for deleting ue record

@shift 1

@prompt -$G$S

@echo off

@title UltraEdit注册限制重设/注册表清理程序 1.0  By WinManyg001

@color 1f

@echo  UltraEdit ResetTrialdata 1.0 for UE every version

@echo  UltraEdit注册限制重设/注册表清理程序 1.0  适用于所有UE版本

@echo  Rewrite by WinManyg001  重新编写/中文 by WinManyg001

@echo  =====================Readme说明=====================

@echo  The procedures for testing purposes only, to support genuine

@echo  Just for Win2000/WinXP and newer!! 

@echo  UE residue of this procedure for the registration information can be totally     removed and re-used after 45 days ofthe screening test and unloading UE.

@echo  The registered version will become 45-day trial version of the 45-day trial     version will reconsider the date back 45 days! 

@echo  本程序仅供测试,请支持正版

@echo  仅仅支持Win2000/XP和以上的系统!

@echo  这个程序可以将UE残留的注册信息全部清除,用于重新获得45天测试和卸载UE后的清理。

@echo  开始重新设置UE的设置文件和注册信息,已经注册的版本会变成45天试用版,45天试用版  日期会重新变回45天!

@echo  ====================================================

@echo  If you need to cancel import y and then pressing Ctrl+C

@echo  如果您需要取消那么请按下Ctrl+C并输入y

@echo  If you agree this then

@echo  确认



@echo  ===========Starting...============

@echo  ===========开始...============

        reg delete "HKCU\Software\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit" /v "Last Update Check" /f

        reg delete HKCR\CLSID\{02062954-ddc8-424e-bf76-c97e844b1085} /f

        reg delete HKCR\CLSID\{4e0be4eb-63dc-42a0-9a30-0cb1c39ff6b8} /f

        del %systemroot%\uedit32*.cfg /A:H

@        if exist %systemroot%\uedit32.INI del %systemroot%\uedit32.INI /p

        del "%appdata%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit32*.cfg" /A:H

@        if exist "%appdata%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\UEDIT32.INI" del "%appdata%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\UEDIT32.INI" /p


@echo  Finished! Please re-Register Your UE!!

@echo  重新设置UE结束!请重新注册您的UE!!


