JadClipse for Eclipse 4.x is available now.

JadClipse for Eclipse 4.x is available now.
The original author of the JadClipse project maintains it no more, and the latest build 3.3.0 doesn't support eclipse 4.x, so I download the source code and update it.

JadClipse for Eclipse 4.x also support Eclipse 3.x, and provides several new features:
1. Integrate jad.exe into the plugin, don't need to set jad path in the preference page again.
2. Add two options in the JadClipse main preference page:
    (1) Use Eclipse member sorter
    (2) Show decompiler report
3. Update the formatting preference default settings, the "Output fields before methods" setting's default value changes to true.

JadClipse for Eclipse 4.x Update Site: http://feeling.sourceforge.net/update

Offline Archive Update File Download: 
1.  http://feeling.sourceforge.net/downloads/org.sf.feeling.decompiler_1.0.3.zip
2.  http://www.blogjava.net/Files/cnfree/org.sf.feeling.decompiler_1.0.3.zip

你可能感兴趣的:(JadClipse for Eclipse 4.x is available now.)