可视化Ping工具:Ping Tester Pro 8.18 便携版(Portable/已注册)

【转】可视化Ping工具:Ping Tester Pro 8.18 便携版(Portable/已注册)

  Ping Tester Pro是一款可视化的网络Ping工具。它提供了很多选项,包括Ping时间间隔、缓冲块大小已经Ping次数等,还可以计划Ping的运行时间。支持的特性有:对一个IP多一组IP进行Ping操作;快速扫描一组IP;在Windows窗口中运行DOS命令;可在计划的时间自动运行Ping操作;输出报告以分析;支持将结果导出问txt文件或excel表格。

  经过分析,我将Ping Tester Pro做成了便携软件,不对系统注册表和文件系统(软件目录除外)有任何改变,所有的配置和更改保存在软件目录下的"Config"文件夹中,如果需要重置软件设置的话,只需将"Config"文件夹删除即可,再次运行则重新生成配置文件夹。

  由于软件经过打包,可能有杀软报告,是误报现象,文件本身肯定没问题,我用 驱逐舰扫描没有发现异常!关于便携软件(Portable Soft)的详细说明,请 参考这里。

* Set different interval and send buffer size per packets, more reports.
* PingTester can store a list of IP addresses and network test commands to increase the working efficiency, perform ping test by one click, 'ping sweep' subnets or interval ping all the hosts on a list continuously, save the individual ping records to a txt or CSV file, generate statistics reports which group by specified time interval, so that you can know the network connection status of each period. All dos commands can run in the Windows form.

* Ping one or a group of IP addresses.
* Quick scan a group of IP.
* Run all dos commands in the Windows form.
* Automatically run the job at scheduled time.
* Generate summary report for analyzing.
* Export the test results to .txt or .csv / Excel file.

软件主页: http://anonymouse.org/cgi-bin/anon-www.cgi/http://www.pingtester.net/proversion.htm(无法直接访问,我加了在线代理连接)

Fs2You下载Ping Tester Pro 8.18 便携版(Portable/已注册)



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