Five words per week, we are on the right track. [2005-06-24]

Five words per week, we are on the right track. [2005-06-24]

crest(鸟冠) + fallen(下垂)
Pronunciation: 'krest-"fo-l&n
Function: adjective
1 : having a drooping crest or hanging head  (鸟冠耷拉下来,垂着头)
2 : feeling shame or humiliation : DEJECTED (感到羞愧或耻辱)
Example: Their opponents came away totally crestfallen, their 40th match in the global event ending in the worst possible fashion.
Pronunciation: 'gan-d&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gandra; akin to Old English gOs goose
1 : the adult male goose (成年的雄鹅)
2 : SIMPLETON (呆瓜,呆鹅)

Function: noun
Etymology: from the outstretched neck of a person craning to look at something (像鹅那样升长脖子去看东西)
: LOOK, GLANCE  (看,暼)
    < take a gander>
Example: He took another gander at the engine
Pronunciation: 'shE-pish
Function: adjective
1 : resembling a sheep in meekness, stupidity, or timidity (像绵羊一样温顺,愚蠢或胆怯)
2 : affected by or showing embarrassment caused by consciousness of a fault (由于过失而导致/显露的尴尬)
    < a sheepish grin> 苦笑
Example: sb. looked properly  sheepish.
Pronunciation: 'bO-"vIn, -"vEn
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin bovinus, from Latin bov-, bos ox, cow -- more at COW
1 : of, relating to, or resembling bovines and especially the ox or cow (像牛的,尤其是)
2 : having qualities (as placidity or dullness) (有质量的-平静的或迟钝的)
 Function: noun
: any of a subfamily (Bovinae) of bovids including oxen, bison, buffalo, and their close relatives (牛科的亚科)
Example: Her bovine face gave no response.
Pronunciation: 't&r-kE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural turkeys
Etymology: Turkey, country in western Asia and southeastern Europe; from confusion with the guinea fowl, supposed to be imported from Turkish territory
1 plural also turkey : a large No. American gallinaceous bird (Meleagris gallopavo) that is domesticated in most parts of the world (火鸡)
2 : FAILURE, FLOP; especially : a theatrical production that has failed (失败)
3 : three successive strikes in bowling (保龄球三次大满贯)
4 : a stupid, foolish, or inept person (愚蠢的或无能的人)
Turkey 土耳其
Example: Gary wants to quit smoking. As of this moment he is going cold trunkey.

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