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/************************************************************************************************** Filename: main.c Description: 裸机下的SPI从机代码 Date: 2015-06-17 Author: 甜甜的大香瓜 **************************************************************************************************/ #include <ioCC2540.h> #include <string.h> //****************************************************************************** // MACROS //****************************************************************************** //引脚 usart1 spi —— alt.2 #define SPI_CS P1_4 #define SPI_CLK P1_5 #define SPI_MOSI P1_6 #define SPI_MISO P1_7 //寄存器 #define UxCSR U1CSR #define UxUCR U1UCR #define UxDBUF U1DBUF #define UxBAUD U1BAUD #define UxGCR U1GCR #define PxSEL P1SEL #define HAL_UART_PERCFG_BIT 0x02 // USART1 on P1, Alt-2; so set this bit. #define HAL_UART_PRIPO 0x40 // USART1 priority over UART0. #define HAL_UART_Px_SEL_S 0xF0 // Peripheral I/O Select for Slave: SO/SI/CLK/CSn. #define HAL_UART_Px_SEL_M 0xE0 // Peripheral I/O Select for Master: MI/MO/CLK. // UxCSR - USART Control and Status Register. #define CSR_MODE 0x80 #define CSR_RE 0x40 #define CSR_SLAVE 0x20 #define CSR_FE 0x10 #define CSR_ERR 0x08 #define CSR_RX_BYTE 0x04 #define CSR_TX_BYTE 0x02 #define CSR_ACTIVE 0x01 // UxUCR - USART UART Control Register. #define UCR_FLUSH 0x80 #define UCR_FLOW 0x40 #define UCR_D9 0x20 #define UCR_BIT9 0x10 #define UCR_PARITY 0x08 #define UCR_SPB 0x04 #define UCR_STOP 0x02 #define UCR_START 0x01 //其他 #define uint8 unsigned char #define uint16 unsigned short //****************************************************************************** //name: test //introduce: 测试 //parameter: none //return: none //****************************************************************************** uint8 tx_buf[256] = {0}; uint8 rx_buf[256] = {0}; uint8 tx_index = 0; uint8 rx_index = 0; void test_init(void) { uint16 i = 0; for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { tx_buf[i] = i; } } void test(void) { UTX1IF = 0; if(UxCSR & CSR_RX_BYTE){ //receive a byte rx_buf[rx_index++] = UxDBUF; UxDBUF = tx_buf[tx_index++]; } } //**************************************************************************** //名 称: SPI_Init() //功 能: 无 //入口参数: 无 //出口参数: 无 //**************************************************************************** void SPI_Init(void) { volatile uint8 receive = 0; PERCFG |= HAL_UART_PERCFG_BIT; // Set UART1 I/O to Alt. 2 location on P1. PxSEL |= HAL_UART_Px_SEL_S; // SPI-Slave peripheral select. UxCSR = CSR_SLAVE; // Mode is SPI-Slave Mode. UxUCR = UCR_FLUSH; // Flush it. UxGCR |= (1 << 5); // Set bit order to MSB. //UxGCR &= ~(1 << 6); // CPHA UxGCR |= (1 << 6); // CPHA UxGCR |= (1 << 7); // CPOL TCON &= ~(1 << 7); //清空usart1接收中断标志位 IEN0 |= (1 << 3); //使能usart1接收中断 IP0 &= ~(1 << 3); //设置spi的中断组为等级2 IP1 |= (1 << 3); UxCSR |= CSR_RE; //使能 //SPI_Response_Byte(RESPONSE_RECEIVING); //将0xF4写入发送寄存器中待发送 UxDBUF = tx_buf[tx_index++]; receive = UxDBUF; //读寄存器,防止里面有残留数据 //测试!!!!!!! test_init(); } //**************************************************************************** //程序入口函数 //**************************************************************************** void main(void) { CLKCONCMD &= ~0x40; //设置系统时钟源为32MHZ晶振 while(CLKCONSTA & 0x40); //等待晶振稳定为32M CLKCONCMD &= ~0x47; //设置系统主时钟频率为32MHZ EA = 1; SPI_Init(); //调用串口初始化函数 while(1); } //****************************************************************************** //name: SPI_Rx_ISR //introduce: SPI接收中断函数 //parameter: none //return: none //****************************************************************************** #pragma vector = URX1_VECTOR __interrupt void SPI_Rx_ISR(void) { test(); }
/************************************************************************************************** Filename: spi.c Description: spi slave driver Date: 2015-06-17 Author: 甜甜的大香瓜 **************************************************************************************************/ //****************************************************************************** // INCLUDES //****************************************************************************** #include <ioCC2541.h> #include "spi.h" #include "OSAL.h" #include "hal_mcu.h" #include <string.h> //****************************************************************************** // MACROS //****************************************************************************** //引脚 usart1 spi —— alt.2 #define SPI_CS P1_4 #define SPI_CLK P1_5 #define SPI_MOSI P1_6 #define SPI_MISO P1_7 //寄存器 #define UxCSR U1CSR #define UxUCR U1UCR #define UxDBUF U1DBUF #define UxBAUD U1BAUD #define UxGCR U1GCR #define PxSEL P1SEL #define HAL_UART_PERCFG_BIT 0x02 // USART1 on P1, Alt-2; so set this bit. #define HAL_UART_PRIPO 0x40 // USART1 priority over UART0. #define HAL_UART_Px_SEL_S 0xF0 // Peripheral I/O Select for Slave: SO/SI/CLK/CSn. #define HAL_UART_Px_SEL_M 0xE0 // Peripheral I/O Select for Master: MI/MO/CLK. // UxCSR - USART Control and Status Register. #define CSR_MODE 0x80 #define CSR_RE 0x40 #define CSR_SLAVE 0x20 #define CSR_FE 0x10 #define CSR_ERR 0x08 #define CSR_RX_BYTE 0x04 #define CSR_TX_BYTE 0x02 #define CSR_ACTIVE 0x01 // UxUCR - USART UART Control Register. #define UCR_FLUSH 0x80 #define UCR_FLOW 0x40 #define UCR_D9 0x20 #define UCR_BIT9 0x10 #define UCR_PARITY 0x08 #define UCR_SPB 0x04 #define UCR_STOP 0x02 #define UCR_START 0x01 //其他 #define uint8 unsigned char #define uint16 unsigned short //协议相关 #define SPI_MAX_PACKET_LEN 39 #define SPI_MAX_DATA_LEN 35 #define SPI_SOF 0x7E // Start-of-frame delimiter for SPI transport. #define SPI_EOF 0x7F // End-of-frame delimiter for SPI transport. #define Head_CTRL 1 #define Head_COMMAND 0 #define Head(x) ((p_spi_protocol_data->Head >> x) & 0x01) #define COMMAND_RF 1 #define COMMAND_BLE 0 #define SPI_LEN_INCR(LEN) st ( \ if (++(LEN) >= (SPI_MAX_DATA_LEN - 1)) \ { \ (LEN) = 0; \ } \ ) #define DATA_RESET(); {spiRxSte = spiRxSteSOF; spiRxIndex = 0;} //****************************************************************************** // GLOBAL VARIABLES //****************************************************************************** // typedef enum{ RESPONSE_RECEIVING = 0xF4, //正在接收 RESPONSE_RECEIVED = 0xF6, //接收完毕 RESPONSE_RESEND = 0xF7 //请求重发 }SPI_RESPONSE_BYTE; // typedef enum{ SPI_MALLOC_DATA_RIGHT, SPI_MALLOC_DATA_ERROR, }SPI_MALLOC_DATA_STATUS; //协议包 typedef enum{ spiRxSteSOF, spiRxSteLen, spiRxSteData } spiRxSte_t; //SPI接收状态 typedef enum{ SPI_RxStatus_Receiving, SPI_RxStatus_Received, SPI_RxStatus_Right, SPI_RxStatus_Error } SPI_RXSTATUS; //协议中的核心数据 typedef struct{ uint8 Length; uint8 Head; uint8 Sequence; uint8 Binary[32]; }SPI_PROTOCOL_DATA; SPI_PROTOCOL_DATA *p_spi_protocol_data; //接收数据要的全局变量 spiRxSte_t spiRxSte = spiRxSteSOF; uint16 spiRxFcs = 0; //校验和 uint8 spiRxIndex = 0; //指向接收核心数据缓冲区的第几位 uint8 spi_rx[SPI_MAX_PACKET_LEN] = {0}; //接收缓冲区 SPI_RXSTATUS spi_rx_status = SPI_RxStatus_Receiving; static volatile uint8 check_time = 0; //用于计数主机发送F4的次数,如果过多就超时 //****************************************************************************** // LOCAL FUNCTIONS //****************************************************************************** static void SPI_Response_Byte(SPI_RESPONSE_BYTE tx); static SPI_MALLOC_DATA_STATUS SPI_Malloc_DATA(void); static uint8 SPI_Packet_Receive(void); static SPI_RXSTATUS SPI_Rx_Resolution(void); static SPI_RXSTATUS SPI_Status_Judge(uint8 status); static void SPI_Status_Deal(SPI_RXSTATUS status); //****************************************************************************** //name: test //introduce: 测试 //parameter: none //return: none //****************************************************************************** /* volatile uint8 tx_buf[256] = {0}; volatile uint8 rx_buf[256] = {0}; volatile uint8 tx_index = 0; volatile uint8 rx_index = 0; */ uint8 tx_buf[256] = {0}; uint8 rx_buf[256] = {0}; uint8 tx_index = 0; uint8 rx_index = 0; void test_init(void) { uint16 i = 0; for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { tx_buf[i] = i; } } void test(void) { volatile uint8 aa = 0; rx_buf[rx_index] = UxDBUF; UxDBUF = tx_buf[tx_index]; if(rx_buf[rx_index] == tx_buf[rx_index]){ rx_index++; tx_index++; } else{ aa =0x38; } } //****************************************************************************** //name: SPI_Init //introduce: SPI初始化 //parameter: none //return: none //****************************************************************************** void SPI_Init(void) { volatile uint8 receive = 0; PERCFG |= HAL_UART_PERCFG_BIT; // Set UART1 I/O to Alt. 2 location on P1. PxSEL |= HAL_UART_Px_SEL_S; // SPI-Slave peripheral select. UxCSR = CSR_SLAVE; // Mode is SPI-Slave Mode. UxUCR = UCR_FLUSH; // Flush it. UxGCR |= (1 << 5); // Set bit order to MSB. //UxGCR &= ~(1 << 6); // CPHA UxGCR |= (1 << 6); // CPHA UxGCR |= (1 << 7); // CPOL TCON &= ~(1 << 7); //清空usart1接收中断标志位 IEN0 |= (1 << 3); //使能usart1接收中断 IP0 |= (1 << 3); //设置spi的中断组为等级3 //IP0 &= ~(1 << 3); //设置spi的中断组为等级2 IP1 |= (1 << 3); UxCSR |= CSR_RE; //使能 receive = UxDBUF; //读寄存器,防止里面有残留数据 //UxDBUF = tx_buf[tx_index++]; SPI_Response_Byte(RESPONSE_RECEIVING); //将0xF4写入发送寄存器中待发送 SPI_Malloc_DATA(); //分配内存 //测试!!!!!!! //test_init(); } //****************************************************************************** //name: SPI_Response_Byte //introduce: SPI从机应答函数 //parameter: none //return: none //****************************************************************************** static void SPI_Response_Byte(SPI_RESPONSE_BYTE tx) { UxDBUF = tx; //写到寄存器里 } //****************************************************************************** //name: SPI_Malloc_DATA //introduce: 给通信协议中的核心数据开辟一个缓冲区 //parameter: none //return: none //****************************************************************************** static SPI_MALLOC_DATA_STATUS SPI_Malloc_DATA(void) { //分配内存 p_spi_protocol_data = osal_mem_alloc(sizeof(SPI_PROTOCOL_DATA)); //申请缓冲区buffer //判断是否分配成功 if(p_spi_protocol_data){ //内存分配成功,缓冲区置0 osal_memset(p_spi_protocol_data, 0, sizeof(SPI_PROTOCOL_DATA)); return SPI_MALLOC_DATA_RIGHT; }else{ //内存分配失败,返回错误信息 return SPI_MALLOC_DATA_ERROR; } } //****************************************************************************** //name: SPI_Poll //introduce: 扫描SPI //parameter: none //return: none //****************************************************************************** void SPI_Poll(void) { switch(spi_rx_status) { case SPI_RxStatus_Received: spi_rx_status = SPI_Rx_Resolution(); break; default: //spi_rx_status = SPI_RxStatus_Receiving; break; } } //****************************************************************************** //name: SPI_Rx_Resolution //introduce: 解析接收到的SPI数据 //parameter: none //return: none //****************************************************************************** static SPI_RXSTATUS SPI_Rx_Resolution(void) { uint8 length = spi_rx[0]; uint8 xox_h = spi_rx[length + 1]; uint8 xox_l = spi_rx[length + 2]; uint16 xox = 0; uint8 eof = spi_rx[length + 3]; //清除缓冲区 osal_memset(p_spi_protocol_data, 0, sizeof(SPI_PROTOCOL_DATA)); //拷贝接收缓冲区 osal_memcpy(p_spi_protocol_data, spi_rx, (length + 3)); //计算校验和 for(uint8 i = 0; i < (length + 1); i++){ //length if(i == 0){ xox = p_spi_protocol_data->Length; } //head else if(i == 1){ xox ^= p_spi_protocol_data->Head; } //sequence else if(i == 2){ xox ^= p_spi_protocol_data->Sequence; } //binary else{ xox ^= p_spi_protocol_data->Binary[i - 3]; } } //比较校验和 if((((uint8)(xox >> 8) & 0xff) != xox_h) || ((uint8)(xox & 0xff) != xox_l)){ //校验和出错 return SPI_RxStatus_Error; } //比较EOF if(eof == SPI_EOF){ //处理数据 if(Head(7) == Head_CTRL){ //CTRL switch((p_spi_protocol_data->Head) & 0x7F) //内部指令 { case 0x00:break; case 0x01:break; case 0x02:break; case 0x03:break; case 0x04:break; default:break; } } else{ //COMMAND switch((p_spi_protocol_data->Head) & (1 << 5)) { case COMMAND_BLE: break; case COMMAND_RF: break; default: break; } } return SPI_RxStatus_Right; } else{ return SPI_RxStatus_Error; } } //****************************************************************************** //name: SPI_Packet_Receive //introduce: SPI数据包接收 //parameter: none //return: 0:接收正常,1数据全部接收完毕,2数据出错,3扫描超时 //****************************************************************************** static uint8 SPI_Packet_Receive(void) { uint8 ch = UxDBUF; //接收数据 switch (spiRxSte) { //包头 case spiRxSteSOF: //包头 DATA_RESET(); if (ch == SPI_SOF){ spiRxSte = spiRxSteLen; //包头正常,指向长度段 check_time = 0; } else if (ch == 0xF5){ //超时处理 if(check_time++ > 200){ check_time = 0; return 3; } } else{ return 2; //包头接收出错 } break; //数据长度 case spiRxSteLen: //数据长度 if((ch >= 3) && (ch <= 34)){ spi_rx[spiRxIndex++] = ch; //保存数据长度 spiRxSte = spiRxSteData; //指向数据接收 } else{ DATA_RESET(); return 2; //包头接收出错 } break; //其他数据 case spiRxSteData: spi_rx[spiRxIndex] = ch; //保存数据 if(spiRxIndex++ == (spi_rx[0] + 3)){ //判断数据是否接收完 DATA_RESET(); return 1; //接收完毕 } break; default: DATA_RESET(); return 2; //数据出错 break; } return 0; //正常 } //****************************************************************************** //name: SPI_Packet_Receive //introduce: 状态判断 //parameter: none //return: 0:接收正常,1数据全部接收完毕,2数据出错 //****************************************************************************** static SPI_RXSTATUS SPI_Status_Judge(uint8 status) { switch(status) { //正在接收 case 0: return SPI_RxStatus_Receiving; //接收完毕 case 1: return SPI_RxStatus_Received; //接收出错 case 2: return SPI_RxStatus_Error; //扫描超时出错 case 3: return SPI_RxStatus_Error; default: return SPI_RxStatus_Error; } } //****************************************************************************** //name: SPI_Status_Deal //introduce: 状态处理 //parameter: none //return: none //****************************************************************************** static void SPI_Status_Deal(SPI_RXSTATUS status) { switch(status) { //正在接收 case SPI_RxStatus_Receiving: SPI_Response_Byte(RESPONSE_RECEIVING); break; //接收完毕 case SPI_RxStatus_Received: SPI_Response_Byte(RESPONSE_RECEIVING); break; //接收出错 case SPI_RxStatus_Error: spi_rx_status = SPI_RxStatus_Receiving; //下次状态改回接收 SPI_Response_Byte(RESPONSE_RESEND); break; default:break; } } //****************************************************************************** //name: SPI_Rx_ISR //introduce: SPI接收中断函数 //parameter: none //return: none //****************************************************************************** #pragma vector = URX1_VECTOR __interrupt void SPI_Rx_ISR(void) { uint8 status = 0; HAL_ENTER_ISR(); if(UxCSR & CSR_RX_BYTE){ //receive a byte //test(); switch(spi_rx_status) { case SPI_RxStatus_Receiving: status = SPI_Packet_Receive(); //接收数据 spi_rx_status = SPI_Status_Judge(status); //判断状态 SPI_Status_Deal(spi_rx_status); //处理数据 break; case SPI_RxStatus_Received: SPI_Response_Byte(RESPONSE_RECEIVING); //在接收完毕的状态,一直回0xF4。等待轮询改变状态 break; case SPI_RxStatus_Right: spi_rx_status = SPI_RxStatus_Receiving; //下次状态改回接收 SPI_Response_Byte(RESPONSE_RECEIVED); break; case SPI_RxStatus_Error: spi_rx_status = SPI_RxStatus_Receiving; //下次状态改回接收 SPI_Response_Byte(RESPONSE_RESEND); break; default: break; } } HAL_EXIT_ISR(); }
#ifndef _SPI_H_ #define _SPI_H_ void SPI_Init(void); void SPI_Poll(void); #endif
void Hal_ProcessPoll () { SPI_Poll(); /* UART Poll */ #if (defined HAL_UART) && (HAL_UART == TRUE) HalUARTPoll(); #endif /* HID poll */ #if (defined HAL_HID) && (HAL_HID == TRUE) usbHidProcessEvents(); #endif #if defined( POWER_SAVING ) /* Allow sleep before the next OSAL event loop */ ALLOW_SLEEP_MODE(); #endif }在主轮询中加入SPI的poll轮询函数。
void SimpleBLEPeripheral_Init( uint8 task_id ) { simpleBLEPeripheral_TaskID = task_id; HCI_EXT_HaltDuringRfCmd(HCI_EXT_HALT_DURING_RF_DISABLE);//在RF期间不关闭mcu SPI_Init();//spi初始化 …… //HCI_EXT_ClkDivOnHaltCmd( HCI_EXT_ENABLE_CLK_DIVIDE_ON_HALT );//注释掉 …… }