template <class T> class Iterator{ ListNode<T>* cur; public: Iterator():cur(NULL){}; Iterator(ListNode<T>* point):cur(point){} friend T operator ++(Iterator& it); //前缀 friend T operator ++ (Iterator& it,int); //后缀 friend bool operator == (Iterator& it,ListNode<T>* point); friend bool operator != (Iterator& it,ListNode<T>* point); friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& stream,Iterator& it); void operator= (ListNode<T>* point); ListNode<T>*& GetCur(); };
//前缀运算符,先返回cur所指结点中的数据 //再使cur向后移动 template <class T> T operator++(Iterator<T>& it){ it.GetCur() = it.GetCur()->GetLink(); T data; data = it.GetCur()->GetData(); return data; } //后缀运算符,先使cur向后移动一个结点 //再返回cur所指结点中的数据 template <class T> T operator++(Iterator<T>& it,int){ T data; data = it.GetCur()->GetData(); it.GetCur() = it.GetCur()->GetLink(); return data; } //判断cur是否等于point template <class T> bool operator==(Iterator<T>& it,ListNode<T>* point){ return it.GetCur() == point; } //判断cur是否不等于point template <class T> bool operator!=(Iterator<T>& it,ListNode<T>* point){ return it.GetCur() != point; } //输出cur所指结点中的数据 template <class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream,Iterator<T>& it){ stream<<it.GetCur()->GetData(); return stream; } //把point的值赋给cur template <class T> void Iterator<T>::operator = (ListNode<T>* point){ cur = point; } //返回cur template <class T> ListNode<T>*& Iterator<T>::GetCur(){ return cur; }
template <class T> class Iterator{ DouListNode<T>* cur; public: Iterator():cur(NULL){}; Iterator(DouListNode<T>* point):cur(point){} friend T operator++(Iterator& it); //前缀 friend T operator++(Iterator& it,int); //后缀 friend T operator--(Iterator& it); //前缀 friend T operator--(Iterator& it,int); //后缀 friend bool operator==(Iterator& it,DouListNode<T>* point); friend bool operator!=(Iterator& it,DouListNode<T>* point); friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& stream,Iterator& it); void operator= (DouListNode<T>* point); DouListNode<T>*& GetCur(); };
template <class T> T operator++(Iterator<T>& it){ it.GetCur() = it.GetCur()->GetLink(); T data; data = it.GetCur()->GetData(); return data; } template <class T> T operator++(Iterator<T>& it,int){ T data; data = it.GetCur()->GetData(); it.GetCur() = it.GetCur()->GetLink(); return data; } template <class T> T operator--(Iterator<T>& it){ it.GetCur() = it.GetCur()->GetPrior(); T data; data = it.GetCur()->GetData(); return data; } template <class T> T operator--(Iterator<T>& it,int){ T data; data = it.GetCur()->GetData(); it.GetCur() = it.GetCur()->GetPrior(); return data; } template <class T> bool operator==(Iterator<T>& it,DouListNode<T>* point){ return it.GetCur() == point; } template <class T> bool operator!=(Iterator<T>& it,DouListNode<T>* point){ return it.GetCur() != point; } template <class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream,Iterator<T>& it){ stream<<it.GetCur()->GetData(); return stream; } template <class T> void Iterator<T>::operator = (DouListNode<T>* point){ cur = point; } template <class T> DouListNode<T>*& Iterator<T>::GetCur(){ return cur; }
#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <list> using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { list<int> myList1; myList1.push_front(10); cout << myList1.size() << endl; //链表长度为 1 list<string> myList2 (10); cout << myList2.size() << endl; //链表长度为 10 list<double> myList3 (2, 4.6); //初始值为4.6 cout << myList3.back() << endl; myList3.pop_back(); cout << myList3.empty() << endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <list> using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { string str[] = {"Today ","is ","not ","Friday."}; list<string> eraseThird; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) eraseThird.push_back(str[i]); // 删除链表中的第3个元素 list<string>::iterator third = eraseThird.begin(); ++third; ++third; eraseThird.erase(third); list<string>::iterator third2 = eraseThird.begin(); third2 ++; third2 ++; eraseThird.insert(third2, "not "); list<string>::iterator it = eraseThird.begin() ; while (it != eraseThird.end()) { cout << *it ; ++it; } cout<<endl; list<int> list1(15, 3); list<int> list2(16, 2); list<int>::iterator insertMass = list1.begin(); insertMass++; list1.insert(insertMass, list2.begin(), list2.end()); cout << list1.size() << endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
template <class T> class ArrayStack{ int size; int tos; //栈顶索引。 T* contain; public: ArrayStack():size(0),tos(-1),contain(NULL){} ArrayStack(int MaxSize); void Push(T& element); T& GetTop(); T& Pop(); bool IsEmpty(); void MakeEmpty(); }; template<class T> ArrayStack<T>::ArrayStack(int MaxSize) {//构造函数 size= MaxSize; tos =-1; //初始化tos于栈底处。 contain= new T[size]; } template<class T> void ArrayStack<T>::Push(T& element) {//向栈中添加新元素 assert(tos!= size-1); contain[++tos]= element; } template<class T> T& ArrayStack<T>::Pop() {//从栈中删除元素 assert(tos!=-1); returncontain[tos--]; } template<class T> T& ArrayStack<T>::GetTop() {//返回栈顶元素 assert(tos!=-1); returncontain[tos]; } template<class T> void ArrayStack<T>::MakeEmpty() {//置空栈 tos =-1; } template<class T> bool ArrayStack<T>::IsEmpty() {//判断栈是否为空。 returntos==-1; }
#ifndef LINKSTACK_H #define LINKSTACK_H #include <iostream> #include <assert.h> using namespace std; template <class T> class LinkStackNode{ public : T data; LinkStackNode<T>* link; LinkStackNode(T& value):link(NULL),data(value){} }; template <class T> class LinkStack{ LinkStackNode<T>* tos; public : LinkStack():tos(NULL){} void Push(T& value); T& GetTop(); T Pop(); bool IsEmpty(); void MakeEmpty(); }; template<class T> void LinkStack<T>::Push(T& value){ LinkStackNode<T>* add = new LinkStackNode<T>(value); add->link = tos; tos = add; } template<class T> T& LinkStack<T>::GetTop(){ return tos->data; } template<class T> T LinkStack<T>::Pop(){ assert(tos!=NULL); LinkStackNode<T>* old = tos; tos = tos->link; T data = old->data; delete old; return data; } template<class T> bool LinkStack<T>::IsEmpty() { return tos == NULL; } template<class T> void LinkStack<T>::MakeEmpty() { while(!this->IsEmpty()){ this->Pop(); } } #endif
#ifndef CAR_H #define CAR_H #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; //Declaration of class car. //Instances of class car need to store the license plate //and the number of times the car has been moved while it has been parked in the lot. class car { private: string license; int movedTimes; public: car(string,int); string getLicense()const; int getMovedTimes()const; void move(); virtual ~car(); }; #endif
#include "car.h" using namespace std; //构造函数 car::car(string license,int):movedTimes(0),license(license){} //析构函数 car::~car(){} //返回车辆被移动的次数 int car::getMovedTimes()const { return movedTimes; } //返回车辆的代号 string car::getLicense()const { return license; } //当车被移动时,属性movedTimes 自加1 void car::move() { movedTimes++; }
#include <string> #include <STACK> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include "car.h" using namespace std; #define EXIT_FAILURE 0 #define EXIT_SUCCESS 1 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //The user should specify the data file to use via the command-line. if (argc != 2) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " data-file\n"; cerr << "You shoud use this program in the cmd line"<<endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } //Judge whether the file exists or not //Then open the file for reading or writing string in_fileName = argv[1]; string out_fileName = "result.txt"; ifstream infs(in_fileName.c_str()); ofstream outfs(out_fileName.c_str()); if(!infs){ cerr<<"Can't open the file "<<in_fileName<<endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(!outfs){ cerr<<"Can't open the file "<<out_fileName<<endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } //Declare a stack object to represent the single-aisle parking lot. //This object must be of type stack<car*> //To preserve the order of the other cars, a temporary stack of type pointer to car should be used. stack<car*> parking_lot, tempStack; car *pcar; string license_plate,action; //Unless the file ends, then read it. while(!infs.eof()) { infs>>license_plate>>action; //For each arrival, instantiate an object of type car in the free store if(action=="arrives") { if(parking_lot.size()<5) { pcar=new car(license_plate,0); parking_lot.push(pcar); } //Output a meaningful message if the parking lot is full. //The lot is full when the stack contains five elements. else outfs<<"Sorry "<<license_plate<<" , The lot is full ! "<<endl; } //For each departure, remove the corresponding car pointer from the stack else if(action=="departs") { while(!parking_lot.empty()&&parking_lot.top()->getLicense() != license_plate) { tempStack.push(parking_lot.top()); parking_lot.top()->move(); parking_lot.pop(); } //Output the number of times this car was moved while it was parked in the lot if(parking_lot.top()->getLicense() == license_plate) { outfs<<parking_lot.top()->getLicense()<<" was moved "<<parking_lot.top()->getMovedTimes()<<" times while it was here"<<endl; delete parking_lot.top(); parking_lot.pop(); } else outfs<<"Exception!"<<endl; while(!tempStack.empty()) { parking_lot.push(tempStack.top()); tempStack.pop(); } } } //Output the number of times each car that remains in the lot (if there are any) was moved. outfs<<"\n\nThese cars are still in the lot \n\n"; while(!parking_lot.empty()) { outfs<<parking_lot.top()->getLicense()<<" was moved "<<parking_lot.top()->getMovedTimes()<<" times while it was here"<<endl; delete parking_lot.top(); parking_lot.pop(); } outfs.close(); infs.close(); cout<<"The result.txt is created ,you can check it now!"<<endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
A arrives A departs B arrives C arrives D arrives C departs E arrives F arrives G arrives B departs H arrives D departs E departs I arrives I departs J arrives F departs K arrives L arrives M arrives H departs N arrives J departs K departs O arrives P arrives P departs O departs L departs
template <class T> class CirQueue{ int size; int front; int back; T* contain; public: CirQueue():size(0),front(0),back(0),contain(NULL){} CirQueue(int MaxSize); void EnQueue(T& element); T DelQueue(); T& GetFront(); void MakeEmpty(); bool IsEmpty(); bool IsFull(); }; template <class T> CirQueue<T>::CirQueue(int MaxSize):size(MaxSize+1),front(0),back(0) {//构造函数 contain = new T[MaxSize+1]; } template <class T> void CirQueue<T>::EnQueue(T& element) {//向队列中添加新元素 assert(!IsFull()); contain[back] = element; back = (back+1)%size; } template <class T> T CirQueue<T>::DelQueue() {//从队列中删除元素 int old = front; front = (front+1)%size; return contain[old]; } template <class T> T& CirQueue<T>::GetFront() {//返回队头元素 assert(!IsEmpty()); return contain[front]; } template <class T> void CirQueue<T>::MakeEmpty() {//置空队列 front = back = 0; } template <class T> bool CirQueue<T>::IsEmpty() {//判断队列是否为空 return front == back; } template <class T> bool CirQueue<T>::IsFull() {//判断队列是否已满 return (back+1)%size == front; }
#ifndef LINKQUEUE_H #define LINKQUEUE_H #include <iostream> #include <assert.h> using namespace std; template <class T> class LinkQueue{ struct LinkQueueNode { T data; LinkQueueNode *link; LinkQueueNode(T & theData, LinkQueueNode * n = NULL ): data( theData ), link( n ) { } }; LinkQueueNode* front; LinkQueueNode* back; public: LinkQueue(); ~LinkQueue(); void EnQueue(T& element); T DelQueue(); T& GetFront(); void MakeEmpty(); bool IsEmpty(); }; template <class T> LinkQueue<T>::LinkQueue() { front = back = NULL; } template <class T> LinkQueue<T>::~LinkQueue() { this->MakeEmpty(); } template <class T> void LinkQueue<T>::EnQueue(T& value) { if(this->IsEmpty()) front = back = new LinkQueueNode(value); else back = back->link = new LinkQueueNode(value); } template <class T> T LinkQueue<T>::DelQueue() { LinkQueueNode* old = front; T data = old->data; front = front->link; delete old; return data; } template <class T> T& LinkQueue<T>::GetFront() { assert(!IsEmpty()); return front->data; } template <class T> void LinkQueue<T>::MakeEmpty() { while(!this->IsEmpty()){ this->DelQueue(); } } template <class T> bool LinkQueue<T>::IsEmpty() { return front == NULL; } #endif
#include "stdafx.h" #include "LinkQueue.h" #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct dancer{ string name; char sex; }; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { cout<<"请输入舞者总数:"; int num; cin>>num; LinkQueue<dancer> Mdancer; LinkQueue<dancer> Fdancer; for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ cout<<"请输入舞者性别(f or m)及姓名:"; char sex; cin>>sex; string name; cin>>name; dancer newdancer; newdancer.name = name; newdancer.sex = sex; if(sex == 'f') Fdancer.EnQueue(newdancer); if(sex == 'm') Mdancer.EnQueue(newdancer); } while(!Mdancer.IsEmpty() && !Fdancer.IsEmpty()){ cout<<Mdancer.DelQueue().name<<"\t<---->\t"<<Fdancer.DelQueue().name<<endl; } if(!Mdancer.IsEmpty()){ cout<<"Mr. "<<Mdancer.GetFront().name<<" is waiting!"<<endl; } else if(!Fdancer.IsEmpty()){ cout<<"Ms. "<<Fdancer.GetFront().name<<" is waiting!"<<endl; } else cout<<"OK!"<<endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
#include "stdafx.h" #include <queue> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { queue<int> picture; char a; float pow = 0; float oriSize; cout<<"请输入01序列(以#结束):"; do{ cin>>a; if(a!='#') picture.push(a); }while(a != '#'); char pic = picture.front(); picture.pop(); int size = picture.size()+1; oriSize = size; cout<<"编码后:"; while(!picture.empty()){ if(pic == picture.front()){ pic = picture.front(); picture.pop(); } else{ cout<<size - picture.size(); pow++; size = picture.size(); pic = picture.front(); picture.pop(); } } cout<<size<<endl; pow++; cout<<"压缩率为:"<<pow/oriSize<<endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; }