古老的LCG(linear congruential generator)代表了最好的伪随机数产生器算法。主要原因是容易理解,容易实现,而且速度快。
这种算法数学上基于X(n+1) = (a * X(n) + c) % m这样的公式,其中:
模m, m > 0
系数a, 0 < a < m
增量c, 0 <= c < m
原始值(种子) 0 <= X(0) < m
其中参数c, m, a比较敏感,或者说直接影响了伪随机数产生的质量。
Source m a c rand() / Random(L)的种子位
Numerical Recipes
2^32 1664525 1013904223
Borland C/C++
2^32 22695477 1 位30..16 in rand(), 30..0 in lrand()
glibc (used by GCC)
2^32 1103515245 12345 位30..0
ANSI C: Watcom, Digital Mars, CodeWarrior, IBM VisualAge C/C++
2^32 1103515245 12345 位30..16
Borland Delphi, Virtual Pascal
2^32 134775813 1 位63..32 of (seed * L)
Microsoft Visual/Quick C/C++
2^32 214013 2531011 位30..16
Apple CarbonLib
2^31-1 16807 0 见Park–Miller随机数发生器
#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <assert.h> /* return a random integer between Min and Max. inclusive. obtain randomness from /dev/random */ int random_number(int min, int max) { /* store a file descriptor opened to /dev/random in a static variable ,that way ,we don't need to open the file every time this function is called. */ static int dev_random_fd = -1; char* next_random_byte; int byte_to_read; unsigned random_value; /* make sure max is greater then min */ assert(max > min); /* if this is frist time the function is called, open a file descriptor to /dev/random. */ if(dev_random_fd == -1){ dev_random_fd = open("/dev/random", O_RDONLY); assert(dev_random_fd != -1); } /* read enough bytes to fill an integer variable.*/ next_random_byte = (char*)&random_value; byte_to_read = sizeof(random_value); /* loop until we'v readed enough bytes. Because /dev/random is filled from user genered action. the read may block or only return a single random byte at a time.*/ do{ int bytes_read; bytes_read = read(dev_random_fd, next_random_byte, byte_to_read); byte_to_read -= bytes_read; next_random_byte += bytes_read; }while(byte_to_read > 0); /* compute a random number in the correct range */ return min + (random_value % (max - min + 1)); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* int min = argv[1]; */ int min; int max; if(argv[1] == 0x0) { max = 100; min = 0; } else if(argv[1] != NULL && argv[2] == NULL) { min = 0; max = atoi(argv[1]); } else { max = atoi(argv[2]); min = atoi(argv[1]); } int random_num = random_number(min, max); printf("You have tossed:%d/ttop limit is:%d/n", random_num, max); return 0; } 我是在ubuntu9.04下gcc编译通过的,有兴趣的同学可以试试。