Standard user's in big companies usually runs as unprivileged users, thus they cannot execute admin tasks. But sometimes it's necessary to run a task with admin rights (automated software deploy) - runas, in some situations, is a bad idea because it needs a user and a clear text password (and no, the password compiled in an exe file is not very safe!).

So my idea is, let those tasks run as system user with the task scheduler. Microsoft provides a great tool, jt.exe, an extended at.exe command line task scheduler. The scheduled task will be created without a schedule (funny eh?) and will be executed manually by the user. Here is the step by step instruction:

1) Installation phase (as administrator):

We create a scheduler config file with this content:
/sj ApplicationName = "C:\123.cmd"
/sj WorkingDirectory = "C:\"
/sj Comment = "just a stupid comment"
/sj SystemRequired = 1
/saj jobname
/sm localhost
/sc "" NULL
To get detailed help what those switches means, have a look at jt.exe's help function. The most important stuff is, this scheduled task should execute a file called c:\123.cmd as system user.

Now create the job itself:
 > jt.exe @path\to\the\file\above
Example output:
C:\> jt.exe @C:\mytask.txt
[TRACE] Setting job's properties
[TRACE] Setting job's properties
[TRACE] Setting job's properties
[TRACE] Setting job's properties
[TRACE] Adding job 'jobname'
[TRACE] Setting target computer to 'localhost'
[TRACE] Setting account information

The Job file is now created, you can verify it by browsing to %windir%\tasks, there should be a new jobname.job file. Now, here comes the important task, change the file permission of the jobname.job file and add write access (change right) for your users (everyone, users or whatever you prefer).

Of course you should now edit the file c:\123.cmd and add some more or less intelligent content.

2) User Phase

The user can now run C:\123.cmd as SYSTEM user by entering this command:
 > jt.exe /sac jobname /rj
That’s it! Feel free to post your experiences..

Download jt.exe here (Microsoft FTP).