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Before downloading the software, you must request an authorization file to activate the software. Refer to the installation instructions to download software listed below and to activate the software using the authorization files. Installation/Renewal Instructions • ArcGIS Online Quick Start Guide View pdf • ArcGIS 10.2 Quick Start Guides Web site • ArcGIS 10.1 Quick Start Guides Web site • Concurrent Use Instructions for Installing ArcGIS10.0 download Word doc Download Software/Data No-cost add-ons and a University-negotiated license for downloading XTools Pro are also available, below . For the following password-protected downloads, refer to email with authorization files for password or email GIS Service Center : ArcGIS Desktop ArcGIS 10.2.1
Tutorial Data and ArcReader
ArcGIS 10.2 If you are running ArcGIS software prior to 10.1 you must uninstall the software before installing ArcGIS 10.2 ArcGIS 10.2 Desktop may be downloaded as a single package (4.72 GB) or as multiple components:
The most commonly used components for a typical ArcGIS user are highlighted in bold.
License Manager
ArcObjects SDKs
Tutorial Data & ArcReader
ArcGIS 10.1
ArcGIS 10.0
. ArcGIS Data and Maps
For the following password-protected downloads, refer to email with authorization files for password or email GIS Service Center :
Data and Maps for ArcGIS (2013) #1 download (1.93 GB)
Data and Maps for Server (2013) (available upon request)
USA and World download (1.87 GB)
Use with ArcLogistics for full capabilities:
ArcGIS Data Reviewer
ArcGIS Engine
ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit
ArcGIS for Server Enterprise
ArcGIS for Server Workgroup
ArcGIS for Windows Mobile
ArcGIS Full Motion Video 1.1 This Full Motion Video Add-in allows ArcGIS for Desktop users to add full motion video data to their work. The video data must have MISB compliant telemetry metadata to allow the position information to display on the map.
ArcGIS Image Server
ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension ArcGIS Server Geoportal extension 10 download (87 MB) ArcGIS Workflow Manager
ArcInfo Workstation
ArcLogistics (available only with single use license)
ArcPad For the following password-protected download, refer to email with authorization files for password, or email GIS Service Center :
Business Analyst
DBMS Support Files For simplified database connection and administration Esri is providing the database client libraries for IBM DB2, IBM Informix, Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server, which enables ArcGIS to connect directly to these databases without having to use an ArcSDE application server. Note that these libraries are provided as a convenience. They are always available from their respective vendors. Also included in DBMS Support is a version of the PostgreSQL DBMS installation for users that do not already have a PostgreSQL database to use.
A key 10.1 theme is simplified database connection and administration. As part of this theme, Esri is providing the database client libraries for IBM DB2, IBM Informix, Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server, which enables ArcGIS to connect directly to these databases without having to use an ArcSDE application server. Note that these libraries are provided as a convenience. They are always available from their respective vendors. Also included in DBMS Support is a version of the PostgreSQL DBMS installation for users that do not already have a PostgreSQL database to use.
Esri CityEngine Esri CityEngine is a standalone software package that provides professional users in entertainment, architecture, urban planning, GIS and general 3D content production with a unique conceptual design and modeling solution for the efficient creation of 3D cities, buildings, and streetscapes. CityEngine can be used to compile, use, and manage geographic information, and includes native support for many data formats including shapefile and file geodatabase. It also supports many GIS tasks, including: mapping, data compilation, analysis, geodatabase management, and geographic information sharing. CityEngine can be used both in isolation or as part of existing workflows, and it is an essential tool for anyone working with 3D urban environments. Esri CityEngine 2013.1
Esri CityEngine 2012.1
Esri Mapping and Charting Solutions Mapping and Charting Solutions provide specification driven quality control, data editing and cartographic product generation tools and workflows necessary for efficient production of industry standard products.
Mapping and Charting Solutions includes:
Patches and Service Packs
Tracking Server
These no-cost add-ons are available for download from Esri:
Stanford maintains a campus-wide site license agreement with Esri that is paid and managed by Stanford University Libraries for the benefit of the entire university. The site license gives the Stanford community an unlimited number of seats of Esri software for teaching, research, or administrative purposes.
Note for ArcGIS 10.1 users: The previous version, ArcGIS 10.1, may be downloaded from the ArcGIS 10.1 Software Download page.
Updating to a new license: if you have an expired license for ArcGIS Standard (Arc Editor), you need to reapply the license codes provided in the ArcGIS Standard installation instructions below.
License Requirements
These programs are for installation on Stanford-owned computers only and are only available to users who possess a current SUNet ID. Programs provided under this agreement are to be used only for instructional, research, and administrative purposes. Use of the licensed programs for profit, private gain, or other commercial use is prohibited.
ArcGIS is available at two different licensing levels ( Standard and Advanced ). Selection is dependant on your hardware and network connection type.
Please be sure to read the chart below carefully and select the appropriate choices for your requirements from the linked download form.
Please read before installing : ArcGIS installation files are provided as .iso files, which must be unzipped before using. Windows can not extract these directly; you need to use a 3rd party tool like 7-zip or WinRAR to extract the .iso files before opening.
For Stanford owned desktops directly connected to the Stanford network, install: ArcGIS Desktop Advanced |
For Stanford owned laptops, NOT connected to the Stanford network, install: ArcGIS Desktop Standard |
Pre configured basemaps and thematic data for ArcGIS Desktop: ArcGIS 10.2 Data and Maps |
Data necessary to complete the tutorials available on Arc GIS Desktop: ArcGIS 10.2 Tutorial Data |
1) Please be sure to un zip the .iso installation files before attempting to install them (you can use a third party extrator such as 7-zi p or WinZRAR )
2) Verify that you are using the correct version (Advanced or Standard) and licensing level (Concurrent or Single Use) for your set up. Please double check the installation instructions provided above.
3) Do not install the ArcGIS License Manager, this will make it impossible to correctly license your copy of ArcGIS. If you do install this, un install and re install just ArcGIS Desktop.
4) ArcGIS runs on Windows software only. You can run ArcGIS on a Mac with Windows installed via Bootcamp or a virtual machine. Click here for more information on running ArcGIS on a Mac.
5) Students and faculty have access to free or low-cost copies of Microsoft Office and Windows and other software licenses for download on Stanford-owned and personal computers.
If you need any other application from the Esri suite of products that is not available for download on our website, such as ArcGIS Server , CityEngine , ArcInfo Workstation or ArcGIS Mobile , you can order the original installation media at Branner Library. Please use SearchWorks to find the product you are interested in and have the Call Number ready when you ask at the circulation desk. If you have any additional questions, please contact David Medeiros at [email protected].