Struts2系列—Form Tags(datetimepicker)
我对Struts2的这个标签无语,太强了,有时间好好看看内部是怎么处理的。在这个我再提供给大家一个JavaScript实现的日期选择器,需要声明的是这个JavaScript摘自 kimsoft-jscalendar
@ page language
<% @ taglib prefix = " s " uri = " /struts-tags " %>
<! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" >
< html >
< s:head theme ="simple" />
<!-- 上面这个head标签必须要加,至于设置哪种主题没有限制,根据自己开发的需要 -->
<!-- 当没有加的时候就没有显示,这是为什么?我学习的时候不懂,谁看到了帮我解释下 -->
< body >
< s:datetimepicker value ="today" name ="getdate" label ="时间选择器" ></ s:datetimepicker >
</ body >
</ html >
<% @ taglib prefix = " s " uri = " /struts-tags " %>
<! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" >
< html >
< s:head theme ="simple" />
<!-- 上面这个head标签必须要加,至于设置哪种主题没有限制,根据自己开发的需要 -->
<!-- 当没有加的时候就没有显示,这是为什么?我学习的时候不懂,谁看到了帮我解释下 -->
< body >
< s:datetimepicker value ="today" name ="getdate" label ="时间选择器" ></ s:datetimepicker >
</ body >
</ html >
import java.util.Date;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
*@Author kalman03
public class DatetimepickerAction extends ActionSupport {
private Date hopedate;
public Date getHopedate() {
return hopedate;
public void setHopedate(Date hopedate) {
this .hopedate = hopedate;
public String execute() throws Exception {
this .setHopedate( new Date( " Aug 08,2008 12:00:00 AM " ));
return SUCCESS;
import java.util.Date;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
*@Author kalman03
public class DatetimepickerAction extends ActionSupport {
private Date hopedate;
public Date getHopedate() {
return hopedate;
public void setHopedate(Date hopedate) {
this .hopedate = hopedate;
public String execute() throws Exception {
this .setHopedate( new Date( " Aug 08,2008 12:00:00 AM " ));
return SUCCESS;
< result > /datetimepicker.jsp </ result >
</ action >
< result > /datetimepicker.jsp </ result >
</ action >
我对Struts2的这个标签无语,太强了,有时间好好看看内部是怎么处理的。在这个我再提供给大家一个JavaScript实现的日期选择器,需要声明的是这个JavaScript摘自 kimsoft-jscalendar
/* *
* Calendar
* @param beginYear 1990
* @param endYear 2010
* @param language 0(zh_cn)|1(en_us)|2(en_en)|3(zh_tw)
* @param patternDelimiter "-"
* @param date2StringPattern "yyyy-MM-dd"
* @param string2DatePattern "ymd"
* @version 1.0 build 2006-04-01
* @version 1.1 build 2006-12-17
* @author KimSoft (jinqinghua [at]
* NOTE! you can use it free, but keep the copyright please
* IMPORTANT:you must include this script file inner html body elment
* @see
function Calendar(beginYear, endYear, language, patternDelimiter, date2StringPattern, string2DatePattern) {
this .beginYear = beginYear || 1990 ;
this .endYear = endYear || 2020 ;
this .language = language || 0 ;
this .patternDelimiter = patternDelimiter || " - " ;
this .date2StringPattern = date2StringPattern || Calendar.language[ " date2StringPattern " ][ this .language].replace( / \ -/ g, this .patternDelimiter);
this .string2DatePattern = string2DatePattern || Calendar.language[ " string2DatePattern " ][ this .language];
this .dateControl = null ;
this .panel = this .getElementById( " __calendarPanel " );
this .iframe = window.frames[ " __calendarIframe " ];
this .form = null ;
this .date = new Date();
this .year = this .date.getFullYear();
this .month = this .date.getMonth();
this .colors = { " bg_cur_day " : " #00CC33 " , " bg_over " : " #EFEFEF " , " bg_out " : " #FFCC00 " }
Calendar.language = {
" year " : [ " \u5e74 " , "" , "" , " \u5e74 " ],
" months " : [
[ " \u4e00\u6708 " , " \u4e8c\u6708 " , " \u4e09\u6708 " , " \u56db\u6708 " , " \u4e94\u6708 " , " \u516d\u6708 " , " \u4e03\u6708 " , " \u516b\u6708 " , " \u4e5d\u6708 " , " \u5341\u6708 " , " \u5341\u4e00\u6708 " , " \u5341\u4e8c\u6708 " ],
[ " JAN " , " FEB " , " MAR " , " APR " , " MAY " , " JUN " , " JUL " , " AUG " , " SEP " , " OCT " , " NOV " , " DEC " ],
[ " JAN " , " FEB " , " MAR " , " APR " , " MAY " , " JUN " , " JUL " , " AUG " , " SEP " , " OCT " , " NOV " , " DEC " ],
[ " \u4e00\u6708 " , " \u4e8c\u6708 " , " \u4e09\u6708 " , " \u56db\u6708 " , " \u4e94\u6708 " , " \u516d\u6708 " , " \u4e03\u6708 " , " \u516b\u6708 " , " \u4e5d\u6708 " , " \u5341\u6708 " , " \u5341\u4e00\u6708 " , " \u5341\u4e8c\u6708 " ]
" weeks " : [[ " \u65e5 " , " \u4e00 " , " \u4e8c " , " \u4e09 " , " \u56db " , " \u4e94 " , " \u516d " ],
[ " Sun " , " Mon " , " Tur " , " Wed " , " Thu " , " Fri " , " Sat " ],
[ " Sun " , " Mon " , " Tur " , " Wed " , " Thu " , " Fri " , " Sat " ],
[ " \u65e5 " , " \u4e00 " , " \u4e8c " , " \u4e09 " , " \u56db " , " \u4e94 " , " \u516d " ]
" clear " : [ " \u6e05\u7a7a " , " Clear " , " Clear " , " \u6e05\u7a7a " ],
" today " : [ " \u4eca\u5929 " , " Today " , " Today " , " \u4eca\u5929 " ],
" close " : [ " \u5173\u95ed " , " Close " , " Close " , " \u95dc\u9589 " ],
" date2StringPattern " : [ " yyyy-MM-dd " , " yyyy-MM-dd " , " yyyy-MM-dd " , " yyyy-MM-dd " ],
" string2DatePattern " : [ " ymd " , " ymd " , " ymd " , " ymd " ]
Calendar.prototype.draw = function () {
calendar = this ;
var _cs = [];
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < form id = " __calendarForm " name = " __calendarForm " method = " post " > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < table id = " __calendarTable " width = " 100% " border = " 0 " cellpadding = " 3 " cellspacing = " 1 "
align = " center " > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < tr > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th >< input class = " l " name = " goPrevMonthButton " type = " button " id = " goPrevMonthButton "
value = " < " \ />< \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th colspan = " 5 " >< select class = " year " name = " yearSelect " id = " yearSelect " >< \ / select >< select class = " month " name = " monthSelect " id = " monthSelect " >< \ / select >< \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th >< input class = " r " name = " goNextMonthButton " type = " button " id = " goNextMonthButton "
value = " > " \ />< \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / tr > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < tr > ';
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i ++ ) {
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th class = " theader " > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = Calendar.language[ " weeks " ][ this .language][i];
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / tr > ';
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i ++ ){
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < tr align = " center " > ';
for ( var j = 0 ; j < 7 ; j ++ ) {
switch (j) {
case 0 : _cs[_cs.length] = ' < td class = " sun " >& nbsp; < \ / td > '; break ;
case 6 : _cs[_cs.length] = ' < td class = " sat " >& nbsp; < \ / td > '; break ;
default :_cs[_cs.length] = ' < td class = " normal " >& nbsp; < \ / td > '; break ;
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / tr > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < tr > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th colspan = " 2 " >< input type = " button " class = " b " name = " clearButton " id = " clearButton " \ />< \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th colspan = " 3 " >< input type = " button " class = " b " name = " selectTodayButton " id = " selectTodayButton " \ />< \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th colspan = " 2 " >< input type = " button " class = " b " name = " closeButton " id = " closeButton " \ />< \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / tr > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / table > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / form > ';
this .iframe.document.body.innerHTML = _cs.join( "" );
this .form = this .iframe.document.forms[ " __calendarForm " ];
this .form.clearButton.value = Calendar.language[ " clear " ][ this .language];
this .form.selectTodayButton.value = Calendar.language[ " today " ][ this .language];
this .form.closeButton.value = Calendar.language[ " close " ][ this .language];
this .form.goPrevMonthButton.onclick = function () {calendar.goPrevMonth( this );}
this .form.goNextMonthButton.onclick = function () {calendar.goNextMonth( this );}
this .form.yearSelect.onchange = function () {calendar.update( this );}
this .form.monthSelect.onchange = function () {calendar.update( this );}
this .form.clearButton.onclick = function () {calendar.dateControl.value = "" ;calendar.hide();}
this .form.closeButton.onclick = function () {calendar.hide();}
this .form.selectTodayButton.onclick = function () {
var today = new Date(); = today;
calendar.year = today.getFullYear();
calendar.month = today.getMonth();
calendar.dateControl.value = today.format(calendar.date2StringPattern);
Calendar.prototype.bindYear = function () {
var ys = this .form.yearSelect;
ys.length = 0 ;
for ( var i = this .beginYear; i <= this .endYear; i ++ ){
ys.options[ys.length] = new Option(i + Calendar.language[ " year " ][ this .language], i);
Calendar.prototype.bindMonth = function () {
var ms = this .form.monthSelect;
ms.length = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i ++ ){
ms.options[ms.length] = new Option(Calendar.language[ " months " ][ this .language][i], i);
Calendar.prototype.goPrevMonth = function (e){
if ( this .year == this .beginYear && this .month == 0 ){ return ;}
this .month -- ;
if ( this .month == - 1 ) {
this .year -- ;
this .month = 11 ;
this .date = new Date( this .year, this .month, 1 );
this .changeSelect();
this .bindData();
Calendar.prototype.goNextMonth = function (e){
if ( this .year == this .endYear && this .month == 11 ){ return ;}
this .month ++ ;
if ( this .month == 12 ) {
this .year ++ ;
this .month = 0 ;
this .date = new Date( this .year, this .month, 1 );
this .changeSelect();
this .bindData();
Calendar.prototype.changeSelect = function () {
var ys = this .form.yearSelect;
var ms = this .form.monthSelect;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ys.length; i ++ ){
if (ys.options[i].value == this .date.getFullYear()){
ys[i].selected = true ;
break ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ms.length; i ++ ){
if (ms.options[i].value == this .date.getMonth()){
ms[i].selected = true ;
break ;
Calendar.prototype.update = function (e){
this .year = e.form.yearSelect.options[e.form.yearSelect.selectedIndex].value;
this .month = e.form.monthSelect.options[e.form.monthSelect.selectedIndex].value;
this .date = new Date( this .year, this .month, 1 );
this .changeSelect();
this .bindData();
Calendar.prototype.bindData = function () {
var calendar = this ;
var dateArray = this .getMonthViewDateArray( this .date.getFullYear(), this .date.getMonth());
var tds = this .getElementsByTagName( " td " , this .getElementById( " __calendarTable " , this .iframe.document));
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tds.length; i ++ ) {
tds[i].style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " bg_over " ];
tds[i].onclick = null ;
tds[i].onmouseover = null ;
tds[i].onmouseout = null ;
tds[i].innerHTML = dateArray[i] || " " ;
if (i > dateArray.length - 1 ) continue ;
if (dateArray[i]){
tds[i].onclick = function () {
if (calendar.dateControl){
calendar.dateControl.value = new Date(,,
this .innerHTML).format(calendar.date2StringPattern);
tds[i].onmouseover = function () { this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " bg_out " ];}
tds[i].onmouseout = function () { this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " bg_over " ];}
var today = new Date();
if (today.getFullYear() == {
if (today.getMonth() == {
if (today.getDate() == dateArray[i]) {
tds[i].style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " bg_cur_day " ];
tds[i].onmouseover = function () { this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " bg_out " ];}
tds[i].onmouseout = function () { this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " bg_cur_day " ];}
} // end if
} // end for
Calendar.prototype.getMonthViewDateArray = function (y, m) {
var dateArray = new Array( 42 );
var dayOfFirstDate = new Date(y, m, 1 ).getDay();
var dateCountOfMonth = new Date(y, m + 1 , 0 ).getDate();
for ( var i = 0 ; i < dateCountOfMonth; i ++ ) {
dateArray[i + dayOfFirstDate] = i + 1 ;
return dateArray;
}; = function (dateControl, popuControl) {
if ( this == " visible " ) {
this = " hidden " ;
if ( ! dateControl){
throw new Error( " arguments[0] is necessary! " )
this .dateControl = dateControl;
popuControl = popuControl || dateControl;
this .draw();
this .bindYear();
this .bindMonth();
if (dateControl.value.length > 0 ){
this .date = new Date(dateControl.value.toDate( this .patternDelimiter, this .string2DatePattern));
this .year = this .date.getFullYear();
this .month = this .date.getMonth();
this .changeSelect();
this .bindData();
var xy = this .getAbsPoint(popuControl);
this = xy.x + " px " ;
this = (xy.y + dateControl.offsetHeight) + " px " ;
this = " visible " ;
Calendar.prototype.hide = function () {
this = " hidden " ;
Calendar.prototype.getElementById = function (id, object){
object = object || document;
return document.getElementById ? object.getElementById(id) : document.all(id);
Calendar.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function (tagName, object){
object = object || document;
return document.getElementsByTagName ? object.getElementsByTagName(tagName) : document.all.tags(tagName);
Calendar.prototype.getAbsPoint = function (e){
var x = e.offsetLeft;
var y = e.offsetTop;
while (e = e.offsetParent){
x += e.offsetLeft;
y += e.offsetTop;
return { " x " : x, " y " : y};
/* *
* @param d the delimiter
* @param p the pattern of your date
* @author meizz
* @author kimsoft add w+ pattern
Date.prototype.format = function (style) {
var o = {
" M+ " : this .getMonth() + 1 , // month
" d+ " : this .getDate(), // day
" h+ " : this .getHours(), // hour
" m+ " : this .getMinutes(), // minute
" s+ " : this .getSeconds(), // second
" w+ " : " \u65e5\u4e00\u4e8c\u4e09\u56db\u4e94\u516d " .charAt( this .getDay()), // week
" q+ " : Math.floor(( this .getMonth() + 3 ) / 3 ), // quarter
" S " : this .getMilliseconds() // millisecond
if ( / (y + ) / .test(style)) {
style = style.replace(RegExp.$ 1 , ( this .getFullYear() + "" ).substr( 4 - RegExp.$ 1 .length));
for ( var k in o){
if ( new RegExp( " ( " + k + " ) " ).test(style)){
style = style.replace(RegExp.$ 1 , RegExp.$ 1 .length == 1 ? o[k] : ( " 00 " + o[k]).substr(( "" + o[k]).length));
return style;
/* *
* @param d the delimiter
* @param p the pattern of your date
* @rebuilder kimsoft
* @version build 2006.12.15
String.prototype.toDate = function (delimiter, pattern) {
delimiter = delimiter || " - " ;
pattern = pattern || " ymd " ;
var a = this .split(delimiter);
var y = parseInt(a[pattern.indexOf( " y " )], 10 );
// remember to change this next century ;)
if (y.toString().length <= 2 ) y += 2000 ;
if (isNaN(y)) y = new Date().getFullYear();
var m = parseInt(a[pattern.indexOf( " m " )], 10 ) - 1 ;
var d = parseInt(a[pattern.indexOf( " d " )], 10 );
if (isNaN(d)) d = 1 ;
return new Date(y, m, d);
document.writeln(' < div id = " __calendarPanel " style = " position:absolute;visibility:hidden;z-index:9999;background-color:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #666666;width:200px;height:216px; " > ');
document.writeln(' < iframe name = " __calendarIframe " id = " __calendarIframe " width = " 100% " height = " 100% "
scrolling = " no " frameborder = " 0 " style = " margin:0px; " >< \ / iframe > ');
var __ci = window.frames['__calendarIframe'];
__ci.document.writeln(' <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC " -\/\/W3C\/\/DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional\/\/EN " " http:\/\/\/TR\/xhtml1\/DTD\/xhtml1-transitional.dtd " > ');
__ci.document.writeln(' < html xmlns = " http:\/\/\/1999\/xhtml " > ');
__ci.document.writeln(' < head > ');
__ci.document.writeln(' < meta http - equiv = " Content-Type " content = " text\/html; charset=utf-8 " \ /> ');
__ci.document.writeln(' < title > Web Calendar(UTF - 8 ) Written By KimSoft < \ / title > ');
__ci.document.writeln(' < style type = " text\/css " > ');
__ci.document.writeln(' <!-- ');
__ci.document.writeln('body {font - size:12px;margin:0px;text - align:center;}');
__ci.document.writeln('form {margin:0px;}');
__ci.document.writeln('select {font - size:12px;background - color:#EFEFEF;}');
__ci.document.writeln('table {border:0px solid #CCCCCC;background - color:#FFFFFF}');
__ci.document.writeln('th {font - size:12px;font - weight:normal;background - color:#FFFFFF;}');
__ci.document.writeln('th.theader {font - weight:normal;background - color:# 666666 ;color:#FFFFFF;width:24px;}');
__ci.document.writeln('select.year {width:64px;}');
__ci.document.writeln('select.month {width:60px;}');
__ci.document.writeln('td {font - size:12px;text - align:center;}');
__ci.document.writeln('td.sat {color:#0000FF;background - color:#EFEFEF;}');
__ci.document.writeln('td.sun {color:#FF0000;background - color:#EFEFEF;}');
__ci.document.writeln('td.normal {background - color:#EFEFEF;}');
__ci.document.writeln('input.l {border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;background - color:#EFEFEF;width:20px;height:20px;}');
__ci.document.writeln('input.r {border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;background - color:#EFEFEF;width:20px;height:20px;}');
__ci.document.writeln('input.b {border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;background - color:#EFEFEF;width: 100 % ;height:20px;}');
__ci.document.writeln(' --> ');
__ci.document.writeln(' < \ / style > ');
__ci.document.writeln(' < \ / head > ');
__ci.document.writeln(' < body > ');
__ci.document.writeln(' < \ / body > ');
__ci.document.writeln(' < \ / html > ');
document.writeln(' < \ / div > ');
var calendar = new Calendar();
// -->
/* *
* Calendar
* @param beginYear 1990
* @param endYear 2010
* @param language 0(zh_cn)|1(en_us)|2(en_en)|3(zh_tw)
* @param patternDelimiter "-"
* @param date2StringPattern "yyyy-MM-dd"
* @param string2DatePattern "ymd"
* @version 1.0 build 2006-04-01
* @version 1.1 build 2006-12-17
* @author KimSoft (jinqinghua [at]
* NOTE! you can use it free, but keep the copyright please
* IMPORTANT:you must include this script file inner html body elment
* @see
function Calendar(beginYear, endYear, language, patternDelimiter, date2StringPattern, string2DatePattern) {
this .beginYear = beginYear || 1990 ;
this .endYear = endYear || 2020 ;
this .language = language || 0 ;
this .patternDelimiter = patternDelimiter || " - " ;
this .date2StringPattern = date2StringPattern || Calendar.language[ " date2StringPattern " ][ this .language].replace( / \ -/ g, this .patternDelimiter);
this .string2DatePattern = string2DatePattern || Calendar.language[ " string2DatePattern " ][ this .language];
this .dateControl = null ;
this .panel = this .getElementById( " __calendarPanel " );
this .iframe = window.frames[ " __calendarIframe " ];
this .form = null ;
this .date = new Date();
this .year = this .date.getFullYear();
this .month = this .date.getMonth();
this .colors = { " bg_cur_day " : " #00CC33 " , " bg_over " : " #EFEFEF " , " bg_out " : " #FFCC00 " }
Calendar.language = {
" year " : [ " \u5e74 " , "" , "" , " \u5e74 " ],
" months " : [
[ " \u4e00\u6708 " , " \u4e8c\u6708 " , " \u4e09\u6708 " , " \u56db\u6708 " , " \u4e94\u6708 " , " \u516d\u6708 " , " \u4e03\u6708 " , " \u516b\u6708 " , " \u4e5d\u6708 " , " \u5341\u6708 " , " \u5341\u4e00\u6708 " , " \u5341\u4e8c\u6708 " ],
[ " JAN " , " FEB " , " MAR " , " APR " , " MAY " , " JUN " , " JUL " , " AUG " , " SEP " , " OCT " , " NOV " , " DEC " ],
[ " JAN " , " FEB " , " MAR " , " APR " , " MAY " , " JUN " , " JUL " , " AUG " , " SEP " , " OCT " , " NOV " , " DEC " ],
[ " \u4e00\u6708 " , " \u4e8c\u6708 " , " \u4e09\u6708 " , " \u56db\u6708 " , " \u4e94\u6708 " , " \u516d\u6708 " , " \u4e03\u6708 " , " \u516b\u6708 " , " \u4e5d\u6708 " , " \u5341\u6708 " , " \u5341\u4e00\u6708 " , " \u5341\u4e8c\u6708 " ]
" weeks " : [[ " \u65e5 " , " \u4e00 " , " \u4e8c " , " \u4e09 " , " \u56db " , " \u4e94 " , " \u516d " ],
[ " Sun " , " Mon " , " Tur " , " Wed " , " Thu " , " Fri " , " Sat " ],
[ " Sun " , " Mon " , " Tur " , " Wed " , " Thu " , " Fri " , " Sat " ],
[ " \u65e5 " , " \u4e00 " , " \u4e8c " , " \u4e09 " , " \u56db " , " \u4e94 " , " \u516d " ]
" clear " : [ " \u6e05\u7a7a " , " Clear " , " Clear " , " \u6e05\u7a7a " ],
" today " : [ " \u4eca\u5929 " , " Today " , " Today " , " \u4eca\u5929 " ],
" close " : [ " \u5173\u95ed " , " Close " , " Close " , " \u95dc\u9589 " ],
" date2StringPattern " : [ " yyyy-MM-dd " , " yyyy-MM-dd " , " yyyy-MM-dd " , " yyyy-MM-dd " ],
" string2DatePattern " : [ " ymd " , " ymd " , " ymd " , " ymd " ]
Calendar.prototype.draw = function () {
calendar = this ;
var _cs = [];
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < form id = " __calendarForm " name = " __calendarForm " method = " post " > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < table id = " __calendarTable " width = " 100% " border = " 0 " cellpadding = " 3 " cellspacing = " 1 "
align = " center " > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < tr > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th >< input class = " l " name = " goPrevMonthButton " type = " button " id = " goPrevMonthButton "
value = " < " \ />< \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th colspan = " 5 " >< select class = " year " name = " yearSelect " id = " yearSelect " >< \ / select >< select class = " month " name = " monthSelect " id = " monthSelect " >< \ / select >< \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th >< input class = " r " name = " goNextMonthButton " type = " button " id = " goNextMonthButton "
value = " > " \ />< \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / tr > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < tr > ';
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i ++ ) {
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th class = " theader " > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = Calendar.language[ " weeks " ][ this .language][i];
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / tr > ';
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i ++ ){
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < tr align = " center " > ';
for ( var j = 0 ; j < 7 ; j ++ ) {
switch (j) {
case 0 : _cs[_cs.length] = ' < td class = " sun " >& nbsp; < \ / td > '; break ;
case 6 : _cs[_cs.length] = ' < td class = " sat " >& nbsp; < \ / td > '; break ;
default :_cs[_cs.length] = ' < td class = " normal " >& nbsp; < \ / td > '; break ;
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / tr > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < tr > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th colspan = " 2 " >< input type = " button " class = " b " name = " clearButton " id = " clearButton " \ />< \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th colspan = " 3 " >< input type = " button " class = " b " name = " selectTodayButton " id = " selectTodayButton " \ />< \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < th colspan = " 2 " >< input type = " button " class = " b " name = " closeButton " id = " closeButton " \ />< \ / th > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / tr > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / table > ';
_cs[_cs.length] = ' < \ / form > ';
this .iframe.document.body.innerHTML = _cs.join( "" );
this .form = this .iframe.document.forms[ " __calendarForm " ];
this .form.clearButton.value = Calendar.language[ " clear " ][ this .language];
this .form.selectTodayButton.value = Calendar.language[ " today " ][ this .language];
this .form.closeButton.value = Calendar.language[ " close " ][ this .language];
this .form.goPrevMonthButton.onclick = function () {calendar.goPrevMonth( this );}
this .form.goNextMonthButton.onclick = function () {calendar.goNextMonth( this );}
this .form.yearSelect.onchange = function () {calendar.update( this );}
this .form.monthSelect.onchange = function () {calendar.update( this );}
this .form.clearButton.onclick = function () {calendar.dateControl.value = "" ;calendar.hide();}
this .form.closeButton.onclick = function () {calendar.hide();}
this .form.selectTodayButton.onclick = function () {
var today = new Date(); = today;
calendar.year = today.getFullYear();
calendar.month = today.getMonth();
calendar.dateControl.value = today.format(calendar.date2StringPattern);
Calendar.prototype.bindYear = function () {
var ys = this .form.yearSelect;
ys.length = 0 ;
for ( var i = this .beginYear; i <= this .endYear; i ++ ){
ys.options[ys.length] = new Option(i + Calendar.language[ " year " ][ this .language], i);
Calendar.prototype.bindMonth = function () {
var ms = this .form.monthSelect;
ms.length = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i ++ ){
ms.options[ms.length] = new Option(Calendar.language[ " months " ][ this .language][i], i);
Calendar.prototype.goPrevMonth = function (e){
if ( this .year == this .beginYear && this .month == 0 ){ return ;}
this .month -- ;
if ( this .month == - 1 ) {
this .year -- ;
this .month = 11 ;
this .date = new Date( this .year, this .month, 1 );
this .changeSelect();
this .bindData();
Calendar.prototype.goNextMonth = function (e){
if ( this .year == this .endYear && this .month == 11 ){ return ;}
this .month ++ ;
if ( this .month == 12 ) {
this .year ++ ;
this .month = 0 ;
this .date = new Date( this .year, this .month, 1 );
this .changeSelect();
this .bindData();
Calendar.prototype.changeSelect = function () {
var ys = this .form.yearSelect;
var ms = this .form.monthSelect;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ys.length; i ++ ){
if (ys.options[i].value == this .date.getFullYear()){
ys[i].selected = true ;
break ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ms.length; i ++ ){
if (ms.options[i].value == this .date.getMonth()){
ms[i].selected = true ;
break ;
Calendar.prototype.update = function (e){
this .year = e.form.yearSelect.options[e.form.yearSelect.selectedIndex].value;
this .month = e.form.monthSelect.options[e.form.monthSelect.selectedIndex].value;
this .date = new Date( this .year, this .month, 1 );
this .changeSelect();
this .bindData();
Calendar.prototype.bindData = function () {
var calendar = this ;
var dateArray = this .getMonthViewDateArray( this .date.getFullYear(), this .date.getMonth());
var tds = this .getElementsByTagName( " td " , this .getElementById( " __calendarTable " , this .iframe.document));
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tds.length; i ++ ) {
tds[i].style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " bg_over " ];
tds[i].onclick = null ;
tds[i].onmouseover = null ;
tds[i].onmouseout = null ;
tds[i].innerHTML = dateArray[i] || " " ;
if (i > dateArray.length - 1 ) continue ;
if (dateArray[i]){
tds[i].onclick = function () {
if (calendar.dateControl){
calendar.dateControl.value = new Date(,,
this .innerHTML).format(calendar.date2StringPattern);
tds[i].onmouseover = function () { this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " bg_out " ];}
tds[i].onmouseout = function () { this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " bg_over " ];}
var today = new Date();
if (today.getFullYear() == {
if (today.getMonth() == {
if (today.getDate() == dateArray[i]) {
tds[i].style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " bg_cur_day " ];
tds[i].onmouseover = function () { this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " bg_out " ];}
tds[i].onmouseout = function () { this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " bg_cur_day " ];}
} // end if
} // end for
Calendar.prototype.getMonthViewDateArray = function (y, m) {
var dateArray = new Array( 42 );
var dayOfFirstDate = new Date(y, m, 1 ).getDay();
var dateCountOfMonth = new Date(y, m + 1 , 0 ).getDate();
for ( var i = 0 ; i < dateCountOfMonth; i ++ ) {
dateArray[i + dayOfFirstDate] = i + 1 ;
return dateArray;
}; = function (dateControl, popuControl) {
if ( this == " visible " ) {
this = " hidden " ;
if ( ! dateControl){
throw new Error( " arguments[0] is necessary! " )
this .dateControl = dateControl;
popuControl = popuControl || dateControl;
this .draw();
this .bindYear();
this .bindMonth();
if (dateControl.value.length > 0 ){
this .date = new Date(dateControl.value.toDate( this .patternDelimiter, this .string2DatePattern));
this .year = this .date.getFullYear();
this .month = this .date.getMonth();
this .changeSelect();
this .bindData();
var xy = this .getAbsPoint(popuControl);
this = xy.x + " px " ;
this = (xy.y + dateControl.offsetHeight) + " px " ;
this = " visible " ;
Calendar.prototype.hide = function () {
this = " hidden " ;
Calendar.prototype.getElementById = function (id, object){
object = object || document;
return document.getElementById ? object.getElementById(id) : document.all(id);
Calendar.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function (tagName, object){
object = object || document;
return document.getElementsByTagName ? object.getElementsByTagName(tagName) : document.all.tags(tagName);
Calendar.prototype.getAbsPoint = function (e){
var x = e.offsetLeft;
var y = e.offsetTop;
while (e = e.offsetParent){
x += e.offsetLeft;
y += e.offsetTop;
return { " x " : x, " y " : y};
/* *
* @param d the delimiter
* @param p the pattern of your date
* @author meizz
* @author kimsoft add w+ pattern
Date.prototype.format = function (style) {
var o = {
" M+ " : this .getMonth() + 1 , // month
" d+ " : this .getDate(), // day
" h+ " : this .getHours(), // hour
" m+ " : this .getMinutes(), // minute
" s+ " : this .getSeconds(), // second
" w+ " : " \u65e5\u4e00\u4e8c\u4e09\u56db\u4e94\u516d " .charAt( this .getDay()), // week
" q+ " : Math.floor(( this .getMonth() + 3 ) / 3 ), // quarter
" S " : this .getMilliseconds() // millisecond
if ( / (y + ) / .test(style)) {
style = style.replace(RegExp.$ 1 , ( this .getFullYear() + "" ).substr( 4 - RegExp.$ 1 .length));
for ( var k in o){
if ( new RegExp( " ( " + k + " ) " ).test(style)){
style = style.replace(RegExp.$ 1 , RegExp.$ 1 .length == 1 ? o[k] : ( " 00 " + o[k]).substr(( "" + o[k]).length));
return style;
/* *
* @param d the delimiter
* @param p the pattern of your date
* @rebuilder kimsoft
* @version build 2006.12.15
String.prototype.toDate = function (delimiter, pattern) {
delimiter = delimiter || " - " ;
pattern = pattern || " ymd " ;
var a = this .split(delimiter);
var y = parseInt(a[pattern.indexOf( " y " )], 10 );
// remember to change this next century ;)
if (y.toString().length <= 2 ) y += 2000 ;
if (isNaN(y)) y = new Date().getFullYear();
var m = parseInt(a[pattern.indexOf( " m " )], 10 ) - 1 ;
var d = parseInt(a[pattern.indexOf( " d " )], 10 );
if (isNaN(d)) d = 1 ;
return new Date(y, m, d);
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var calendar = new Calendar();
// -->
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