编程过程中碰到个难题,就是它有个void* actorFile指向一长串raw data空间,结构的话,我贴个作业中截出来的图:
void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base, size_t *nelem, size_t width, int(*fcmp)(const void *, const void*))cmp如何才能利用到base呢?后来苦思不得,看了assignment 2的FAQ,有一个问题和回答是这样的:
Question: If I define a top-level comparison function, I don't have access to actorFile or movieFile. How can I translate integer
offsets into movie and actor locations if I don't have access to either of those variables.
Answer: Excellent question. The programmer can pass the address of anything s/he wants as the first argument of bsearch.
You're probably passing the address of a string or a film, but it would make more sense to pass the address of a struct as the key.
You can include anything you think your comparison function will need to do a full comparison of actors and movies. This requires
a genuine understanding of how function pointers and casting works, but it's the genuine understanding that we're shooting for.
int compFunc(const void* key, const void* b){ return strcmp((char*)((int*)key+1) , (char*)*(void**)key+*(int*)b); }
int main(){ void* actorFile=malloc(4*sizeof(int)+4+4+6); int num=3; int first=16; int second=20; int third=24; char* s1="Bob"; char* s2="Ted"; char* s3="Venus"; memcpy(actorFile,&num,sizeof(int)); memcpy((int*)actorFile+1,&first,sizeof(int)); memcpy((int*)actorFile+2,&second,sizeof(int)); memcpy((int*)actorFile+3,&third,sizeof(int)); memcpy((int*)actorFile+4,s1,4); memcpy((int*)actorFile+5,s2,4); memcpy((int*)actorFile+6,s3,6); int numOfActor=*(int*)actorFile; void* key=malloc(sizeof(int)+5); memcpy(key,&actorFile,4); memcpy((int*)key+1,s3,6); void *item=bsearch(key, (int*)actorFile+1, numOfActor, sizeof(int), compFunc); if(item==NULL) cout<<"can not find string"<<endl; else { char* findStr=(char*)actorFile+*(int*)item; cout<<findStr<<endl; } }====================================================== 转载请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/utimes/article/details/8743324