如何优化 Sencha Touch 性能


  •  使用sencha cmd 的build工具打包和压缩所有需要的js文件成一个单独的文件,如app-all.js
  • 压缩你的JS和CSS文件。删除任何未使用的的JS函数或CSS mixin的(通过SASS/Compass 能很容易地检查)。有关详细信息,请仔细阅读http://www.sencha.com/blog/an-introduction-to-theming-sencha-touch
  • 动态加载外部JS文件,在这里已经有一个很好的话题:在Sencha Touch 2 里什么是正确加载外部JavaScript的方式


  • 保持你的DOM结构尽可能小。不活动的view应当予以销毁(以后如果需要的话动态添加到容器中)。
  • 避免使用CSS3属性,因为他们在Android设备上是很慢的。
  • 对于任何scrollviews,l在Android上应禁用overscrol滚动效果。我已经在Android设备上测试过许多Sencha Touch2 应用,overscroll滚动效果因为延迟和滞后严重导致不愉快的经验。 (测试过Nexus S,Galaxy Tab的,和一些HTC手机)
  • 压缩js和css,删除无用的js方法和css
  • 启用硬件加速器



Sencha Touch 跟Ext js一个提供了丰富且高级的组件让我们能快速的开发出一个跨手机平台而且


chrome打开的效果一样让人有刷刷的快感,甚至让人痛苦. Sencha Touch和ext一样,组件是类式继


可能你已经使用minify/JSBuilder/YUI compressor等工具压缩过你的代码了,如果性能还不佳,那么





3.尽量不要使用tbar/bbar,Sencha Touch的提供的toolbar功能强大,按钮也很易用,但使用的DOM元




从上面看来,性能优化的关键是控制DOM元素的数量,但Sencha Touch还会对一些元素绑定事件,如何



 Via :http://blog.techferry.com/2012/11/16/sencha-touch-performance-improvement-tips/

A website designed for desktop browsers can take up to 40 seconds to load on mobile devices. Your Sencha Touch application if not built and deployed properly may take more than a minute to load – a far cry from an optimized mobile site. If your Sencha Touch mobile app is taking too long to load on a mobile device, here are a few things you can consider to improve the performance.

  1. Use Sencha Build tool to package all required JS files (views, stores, models) and compress them in one app-all.js file.
  2. Test your site with Firebug or Chrome Developer tool/Ripple to make sure that no more JS requests are going to server; if there are, consider using Ext.require() or adding these JS files in models, views, stores config parameters in your application/app.js and build again. This will ensure that loading and rendering is fast.
          name: 'MyApp',
          views: ['View1', 'View2'],
          models: ['Model1','Model2'],
          launch: function() {
             // Do your stuff here.
  3. Look out for other CSS or JS files and make sure all of them are compressed. You can use YUI compressor.
  4. Make sure you are using smaller sized images. You can also consider using an image cruncher to cut back on image size. For videos, consider embedding YouTube videos rather than streaming video yourself.
  5. If your app is sending too many requests to server (using Store loads or via Ajax/REST), consider fetching the data in JSON format inside your JSP/PHP script response itself. You can then load the stores and display information from locally available data. Avoid sending too many AJAX/REST requests to server to get simple information like user/organization name, branding params etc.
  6. Destroy components that are not visible on the screen anymore. Avoid too much nesting of panels. Try to keep your DOM size smaller.


Via :http://thatdeveloper.blogspot.com/2012/07/sencha-touch-optimization.html


Some key things to watch out for:

  1. Complex CSS. There are many features in CSS3 and webkit browsers that you can use that will really make your application look nice. One thing I wanted to use was a background gradient, however I read that this really hits performance hard, so I took it out and had a solid background colour. Still looks nice.
  2. Unnecessary CSS. If you go to your project folder, then go to resources/themes/ and view your app.scss, many of the default includes may not be necessary, and you can just comment them out with a //, so if do need them, you can just uncomment the line and have it back. Try taking out a few and make sure your app still looks okay. You can tell by many of the names of the items what you can and cannot take out.
  3. Memory usage. Some older phones do not have very much memory, and what you will want to watch out for is the size of the DOM. Making sure you destroy components when necessary will keep the size of the DOM to a minimum.


 There are a few things you can try:

  • Turn on hardware acceleration by adding android:hardwareAccelerated="true" to the application or activity tag in the Android manifest file. More info here:http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/graphics/hardware-accel.html

  • Modify the RenderPriority of the webview -http://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebSettings.RenderPriority.html

  • Optimize your javaScript and CSS to minimize the number of reflows, memory used, and DOM size -http://www.html5rocks.com/en/mobile/mobifying.html#toc-optimizations

Personally, I found that keeping the DOM as small as possible, and enabling hardware acceleration made all of the difference between an unusable app, and a fairly smooth app.


Try the following for the best performance for android devices:

  • Compress your JS & CSS files also remove any unused JS functions or CSS.
  • Try to load external JS files dynamically , check thishttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/1...sencha-touch-2
  • Avoid using CSS3 (Slow on Android)
  • Keep DOM structure smallest as possible
  • Do not use overscroll of any scrollviews in your application.(Should be disabled)


How are you preventing overscroll in your views? Can't see it in the docs!http://docs.sencha.com/touch/2-0/#!/...croll.Scroller

 setting the scroller to this sorts it:


scroller: {
      direction: 'vertical',
      directionLock: true,
      momentumEasing:  {
        momentum: {
          acceleration: 30,
          friction: 0.5
        bounce: {
          acceleration: 0.0001,
          springTension: 0.9999
        minVelocity: 5
      outOfBoundRestrictFactor: 0


 避免使用CSS3 渐变等样式,用扁平样式代替






