这两个问题皆是各大IT公司最喜欢出的笔试面试题,比如说前者是小米2013年校招笔试原题,而后者则更是反复出现,如去年9月26日百度一二面试题,10月9日腾讯面试题第1小题,10月13日百度2013校招北京站笔试题第二 大道题第3小题,及去年10月15日2013年Google校招笔试最后一道大题皆是考察的这个字符串编辑距离问题。
题目描述:给一个浮点数序列,取最大乘积连续子串的值,例如 -2.5,4,0,3,0.5,8,-1,则取出的最大乘积连续子串为3,0.5,8。也就是说,上述数组中,3 0.5 8这3个数的乘积3*0.5*8=12是最大的,而且是连续的。
提醒:此最大乘积连续子串与最大乘积子序列不同,请勿混淆,前者子串要求连续,后者子序列不要求连续。也就是说:最长公共子串(Longest CommonSubstring)和最长公共子序列(LongestCommon Subsequence,LCS)的区别:
double max=0; double start=0; double end=0; for (int i=0;i<num;i++) { double x=arrs[i]; for (int j = i+1; j < num; j++) { x*=arrs[j]; if(x>max){ max=x; start=arrs[i]; end=arrs[j]; } }
template <typename Comparable> Comparable maxprod( const vector<Comparable>&v) { int i; Comparable maxProduct = 1; Comparable minProduct = 1; Comparable maxCurrent = 1; Comparable minCurrent = 1; //Comparable t; for( i=0; i< v.size() ;i++) { maxCurrent *= v[i]; minCurrent *= v[i]; if(maxCurrent > maxProduct) maxProduct = maxCurrent; if(minCurrent > maxProduct) maxProduct = minCurrent; if(maxCurrent < minProduct) minProduct = maxCurrent; if(minCurrent < minProduct) minProduct = minCurrent; if(minCurrent > maxCurrent) swap(maxCurrent,minCurrent); if(maxCurrent<1) maxCurrent = 1; //if(minCurrent>1) // minCurrent =1; } return maxProduct; }
pair<int,int> maxproduct(double *f,int n) { //返回最大乘积的起点终点 int R = 0, r = 0; //最大最小区间的 起点 pair<int,int> ret = make_pair(0, 0); //最大 最小的区间下标 double M = f[0], m = f[0], answer = f[0]; // 最大 最小值 for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { double t0 = f[i] * M, t1 = f[i] * m; if (t0 > t1) { M = t0; m = t1; } else { int t = R; R = r; r = t; M = t1; m = t0; } if (M < f[i]) { M = f[i]; R = i; } if (m > f[i]) { m = f[i]; r = i; } if (answer < M) { answer = M; ret = make_pair(R, i); } } return ret; }
Max=max{a, Max[i-1]*a, Min[i-1]*a};
Min=min{a, Max[i-1]*a, Min[i-1]*a};
double func(double *a,const int n) { double *maxA = new double[n]; double *minA = new double[n]; maxA[0] = minA[0] =a[0]; double value = maxA[0]; for(int i = 1 ; i < n ; ++i) { maxA[i] = max(max(a[i],maxA[i-1]*a[i]),minA[i-1]*a[i]); minA[i] = min(min(a[i],maxA[i-1]*a[i]),minA[i-1]*a[i]); value=max(value,maxA[i]); } return value; }
/* 给定一个浮点数数组,有正有负数,0,正数组成,数组下标从1算起 求最大连续子序列乘积,并输出这个序列,如果最大子序列乘积为负数,那么就输出-1 用Max[i]表示以a[i]结尾乘积最大的连续子序列 用Min[i]表示以a[i]结尾乘积最小的连续子序列 因为有复数,所以保存这个是必须的 */ void longest_multiple(double *a,int n){ double *Min=new double[n+1](); double *Max=new double[n+1](); double *p=new double[n+1](); //初始化 for(int i=0;i<=n;i++){ p[i]=-1; } Min[1]=a[1]; Max[1]=a[1]; double max_val=Max[1]; for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){ Max[i]=max(Max[i-1]*a[i],Min[i-1]*a[i],a[i]); Min[i]=min(Max[i-1]*a[i],Min[i-1]*a[i],a[i]); if(max_val<Max[i]) max_val=Max[i]; } if(max_val<0) printf("%d",-1); else printf("%d",max_val); //内存释放 delete [] Max; delete [] Min; }
//答题英雄:danielqkj using System; public class Test { void Max(double a, double b, double c) { double d = (a>b)?a:b; return (d>c)?d:c; } void Min(double a, double b, double c) { double d = (a>b)?b:a; return (d>c)?c:d; } public static void Main() { int n = Int32.parse(Console.readline()); double[] a = new double[n]; double maxvalue = a[0]; double[] max = new double[n]; double[] min = new double[n]; double start, end; String[] s = Console.readline().split(' '); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { a[i] = Double.parse(s[i]) } max[0] = a[0]; min[0] = a[0]; start = 0, end = 0; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { max[i]=Max(a[i], a[i]*max[i-1], a[i]*min[i-1]); min[i]=Min(a[i], a[i]*max[i-1], a[i]*min[i-1]); if (max[i] > maxvalue) { maxvalue = max[i]; end = i; } } double mmm = maxvalue; while ( (mmm - 0.0) > 0.00001 ) { start = end; mmm = mmm / a[start]; } Console.Writeline(a[start] + " " + a[end] + " " + maxvalue); } }
2. P为负数
3. P为正数
解法一、 此题跟上面的最大连续乘积子串类似,常见的思路是动态规划,下面是简单的DP状态方程:
//动态规划: //f[i,j]表示s[0...i]与t[0...j]的最小编辑距离。 f[i,j] = min { f[i-1,j]+1, f[i,j-1]+1, f[i-1,j-1]+(s[i]==t[j]?0:1) } //分别表示:添加1个,删除1个,替换1个(相同就不用替换)。
Given two strings A and B, edit A to B with the minimum number of edit operations:
In the above alignment, space (‘_’) is introduced to both strings. There are 5 matches, 1
mismatch, 1 insert, and 1 delete.The alignment has similarity score 7.
Note that the above alignment has the maximum score.Such alignment is called optimal
alignment.String alignment problem tries to find the alignment with the maximum similarity
score!String alignment problem is also called global alignment problem.
Needleman-Wunsch algorithm
Consider two strings S[1..n] and T[1..m].Define V(i, j) be the score of the optimal alignment
between S[1..i] and T[1..j].
V(0, 0) = 0
V(0, j) = V(0, j-1) + d(_, T[j]):Insert j times
V(i, 0) = V(i-1, 0) + d(S, _):Delete i times
that is:
Example :
//copyright@ peng_weida //实现代码如下: //头文件StrEditDistance.h #pragma once #include <string> class CStrEditDistance { public: CStrEditDistance(std::string& vStrRow, std::string& vStrColumn); ~CStrEditDistance(void); int getScore() { return m_Score; } int getEditDis() { return m_EditDis; } void setEditDis(int vDis) { m_EditDis = vDis; } void setScore(int vScore) { m_Score = vScore; } private: void process(const std::string& vStrRow, const std::string& vStrColumn); int getMaxValue(int a, int b, int c) { if (a < b){ if (b < c) return c; return b; } else { if (b > c) return a; return a < c ? c : a; } } private: int m_EditDis; int m_Score; }; //源文件StrEditDistance.cpp #include "StrEditDistance.h" #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #define MATCH 2 #define MISS_MATCH -1 #define INSERT -1 #define DELETE -1 CStrEditDistance::CStrEditDistance(std::string& vStrRow, std::string& vStrColumn) { process(vStrRow, vStrColumn); } CStrEditDistance::~CStrEditDistance(void) { } //FUNCTION: void CStrEditDistance::process(const std::string& vStrRow, const std::string& vStrColumn) { int editDis = 0; //编辑距离 int row = vStrColumn.length(); int column = vStrRow.length(); const int sizeR = row + 1; const int sizeC = column + 1; int **pScore = new int*[sizeR]; //二维指针 for (int i = 0; i <= row; i++) pScore = new int[sizeC]; //初始化第一行和第一列 for (int c = 0; c <= column; c++) pScore[0][c] = 0 - c; for (int r = 0; r <= row; r++) pScore[r][0] = 0 - r; //从v(1,1)开始每列计算 for (int c = 1; c <= column; c++) { for (int r = 1; r <= row; r++) { //计算v(i,j) int valueMatch; if (vStrColumn[r-1] == vStrRow[c-1]) valueMatch = MATCH; else valueMatch = MISS_MATCH; int A = pScore[r-1][c] + INSERT; int B = pScore[r][c-1] + DELETE; int C = pScore[r-1][c-1] + valueMatch; pScore[r][c] = getMaxValue(A, B, C); } } //计算编辑距离 int r = row, c = column; while(r > 0 && c > 0) { if (pScore[r][c]+1 == pScore[r-1][c]) { editDis++; r--; continue; } else if (pScore[r][c]+1 == pScore[r][c-1]) { editDis++; c--; continue; } else if (pScore[r][c]+1 == pScore[r-1][c-1]){ editDis++; r--; c--; continue; } else { r--; c--; } } if (r > 0 && c == 0) editDis += r; else if (c > 0 && r == 0) editDis += c; std::cout << std::endl; //----------------DEBUG-------------------// //打印数据 for (int i = 0; i <= row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= column; j++) std::cout << std::setw(2) << pScore[j] << " "; std::cout << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; //设置编辑距离和得分 setEditDis(editDis); setScore(pScore[row][column]); for (int i = 0; i <= row; i++) //释放内存 { delete pScore; pScore = NULL; } delete[] pScore; }
Int CalculateStringDistance(string strA, int pABegin, int pAEnd, string strB, int pBBegin, int pBEnd) { if(pABegin > pAEnd) { if(pBBegin > pBEnd) return 0; else return pBEnd – pBBegin + 1; } if(pBBegin > pBEnd) { if(pABegin > pAEnd) return 0; else return pAEnd – pABegin + 1; } if(strA[pABegin] == strB[pBBegin]) { return CalculateStringDistance(strA, pABegin + 1, pAEnd, strB, pBBegin + 1, pBEnd); } else { int t1 = CalculateStringDistance(strA, pABegin, pAEnd, strB, pBBegin + 1, pBEnd); int t2 = CalculateStringDistance(strA, pABegin + 1, pAEnd, strB,pBBegin, pBEnd); int t3 = CalculateStringDistance(strA, pABegin + 1, pAEnd, strB,pBBegin + 1, pBEnd); return minValue(t1,t2,t3) + 1; } }
可以看到,圈中的两个子问题被重复计算了。为了避免这种不必要的重复计算,可以把子问题计算后的解存储起来。如何修改递归程序呢?还是DP!请看此链接: http://www.cnblogs.com/yujunyong/articles/2004724.html。
public final class LevensteinDistance { public LevensteinDistance () { } // Compute Levenshtein distance: // see org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils#getLevenshteinDistance(String, String) public float getDistance (String target, String other) { char[] sa; int n; int p[]; //'previous' cost array, horizontally int d[]; // cost array, horizontally int _d[]; //placeholder to assist in swapping p and d sa = target.toCharArray(); n = sa.length; p = new int[n+1]; d = new int[n+1]; final int m = other.length(); if (n == 0 || m == 0) { if (n == m) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } // indexes into strings s and t int i; // iterates through s int j; // iterates through t char t_j; // jth character of t int cost; // cost for (i = 0; i<=n; i++) { p[i] = i; } for (j = 1; j<=m; j++) { t_j = other.charAt(j-1); d[0] = j; for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { cost = sa[i-1]==t_j ? 0 : 1; // minimum of cell to the left+1, to the top+1, diagonally left and up +cost d[i] = Math.min(Math.min(d[i-1]+1, p[i]+1), p[i-1]+cost); } // copy current distance counts to 'previous row' distance counts _d = p; p = d; d = _d; } // our last action in the above loop was to switch d and p, so p now // actually has the most recent cost counts return 1.0f - ((float) p[n] / Math.max(other.length(), sa.length)); } }