath>
 3 #include<iostream>
 4 #define maxn 500100
 6 using namespace std;
 8 struct get
 9     {
10         int n,m,sum[maxn],a[maxn],dp[maxn],q[maxn];
11         int getup(int j,int k){return dp[j]+sum[j]*sum[j]-dp[k]-sum[k]*sum[k];}//分子 
12         int getdown(int j,int k){return 2*sum[j]-2*sum[k];}//分母 
13         int getdp(int i,int j) {return dp[j]+m+(sum[i]-sum[j])*(sum[i]-sum[j]);}//dp[i]
14         get()
15            {
16                 while (scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)==2)
17                   {
18                          for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&sum[i]);       
19                    sum[0]=dp[0]=0;         
20                    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)sum[i]+=sum[i-1];
21                         int  t=0,w=1;
22                         for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
23                             {
24                                    while (t+1<w&&sum[i]*getdown(q[t+1],q[t])>=getup(q[t+1],q[t])) t++;//维护队列,删除就点之前所有点
25                                    dp[i]=getdp(i,q[t]);
26                                    while (t+1<w&&getup(i,q[w-1])*getdown(q[w-1],q[w-2])<=getup(q[w-1],q[w-2])*getdown(i,q[w-1])) w--;//维护队列,保证队列具有 上凸性质。
27                                     q[w++]=i;
28                             }
29                   printf("%d\n",dp[n]);            
30                   }
31             }   
32     }get;
33 int main()
34   {
35       get;
36     return 0;      
37   }



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