Last Milestone Of NetBeans 6.0 Is Available

Last Milestone Of NetBeans 6.0 Is Available

Milestone 10 of NetBeans 6.0 (M10) is now available for download at

Some of the highlights:

* New default color scheme and syntax coloring
* Ruby Debugger enhancements (global vars, watch view, locals view)
* Redesigned Find / Replace dialog
* Plugin Manager allows you to distribute groups of IDE components (for example Ruby, SOA)
* Integrated Visual Design for Web Applications
* New, Integrated UI for CLDC/MIDP and CDC development
* Limited refactoring of GUI forms
* New keyboard shortcuts (they're supposed to be more logical now)
* New refactorings - 16 refactorings now available out of the box
* New directory chooser - easier to use for new NetBeans users

Of course there's much more available:

M10 was the last milestone, we will now be slowly approaching the betas (two betas are planned), rcs and ultimately the final release of NetBeans 6.0. If you want to see what all will be available in 6.0, here's full list of the features in previous milestones.

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