Creating a new project with cocos2d-x 3.0

I've been working on and off on a title using cocos2d-x and it's been a while since I had to run any of the scripts to update the framework. 3.0 looks AWESOME and I can't wait to try it, but I'm curious since so many things have changed; what's the best way to install this version?

I see the .py script, but no install bash for mac/ios, am i missing something?


Answering my own question, here's what I've discovered:

1) It looks like the XCode templates are no longer being used. I can see the reasoning for this as it might get messy as you constantly upgrade versions.

2) The newer (probably cleaner) method is to create a project with the .py script. On Mac OS X 10.8, I opened up a terminal and did the following:

$ cd [cocos2d-x 3.0 directory]
$ python -p project_name -k com.your_company.project_name -l cpp

You will notice that the project will get created in [cocos2d-x 3.0 directory]/projects/project_name. I would prefer however if instead of making the project inside of it's own file structure, if it simply made a new folder called <project_name> with the following:

/ Classes
/ Resources
/ Platforms
-/proj.<all your platforms>
/ Cocos2d-x

This would look very nice and tidy inside a git repository, and when a new version comes out, you just have to replace the cocos2d-x directory.


