Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Unleashed翻译请教【2】

  1. (You edit macro code using the code editor just as you would to edit any other document with Visual Studio.) To rework this macro, you can start by establishing a recursive helper routine that takes in a UIHierarchyItem object, toggles its Expanded property to True, and calls itself for each sub item found in the UIHierarchyItems collection:


    For Each subNode As UIHierarchyItem In node.UIHirerarchyItems



    node.UIHierarchyItems.Expanded = True


    【说明】括号中为辅助理解。文中并没有给出递归程序的签名,但是很容易猜出应该是:Sub ExpandNodes(UIHierarchyItem node)。


    【目前翻译】(使用宏代码编辑器编辑宏和在Visual Studio中编辑其他文档的方式没什么两样。)回到刚才的宏,首先你可以创建一个递归的助手(工具??)程序,在这个程序以UIHierarchyItem对象为参数(后面未贴出的部分代码中显示确实将UIHierarchyItem作为参数,这里作者使用take in,也暗示了这一点),把它的Expanded属性(译者注:实际上是它的子项的集合UIHierarchyItems的属性)设置为True,并且对其子项集合UIHierarchyItems中的每一项(译者注:也是UIHierarchyItem)递归的调用这个程序。

  2. Then, to kick things off, you need a parent, controlling routing that instantiates a window object (representing the Solution Explorer) and grabs the root-level UIHierarchy object from the window.



