NetBeans6.1 插件支持 Wicket 1.3.3 Web 框架

今天就发个NetBeans的插件 ,这个插件支持Wicket 1.3.3 . 对于喜欢这个Web 框架的朋友,可以试一试这个插件!

What is New in this Version?
  Latest changes: (1) Wicket 1.3.3 is supported, instead of Wicket 1.3.0, (2) a filter is used in web.xml instead of servlet (as requested in the comments in this plugin page), (3) names of generated templates are much simpler, (4) some superfluous options in configuration panel are removed, (5) the HeaderPanel is now always created, (5) no dummy POJO is created, (6) reference to stylesheet in generated BasePage is now done the Wicket way: using org.apache.wicket.markup.html.resources.StyleSheetReference, which means automatic support for localized stylesheets, and (7) there are now three modules instead of two, because the file templates have been split out into a separate module.

Plugin Owner's Notes
This plugin adds Wicket as a framework for a web application project. The zip file contains three plugins; the two framework Wicket provider modules and the Wicket 1.3.3 Library. Create a new web application and choose Wicket in the Frameworks panel:

Then follow the Wicket tutorial for NetBeans IDE:



你可能感兴趣的:(NetBeans6.1 插件支持 Wicket 1.3.3 Web 框架)