应用场景:1)需多client访问应用程序给予应答情况——网页服务; 2)数据极大,希望加载一次,后面只用方法调用
解决方案: 开两个服务,一个数据服务,一个网络服务;应用工具:xmlrpc,本文中以python 2.7.3的xmlrpclib为例,其他语言也有相应接口
1. 数据端
Server :
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer global a def load(): global a a = [1 ,2, 24] return a def findai(i): global a print a[i] return a[i] server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000)) server.register_function(findai,"findai") load() server.serve_forever()
import xmlrpclib proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000/") candidate = proxy.findai(1) print "the %d-th number of a is %d" %(1, candidate)
2. 数据端 + 网络端
import xmlrpclib proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000/") candidate = proxy.findai(1) print "the %d-th number of a is %d" %(1, candidate) from bottle import route, run, template @route('/hello/<name>') def index(name): return template('<b> hello {{name}} </b>', name=candidate) run(host="localhost", port=8086)
1. 通信数据类型
xmlrpclib.Fault: <Fault 8002: "Can't serialize output: cannot marshal <type 'numpy.float64'> objects">
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer global a import ast from cStringIO import StringIO from numpy.lib import format import numpy class T: def to_string(self,arr): f = StringIO() if type(arr)==numpy.ndarray: format.write_array(f,arr) s = f.getvalue() elif isinstance(arr,str)==False: s = str(arr) return s def from_string(self,s): if s[0]!="[": # converted from numpy array f = StringIO(s) arr = format.read_array(f) else: arr = ast.literal_eval(s) return arr def load(self): global a a = [1 ,2, 24] return a def ret_a(self): global a return a server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8002)) server.register_instance(T()) srv = T() srv.load() server.serve_forever()
import xmlrpclib proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8002/") candidate = proxy.ret_a() print "the variable 'a' in server is "+ str((proxy.from_string(candidate)))
2. 通讯字符编码问题
def gbk_to_unicode(s): return s.decode('gbk').encode('utf-8').decode('latin1')
def unicode_to_gbk(s): return s.encode('latin1').decode('utf-8').encode('gbk')
for example,
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer global a import ast from cStringIO import StringIO from numpy.lib import format import numpy import sys def gbk_to_unicode(s): return s.decode('gbk').encode('utf-8').decode('latin1') class T: def load(self): # load a dictionary with gbk elements global a a = {"1,1":["小","苹果"],"1,2":[1,2]} def printf(self,s): # receive unicode, return unicode print "received string : "+ s #unicode return s def idx(self,s): # transfer gbk -> unicode to client global a return [gbk_to_unicode(x) for x in a.get(s,[])] reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('gbk') server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8002)) server.register_instance(T()) srv = T() srv.load() server.serve_forever()
import xmlrpclib proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8002/") # method 1. 用unicode编码 s = u"美女" print "the variable to transfer is "+ s res_u1 = proxy.printf(s) # method 2. decode to unicode s = "美女" print "the variable to transfer is "+ s res_u2 = proxy.printf(s.decode('latin1')) assert res_u1 == res_u2 res_gbk = res_u1.encode('latin1') print res_gbk # 再进一步 def unicode_to_gbk(s): return s.encode('latin1').decode('utf-8').encode('gbk') res = proxy.idx("1,1") # receive unicode a = [unicode_to_gbk(s) for s in res] # transfer unicode->gbk print a[0], a[1]