;Id: dmuser.e,v 4.1 1996/11/22 12:19:28 roger Exp $;
; DmUser and dmGroup classes errors
;// Documentum DocuServer
;// Confidential Property of Documentum, Inc.
;// (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 1992 - 1995
;// All rights reserved.
.facility DM_USER
.severity WARNING
.severity ERROR
; User object error codes.
CANT_CREATE_EXISTING_USER S "Cannot create user %s since it already exists"
;CAUSE: Tried to create a user that already exists. All user names
; must be unique.
;ACTION: Try again with a different user_name.
CANT_DROP_USER_FROM_GROUP SS "Cannot drop user %s from group %s."
;CAUSE: Couldn't drop the specified user from a group.
;ACTION: Examine the following errors on your error queue for more help. Either
; invalid user or group name.
CANT_DESTROY_A_USER S "Cannot destroy user %s."
;CAUSE: User documents could not be unlocked or its a user for group object.
;ACTION: If is_group is set then do not delete it.
; otherwise see previous messages on why documents could not be unlocked.
CANT_FETCH_INVALID_ID D "Cannot fetch a user - Invalid object ID %s"
;CAUSE: Cannot fetch the user with the given object id.
;ACTION: Try again with the correct id.
CANT_FIND_USER S "Cannot find user %s."
;CAUSE: Cannot find the group with the given name.
;ACTION: Try again with the correct name.
NOT_DOCUMENTUM_USER S "User %s does not exist in the docbase"
;CAUSE: The user attempting to open a session does not exist.
;ACTION: Try again with the correct name.
CANT_SAVE_A_USER S "Cannot save user %s."
;CAUSE: Couldn't save the user object.
;ACTION: Most likely the current in memory user object is out of date.
INVALID_PRIVILEGE_VALUES III "Specified privileges %d are invalid, supported range is %d:%d"
;CAUSE: Tried to set an invalid privilege code.
;ACTION: Try again with valid privilege code.
MUST_HAVE_NAME "A user object must have a name"
;CAUSE: All user definitions must have a user_name, user_os_name
; and e-mail address before save.
;ACTION: Set all required attributes and try again.
MUST_HAVE_OSNAME S "A new %s user object must have an OS user name"
;CAUSE: All user definition must have a user_name, user_os_name
; and e-mail address before save.
;ACTION: Set all required attributes and try again.
MUST_HAVE_EMAIL S "A new %s user object must have a EMail address"
;CAUSE: All user definition must have a user_name, user_os_name
; and e-mail address before save.
;ACTION: Set all required attributes and try again.
NEED_SU_OR_SYS_PRIV S "The current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege."
;CAUSE: Must have Superuser or SysAdmin privilege to perform this operation.
;ACTION: Consult your Documentum Administrator.
NEED_SU_OR_SYS_FOR_CHANGE SS "The current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save or destroy %s user object."
;CAUSE: Must have Superuser or SysAdmin privilege to save user objects.
;ACTION: Consult your Documentum Administrator.
NEED_SUPER_USER_PRIV S "The current user (%s) needs to have superuser privilege to save the object."
;CAUSE: Must have superuser privilege to save the object. The user tried to do the following without
; superuser privileges:
; . add or remove superuser/sysadmin/audit privileges from the user object.
; . user_db_name.
; . user_xprivileges (checked in ValidateXSecurity).
; . first_failed_auth_utc_time.
; . last_login_utc_time.
; . deactivated_utc_time.
; . deactivated_ip_addr.
; . user_ldap_dn.
;ACTION: Consult your Documentum superuser.
INVALID_PERMIT IS "Invalid permit %d specified for user %s."
;CAUSE: User has specified a permit that is outside the valid range.
;ACTION: Specify a valid permit number.
EXISTING_USER_NAME S "Cannot create user %s since its user_name already exists"
;CAUSE: Tried to create a user that its user_name exists. All user names
; must be unique.
;ACTION: Try again with a different user_name.
EXISTING_USER_OSNAME S "Cannot create user %s since its user_os_name already exists"
;CAUSE: Tried to create a user that its user_os_name exists. All user names
; must be unique.
;ACTION: Try again with a different user_os_name.
CANT_FETCH_ACL SSSS "Failed to fetch the default ACL '%s' in name space '%s' of user '%s'. [%s]"
; CAUSE: Failed to fetch the default ACL.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
CANT_DEREF_ACL SSS "Failed to fetch the default ACL '%s' in name space '%s' of user '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to fetch the default ACL.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
CANT_SAVE_ACL SSS "Failed to save ACL '%s' in name space '%s' for user object '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to save the default ACL.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
ACL_REVISE_GROUP SSS "Failed to revise the group name of the ACL '%s' in domain '%s' for user '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to revise the group name of the associated ACL.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
LOAD_OSNAME_CONFLICT SSS "A dm_user object with user name %s was encountered which has a user_os_name (%s) which conflicts with an existing dm_user object. The user_os_name of the object being loaded has been changed to %s."
;PARAMETERS: %1s - the user_name of the load object
; %2s - the conflicting user_os_name
; %3s - the new user_os_name of the load object
;CAUSE: The Docbase cannot support two different users with the same
; user_os_name, but a dm_user object was found in the dumpfile
; with a user_os_name that conflicts with an existing user.
;ACTION: If the System Administrator takes no action, the docbase and
; objects will still be usable, but it will not be possible for
; the user identified above to actually log into the docbase.
; If it is intended for the new dm_user to be a valid user of
; the docbase, then the new and old users must be differentiated
; by changing one of their os names. The System Administrator
; should change the system os names to be different and then
; also change the user_os_name value of the appropriate dm_user
; object.
; If it was intended that the two conflicting users were actually
; the same user - but the user_name values of the dm_user objects
; were inadvertantly slightly different, then it is possible to
; find all of the newly loaded objects owned by the new dm_user
; and change their ownership to the local user. The new invalid
; user object can then be removed.
MUST_HAVE_OSDOMAIN S "A new %s user object must have an OS domain name"
;CAUSE: All user definition must have a user_name, user_os_name, user_os_domain
; (when domain_required mode is on), and e-mail address before save.
;ACTION: Set all required attributes and try again.
MUST_HAVE_LOGON_DOMAIN "You must specify the OS/LDAP domain to successfully logon to the docbase"
;CAUSE: The docbase is running in domain_required mode. All users must
; specify the OS domain to authenticate against when logon.
; Starting from 5.3, server supports multiple LDAP services. As a result,
; each LDAP user is required to include the LDAP object name in
;ACTION: Specify the domain name and try again.
LOGON_DOM_NO_MATCH_USR S "You cannot authenticate against '%s' domain."
;CAUSE: You have not specified a logon domain, or you have specified a domain
; different from the one used to create your docbase user account.
;ACTION: Logon again using the domain name which was used to create your
; docbase user account. See you dmadmin if you do not know the correct
; domain name.
LOGON_DOM_NO_MATCH_SVR S "You cannot authenticate against %s domain."
;CAUSE: You have specified a logon domain which is different from the server
; default.
;ACTION: Logon again using the server default domain.
NOT_DOCBASE_DOMAIN_USR SS "User %s from domain '%s' does not exist in the docbase -- session closed."
;CAUSE: The domain user attempting to open a session does not exist.
;ACTION: Try again with the correct user name and domain name.
DOCUMENTUM_USER_INACTIVE S "User %s is not activated in the docbase -- session closed."
;CAUSE: An inactive user tried to login to the docbase.
;ACTION: Ask the Documentum Administrator to activate the account.
INVALID_STATE_VALUE I "Specified state %d is invalid, supported values are 0/1/2/3"
;CAUSE: Tried to set an invalid state. Only the following values are supported:
; . 0 --- Active state.
; . 1 --- Inactive state.
; . 2 --- Locked state.
; . 3 --- Locked and inactive state.
;ACTION: Try again with a valid state.
CANT_SET_SUPER_USER_STATE "A super user's state can not be set by any one other than a super user"
;CAUSE: A non-super user tried to set a super user's user_state
;ACTION: don't try to change a super user's user_state if you are not a super user.
STATE_WORKFLOW_CONFLICT "You can not set user_state to inactive and workflow_ready to ready concurently"
;CAUSE: try to set user_state to inactive and workflow_ready to ready.
;ACTION: set user_state to inactive or workflow_ready to ready, but not both.
INVALID_ACL_DOMAIN SS "The user '%s' is given an invalid ACL domain '%s'."
; CAUSE: Invalid ACL domain is given.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
RESERVED_NAME S "The user name '%s' is reserved."
;CAUSE: The user name provided is a reserved name.
;ACTION: Pick a different user name. Currently, the following names
; are reserved:
; . dm_owner
; . dm_group
; . dm_world
SPECIFY_ALTERNATE "A valid alternate performer for workflows must be specified, if workflow_disabled is set."
;CAUSE: The attribute workflow_disabled was set to True, but an alternate performer was not specified, or an invalid performer name was given.
;ACTION: Either enter a valid performer in the user_delegation, or set workflow_disabled to False.
INVALID_XPRIVILEGE_VALUES IIII "Specified privileges %d are invalid, supported values are %d, %d, %d and their or'd values."
;CAUSE: Tried to set an invalid privilege code.
;ACTION: Try again with valid privilege code.
CANT_GRANT_PRIV_TO_SELF IS "You can't grant the specified privilege %d to yourself (%s)."
;CAUSE: You can not grant PURGE AUDIT and CHANGE AUDIT privilege to yourself.
;ACTION: Consult your Documentum Administrator.
CANT_UNREGISTER SS "Could not unregister the specified %s event for %s object."
;CAUSE: The specified event could not be unregistered. Most likely
; bad event name specified.
;ACTION: Correct the event name and try again.
CANT_REVOKE_PRIV_FROM_SELF IS "You can't revoke the specified privilege %d from yourself (%s)."
;CAUSE: You can not revoke PURGE AUDIT and CHANGE AUDIT privilege from yourself.
;ACTION: Consult your Documentum Administrator.
PASSWORD_ENCRYPTION_FAIL "Server failed to encrypt user password."
; CAUSE: An internal error occured while encrypting user password.
; ACTION: A previous error message may contain some native error code.
; Please contact Documentum Tech Support with a trace of all error messages.
ENCRYPTION_TOO_LONG II "The internal gernerated encrypted password is too long (%d). It cannot exceed the size of %d."
; CAUSE: An internal error caused the size to be too large.
; ACTION: A previous error message may contain some native error code.
; Please contact Documentum Tech Support with a trace of all error messages.
; PARAMETERS: I - Actual string size of the encrypted password.
; I - Allowed string size.
DIR_MAPPED_ATTR_CHANGED SS "Cannot save the directory user %s because at least one directory-mapped attribute ('%s') has been changed"
; CAUSE: For directory users, non-superuser is not allowed to change any directory-mapped attribute.
; ACTION: Do not change any directory-mapped attributes.
; You need to either 'reset' or 'revert' the object in order to save
; other changes.
ILLEGAL_DIR_NAME SS "Cannot save a directory user %s because its user_login_domain ('%s') is not a legal LDAP config name"
; CAUSE: For directory users, the user_login_domain must be a legal directory config name.
; ACTION: Make sure to provide a legal directory config name for the user.
NEED_SYS_OR_USER_ADMIN_OR_OWNER SS "The user (%s) needs to have at least sysadmin privilege or be the user's user admin or owner to change the %s user object."
;CAUSE: Must have at least SysAdmin privilege or the user's user admin to save user objects.
;ACTION: Consult your Documentum Administrator.
NEED_SYS_OR_USER_ADMIN_PRIV SS "The user (%s) needs to have at least sysadmin privilege or be the user's user admin to change the %s user object."
;CAUSE: Must have at least SysAdmin privilege or the user's user admin to save user objects.
;ACTION: Consult your Documentum Administrator.
MUST_HAVE_LOGINNAME S "A new %s user object must have a login name"
;CAUSE: All user definition must have a user_name, user_login_name
; and e-mail address before save.
;ACTION: Set all required attributes and try again.
MUST_HAVE_LOGINDOMAIN S "A new user object (%s) must have a login domain name"
;CAUSE: All user definition must have a user_name, user_login_name, user_login_domain
; (when domain_required mode is on), and e-mail address before save.
;ACTION: Set all required attributes and try again.
EXISTING_USER_LOGINNAME S "Cannot create user %s since its user_login_name already exists"
;CAUSE: Tried to create a user that its user_login_name exists. All user login names
; must be unique.
;ACTION: Try again with a different user_login_name.
LOAD_LOGINNAME_CONFLICT SSS "A dm_user object with user name %s was encountered which has a user_login_name (%s) which conflicts with an existing dm_user object. The user_login_name of the object being loaded has been changed to %s."
;PARAMETERS: %1s - the user_name of the load object
; %2s - the conflicting user_login_name
; %3s - the new dummy user_login_name of the load object
;CAUSE: While loading users into the repository, a user was encountered
; whose user_login_name (or user_os_name) conflicts with the
; login name of an existing user in the repository.
; In order to proceed, server changed the login name to a dummy
; name like '@DCTM Unknown User@'.
;ACTION: If the System Administrator takes no action, the docbase and
; objects will still be usable, but it will not be possible for
; the user identified above to actually log into the docbase.
; If it is intended for the new dm_user to be a valid user of
; the docbase, then the new and old users must be differentiated
; by changing one of their login/os names. The System Administrator
; should change the system os names to be different and then
; also change the user_login_name (and user_os_name) value of
; the appropriate dm_user object.
; If it was intended that the two conflicting users were actually
; the same user - but the user_name values of the dm_user objects
; were inadvertantly slightly different, then it is possible to
; find all of the newly loaded objects owned by the new dm_user
; and change their ownership to the local user. The new invalid
; user object can then be removed.
NOT_IN_RESTRICTED_FOLDERS SS "The folder ('%s') is not in the user's (%s) restricted_folder_ids list."
; CAUSE: If restricted_folder_ids is specified, its default folder must reside in a folder specified in
; the restricted_folder_ids or a subfolder of any folder in the list.
; The ID you have specified may be a valid object ID, but it does not reside in a
; folder (or subfolder) specified in the user's restricted_folder_ids.
; ACTION: Make sure the supplied folder is in one of the restricted folders or their subfolders.
; PARAMETERS: The first value is the offending folder id and the second value is the name of the user.
PASSWORD_DECRYPTION_FAIL "Server failed to decrypt user password."
; CAUSE: An internal error occured while encrypting user password.
; ACTION: A previous error message may contain some native error code.
; Please contact Documentum Tech Support with a trace of all error messages.
INVALID_XPRIVILEGES IS "Specified privileges %d are invalid, supported values are %s and their or'd values."
;CAUSE: Tried to set an invalid privilege code.
;ACTION: Try again with valid privilege code.
DOCUMENTUM_USER_LOCKED S "User %s is locked in the repository -- session closed."
;CAUSE: A locked user tried to login to the repository.
;ACTION: Ask the Documentum Administrator to unlock the account.
USER_LOCKED_AND_INACTIVE S "User %s is locked and inactive in the repository -- session closed."
;CAUSE: A locked and inactive user tried to login to the repository.
;ACTION: Ask the Documentum Administrator to unlock and activate the account.
.severity FATAL
INIT1 "The dm_user type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representive.
INIT2 II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the dm_user object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
; software that you are running. If your software and data are
; consistent, then report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representive.
INIT3 "The type manager returned an error storing the dm_user type."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representive.
INT1 S "The following database query could not be executed: %s."
;CAUSE: Inconsistency between the server and the user type.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the database.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site Representative.
INIT4 S "Cannot create or retrieve the superuser %s dmUser object during initialization."
;CAUSE: Possible problems with underlying database.
;ACTION:Look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representive.
CVT1 S "Could not update the new user_db_name attribute. Database error was: %s"
; CAUSE: In the current release a new attribute has been added to
; the dm_user type: user_db_name. Formerly, this name,
; the user's database login name, was equivalent to the
; user_name. They can now differ, and the conversion to
; the current release attempted to initialize the user_db_name
; values to the user_name values. This step has failed.
; ACTION: Only users who are going to register database tables for
; use within DocuServer need to have a user_db_name. For all
; other users, the user_db_name attribute is optional. If
; the conversion failed, you can either 1) run an SQL query
; to set the user_db_name to the user_name, or 2) leave most
; of the user_db_name values empty, and only set those that
; are actually needed. The docbase owner's user_db_name
; must be set.
CVT2 "Could not convert the dm_user type."
; CAUSE: In the current release two new attributes have been added to
; the dm_user type: user_db_name and description. The conversion
; failed during the addition of these attributes to the dm_user
; type.
; ACTION: Report this message to your Documentum Site representative.
TYPE_CONVERSION I "Failed to convert the dm_user to version %d."
; CAUSE: Type conversion failed.
; ACTION: Report this message to your Documentum Site representative.
UNKNOWN_AUTH_PROTOCOL "The docbase auth_protocol is not of any value known to server."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Ask the DBA to fix the corrupted data and then restart the server.