Cocos2d game development



  • Box2D API Documentation
  • Box2D Manual
  • Chipmunk Documentation
  • cocos2d API References
  • Introduction to Objective-C by Apple
  • Objective-C Language by Apple (PDF)
  • OpenGL ES 1.1 Reference

Cocos2d source project:

  • ABC123 (cocos2d v0.7.1)
  • Artifice (cocos2d v0.8.2)
  • Gorillas (cocos2d v0.8.1)
  • GPJoystick (Commercial)
  • Grabbed Too (cocos2d v0.7)
  • iOS Open Source Apps List
  • iPhone RPG Game Kit (Commercial)
  • Puff Puff (Careware)
  • SneakyInput Virtual Joypad (Donate)
  • Thrown (cocos2d v0.7)
  • Tweejump (cocos2d v0.8)

Cocos2d tools & editor:

  • Accelerometer in Simulator
  • BMFont Bitmap Font Editor (Win)
  • Hiero Bitmap Font Tool (Java)
  • iSimulate
  • LabelAtlasCreator (Font Editor)
  • ParticleDesigner
  • Texture Packer
  • Tiled Map Editor
  • VertexHelper: Shape Editor for Physics
  • Zwoptex: TextureAtlas Editor

Tutorial / How-To / Q&A :

  • 10 iOS Memory Management Tips
  • Amazingly Useful iOS Stuff
  • Amit's Game Programming Info
  • Box2D Video Tutorials
  • Coconut College
  • cocos2d on StackOverflow
  • Drawing Primitives in OpenGL
  • Extend Xcode File/Project Templates
  • iOS Dev Blog
  • OpenGL ES 1.1 Simple Tutorial
  • OpenGL ES From Ground Up
  • OpenGL ES Tutorial (PocketPC)
  • Provisioning & App Submission Guide
  • Source Control How-To
  • Video Tutorials for cocos2d


  • Introduction to Objective-C by Apple
  • Learn Objective-C – Quickstart Guide
  • Learn Objective-C by Able Pear
  • Learning Objective-C Primer by Apple
  • Objective-C Language by Apple (PDF)
  • Objective-C Tutorial for Programmers
  • OOP with Objective-C
