windows hack exposed

netbios enum
1.     net view /domain
2.     net view /domain:coreone
Dumping the netbios name
1.    nbtstat -A
Scan netbios name tables
1.    nbtscan
Enum Windows Domain Controller
1. nltest /dclist:domainname

RPC enum
1.    epdump servername
    >> the key things to note are the "int" items which specify RPC interfaces, and each subsquence "binding" and "annot" entry. The binding specify the IP addr and the port number on which the RPC endpoint is listening. And annot of lists the common name of the endpoint.
2.     rpcdump /s servername
    >> the most useful information in the output is the internal IP address of multihome system, as well as virtual IP address hosted on the same server, which appears as RPC interface bindings. This data can give intruders a better idea of what kind of system they are dealing, including RPC application that are running.

SMB enum: null session
1.    The SM specs include APIs that return rich information about a machine via TCP port 139 and 445, even to unauthenticated users.
    net use \\\IPC$ "" /u:""
    a. with null session, we can enum shares on remote system
        net view \\vito
        rmtshare: generates output similar to net view.
        srvcheck:displays shares and authorized user, including hidden shares, but it requires privileged access to the remote system to enum users and hidden shares.
        srvinfo: -s parameter list shares along with a lot of other potentially revealing information.
    b. enum trusted domain
        nltest /server:servername /domain_trusts
        can be used to learn about other windows domains with trust relationships to the first.
    c. enum users
        local administrators \\domain_controller
        global "domain admins" \\domain_controller
    d. all-in-one tools:
        1. dumpsec
        2. enum
        3. nete
    e. user2sid
        user2sid \\ "domain users"
    f. sid2user
        sid2user \\ 5 21 8915387 1645822062 18198280005 500
    g. userinfo \\ Administrator
        used to enum user information over a null session
    h. userdump \\mgmgrand guess 10
        it enum the remote system SID and then "walks" expected RID values to gather all user account names. UserDump takes the name of a known user or group and iterates a user-specified number of times through SIDs 1001 and up. UserDump will always get RID 500 and it then begins at RID 1001 plus the maximum number of queries specified.
    i. GetAcct
    j. walksam
Windows DNS ENUM
1.    dns zone transfers
    >> nslookup
    >> ls -d
SNMP enum with snmpputil
1.    snmpputil walk public .1.2.34.
2.    SolarWinds Tools
ALL-IN-ONE enum tools
    1. winfingerprint

Since windows doesn't support logging on multiple credentials simultaneously in the same SMB namespace, we must log of any existing session to the target as follow:
    net use * /d /y
If you have sessions open to multiple machines, you can close specific connections by explicitly nothing them in the request. Close a session with the computer \\victim
    net use \\victim\ipc$ /d /y
Terminal Server Password Guess
1.    tsgrinder
2. rdesktop -u Administrator -p credentials.lst
Sniffering Kerberos Authentication Using KerbSniff/KerbCrack
1.    run the command to capture the packages
        kerbsniff output.txt
    crack the packages to extract the password
        kerbcrack output.txt -d dictionary.txt
Sniffing LM Authentication
1. Lophcrack
2. ScoopLM/BeatLM
    1. SMB redirection
    2. NetBios Spoofing--have a program listening for broadcast queries on port 137/UDP and replying with a positive name resolution with a IP address of the user's choice
    3. MITM

Password Dumping
1 LSA Dumping
2. Recovering/Dumping Password from IE 7
    nirsoft IE PassView
3. Accessing the Credential Manager
    nirsoft NetWorkPasswordRecovering
4. Pulling Stored Password
5. Dumping SAM and AD Password
    1. pwdump2 //working on local
    2. pwdump3e.exe //working on remote
        If the access to dump credentials form the memory is restricted, one can also try to fetch both SAM and SYSTEM files from a backup directory(making a new copy with the old rdisk /s -). One such tool able to do this is pwhist.exe.
6. Dumping hash from Memory
