1.1.1 Iterative Design
Iterative Design
------ rather than using a
feed-forward ( or open-loop)
rapid prototyping :一种强调在开发早期放置一个原型系统,以尽早得到反馈和分析的开发方法.
- Visual Basic
- Heuristic Evaluation
- Think-Aloud Studies 可用性测试的一种:出声思考--参试用户在任务进行过程中出声表达自己的想法。
1.1.2 Basic Concepts of Interactive Programming
Direct Mionanipulat
---- Direct manipulation interfaces are designed to give the user the illusion(想象) that they are directly manipulating the objects of interest to them. The images portrayed(
描写,描绘;扮演,饰演) to the user indicate the nature and state of those objects, and the program is structured so that interactions are performed (primarily) in terms of those representative images.
Affordance and Feedback
Affordance 直觉知觉 ~~ For example, the handle(手柄) of a hammer(锤子) provides an affordance(直觉 ) for grasping(握,抓) it in the hand (in a particular way that is useful for its intended purpose).
Feedback (反馈)
----is the response by the system to the actions of the user. If a system provides immediate feedback that clearly indicates(暗示) the nature and consequences of their actions, it is much easier for users to evaluate whether those actions are having the desired effect.