Five words per week, we are on the right track. [2005-07-01]
generosityFunction: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
1 a : the quality or fact of being generous (质量或者)
b : a generous act (大方的行为)
2 : ABUNDANCE (丰富)
Example: Thank you for your generosity.
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin desperatus, past participle of desperare
1 a : having lost hope (失去希望地)
<a desperate spirit crying for relief>
b : giving no ground for hope
<the outlook was desperate>
2 a : moved by despair
<victims made desperate by abuse>
b : involving or employing extreme measures in an attempt to escape defeat or frustration
<made a desperate leap for the rope>
3 : suffering extreme need or anxiety (渴望得到痛苦的尽头)
<desperate for money>
4 : involving extreme danger or possible disaster (及其的危险或可能有灾难的)
<a desperate situation>
5 : of extreme intensity (及其的强烈)
Example: I am desperately hard up.
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English
1 : a piece or mass of indefinite size and shape (一块不定大小不定形状的东西)
<taken in the lump>
3 : PROTUBERANCE; especially : an abnormal swelling (瘤,异常的肿块)
4 : a person who is heavy and awkward; also : one who is stupid or dull (笨重的人)
5 plural a : BEATINGS, BRUISES (打,瘀伤)
<had taken a lot of lumps growing up in the city>
b : DEFEAT, LOSS (击败)
<can cheerfully take his lumps on losers, because the payout is big on the winners -- Martin Mayer>
Example: The words lumped in her throat.
1 a (1) : the part of the neck in front of the spinal column (脊椎骨前面脖子的部分)
(2) : the passage through the neck to the stomach and lungs (从脖子到胃和肺的通道)
b (1) : VOICE
(2) : the seat of the voice
2 : something resembling the throat especially in being an entrance, a passageway, a constriction, or a narrowed part: as
a : the orifice of a tubular organ especially of a plant
b : the opening in the vamp of a shoe at the instep
c : the part of a tennis racket that connects the head with the shaft
3 : the curved part of an anchor's arm where it joins the shank
Example: The words lumped in her throat.
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English cosin, from Old French, from Latin consobrinus, from com- + sobrinus second cousin, from soror sister -- more at SISTER
1 a : a child of one's uncle or aunt (叔叔或者阿姨的孩子)
b : a relative descended from one's grandparent or more remote ancestor by two or more steps and in a different line
c : KINSMAN, RELATIVE (有亲戚关系的人)
<a distant cousin>
2 : one associated with or related to another : COUNTERPART
3 -- used as a title by a sovereign in addressing a nobleman
4 : a person of a race or people ethnically or culturally related <our English cousins>
Example: I have many cousins.
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