《Java 1.5 Tiger 》Study Notes

《Java 1.5 Tiger 》Study Notes

Click on the chapter title to see details

Chapter 1. What's New?

1.1 Working with Arrays
1.2 Using Queues
1.3 Ordering Queues Using Comparators
1.4 Overriding Return Types
1.5 Taking Advantage of Better Unicode
1.6 Adding StringBuilder to the Mix 

Chapter 2. Generics

2.1 Using Type-Safe Lists
2.2 Using Type-Safe Maps
2.3 Iterating Over Parameterized Types
2.4 Accepting Parameterized Types as Arguments
2.5 Returning Parameterized Types
2.6 Using Parameterized Types as Type Parameters
2.7 Checking for Lint
2.8 Generics and Type Conversions
2.9 Using Type Wildcards
2.10 Writing Generic Types
2.11 Restricting Type Parameters

Chapter 3. Enumerated Types

3.1 Creating an Enum
3.2 Declaring Enums Inline
3.3 Iterating Over Enums
3.4 Switching on Enums
3.5 Maps of Enums
3.6 Sets of Enums
3.7 Adding Methods to an Enum
3.8 Implemening Interfaces with Enums
3.9 Value-Specific Class Bodies
3.10 Manually Defining an Enum
3.11 Extending an Enum

Chapter 4. Autoboxing and Unboxing

4.1 Converting Primitives to Wrapper Types
4.2 Coverting Wrapper Types to Primitives
4.3 Incrementing and Decrementing Wrapper Types
4.4 Boolean Versus boolean
4.5 Conditionals and Unboxing
4.6 Control Statements and Unboxing
4.7 Method Overload Resolution

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