===========================[ Hooking Windows API ]==============================
Technics of hooking API functions on Windows
Author: Holy_Father <[email protected]>
Version: 1.1 english
Date: 6.10.2002
Web: http://www.hxdef.org, http://hxdef.net.ru,
http://hxdef.czweb.org, http://rootkit.host.sk
Mirror: http://hxdef.xtremescripter.de
=====[ 1. Contents ]============================================================
1. Contents
2. Introduction
3. Hooking methods
3.1 Hooking before running
3.2 Hooking during running
3.2.1 Own process hooking using IAT
3.2.2 Own process hooking using entry point rewriting
3.2.3 Original function saving
3.2.4 Other process hooking DLL Injection Independent code Raw change
4. Ending
=====[ 2. Introduction ]========================================================
This text is about hooking API functions on OS Windows. All examples
here completely works on Windows systems based on NT technology version NT 4.0
and higher (Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP). Probably will also work
on others Windows systems.
You should be familiar with processes on Windows, assembler, PE files
structure and some API functions to understand whole text.
When using term "Hooking API" here, I mean the full change of API.
So, when calling hooked API, our code is run immediately. I do not deal with
cases of API monitoring only. I will write about complete hooking.
=====[ 3. Hooking methods ]=====================================================
Our goal is generally to replace the code of some function with our
code. This problem can be sometimes solved before running the process. This can
be done mostly with user level process which are run by us and the goal is e.g.
to change the program behaviour. Example of this can be application crack.
E.g. program which wants original CD-ROM during startup (this was in the game
Atlantis) and we want to run it without CDs. If we change the function for
getting a drive type we would be able to run this program from the hard drive.
This can not be done or we do not want to do this when want to hook
system process (e.g. services) or in the case we do not know which process will
be the target. Then we will use hooking during running technic. Example of
using this can be rootkit or virus with anti-antivirus technics.
=====[ 3.1 Hooking before running ]=============================================
This is about physical module change (mostly .exe or .dll) when the
function, which we want to change, is. We've got three possibilities at least
here on how to do this.
The first is to find entry point of that function and basically to
rewrite its code. This is limited by the function size but we can load some
other modules dynamically (API LoadLibrary), so it could be enought.
Kernel functions (kernel32.dll) can be used in all cases because
each process in windows has its own copy of this module. Other advantage
is if we know on which OS will be changed module run. We can use direct
pointers in this case for e.g. API LoadLibraryA. This is because the address
of kernel module in memory is static in the scope of one OS Windows version.
We can also use behaviour of dynamically loaded module. In this case its
initialization part is run immediately after loading to the memory. We are not
limited in initialization part of new module.
Second possibility of replacing function in module is its extension.
Then we have to choose between replacing first 5 bytes by relative jump
or rewriting IAT. In the case of relative jump, this will redirect the code
execution to our code. When calling function which IAT record is changed,
our code will be executed directly after this call. But extension of the module
is not so easy because we have to care about DLL header.
Next one is replacing the whole module. That means we create own
version of the module which can load the original one and call original
functions which we are not interested in. But important functions will be
totally new. This method is not so good for big modules which can contain
hundreds of exports.
=====[ 3.2 Hooking during running ]=============================================
Hooking before running is mostly very special and intimately oriented
for concrete application (or module). If we replace function in kernel32.dll
or in ntdll.dll (only on NT OS) we will get perfect replace of this function
in all processes which will be run later, but it is so difficult to make it
because we have to take care about accuracy and code prefection of new
functions or whole new modules, but the main problem is that only process
which will be run later will be hooked (so for all process we have to reboot
system). Next problem could be access to these files because NT OS tries to
protect them. Much more pretty solution is to hook process during running. This
method require more knowledge but the result is perfect. Hooking during running
can be done only on process for which we have writing access to their memory.
For the writing in itself we will use API function WriteProcessMemory. We will
start from hooking our own process during running.
=====[ 3.2.1 Own process hooking using IAT ]====================================
There are many possibilities here. At first I will show you how to hook
function by rewriting IAT. Following picture shows structure of PE file:
+-------------------------------+ - offset 0
| MS DOS Header ("MZ") | - and stub
| PE signature ("PE") |
| .text | - module code
| Program Code |
| |
| .data | - initialized (global static) data
| Initialized Data |
| |
| .idata | - information for imported functions
| Import Table | and data
| |
| .edata | - information for exported functions
| Export Table | and data
| |
| Debug symbols |
Important part for us here is Import Address Table (IAT) in the .idata
part. This part contains description of imports and mainly imported functions
addresses. Now it is important to know how are PE files created. When calling
arbitrary API indirectly in programming language (that means we call it using
its name, no using its OS specific address) the compiler does not link direct
calls to the module but it links call to IAT on jmp instruction which will be
filled by process loader while OS is loading process to the memory. This is why
we can use the same binary on two different version os Windows where modules
can be loaded to another addresses. Process loader will fill out direct jmp
instructions in IAT which is used by our calls from the program code. So,
if we are able to find out specific function in IAT which we want to hook,
we can easily change jmp instruction there and redirect code to our address.
Every call after doing this will execute our code. Advantage of this method
is its perfection. Disadvantage is often amount of functions which should be
hooked (e.g. if we want to change program behaviour in the file searching APIs
we will have to change functions FindFirstFile and FindNextFile, but we have to
know that these functions have its ANSI and WIDE version, so we have to change
IAT address for FindFirstFileA, FindFirstFileW, FindNextFileA and also
FileNextFileW. But there still some others like FindFirstFileExA and its WIDE
version FindFirstFileExW which are called by previous mentioned functions.
We know that FindFirstFileW calls FindFirstFileExW but this is done directly
- not usinig IAT. And still some others to go. There are e.g. ShellAPI
functions like SHGetDesktopFolder which also directly calls FindFirstFileW or
FindFirstFileExW). But if we will get all of them, the result will be perfect.
We can use ImageDirectoryEntryToData from imagehlp.dll to find out IAT
PVOID ImageDirectoryEntryToData(
IN BOOLEAN MappedAsImage,
IN USHORT DirectoryEntry,
We will use Instance of our application as Base (Instance can be get by calling
hInstance = GetModuleHandleA(NULL);
), and as DirectoryEntry we will use constant IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT.
Result of this function is pointer to the first IAT record. IAT records are
structures which are defined by I IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR. So, the result
typedef struct _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA {
union {
PBYTE ForwarderString;
PDWORD Function;
DWORD Ordinal;
} ;
union {
DWORD Characteristics;
PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA OriginalFirstThunk;
} ;
DWORD TimeDateStamp;
DWORD ForwarderChain;
The Name value in IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR is a relative reference to
the name of module. If we want to hook a function e.g. from kernel32.dll
we have to find out in imports which belongs to the descriptor with name
kernel32.dll. We will call ImageDirectoryEntryToData at first and than we will
try to find descriptor with name "kernel32.dll" (there can be more than one
descriptor with this name). Finally we will have to find our function in
the list of all functions in the record (address of our function can be get
by GetProcAddress function). If we find it we must use VirtualProtect to change
memory page protection and after then we can write to this part of memory.
After rewriting the address we have to change the protection back. Before
calling VirtualProtect we have to know some information about this memory page.
This is done by VirtualQuery. We can add some tests in case some calls will
fail (e.g. we will not continue if the first VirtualProtect call failed, etc)>
PCSTR pszHookModName = "kernel32.dll",pszSleepName = "Sleep";
HMODULE hKernel = GetModuleHandle(pszHookModName);
PROC pfnNew = (PROC)0x12345678, //new address will be here
pfnHookAPIAddr = GetProcAddress(hKernel,pszSleepName);
ULONG ulSize;
while (pImportDesc->Name)
PSTR pszModName = (PSTR)((PBYTE) hInstance + pImportDesc->Name);
if (stricmp(pszModName, pszHookModName) == 0)
(PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)((PBYTE) hInstance + pImportDesc->FirstThunk);
while (pThunk->u1.Function)
PROC* ppfn = (PROC*) &pThunk->u1.Function;
BOOL bFound = (*ppfn == pfnHookAPIAddr);
if (bFound)
*ppfn = *pfnNew;
DWORD dwOldProtect;
Result of calling Sleep(1000) can be for example this:
00407BD8: 68E8030000 push 0000003E8h
00407BDD: E812FAFFFF call Sleep
Sleep: ;this is jump on address in IAT
004075F4: FF25BCA14000 jmp dword ptr [00040A1BCh]
original table:
0040A1BC: 79 67 E8 77 00 00 00 00
new table:
0040A1BC: 78 56 34 12 00 00 00 00
So the final jump is to 0x12345678.
=====[ 3.2.2 Own process hooking using entry point rewriting ]==================
The method of rewriting first few instructions on the function entry
point is realy simple. As in the case of rewritng address in IAT we have to
change a page protection at first. Here it will be first 5 bytes of the given
function which we want to hook. For later usage we will use dynamical alocation
of MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION structure. The beginning of the function is get
by GetProcAddress again. On this address we will insert relative jump to our
code. Following program calls Sleep(5000) (so it will wait for 5 seconds), than
the Sleep functions is hooked and redirected to new_sleep, finally it calls
Sleep(5000) again. Because new function new_sleep does nothing and returns
immediately the whole program will take only 5 in place of 10 seconds.
.model flat, stdcall
includelib lib\kernel32.lib
GetModuleHandleA PROTO :DWORD
FlushInstructionCache PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD
GetCurrentProcess PROTO
ExitProcess PROTO :DWORD
kernel_name db "kernel32.dll",0
sleep_name db "Sleep",0
old_protect dd ?
PAGE_READWRITE dd 000000004h
MEM_COMMIT dd 000001000h
MEM_RELEASE dd 000008000h
push 5000
call Sleep
push offset kernel_name
call GetModuleHandleA
push offset sleep_name
push eax
call GetProcAddress
mov edi,eax ;finally got Sleep address
push 0
call VirtualAlloc
test eax,eax
jz do_sleep
mov esi,eax ;alocation for MBI
push esi
push edi
call VirtualQuery ;inforamtion about the memory page
test eax,eax
jz free_mem
call GetCurrentProcess
push 5
push edi
push eax
call FlushInstructionCache ;just to be sure :)
lea eax,[esi+014h]
push eax
lea eax,[esi+00Ch]
push [eax]
push [esi]
call VirtualProtect ;we will change protection for a moment
;so we will be able to write there
test eax,eax
jz free_mem
mov byte ptr [edi],0E9h ;to write relative jump
mov eax,offset new_sleep
sub eax,edi
sub eax,5
inc edi
stosd ;this is relative address for jump
push offset old_protect
lea eax,[esi+014h]
push [eax]
lea eax,[esi+00Ch]
push [eax]
push [esi]
call VirtualProtect ;return back the protection of page
push 0
push esi
call VirtualFree ;free memory
push 5000
call Sleep
push 0
call ExitProcess
ret 004h
end start
Result of the second call Sleep is this:
004010A4: 6888130000 push 000001388h
004010A9: E80A000000 call Sleep
Sleep: ;toto je jump na adresu v IAT
004010B8: FF2514204000 jmp dword ptr [000402014h]
00402014: 79 67 E8 77 6C 7D E8 77
77E86779: E937A95788 jmp 0004010B5h
004010B5: C20400 ret 004h
=====[ 3.2.3 Original function saving ]=========================================
Mostly we need more than a function hook. For example in case when we
don't want to replace the given function but only to check its result, or in
case when we want to replace the function only sometimes e.g. when it is called
with specific arguments. Good example of this is already mentioned files hiding
done by replacing FindXXXFile functions. So if we want to hide specific files
and don't want to be noticeable we have to leave original function for all
other files without changing the functions behavior. This is simple when using
method of rewriting IAT. For calling original function we can get its original
address with GetProcAddress and then call it directly. But the problem occurs
when using rewriting entry point method. By rewriting those 5 bytes at the
functions entry point we lost original function irrecoverably. So we need to
save first instructions. We can use following technic.
We know we will rewrite only first 5 bytes but don't know how many
instructions there are or how long they are. We have to reserve enough memory
for first instructions. 16 bytes could be enought because there are usually not
long instructions at the begin of function. Probably we can use less then 16.
Whole reserverd memory will be filled with 0x90 (0x90 = nop) in case there
are shorter instructions. Next 5 bytes will be relative jump which will be
filled later.
old_hook: db 090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,090h
db 090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,090h
db 0E9h,000h,000h,000h,000h
Now we are ready to copy first instructions. It is a long stuff to get
instruction length, this is why we will work with the complete engine. This
was made by Z0MBiE. Input argument is instruction address for which we want to
get length. Output is commonly in eax.
; LDE32, Length-Disassembler Engine, 32-bit, (x) 1999-2000 Z0MBiE
; special edition for REVERT tool
; version 1.05
C_MEM1 equ 0001h ; |
C_MEM2 equ 0002h ; |may be used simultaneously
C_MEM4 equ 0004h ; |
C_DATA1 equ 0100h ; |
C_DATA2 equ 0200h ; |may be used simultaneously
C_DATA4 equ 0400h ; |
C_67 equ 0010h ; used with C_PREFIX
C_MEM67 equ 0020h ; C_67 ? C_MEM2 : C_MEM4
C_66 equ 1000h ; used with C_PREFIX
C_DATA66 equ 2000h ; C_66 ? C_DATA2 : C_DATA4
C_PREFIX equ 0008h ; prefix. take opcode again
C_MODRM equ 4000h ; MODxxxR/M
C_DATAW0 equ 8000h ; opc&1 ? C_DATA66 : C_DATA1
model flat
locals @@
public disasm_main
public _disasm_main
public @disasm_main
; returns opcode length in EAX or -1 if error
; input: pointer to opcode
; __fastcall EAX
; __cdecl [ESP+4]
;this is my first change here, it's the label only for calling this function
mov ecx, [esp+4] ; ECX = opcode ptr
xor edx, edx ; flags
xor eax, eax
@@prefix: and dl, not C_PREFIX
mov al, [ecx]
inc ecx
or edx, table_1[eax*4]
test dl, C_PREFIX
jnz @@prefix
cmp al, 0F6h
je @@test
cmp al, 0F7h
je @@test
cmp al, 0CDh
je @@int
cmp al, 0Fh
je @@0F
test dh, C_DATAW0 shr 8
jnz @@dataw0
test dh, C_MODRM shr 8
jnz @@modrm
test dl, C_MEM67
jnz @@mem67
test dh, C_DATA66 shr 8
jnz @@data66
mov eax, ecx
sub eax, [esp+4]
add al, dl
add al, dh
;my second change heer, there was retn only in original version
@@exit: ret 00004h
@@test: or dh, C_MODRM shr 8
test byte ptr [ecx], 00111000b ; F6/F7 -- test
jnz @@cont
or dh, C_DATAW0 shr 8
jmp @@cont
@@int: or dh, C_DATA1 shr 8
cmp byte ptr [ecx], 20h
jne @@cont
or dh, C_DATA4 shr 8
jmp @@cont
@@0F: mov al, [ecx]
inc ecx
or edx, table_0F[eax*4]
cmp edx, -1
jne @@cont
@@error: mov eax, edx
jmp @@exit
@@dataw0: xor dh, C_DATA66 shr 8
test al, 00000001b
jnz @@dataw0done
xor dh, (C_DATA66+C_DATA1) shr 8
jmp @@dataw0done
@@mem67: xor dl, C_MEM2
test dl, C_67
jnz @@mem67done
xor dl, C_MEM4+C_MEM2
jmp @@mem67done
@@data66: xor dh, C_DATA2 shr 8
test dh, C_66 shr 8
jnz @@data66done
xor dh, (C_DATA4+C_DATA2) shr 8
jmp @@data66done
@@modrm: mov al, [ecx]
inc ecx
mov ah, al ; ah=mod, al=rm
and ax, 0C007h
cmp ah, 0C0h
je @@exitmodrm
test dl, C_67
jnz @@modrm16
@@modrm32: cmp al, 04h
jne @@a
mov al, [ecx] ; sib
inc ecx
and al, 07h
@@a: cmp ah, 40h
je @@mem1
cmp ah, 80h
je @@mem4
cmp ax, 0005h
jne @@exitmodrm
@@mem4: or dl, C_MEM4
jmp @@exitmodrm
@@mem1: or dl, C_MEM1
jmp @@exitmodrm
@@modrm16: cmp ax, 0006h
je @@mem2
cmp ah, 40h
je @@mem1
cmp ah, 80h
jne @@exitmodrm
@@mem2: or dl, C_MEM2
jmp @@exitmodrm
;0F -- analyzed in code, no flags (i.e.flags must be 0)
;F6,F7 -- --//-- (ttt=000 -- 3 bytes, otherwise 2 bytes)
;CD -- --//-- (6 bytes if CD 20, 2 bytes otherwise)
table_1 label dword ; normal instructions
dd C_MODRM ; 00
dd C_MODRM ; 01
dd C_MODRM ; 02
dd C_MODRM ; 03
dd C_DATAW0 ; 04
dd C_DATAW0 ; 05
dd 0 ; 06
dd 0 ; 07
dd C_MODRM ; 08
dd C_MODRM ; 09
dd C_MODRM ; 0A
dd C_MODRM ; 0B
dd C_DATAW0 ; 0C
dd C_DATAW0 ; 0D
dd 0 ; 0E
dd 0 ; 0F
dd C_MODRM ; 10
dd C_MODRM ; 11
dd C_MODRM ; 12
dd C_MODRM ; 13
dd C_DATAW0 ; 14
dd C_DATAW0 ; 15
dd 0 ; 16
dd 0 ; 17
dd C_MODRM ; 18
dd C_MODRM ; 19
dd C_MODRM ; 1A
dd C_MODRM ; 1B
dd C_DATAW0 ; 1C
dd C_DATAW0 ; 1D
dd 0 ; 1E
dd 0 ; 1F
dd C_MODRM ; 20
dd C_MODRM ; 21
dd C_MODRM ; 22
dd C_MODRM ; 23
dd C_DATAW0 ; 24
dd C_DATAW0 ; 25
dd C_PREFIX ; 26
dd 0 ; 27
dd C_MODRM ; 28
dd C_MODRM ; 29
dd C_MODRM ; 2A
dd C_MODRM ; 2B
dd C_DATAW0 ; 2C
dd C_DATAW0 ; 2D
dd C_PREFIX ; 2E
dd 0 ; 2F
dd C_MODRM ; 30
dd C_MODRM ; 31
dd C_MODRM ; 32
dd C_MODRM ; 33
dd C_DATAW0 ; 34
dd C_DATAW0 ; 35
dd C_PREFIX ; 36
dd 0 ; 37
dd C_MODRM ; 38
dd C_MODRM ; 39
dd C_MODRM ; 3A
dd C_MODRM ; 3B
dd C_DATAW0 ; 3C
dd C_DATAW0 ; 3D
dd C_PREFIX ; 3E
dd 0 ; 3F
dd 0 ; 40
dd 0 ; 41
dd 0 ; 42
dd 0 ; 43
dd 0 ; 44
dd 0 ; 45
dd 0 ; 46
dd 0 ; 47
dd 0 ; 48
dd 0 ; 49
dd 0 ; 4A
dd 0 ; 4B
dd 0 ; 4C
dd 0 ; 4D
dd 0 ; 4E
dd 0 ; 4F
dd 0 ; 50
dd 0 ; 51
dd 0 ; 52
dd 0 ; 53
dd 0 ; 54
dd 0 ; 55
dd 0 ; 56
dd 0 ; 57
dd 0 ; 58
dd 0 ; 59
dd 0 ; 5A
dd 0 ; 5B
dd 0 ; 5C
dd 0 ; 5D
dd 0 ; 5E
dd 0 ; 5F
dd 0 ; 60
dd 0 ; 61
dd C_MODRM ; 62
dd C_MODRM ; 63
dd C_PREFIX ; 64
dd C_PREFIX ; 65
dd C_PREFIX+C_66 ; 66
dd C_PREFIX+C_67 ; 67
dd C_DATA66 ; 68
dd C_MODRM+C_DATA66 ; 69
dd C_DATA1 ; 6A
dd 0 ; 6C
dd 0 ; 6D
dd 0 ; 6E
dd 0 ; 6F
dd C_DATA1 ; 70
dd C_DATA1 ; 71
dd C_DATA1 ; 72
dd C_DATA1 ; 73
dd C_DATA1 ; 74
dd C_DATA1 ; 75
dd C_DATA1 ; 76
dd C_DATA1 ; 77
dd C_DATA1 ; 78
dd C_DATA1 ; 79
dd C_DATA1 ; 7A
dd C_DATA1 ; 7B
dd C_DATA1 ; 7C
dd C_DATA1 ; 7D
dd C_DATA1 ; 7E
dd C_DATA1 ; 7F
dd C_MODRM+C_DATA1 ; 80
dd C_MODRM+C_DATA66 ; 81
dd C_MODRM+C_DATA1 ; 82
dd C_MODRM+C_DATA1 ; 83
dd C_MODRM ; 84
dd C_MODRM ; 85
dd C_MODRM ; 86
dd C_MODRM ; 87
dd C_MODRM ; 88
dd C_MODRM ; 89
dd C_MODRM ; 8A
dd C_MODRM ; 8B
dd C_MODRM ; 8C
dd C_MODRM ; 8D
dd C_MODRM ; 8E
dd C_MODRM ; 8F
dd 0 ; 90
dd 0 ; 91
dd 0 ; 92
dd 0 ; 93
dd 0 ; 94
dd 0 ; 95
dd 0 ; 96
dd 0 ; 97
dd 0 ; 98
dd 0 ; 99
dd C_DATA66+C_MEM2 ; 9A
dd 0 ; 9B
dd 0 ; 9C
dd 0 ; 9D
dd 0 ; 9E
dd 0 ; 9F
dd C_MEM67 ; A0
dd C_MEM67 ; A1
dd C_MEM67 ; A2
dd C_MEM67 ; A3
dd 0 ; A4
dd 0 ; A5
dd 0 ; A6
dd 0 ; A7
dd C_DATA1 ; A8
dd C_DATA66 ; A9
dd 0 ; AA
dd 0 ; AB
dd 0 ; AC
dd 0 ; AD
dd 0 ; AE
dd 0 ; AF
dd C_DATA1 ; B0
dd C_DATA1 ; B1
dd C_DATA1 ; B2
dd C_DATA1 ; B3
dd C_DATA1 ; B4
dd C_DATA1 ; B5
dd C_DATA1 ; B6
dd C_DATA1 ; B7
dd C_DATA66 ; B8
dd C_DATA66 ; B9
dd C_DATA66 ; BA
dd C_DATA66 ; BB
dd C_DATA66 ; BC
dd C_DATA66 ; BD
dd C_DATA66 ; BE
dd C_DATA66 ; BF
dd C_DATA2 ; C2
dd 0 ; C3
dd C_MODRM ; C4
dd C_MODRM ; C5
dd C_MODRM+C_DATA66 ; C7
dd C_DATA2+C_DATA1 ; C8
dd 0 ; C9
dd C_DATA2 ; CA
dd 0 ; CB
dd 0 ; CC
dd 0 ; CD
dd 0 ; CE
dd 0 ; CF
dd C_MODRM ; D0
dd C_MODRM ; D1
dd C_MODRM ; D2
dd C_MODRM ; D3
dd C_DATA1 ; D4
dd C_DATA1 ; D5
dd 0 ; D6
dd 0 ; D7
dd C_MODRM ; D8
dd C_MODRM ; D9
dd C_DATA1 ; E0
dd C_DATA1 ; E1
dd C_DATA1 ; E2
dd C_DATA1 ; E3
dd C_DATA1 ; E4
dd C_DATA1 ; E5
dd C_DATA1 ; E6
dd C_DATA1 ; E7
dd C_DATA66 ; E8
dd C_DATA66 ; E9
dd C_DATA66+C_MEM2 ; EA
dd C_DATA1 ; EB
dd 0 ; EC
dd 0 ; ED
dd 0 ; EE
dd 0 ; EF
dd C_PREFIX ; F0
dd 0 ; F1
dd C_PREFIX ; F2
dd C_PREFIX ; F3
dd 0 ; F4
dd 0 ; F5
dd 0 ; F6
dd 0 ; F7
dd 0 ; F8
dd 0 ; F9
dd 0 ; FA
dd 0 ; FB
dd 0 ; FC
dd 0 ; FD
table_0F label dword ; 0F-prefixed instructions
dd C_MODRM ; 00
dd C_MODRM ; 01
dd C_MODRM ; 02
dd C_MODRM ; 03
dd -1 ; 04
dd -1 ; 05
dd 0 ; 06
dd -1 ; 07
dd 0 ; 08
dd 0 ; 09
dd 0 ; 0A
dd 0 ; 0B
dd -1 ; 0C
dd -1 ; 0D
dd -1 ; 0E
dd -1 ; 0F
dd -1 ; 10
dd -1 ; 11
dd -1 ; 12
dd -1 ; 13
dd -1 ; 14
dd -1 ; 15
dd -1 ; 16
dd -1 ; 17
dd -1 ; 18
dd -1 ; 19
dd -1 ; 1A
dd -1 ; 1B
dd -1 ; 1C
dd -1 ; 1D
dd -1 ; 1E
dd -1 ; 1F
dd -1 ; 20
dd -1 ; 21
dd -1 ; 22
dd -1 ; 23
dd -1 ; 24
dd -1 ; 25
dd -1 ; 26
dd -1 ; 27
dd -1 ; 28
dd -1 ; 29
dd -1 ; 2A
dd -1 ; 2B
dd -1 ; 2C
dd -1 ; 2D
dd -1 ; 2E
dd -1 ; 2F
dd -1 ; 30
dd -1 ; 31
dd -1 ; 32
dd -1 ; 33
dd -1 ; 34
dd -1 ; 35
dd -1 ; 36
dd -1 ; 37
dd -1 ; 38
dd -1 ; 39
dd -1 ; 3A
dd -1 ; 3B
dd -1 ; 3C
dd -1 ; 3D
dd -1 ; 3E
dd -1 ; 3F
dd -1 ; 40
dd -1 ; 41
dd -1 ; 42
dd -1 ; 43
dd -1 ; 44
dd -1 ; 45
dd -1 ; 46
dd -1 ; 47
dd -1 ; 48
dd -1 ; 49
dd -1 ; 4A
dd -1 ; 4B
dd -1 ; 4C
dd -1 ; 4D
dd -1 ; 4E
dd -1 ; 4F
dd -1 ; 50
dd -1 ; 51
dd -1 ; 52
dd -1 ; 53
dd -1 ; 54
dd -1 ; 55
dd -1 ; 56
dd -1 ; 57
dd -1 ; 58
dd -1 ; 59
dd -1 ; 5A
dd -1 ; 5B
dd -1 ; 5C
dd -1 ; 5D
dd -1 ; 5E
dd -1 ; 5F
dd -1 ; 60
dd -1 ; 61
dd -1 ; 62
dd -1 ; 63
dd -1 ; 64
dd -1 ; 65
dd -1 ; 66
dd -1 ; 67
dd -1 ; 68
dd -1 ; 69
dd -1 ; 6A
dd -1 ; 6B
dd -1 ; 6C
dd -1 ; 6D
dd -1 ; 6E
dd -1 ; 6F
dd -1 ; 70
dd -1 ; 71
dd -1 ; 72
dd -1 ; 73
dd -1 ; 74
dd -1 ; 75
dd -1 ; 76
dd -1 ; 77
dd -1 ; 78
dd -1 ; 79
dd -1 ; 7A
dd -1 ; 7B
dd -1 ; 7C
dd -1 ; 7D
dd -1 ; 7E
dd -1 ; 7F
dd C_DATA66 ; 80
dd C_DATA66 ; 81
dd C_DATA66 ; 82
dd C_DATA66 ; 83
dd C_DATA66 ; 84
dd C_DATA66 ; 85
dd C_DATA66 ; 86
dd C_DATA66 ; 87
dd C_DATA66 ; 88
dd C_DATA66 ; 89
dd C_DATA66 ; 8A
dd C_DATA66 ; 8B
dd C_DATA66 ; 8C
dd C_DATA66 ; 8D
dd C_DATA66 ; 8E
dd C_DATA66 ; 8F
dd C_MODRM ; 90
dd C_MODRM ; 91
dd C_MODRM ; 92
dd C_MODRM ; 93
dd C_MODRM ; 94
dd C_MODRM ; 95
dd C_MODRM ; 96
dd C_MODRM ; 97
dd C_MODRM ; 98
dd C_MODRM ; 99
dd C_MODRM ; 9A
dd C_MODRM ; 9B
dd C_MODRM ; 9C
dd C_MODRM ; 9D
dd C_MODRM ; 9E
dd C_MODRM ; 9F
dd 0 ; A0
dd 0 ; A1
dd 0 ; A2
dd C_MODRM ; A3
dd C_MODRM ; A5
dd -1 ; A6
dd -1 ; A7
dd 0 ; A8
dd 0 ; A9
dd 0 ; AA
dd -1 ; AE
dd C_MODRM ; B0
dd C_MODRM ; B1
dd C_MODRM ; B2
dd C_MODRM ; B3
dd C_MODRM ; B4
dd C_MODRM ; B5
dd C_MODRM ; B6
dd C_MODRM ; B7
dd -1 ; B8
dd -1 ; B9
dd C_MODRM ; C0
dd C_MODRM ; C1
dd -1 ; C2
dd -1 ; C3
dd -1 ; C4
dd -1 ; C5
dd -1 ; C6
dd -1 ; C7
dd 0 ; C8
dd 0 ; C9
dd 0 ; CA
dd 0 ; CB
dd 0 ; CC
dd 0 ; CD
dd 0 ; CE
dd 0 ; CF
dd -1 ; D0
dd -1 ; D1
dd -1 ; D2
dd -1 ; D3
dd -1 ; D4
dd -1 ; D5
dd -1 ; D6
dd -1 ; D7
dd -1 ; D8
dd -1 ; D9
dd -1 ; DA
dd -1 ; DB
dd -1 ; DC
dd -1 ; DD
dd -1 ; DE
dd -1 ; DF
dd -1 ; E0
dd -1 ; E1
dd -1 ; E2
dd -1 ; E3
dd -1 ; E4
dd -1 ; E5
dd -1 ; E6
dd -1 ; E7
dd -1 ; E8
dd -1 ; E9
dd -1 ; EA
dd -1 ; EB
dd -1 ; EC
dd -1 ; ED
dd -1 ; EE
dd -1 ; EF
dd -1 ; F0
dd -1 ; F1
dd -1 ; F2
dd -1 ; F3
dd -1 ; F4
dd -1 ; F5
dd -1 ; F6
dd -1 ; F7
dd -1 ; F8
dd -1 ; F9
dd -1 ; FA
dd -1 ; FB
dd -1 ; FC
dd -1 ; FD
dd -1 ; FE
dd -1 ; FF
Now we are able to get instruction length on arbitrary address. We will
repeat this call until 5 bytes are read. After this we will copy these bytes
to old_hook. We know how long are first instructions, so we can fill out the
relative jump address on the next instruction in original function.
.model flat, stdcall
kernel_name db "kernel32.dll",0
sleep_name db "Sleep",0
MEM_RELEASE dd 000008000h
;16 nops + one relative jump
old_sleep db 090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,
push 5000
call Sleep
push offset kernel_name
call GetModuleHandleA
push offset sleep_name
push eax
call GetProcAddress
push eax
mov esi,eax
xor ecx,ecx
mov ebx,esi
push ecx
push ebx
call get_instr_len ;calling LDE32
pop ecx
add ecx,eax
add ebx,eax
cmp ecx,5
jb get_five_bytes
mov edi,offset old_sleep ;counting relative jump address
mov [edi+011h],ebx
sub [edi+011h],edi
sub dword ptr [edi+011h],015h
rep movsb
pop edi
;following code was above, so without comments
push 0
call VirtualAlloc
test eax,eax
jz do_sleep
mov esi,eax
push esi
push edi
call VirtualQuery
test eax,eax
jz free_mem
call GetCurrentProcess
push 5
push edi
push eax
call FlushInstructionCache
lea eax,[esi+014h]
push eax
lea eax,[esi+00Ch]
push [eax]
push [esi]
call VirtualProtect
test eax,eax
jz free_mem
mov byte ptr [edi],0E9h
mov eax,offset new_sleep
sub eax,edi
sub eax,5
inc edi
push offset old_protect
lea eax,[esi+014h]
push [eax]
lea eax,[esi+00Ch]
push [eax]
push [esi]
call VirtualProtect
push 0
push esi
call VirtualFree
push 5000
call Sleep
push 0
call ExitProcess
mov eax,dword ptr [esp+004h]
add eax,eax ;doubling timeout
push eax
mov eax,offset old_sleep ;calling old function
call eax
ret 004h
After the hook it will look like this:
004010CC: 6888130000 push 000001388h
004010D1: E818090000 call Sleep
Sleep: ;this is jump on address in IAT
004019EE: FF2514204000 jmp dword ptr [000402014h]
00402014: 79 67 E8 77 6C 7D E8 77
77E86779: E95FA95788 jmp 0004010DDh
004010DD: 8B442404 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+4]
004010E1: 03C0 add eax,eax
004010E3: 50 push eax
004010E4: B827304000 mov eax,000403027h
004010E9: FFD0 call eax
00403027: 6A00 push 0
00403029: FF742408 push dword ptr [esp+8]
0040302D: 90 nop
0040302E: 90 nop
0040302F: 90 nop
00403030: 90 nop
00403031: 90 nop
00403032: 90 nop
00403033: 90 nop
00403034: 90 nop
00403035: 90 nop
00403036: 90 nop
00403037: E94337A877 jmp Kernel32.77E8677F
;this instruction is placed 1 byte after first instruction at Kernel32.Sleep
77E8677F: E803000000 call Kernel32.SleepEx
... ;following is unimportant
To make this clearer, this is how the original version of Kernel32.Sleep looks:
77E86779: 6A00 push 0
77E8677B: FF742408 push dword ptr [esp+8]
77E8677F: E803000000 call Kernel32.SleepEx
77E86784: C20400 ret 00004h
As you can see we copied first and second instruction (it was 6 bytes
here) and the relative jump pointed on the next instruction and that is how
it should be. We have to supposed here that relative jumps are not placed
as the first bytes of functions. If there would be we've got a problem. Next
problem is with APIs like ntdll.DbgBreakPoint. These are too short for this
method of hooking. And forasmuch as it is called by Kernel32.DebugBreak, it is
not hookable by changing IAT. But who want to hook function which does only
the int 3 call? But nothing is impossible. You can think about it and you can
find how to solve this. As I was thinking about this you can hook the following
function after this one (it would be damaged by rewritng first 5 bytes of the
previous function). Function DbgBreakPoint is 2 bytes long, so we can set some
flags here and try to write conditional jump on the begining of the second
function ... But this is not our problem now.
With the problem of saving original function relates then unhooking.
Unhooking is changing replaces bytes back to the original state. When rewriting
IAT you will have to return original address to the table if you want to do
unhooking. When using the five byte patch you will have to copy first original
instructions back. Both ways are realy simple and no need to write more about
=====[ 3.2.4 Other process hooking ]============================================
Now we will do something practical with hooking during running. Who
want to deal with hooking own process? That is good only for learning basics
but it is not much practical.
I'll show you three methods of other process hooking. Two of them use
API CreateRemoteThread which is only in Windows with NT technology. The problem
of hooking is not so interesing for older windows version for me. After all
I will try to explain third method which I didn't practise, so it could be
At first few about CreateRemoteThread. As the help says this function
creates new thread in any process and runs its code.
HANDLE CreateRemoteThread(
HANDLE hProcess,
DWORD dwStackSize,
LPVOID lpParameter,
DWORD dwCreationFlags,
LPDWORD lpThreadId
The handle hProcess can be get by OpenProcess. Here we have to have
necessary rights. The pointer lpStartAddress points on memory place in TARGET
process where the first instruction for new thread is. Because new thread is
created in target process it is in memory of target process. The pointer
lpParameter points on argument which will be refered to the new thread.
=====[ DLL Injection ]==================================================
We are able to run new thread from any place in target process memory.
This is useless unless we have own code in it. The first method cheats on this.
It uses GetProcAddress to get actual address for LoadLibrary. Then routes
lpStartAddress to the address of LoadLibrary. Function LoadLibary has only one
parameter like the function for new thread in target process.
HINSTANCE LoadLibrary(
LPCTSTR lpLibFileName
We will use this similarity and we will refer the name of our DLL
library as lpParameter. After running new thread lpParameter will be on a place
of lpLibFileName. The most important thing here is behavior decribed above.
After loading new module into target process memory the initialization part is
executed. If we place specific functions which will hook functions we want to
we will win this stuff. After execution of initialization part, the thread will
have nothing to do and close but our module is still in memory. This method is
realy nice and easy to implement. This is called DLL Injection. But if you are
like I am, you don't like must of having DLL library. But if one doesn't care
about having this library it is the easiest and the fastest method (from the
programmers sight).
=====[ Independent code ]===============================================
Going on the way of independent code is very difficult but also very
impressive thing. Independent code is the code without any statical addresses.
Everything is relative in it towards some specific place in itself. This code
is mostly done if we don't know the address where this code will be executed.
Sure, it is possible to get this address and then to relink our code so as it
will behave on the new address without errors but this is even harder than
coding independent code. Example of this kind of code can be the virus code.
The virus which infects executables in the way it adds itself somewhere into
this executable. In different executables will be the virus code on different
places depended e.g. on file structure on length.
At first we have to insert our code into target process. Then function
CreateRemoteThread will take care of running our code. So, at first we have to
get some information about target process and get handle with OpenProcess.
Then VirtualAllocEx will alloc some space in remote process memory for our
code. Finally we will use WriteProcessMemory to write our code on allocated
memory and run it. In CreateRemoteThread lpStartAddress will refer to allocated
memory and lpParameter can be whatever we want. Because I realy don't like any
unnecesarry files I use this method.
=====[ Raw change ]=====================================================
There is not CreateRemoteThread in older windows version (without NT).
So we can't use this for hooking. There are probably other and better methods
how to hook than the method I will talk about now. In fact I don't know if this
will work in practice (one never know when use Windows) but theoretically is
everything ok.
We don't need to have our code in target process to hook its functions
at all. We have function WriteProcessMemory (this should be in all Windows
version) and we have OpenProcess, too. Last thing we need is VirtualProtectEx
which can change access to memory pages in target process. I can't see any
reason why not to hook target process functions directly from our process...
=====[ 4. Ending ]==============================================================
This small document ends. I will greet any extension which will
describe unmentionde methods of hook, I am sure there are a lot of them. I will
also greet any extensions in the parts which were not described so intimately.
You can also send me some source codes if they are fecund for the problem of
hooking e.g. for parts where I was lazy to write the code. The goal of this
document is to show deatails of every technics of hooking. I hope I've done
the part of this.
Special thanks to Z0MBiE for his work, so I haven't to code it myself
and spend ages by studying tables for getting instruction length.
===================================[ End ]======================================