; $Id: dmsysobj.e,v 5.45 2003/04/24 22:49:48 yasoja Exp $
; dmSysObject class errors
.facility DM_SYSOBJECT This facility is for turning on system object tracing.  The trace information will go to session log.
.severity TRACE
MERGE_1 SSS "Checking local folder path for sysobject ID=%s, folder_path=%s, tgt_path=%s"
MERGE_2 S "Appending folder: folder_path=%s"
MERGE_3 S "Removing local folder: folder_path=%s"
ESIGN_CHECK_TCS_ENABLED "AddESignature: Verifying that Trusted Content Services are enabled."
ESIGN_ARGUMENT_VALUE SS "AddESignature: Method argument '%s' has value '%s'."
ESIGN_OBJECT_ID D "AddESignature: Called for object '%s'."
ESIGN_AUTHENTICATE_USER S "AddESignature: Authenticating user '%s'."
ESIGN_CHECK_PERMISSIONS "AddESignature: Checking user permissions."
ESIGN_VERIFY_NOT_CHECKED_OUT "AddESignature: Verifying that the object is not checked out."
ESIGN_CHECK_PRE_SIGNATURE_HASH "AddESignature: Verifying pre-signature hash."
ESIGN_VERIFY_PREVIOUS_SIGNATURES "AddESignature: Verifying any previously existing signatures."
ESIGN_SIGNATURE_NUMBER I "AddESignature: This is signature number %d."
ESIGN_SAVE_ORIGINAL_CONTENT "AddESignature: Saving original (unsigned) content object with page modifier 'dm_sig_source'."
ESIGN_CREATE_TEMP_FILE S "AddESignature: Creating temporary file '%s' with content to be signed."
ESIGN_CALL_METHOD SS "AddESignature: Calling method '%s' with arguments '%s'."
ESIGN_NEW_CONTENT D "AddESignature: Creating new content object '%s'."
ESIGN_SAVE_AUDIT "AddESignature: Saving dm_addesignature audit record."
ESIGN_OPERATION_SUCCEEDED D "AddESignature: Operation succeeded. New audit record ID is '%s'."
ESIGN_READ_USER_OS_NAME S "AddESignature: Get user login name '%s'."
FULL_FETCH DI "Full Fetch of SysObj id=%s cache_vstamp=%d."
SYSOBJ_SAVE_FAILED DSI "Save of sysobject (id = %s, name = %s) failed during Phase %d"
ESIGN_FAILED_SAVE_AUDIT "AddESignature: Saving dm_addesignature_failed audit record."

.severity WARNING
FOLDER_DEFACL SS "Failed to inherit ACL for %s '%s', since it does not have a primary folder."
; CAUSE: The sysobject doesn't have a primary folder.
; ACTION: Set the ACL or permissions for the sysobject.
RENDITION_NOT_REMOVED IS "Rendition page %d is not removed for %s because keep_flag is set to TRUE"
CANT_FETCH_ACL D "Cannot fetch the ACL associated with sysobject %s."
; CAUSE: Check the previous error messages.
; ACTION: Verify that this sysobject has a valid acl_name and acl_domain
ASSUMING_ACL_SECURITY_MODE "The server has dedected an unsupported security mode. ACL security is being assumed.";
; CAUSE: The server has dedected a security_mode other than ACL or NONE. The
;        server will assume ACL security mode. Typically this will occur if
;        the server finds the i_security_mode vstamp to be set to a value
;        other than ACL or NONE. The server will automatically correct this.
; ACTION: None needed.
ATTRS_NOT_ALTERED_FTINDEX S "String-valued attributes have not been marked for fulltext indexing because index objects of type %s already exist in the docbase. Please run the method dm_UpgradeFTSysObjAttrs."
; CAUSE: An attempt was made to mark string-valued attributes for indexing after index objects of the type already exist.
; ACTION: Run the method dm_UpgradeFTSysObjAttrs which will first reset the indexes
;    and then mark the attributes for indexing.  See the Documentum Server Administration
;    Guide for more details.
; PARAMETERS: The type name.
MERGE_PARENT_FETCH DD "Unable to fetch parent link %s for folder %s.  The load operation is unable to determine what to do with the link and will leave it in its current state."
;CAUSE: An error was encountered in a load operation while attempting to merge
;       the folder links of an incoming sysobject with an existing object.
;       The error was encountered while processing links of the existing
;       object that were not found in the incoming object from the dumpfile.
;       Replication rules state that the links should be retained if they are
;       links to folders outside the current replication target folder, and
;       removed otherwise.  The load operation was unable to fetch the folder
;       to make this determination and so retained the link by default.
;ACTION: Check that the source and target docbases are both running the same
;       version of the eContent Server.  This warning could be the result of
;       incompatible rules for dumping and loading folder objects.
;       The object referenced in this error message should be checked at the
;       end of the replication run to see if it is properly linked into its
;       parent folders.
CANNOT_MODIFY_CONTROLLED_SYSOBJECT SSS "An unauthorized application (User: '%s') has attempted to modify the Controlled SysObject with id '%s'. Only applications with an application_code of '%s' can modify this SysObject."
; CAUSE:  An attempt has been made to modify a Controlled SysObject from an
;         unauthorized application.
;         Controlled Sysobjects can only be modified by owning applications.
;         The applications application_code value in the sessionconfig
;         object must match the a_controlling_app value of the SysObject.
; ACTION: Ensure that you are using the appropriate application to modify
;         this SysObject.
;         If this message appears in the server log, it can typically be
;         ignored and there is no cause for alarm. The warning just indicates
;         that specified user attempted to modify a controlled sysobject
;         from an unauthorized application.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the user.
;             The second parameter is the object id of the SysObject.
;             The third parameter is the a_controlling_app of the SysObject.
RETAINER_ALREADY_ATTACHED  SD "Sysobject named '%s' is already attached to %s retainer object"
;CAUSE: A user tried to attach a retainer object to a sysobject twice.
;ACTION: Make sure that every retainer object is attached to a sysobject at most once.
RETAINER_NOT_ATTACHED SD "Sysobject %s is not attached to retainer %s."
;CAUSE: A user tried to remove a retainer object from a sysobject which is not attached to the retainer.
;ACTION: Make sure that you only remove the retainer object attached to the sysobject.
NOT_CASCADE_DELETED_UNDER_RETENTION S "Sysobject %s is not cascade deleted because it is under retention."
;CAUSE: The sysobject was related to another sysobject that was to be deleted. Because the way the relation
;       was set up, a cascade delete on the object was performed. Since the object is under retention,
;       we don't delete the object for cascade delete. Note that the original object as well as the relation
;       object would be deleted.
;ACTION: If you need to delete the sysobject, you need to delete it directly.
NOT_PRUNED DS "The object '%s' was not pruned. The reason was '%s'."
; CAUSE: The object wasn't pruned due to the reason reported.
; ACTION: No action is required unless you want the object to be pruned as well.
;         The reason might be one of the following:
;         1) The keep symbolic label flag in the prune API was true and the object
;            did have some symbolic label. If this was the reason, then re-issue the
;            prune API with the flag set to false.
;         2) The object was referenced by some virtual document. If this was the reason,
;            then you need to delete the referencing object (the parent) first.
.severity ERROR
ALREADY_LINKED  SD       "Sysobject named '%s' is already linked to %s folder"
BAD_ORDER L "Invalid order number %d specified. Must be positive and non-zero."
;CAUSE: You have specified a negative or zero order number during an insertcomp or
;      removecomp operation. The order number must be positive.  (The zero order number
;       is resevered for the composite itself.)
;ACTION: Specify a positive order number with the insertcomp or
;      removecomp operation.
CANT_ADD_NOTE   S  "Cannot add note sysobject named '%s'"
;CAUSE: Reserved for future use.
;ACTION: None.
CANT_ADD_RENDITION LSSS  "Cannot add rendition number %d identified by %s file, %s format sysobject named '%s'."
;CAUSE: Adding this new rendition was not successful.  Either invalid
;   file name or format specification, or rendition number out of sequence.

;ACTION: Look at the error messages following this one for more help.
CANT_CREATE "Cannot create a new sysobject"
;CAUSE: Could not successfully create a new sysobject.
; Either network connection or database connection
; could not be established, or bad docbase.
;ACTION: See  your System Administrator.
CANT_LINKCOMPOSITE DSSS   "Cannot link composite with ID %s and version label %s, version label %s must exist in %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Could not link the composite to the sysobject, since the
;  version label of the sysobject does not exist.
;ACTION: Specify a valid version label for the given sysobject and try again.
CANT_UNLINKCOMPOSITE DLS  "Cannot unlink composite with ID %s at position %d from %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Could not unlink the composite at the specified position number,
; since the composite id does not exist at the specified position number.
;ACTION: Try again with a valid composite id and position number.
CANT_CREATE_VERSION  S "Cannot create new version of sysobject named '%s'."
;CAUSE: Could not create a new versioned sysobject. Either the
; sysobject is locked by another person or current user does not have version
; permit or version label can not be assigned.
;ACTION: See the previous error msgs
CANT_FETCH_INVALID_ID D "Cannot fetch a sysobject - Invalid object ID %s"
;CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
;ACTION: This is probably caused by a bad ID.  Or, possibly, a connection
; to the Documentum server could not be established.
CANT_DESTROY S "Cannot destroy %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Could not destroy this sysobject. Most likely,
; there are versions of this sysobject checked out by others, or the
; content of this sysobject could not be destroyd.
;ACTION: Make sure that all versions of this sysobject
; are checked in and storage area for the content
; object is valid.
CANT_FIND_LABEL SS  "Cannot find %s version label for %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Cannot find the specified version label in this sysobject's
; the version hierarchy.
;ACTION: Specify a valid label.
CANT_LOCK SS "Cannot lock %s sysobject, locked by %s."
;CAUSE: Could not lock this sysobject since it is already is locked
; by another user.
;ACTION: Ask the other party to unlock or checkin the
; sysobject.
CANT_GET_CONTENT SLS    "Cannot get %s format for %d content of %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Could not retrieve the specified content, most likely format
;  or page specified does not exist, or conversion for the specified
;  format was not successful.
;ACTION: Check other error messages on the message queue to find out
;  what the specific problem was.  Take the action appropriate to those
;  more specific messages (such as, specify valid page number or format
;   and try again).
CANT_READ_CONTENT S "Cannot access content for (%s) sysobject"
;CAUSE: Content for the specified sysobject cannot be read.
;ACTION: Look at the following errors on the error message queue for more detail.
CANT_REMOVE_RENDITION LSS  "Cannot remove rendition number %d identified by %s format from %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Most likely this rendition does not exist.
;ACTION: Try a valid rendition.
CANT_SAVE         S          "Cannot save %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: One or more operations has failed during this save.
; Consult the following error message(s) for more help.
;ACTION: Try again after fixing previous problems.
CANT_SAVE_NO_LINK S     "Cannot save %s sysobject without any link."
;CAUSE: All sysobjects must have a parent folder.
;ACTION: Link this sysobject to a folder and try again.
CANT_STORE_CONTENT S "Cannot store content pointed by file %s"
;CAUSE: The system could not store specified file as part of this
; sysobject, probably because of an invalid file name.
;ACTION: Try again with valid file name.
FIXED_ILABELS S  "Version label %s is internal and cannot be changed."
;CAUSE: An internal version label is used during the checkin operation.
;ACTION: Try again with a different version label.
INVALID_TYPE_FOR_OPERATION SSS "Cannot perform %s operation on %s since it is of type %s."
;CAUSE: The specified operation not supported on this type of sysobject.
;ACTION: None.
INVALID_PAGE_NUM LSL    "Invalid page number = %d for %s sysobject.  Maximum page count is %d."
;CAUSE:  You have attempted to access a non-existent page in a multi-page document.
;ACTION: Try a valid page number.
NO_DELETE_ACCESS  S  "No delete permit on %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: You do not have the necessary permit to delete this sysobject.
;ACTION:See your System Administrator or the owner of the sysobject.
NO_CONTENT_TO_PRINT   S "Sysobject %s has no content to print."
;CAUSE:This document has no content/pages to print.
NO_CONTENT_TYPE   S "No content type specified for %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Content type must be specified before adding any contents.
;ACTION: Try again.
NO_READ_ACCESS S "No read access sysobject named '%s'."
;CAUSE:You do not have read access to this sysobject.
;ACTION:See your System Administrator or the owner of the sysobject.
NOT_LINKED SD "Sysobject %s not linked to folder %s."
;CAUSE: This sysobject is not linked to this folder, or the id value specified
; for the folder is invalid.
;ACTION: Try with a valid id.
NOT_MULTI_PAGE  SS       "Cannot perform %s operation since %s sysobject is not a multi-page sysobject."
;CAUSE: Tried to perform a multi-page operation on a simple document.
;ACTION: None.
NO_VERSION_ACCESS S     "No version access sysobject named '%s'."
;CAUSE:You do not have sufficient permission to version (checkout) this sysobject.
;  This could be because of insufficient permission on the sysobject itself,
;  or on the sysobject's primary cabinet.
;ACTION:  First determine if it is the sysobject, or its cabinet, that you
;   do not have version access to.  Then, see your System Administrator or the owner of
;   the sysobject or cabinet.
NO_WRITE_ACCESS  S  "No write access sysobject named '%s'."
;CAUSE:You do not have sufficient permission to write this sysobject.  This
;   could be because of insufficient permission on the sysobject itself, or
;   on the sysobject's primary cabinet.
;ACTION:  First determine if it is the sysobject, or its cabinet, that you
;   do not have write access to.  Then, see your System Administrator or the owner of
;   the sysobject or cabinet.
LOCKED SS   "The operation on %s sysobject was unsuccessful because it is locked by user %s."
;CAUSE: The requested operation cannot be done on a locked sysobject.
;ACTION: Coordinate with the user holding the lock, or create a branch.
CANT_UNLOCK S  "Unsuccessful in removing the lock on %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: The server was unable to remove the lock, most likely
;   version mismatch or database problems.
;ACTION: Correct the version mismatch or database problem first and try again.
;   If there were database problems, there should be additional messages with this
;   operation that explain the reasons.
INVALID_PERMIT IS "Invalid permit %d specified for %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: You have specified a permit that is outside the valid range.
;ACTION: Specify a valid permit number.
CANT_SAVE_IMMUTABLE S "Cannot save %s since it is immutable."
;CAUSE: User has tried to save an older version of a sysobject.
;ACTION: Older versions of a sysobject can only be versioned.  Use checkin
; rather than save.
CANT_MOVE_SYMBOLIC SS "Cannot move symbolic label %s from %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Cannot move the specified symbolic label. Most likely the
;  original sysobject is locked by another user and, until it is
;  unlocked, that object cannot be changed.
;ACTION: Either checkin with a different label or coordinate your
;  changes with the user that has the document locked.
CANT_DELETE_LOCKED SS "Cannot delete sysobject %s since its locked by user %s."
;CAUSE: Cannot delete a locked sysobject.
;ACTION: Have the user who holds the lock unlock the given sysobject, and try again.
CANT_VERSION_LOCKED SS "Cannot create a new version of sysobject %s since its locked by user %s."
;CAUSE: Cannot create a new version of a locked sysobject.
;ACTION: Coordinate your change with the user who holds the lock.
NOT_SINGLE_PAGE  S       "Cannot perform this operation since %s sysobject is not a single-page sysobject."
;CAUSE: Tried to perform a single-page operation on a multi-page document.
;ACTION: None.
CANT_FT_INDEX S "The specified format (%s) cannot be indexed by the full text engine."
;CAUSE: The format specified during setfile/getfile... operation cannot be
;  indexed by the full text engine.
;ACTION: Look into dm_format type for a list of all indexable formats.
INVALID_FORMAT S "The specified format (%s) is invalid."
;CAUSE: The specified format does not match a valid format from the docbase.
;ACTION: Consult the dm_format type for valid format specifications.
CANT_NOTIFY SS "Could not send notification for %s event for %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: The notification for the specified event could not be sent. Most likely
; bad event name specified, or failed database operation.
;ACTION: Check the event name, and any other error messages for this operation.
CANT_REGISTER SS "Could not register the specified %s event for %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: The specified event could not be registered. Most likely
; bad event name specified.
;ACTION: Correct the event name and try again.
CANT_UNREGISTER SS "Could not unregister the specified %s event for %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: The specified event could not be unregistered. Most likely
; bad event name specified.
;ACTION: Correct the event name and try again.
CANT_BINDFILE LSLS "Cannot bind page %d of %s sysobject to page %d of %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Either invalid page number for src or dst in invalid object.
;ACTION: Consult the other error messages for this operation for more help.
CANT_PRUNE D "Cannot prune %s sysobject and its descendants."
;CAUSE: One or more previous operations were erroneous.
;ACION: Examine the previous error messages for more detail.
CANT_PRUNEI DS "Cannot prune %s sysobject: %s"
;CAUSE: One or more previous database operations were erroneous.
;ACION: Examine the previous error messages for more detail.
CANT_DESTROYC S "Cannot destroy root of the %s version tree."
;CAUSE: Tried to delete the root of a version tree.
;ACTION:  Delete the dependent versions before the root.
CANT_PRUNE_LOCKED S "Cannot prune sysobject %s version tree since one or more of its versions are locked."
;CAUSE: Cannot prune a locked version tree.
;ACTION: Unlock all versions on this version tree and try again.
NOLABELS S "Need one or more symbolic labels to mark/unmark %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Mark commands require one or more supplied symbolic labels.
;ACTION: Specify one or more symbolic labels and try again.
FLABEL_INUSE S "Cannot redefine an internal label %s since it is in use."
;CAUSE: Tried to redefine an implicit label that is used for composite containment.
; If implicit version label of a sysobject is in use by composite
; then it cannot be reassigned.
;ACTION: None.
CANT_CHECKOUTNEW S "Cannot checkout %s sysobject, since it is not in the docbase."
;CAUSE: The referenced sysobject has not been saved.
;ACTION: Save the sysobject, before checking out.
INVALID_TYPE SDS "The %s object identified by %s is not a subtype of %s."
;CAUSE: User tried to perform an operation not supported for this object.
;ACTION: None.
CANT_CHANGE_OWNER S "Must be a superuser/owner or anyone with change_owner permit to change the owner_name to '%s'."
;CAUSE: Only a superuser can change the owner_name attribute of
;       a sysobject. In ACL mode, we allow anyone with the
;       change_owner permit to change the owner of the object.
;ACTION: None.
CANT_DROP_LABEL S "Cannot drop %s label."
;CAUSE: Tried to drop a label that is in use for a composite.
;    As long as a label is used for composite containment, the label
;    cannot be dropped.
;ACTION: Try again after removing the component containment that relies
;  on this label.
NONEXISTENT_LABEL SS "Label %s does not exist in %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Tried to drop a non-existent label.
;ACTION: None.
CANT_FETCH_RENDITION LS "Can not fetch prestored rendition for page %d of %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Conditions prior to this operation have caused failure of this operation.
;ACTION: Consult the other error message report with this error or previous error
;  messages for the actual reason.
CANT_CHANGE_PERMITS S "Only the %s sysobject owner, superuser, and anyone with the change_permit permit can change permits."
;CAUSE: A user, other than a superuser or sysobject owner, tried to
;       change security permits
;       In ACL security mode, anyone with the CHANGE_PERMIT
;       permit are allowed to change security permits.
;ACTION: None.
RENDITION_FMT_SAMEAS  SSS "Rendition format %s must be different than the original format %s for %s sysobject unless the page modifier is specified."
;CAUSE: User tried to

;ACTION: Look at the error messages following this one for more help.
CANT_FIND_CHRONICLE D "%s chronicle identifier does not exist."
;CAUSE: a non-existant chroncile id is specified.
;ACTION: Specify an existing chroncile id.
INVALID_PART S "Invalid part definition for %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: User has specified invalid part.
;ACTION: Examine the previous error messages for more info.
NO_PARTS S "No parts exists for %s sysobjects."
;CAUSE: User tried to perform a compound document operation such as removepart,
;  where none exists.
;ACTION: None.
CIRC_LINK  S  "%s sysobject can not be contained in itself."
;CAUSE: A sysobject is contained in itself.
;ACTION: Circluar links are not allowed. No action.
CANT_INSERTP   S "Cannot insert part before the self reference containment object for %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: User tried to insert a part before the self reference containment object.
;ACTION: Try again with a valid insertpart.
CANT_ASSEMBLE S "Cannot build the assembly for %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: The user tried to specify invalid options to assemble a compound document,
;    or the book specified has no components to assemble, or the 'assembled into'
;    document is also a compound document.
;ACTION: Review the dql predicate or the assemble parameters.
INVALID_STORAGE S "The specified storage (%s) is invalid."
;CAUSE: The specified storage does not match a valid storage from the docbase.
;ACTION: Consult the dm_store for valid storage specifications.
NOT_CHECKEDOUT S "The specified %s sysobject is not checked out."
;CAUSE: User tried to checkin a sysobject that is not checkout.
;ACTION: Checkout the sysobject before checkin.
CANT_DESTROYU S "Cannot destroy sysobject named: '%s' since it is referenced by another compound document or an assembly object."
;CAUSE: Tried to destroy a sysobject that is in use in a compound document.
;ACTION:  Delete the compound doucments before the deleting this sysobject.
CANT_REPLACEP   S "Cannot replace the self reference containment object for %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: User tried to replace the self reference containment object.
;ACTION: None.
NO_ASSEMBLY S "No assembly object is attached sysobject named '%s'."
;CAUSE: The current sysobject does not have any assembly object attached to it.
;ACTION: None.
FROZEN S "The %s sysobject is frozen."
;CAUSE: User tried to update/delete a frozen sysobject.
;ACTION: None.
NOCOMPS_TO_FREEZE S "The %s sysobject has no assembled components to be frozen."
;CAUSE: The current sysobject has no assembled components to freeze.
;ACTION: None.
NOT_FROZEN S "The %s sysobject is not frozen."
;CAUSE: User tried to unfreeze a non-frozen sysobject.
;ACTION: None.
NOCOMPS_TO_THAW S "The %s sysobject has no assembled components to be thawed."
;CAUSE: The current sysobject has no assembled components to thaw.
;ACTION: None.
CANT_UNFREEZE S "The %s sysobject can not be unfrozen."
;CAUSE: The current sysobject can not unfrozen. It may participate in frozen
;  assemblies or be an older version of the current version tree.
;ACTION: None.
CANT_DO_ASSEMBLY_CHANGES S "Both the thaw and freeze flags are turned on for %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Server detected the freeze and thaw assembly flags turned on at the same time.
;ACTION: Report this to Documentum.
CANT_ACCESS S "Cannot access file (%s)"
;CAUSE: File or pointer could not be read. Most likely invalid path or pointer is specified for content.
;ACTION: Specify a correct path or pointer and try again.
CANT_ACCESS_FILE SS "Cannot access file '%s' due to Operating System error: %s"
;ACTION: Specify a correct path or pointer and try again.
;CAUSE: File or pointer could not be read. Most likely invalid path or pointer is specified for content.
;ACTION: Specify a correct path or pointer and try again.
NO_RELATE_ACCESS S     "No relate access sysobject named '%s'."
;CAUSE:You do not have sufficient permission to relate this sysobject.
;  This could be because of insufficient permission on the sysobject itself,
;  or on the sysobject's primary cabinet.
;ACTION:  First determine if it is the sysobject, or its cabinet, that you
;   do not have relate access to. 
;   Then, see your System Administrator or the owner of the sysobject or cabinet.
NAME_NOT_UNIQUE SS "The object_name of %s must be unique for %s type."
;CAUSE: object_name of specified system defined subtype of sysobject must be unique.
;ACTION: Specify a unique name.
NEED_NAME S "The %s objects must have an object_name."
;CAUSE: The specified object type must have object_name.
;ACTION: Specify a name.
CONTENTS_SHARED S "Can not change the content of %s sysobject since it is shared."
;CAUSE: User tried to modify the a_content_type of a sysobjec
;  where the content is being shared by multiple sysobject.
;ACTION: Try a setfile instead.
CANT_KEEP_RELATIONS S "Can not keep user/system defined relations for %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Previous errors have forced the server to abort the copying
;  user/system defined relations.
;ACTION: See previous error messages.
CANT_MIGRATE SS "Can not migrate '%s' sysobject to '%s' storage area."
;CAUSE: Previous errors (os/db) prevented the server to migrate
;   the sysobject to the destrination storage.
;ACTION: See the previous error msgs.
REORDERING_FAILED S "Could not recompute part order numbers for sysobject named '%s'. (See your sysadmin)"
;CAUSE: During reordering of part order number, database errors have
; prevented the server to complete this task.
;ACTION: More exact reasons are in other errors along with this message.
; More likely database is not available or some database limit has been reached.
TOOMANY_INSERTP SS "You have inserted too many parts before %s child for sysobject called '%s', please save or checkin now to reorder parts."
;CAUSE: You have inserted too many components before a part.
;ACTION: Perform a save or checkin will recompute orders and should
; should be able to continue compound doc changes.
UNKNOWN_PERMIT S "The permit of the sysobject '%s' is unknown."
; CAUSE: The method needs to know the permit to complete, but the permit
;        is unknown.
; ACTION: The method is either not used appropriately or something goes
;         wrong.
IS_DELETED S "The sysobject '%s' has been deleted and can not be updated/deleted."
;CAUSE: User tried to update/delete a deleted object.
;ACTION: None.
PERMIT_ALLOWED S "The permit requested should have been granted for sysobject %s."
; CAUSE: The server doesn't know why the requested permit was not granted.
BAD_CABINET SD "The sysobject '%s' has a bad primary cabinet ID '%s'."
;CAUSE: Bad primary cabinet id.
;ACTION: See your sysadmin.
NO_DELETE_ACCESS2 SSS "No delete permit on sysobject '%s' since %s '%s' is protected."
;CAUSE: You do not have the necessary permit to delete this sysobject.
;ACTION:See your System Administrator or the owner of the sysobject.
NO_BROWSE_ACCESS2 SSS "No browse access to sysobject '%s' since %s '%s' is protected."
NO_READ_ACCESS2 SSS "No read access to sysobject '%s' since %s '%s' is protected."
;CAUSE:You do not have read access to this sysobject.
;ACTION:See your System Administrator or the owner of the sysobject.
NO_VRSN_ACCESS2 SSS "No version access for sysobject '%s' since %s '%s' is protected."
;CAUSE:You do not have sufficient permission to version (checkout) this sysobject.
;  This could be because of insufficient permission on the sysobject itself,
;  or on the sysobject's primary cabinet.
;ACTION:  First determine if it is the sysobject, or its cabinet, that you
;   do not have version access to.  Then, see your System Administrator or the owner of
;   the sysobject or cabinet.
NO_WRITE_ACCESS2 SSS "No write access for sysobject '%s' since %s '%s' is protected."
;CAUSE:You do not have sufficient permission to write this sysobject.  This
;   could be because of insufficient permission on the sysobject itself, or
;   on the sysobject's primary cabinet.
;ACTION:  First determine if it is the sysobject, or its cabinet, that you
;   do not have write access to.  Then, see your System Administrator or the owner of
;   the sysobject or cabinet.
NO_RELATE_ACCESS2 SSS     "No relate access to sysobject '%s', since %s '%s' is protected."
;CAUSE:You do not have sufficient permission to relate this sysobject.
;  This could be because of insufficient permission on the sysobject itself,
;  or on the sysobject's primary cabinet.
;ACTION: Fix the permit of the specified object.
NO_BROWSE_ACCESS S "No browse access sysobject named '%s'."
;CAUSE:You do not have browse access to this sysobject.
;ACTION:See your System Administrator or the owner of the sysobject.
NEW_ACL SSS "Failed to get the associated ACL object (%s, %s) for the sysobject '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to create a dmACL object.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
ACL_NEED_NAME SSS "Need an accessor name for operation '%s' of %s '%s' to succeed."
; CAUSE: User name is missing in an operation that requires it.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
NOT_SUPPORTED S "The operation '%s' is not supported."
; CAUSE: The operation is not supported.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
ACL_CACHE SS "Error reported by the ACL cache of the sysobject '%s'. The message is: %s."
; CAUSE: The ACL cache reports error.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
INVALID_ACL_DOMAIN SSS "The %s '%s' is given an invalid ACL domain '%s'."
; CAUSE: Invalid ACL domain is given.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
CANT_FETCH_ACL SSSSS "Failed to fetch the ACL '%s' in domain '%s' for %s '%s'. [%s]"
; CAUSE: Failed to fetch ACL.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
CANT_SAVE_ACL SSSS "Failed to save the ACL '%s' in domain '%s' for the %s '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to save ACL.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
DESTROY_ACL SSSS "Failed to destroy the ACL '%s' in the domain '%s' for %s '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to destroy the ACL.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
INVALID_SOURCE SS "The ACL source specified '%s' for the sysobject '%s' is invalid. The source could be either FOLDER, TYPE or USER."
; CAUSE: Invalid source is given to useacl.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
NO_ACL_SOURCE "The destinated ACL source is invalid."
; CAUSE: The server is told an invalid source to inherit ACL.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
CANT_FIND_GROUP S "The group '%s' specified does not exist."
; CAUSE: non-exist group found
; ACTION: Report the bug.
CANT_FIND_USER S "The user '%s' specified does not exist."
; CAUSE: non-exist user is found.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
APPLY_ADHOC_ACL SSIISSSS "Failed to %s ACE ('%s', '%d', '%d') to the ACL '%s' in name space '%s' for %s '%s'."
; CAUSE: Error found while applying the add-hoc list to the ACL.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
BAD_ADHOC_OP ISS "The operation (%d) for an ad-hoc ACE of %s '%s' is neither 'grant' (1) nor 'revoke' (-1)."
; CAUSE: Found a bogus operation in the ad-hoc operation.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
CANT_DEREF_ACL SSS "Failed to de-reference the ACL '%s' in domain '%s' for sysobject '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to deref.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
ACL_REVISE_GROUP SSSS "Failed to revise group name of the ACL '%s' in domain '%s' of %s '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to revise the group name in the associated ACL.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
CANT_FETCH_FOLDER D "Failed to fetch the folder '%s'."
; CAUSE: The given folder id may be invalid.
; ACTION: Specify the right folder id and try again.
LINK_PERMIT S "Linking or unlinking to the folder '%s' failed. WRITE permit is required on the folder."
; CAUSE: Require WRITE permit on the folder in order to link/unlink.
; ACTION: Change the permissions of the folder and try again.
REVERT_ACL SSSS "Failed to revert the ACL '%s' in domain '%s' during reversion of %s '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to revert the associated ACL during sysobject reversion.
NO_NEW_ATOMIC SS "%s operation in atomic mode can not apply to a new sysobject named '%s'."
; CAUSE: The operation in atomic mode can only apply to an existing sysobject.
; ACTION: Save the sysobject first and try again.
FOLDER_DEF_ACL S "ACL inheritance failed, due to missing ACL in the folder '%s'."
; CAUSE: The folder to inherit the ACL doesn't have an ACL defined.
; ACTION: Associated an ACL with the folder.
TYPE_DEF_ACL S "ACL inheritance failed, due to missing ACL in the type '%s'."
; CAUSE: The type to inherit the ACL doesn't have an ACL defined.
; ACTION: Associated an ACL with the type.
USER_DEF_ACL S "ACL inheritance failed, due to missing ACL in the User '%s'."
; CAUSE: The User to inherit the ACL doesn't have an ACL defined.
; ACTION: Associated an ACL with the User.
OPEN_ACCESS SS "The file '%s' cannot be opened because it is in use by another application.  (Operating System error: %s)."
;ACTION: Close any applications using the particular file and try again
;CAUSE: The file is in use by another process.
FILE_PERMISSION SS "The file '%s' cannot be opened because the current user does not have sufficient permissions.  (Operating System error: %s)."
;ACTION: Check the on-disk file permissions.  Change if necessary.
;CAUSE: The current user does not have the necessary permissions to access the file or the file is in use.
LINK_PERMIT2 SD "Linking or unlinking to the folder '%s' failed on sysobject '%s'. WRITE permit is required on the folder, when using folder security."
; CAUSE: Require WRITE permit on the folder in order to link/unlink.
; ACTION: Change the permissions of the folder and try again.
LINK_ADJUST DS "Failed to adjust the link count of the sysobject '%s'. The database error message was: %s"
; CAUSE: Failed to deferred update the sysobject's r_link_cnt.
; ACTION: Fix the database problem according to the reported error message.
NO_PRIMARY_FOLDER "Failed to derive ACL from the primary folder, since cabinets have no primary folders."
; CAUSE: Try to derive ACL from primary folder which cabinets do not have.
; ACTION: Derive ACL from other resources than primary folder.
BINDFILE_SOURCE "Failed to bind file due to missing source sysobject object."
; CAUSE: The source sysobject for bindfile command is missing.
; ACTION: Please make sure the id of the source sysobject is correct. If this
;         still happens, there can be an internal problem.
NAME_MAPPING SS "Failed to the given name '%s' to the object's handle due to database errors. The message from the database is: %s"
; CAUSE: Failed to execute the query that gets the object id with the given
;        unique object name.
; ACTION: Fixed the database problem as reported in the error message and
;         try again.
UPDATE_VTREE S "Failed to update the attributes used to maintain the version tree. The message from the database is: %s"
; CAUSE: Failed to update the attributes.
; ACTION: Fix the database problem as reported and try again.
SQL SS "Failed to execute the statement: %s. The error message from the database was: %s"
; CAUSE: Failed to execute the query due to some database errors.
; ACTION: Try the operation again. If it still fails, contact your sysadmins
;        to fix the database problem. Adjust database configuration parameters,
;        if necessary.
UPDATE_CABID S "Failed to update the cabinet ID of the sysobjects. This change is necessary due to the change of the primary link of the folder '%s'."
; CAUSE:  Failed to update the cabinet ID's of all the sysobjects.
; ACTION: Retry the operation. If it still fails due to database problems,
;         contact your sysadmins to fix the reported database errors and try
;         again.
SETTIME_MODIFY_FAIL S "A failure occurred while trying to update set_time of content object: database error message was '%s'"
;CAUSE: Database system failure.
;ACTION: The database system error message may indicate how to repair the error.
NEW_SAVENEW "Cannot execute saveasnew operation on an object which has never been saved to the docbase."
; CAUSE:  The source object of the saveasnew operation is not a persistent
;   object in the docbase.  The object must first be saved to the
;   docbase before it can be used in a saveasnew request.
; ACTION: Check the application logic.  If the action performed is on a newly
;   created object, perhaps a simple 'save' is appropriate.
NO_POLICY SD "%s failed because the policy %s does not exist."
;CAUSE:  The policy object may have been destroyed.
;ACTION: You must attach the sysobject to some valid policy object.
NO_STATE SSD "%s failed because the state %s is not in policy %s."
NOT_INSTALLED SD "%s failed because the associated policy '%s' is not INSTALLED."
;CAUSE:   The policy object is not in INSTALLED state.
;ACTION:  You must install the policy object before the sysobject can be promoted to the target state."
BAD_CUR_STATE SID "%s failed since the current state '%d' is not a valid state of the associated policy '%s'."
;CAUSE:   The state may have been removed.
;ACTION:  Reattach the sysobject to an INSTALLED policy. 
NO_PROM_TERMINAL ID "Promote failed since the sysobject's current state %d is a terminal state of the associated policy %s."
NO_DEMOTE_BASE SD "Demote failed since the current state %s is a base state of the associated policy %s."
NOT_ALLOW_DEMOTE SD "Demote failed since the sysobject's current state %s of policy %s is not allowed to demote." 
BAD_SCHED SD "The date %s scheduled to promote the object %s is a bad date."
SCHED_PASSED SSDS "The date %s scheduled to %s the object %s is smaller than the current time %s." 
CHANGE_STATE_PERM SD "It requires the CHANGE_STATE and WRITE permits to perform %s operation on object %s."
;CAUSE:      The user does not have the CHANGE_STATE extended permission
;            (maybe WRITE permit) on the sysobject
;            while attempting to perform the said operation.
;ACTION:     Grant the user CHANGE_STATE and WRITE permits on the object.
BAD_TARGET_STATE SDS "Cannot %s the sysobject %s to the state %s."
;CAUSE:       User has specified an invalid state in the operation.
;             A state is an invalid target state in an operation either it does not
;             exist in the associated policy object or it is not the right target state.
;ACTION:      Make sure the state does exist in the associated policy object and
;             it is the right target state.
RESUME_NOT_NORM SD "Cannot resume to state %s which is not a normal state of policy %s."
OVERRIDE_ENTRY S "Cannot override an entry criteria. User '%s' must be the owner of the policy or a superuser."
NOT_ATTACHABLE_TYPE SD "The object type '%s' is not an acceptable type to policy '%s'."
;CAUSE:  The type of the object you tried to attach the policy is not a subtype
;        of the primary type, or is not an acceptable subtype as listed in
;        included_type[] repeating attribute.
MUST_BE_OWNER  S "You must be the owner (or superuser) to perform '%s' operation'."
;CAUSE:  To do attach, you must be the owner or have superuser privilege.
EXPUNGE_REPLICA "Cannot destroy a versioned replica or prune subset of its version tree. For replica, only deletion of all versions is allowed. (Reference 'prune' command with object's chronicle_id and keepSLabel=F)"
; CAUSE:  Destroying a single versioned replica could cause consistency
;         issues on version tree during replication.
; ACTION: Do not destroy a versioned replica. If space consumption is
;         the concern, remove contents from replica or simply prune
;         the whole version tree.
INVALID_XPERMIT_NAME SS "There exists at least one invalid extended permission name in %s for operation %s."
; CAUSE:  At least one of the extended permission names provided in the list is invalid.
;         Currently, only the following names for extended permissions are supported:
;           (1)  execute_proc
;           (2)  change_location
;           (3)  change_state
;           (4)  change_permit
;           (5)  change_owner
; ACTION: Only supply names in the above list.
NO_PRIV_TO_CHG_LOC SS "The current user (%s) does not have enough privilege to copy/move/link/unlink %s sysobject."
;CAUSE: Must have CHANGE_LOCATION privilege to copy/move/link/unlink
;       objects.
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.
CANT_CHANGE_XPERMITS S "Only the %s sysobject owner and superuser can change extended permits."
;CAUSE: A user, other than a superuser or sysobject owner, tried to
;       change extended security permits
;ACTION: None.
CANCEL_NO_JOB SSD "The job %s scheduled at %s for object %s does not exist."
;CAUSE:  The specified job does not exist in the docbase.
;ACTION: Either the job has already been destroyed or the specified time is not correct.
BAD_RESUME_STATE ID "Resume failed since the resume state '%d' is not a valid state of the associated policy '%s'."
;CAUSE:   The state may have been removed.
;ACTION:  Reattach the sysobject to an INSTALLED policy. 
NOT_ALLOW_BP_SCHD SSD "Scheduled %s failed since the current state %s of policy %s is not schedulable." 
;CAUSE:   The current state is not allowed to be scheduled.
;ACTION:  Before scheduling a BP event, move current state to a state whose allow_schedule
;         value is true.
NO_TARGET_BP_SCHD S "Scheduled %s failed since no check state is specified." 
;CAUSE:   A check state is needed for a scheduled business policy event.
;ACTION:  Choose a check state whose allow_schedule value is true.
BAD_FROM_STATE SDS "Cannot %s the sysobject %s from the state %s."
;CAUSE:       User has specified an invalid from state in the operation.
;             A state is an invalid from state in an operation either it does not
;             exist in the associated policy object or it is not the right from state.
;ACTION:      Make sure the state does exist in the associated policy object and
;             it is the right from state.
BP_SCHD_SAME_TIME SS "Scheduled %s failed since there exists other event scheduled at the same time %s."
;CAUSE:   Another BP event has been scheduled at the same time already.
;ACTION:  Choose a different time to schedule the event.
EXIST_CHECK_BP_SCHD SSD "Scheduled %s failed since check state %s does not exist in policy %s." 
;CAUSE:   A check state is needed for a scheduled business policy event.
;ACTION:  Supply a check state (i.e. a target state for Promote and Demote, and
;         a source state for Suspend and Resume).
BP_ON_OPENTRAN S "A BP event %s failed because this session has an open transaction."
;CAUSE:   User tried to issue a BP event (i.e., attach, promote, demote,
;         suspend, and resume) within an open transaction.
;ACTION:   Commit the transaction and re-run the BP event again.
FAIL_ENTRY SDDSD "%s failed because the document %s does not satisfy the entry criteria (%s) of state %s in policy %s."
;CAUSE:  The document does not satisfy the criteria specified in the entry criteria object.
;ACTION: Check the entry criteria object and the values of involved attributes.
LENGTH_WIDEN_FAILED "The upgrade failed on widening sysobject's attribute lengths."
;CAUSE:  The database server may have problems widening the column length, or the attribute length may already be widen.
;ACTION: Check database server log or use sql script(under dba) to upgrade.
NO_DEFAULT_POLICY SDS "%s failed because the default policy %s for type %s does not exist."
;CAUSE:  The policy object may have been destroyed.
;ACTION: You must attach the sysobject to some valid policy object.
INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE_FOR_PLUGIN "You must be a system administrator to create or destroy objects of dm_plugin type."
SAVE_FAILED_UNAVAILABLE_SUBTYPE S "Your client is older than your server, and you have attempted to create an object of a type (%s) that is not available to your client's version."
; CAUSE:  A sysobject subtype that is available in your docbase was created by an e-Content Server
;  that is newer than the Documentum Client Library (dmcl) of the client you are using.
;       You cannot create an object of that type unless the dmcl matches.  You would not get
;       a correct ID, nor proper save semantics if this were allowed.
ALREADY_LOCKED S "You already have document %s checked out."
; CAUSE:  Attempt to checkout document already checked out by the current user.
;ACTION:  None necessary.
FILE_AND_VERSION_MAPPING SSS "Failed to find the sysobject r_object_id corresponding to the path '%s' and version '%s' due to database errors. The message from the database is: %s"
; CAUSE: Failed to execute the query that gets the object id with the given
;        path to the sysobject and version number
; ACTION: Fix the database problem as reported in the error message and
;         try again.
SET_ATTR_SYNTAX_ERROR S "The parameters, '%s', specified in the SET_CONTENT_ATTRS call contains syntax error."
; CAUSE: The SET_CONTENT_ATTRS apply call fails to be executed due to a 
;        syntax error in the argument, parameters.
; ACTION: The syntax in the argument, parameters, needs to be in the format
;         of <attr_name>="<attr_value>"{, <attr_name>="<attr_value>"}.
;         Correct your syntax and try again.
MISSING_REQUIRED_PARA S "Some required parameter is missing in the %s call."
; CAUSE: A required parameter is missing from the apply call.
; ACTION: Check the syntax to make sure that all required parameters are supplied.
CHANGE_STATE_PERM_2 SSD "It requires the CHANGE_STATE permit to perform %s on the object %s(%s)."
;CAUSE:      The user does not have the CHANGE_STATE extended permission
;            (maybe WRITE permit) on the sysobject
;            while attempting to perform the said operation.
;ACTION:     Grant the user CHANGE_STATE and WRITE permits on the object.
BAD_CUR_STATE_2 SSDID "%s on the object %s(%s) failed since the current state '%d' is not a valid state of the associated policy '%s'."
;CAUSE:      The state may have been removed.
;ACTION:     Reattach the sysobject to an INSTALLED policy.
NO_PROM_TERMINAL_2 SDI "Promote failed since the object, %s(%s), is in the terminal state %d."
;CAUSE:      The object is already it the terminal state.
;ACTION:     Promote is not allowed. Check the associated lifecycle.
NOT_A_SYSOBJECT D "'%s' is not a sysobject which is required for lifecycle operation."
;CAUSE:      The specified object is not a type or subtype of sysobject.
;ACTION:     Make sure that the object for lifecycle operation is of
;            dmsysobject type or its subtype.
VERSION_MISMATCH L "save of object failed because of version mismatch: old version was %d"
;CAUSE: The save of an object failed because the version stamp in the object was inconsistent with the version stamp currently stored in the database.
;ACTION: Refetch the object, make the necessary changes and save it again.
;PARAMETERS: The identifier of the object, the type of the object and the old value of the version stamp.
CANT_DELETE_RELATION_EXISTS SS "Cannot delete object %s since dm_relation object(s) %s exists with integrity_kind set to 1."
;CAUSE: Cannot delete an object referenced by a dm_relation object with integrity kind set to 1.
;ACTION: Delete the dm_relation object that references this object, and try again.
INVALID_A_CONTROLLING_APP_VALUE S "The a_controlling_app value of '%s' is invalid. Application codes can only contain alphanumeric characters or '_'."
;CAUSE: a_controlling_app values can only contain alphanumeric values or '_'. No whitespace
;       or other characters are allowed. Also, the application code value of 'dm_all_applications' is not
;       not allowed.
;ACTION: Correct the value of a_controlling_app
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the value that was entered for a_controlling_app
ILLEGAL_FLOATING_NUMBER S "The floating number, '%s', is either out of range, illegal, or specifies a zero other than '0' or '0.0'."
; CAUSE: The SET_CONTENT_ATTRS apply call fails to be executed due to an 
;        error in the FLOAT function. The error may be caused by an
;        overflowed floating number or a specification of a zero value
;        other than '0' or '0.0'.
; ACTION: Check the literal specified in the FLOAT function to see if there
;         exists any illegal symbol. Note that zero is only allowed to be specified
;         as '0' or '0.0'.
;         Correct your syntax and try again.
CANT_ATTACH_REPLICA_POLICY D "Attach of replica policy '%s' is not supported."
;CAUSE: The client attempted to attach a replica policy to a sysobject.
;ACTION: Choose a local policy.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the policy id of the replica policy.
DM_PROCESS_OBJECT_COPY S "Failed to copy '%s' because copying workflow templates from one docbase to another is not supported."
;CAUSE: The client attempted to copy a process definition object also known as a workflow template, which is not allowed between docbases.
;ACTION: Please use the SaveAs feature in WorkFlowManager or create a new workflow template manually with similar attributes.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the name of the workflow template.
CANT_SET_FORK_WITHOUT_CONTENT S "You cannot set the resource fork for the sysobject (%s) before setting its content."
;CAUSE:      The client attempted to set the resource fork on a page of the sysobject
;            before setting its content.
;ACTION:     Use the API to set the content on the same page first. Then, try again.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the name of the sysobject.
CANT_SET_FORK_ON_EXISTING_CONTENT S "You cannot set the resource fork for the sysobject (%s) after the content has been saved."
;CAUSE:      The client attempted to set the resource fork on a page of the sysobject
;            after its content has been saved.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the name of the sysobject.
ESIGN_CONTENT_NOT_FOUND DSS "Could not retrieve content for the object '%s' in format '%s' with page modifier '%s'."
;CAUSE:      A rendition in the signature format for the sysobject could not be found.
;ACTION:     Make sure that the a sysobject has a rendition or primary content in the signature format.
;            If this is not the first signature then a rendition with page modifier dm_sig_source must also exits.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the id of the sysobject which is being signed.
;            The second parameter is the format of the content that could not be retrieved.
;            A blank format indicates that the primary content was requested.
;            The third parameter is the page modifier.
ESIGN_PRIMARY_CONTENT_NOT_FOUND D "Could not retrieve the primary content for the object %s."
;CAUSE:      The primary content for the sysobject could not be found.
;ACTION:     Make sure that the a sysobject has a rendition or primary content in the signature format.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the id of the sysobject which is being signed.
ESIGN_CONTENT_HASH_FAILED DSS "Could not generate a hash value for object %s in format %s with hashing algorithm %s."
;CAUSE:      Hashing of the content data failed.
;            A hash is made both before and after the signature page is added.
;ACTION:     Check the content error for more specific information about the failure.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the id of the sysobject which is being signed.
;            The second parameter is the format of the content object being hashed.
;            The third parameter is the hashing algorithm requested.
ESIGN_OBJECT_UNSIGNED D "The object %s is unsigned.
;CAUSE:      No dm_addesignature audit records were found for this sysobject.
;            Deleting these audit records will make the sysobject appear unsigned.
;ACTION:     Verify that dm_addesignature audit records are not being deleted.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the id of the sysobject which is being signed or verified.
ESIGN_AUDIT_RECORD_NULL_ID "Couldn't read object id of audit record."
;CAUSE:      The audit record r_object_id attribute has an invalid value.
;ACTION:     Check the dm_addesignature audit records for the object that is being signed or verified.
ESIGN_AUDIT_RECORD_UNSIGNED D "Audit record %s for the existing electronic signature is unsigned."
;CAUSE:      dm_addesignature audit records must be signed.
;            Since audit records of this type are automatically signed
;            finding an unsigned record is unexpected.
;ACTION:     Verify the status of the unsigned dm_addesignature audit record.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the id of the audit record which was found to be unsigned.
ESIGN_CANT_VERIFY_AUDIT_RECORD D "Audit record %s for the previous electronic signature cannot be verified."
;CAUSE:      dmVerifyAuditRecord failed to return a result collection.
;ACTION:     Verify the status of the dm_addesignature audit record.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the id of the audit record which is being verified.
ESIGN_CANT_GET_VERIFY_AUDIT_RESULTS D "Audit record %s for the previous electronic signature has no verification results."
;CAUSE:      dmVerifyAuditRecord failed returned an empty result collection.
;ACTION:     Verify the status of the dm_addesignature audit record.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the id of the audit record which is being verified.
ESIGN_INVALID_AUDIT_RECORD D "Audit record %s for the existing electronic signature is invalid."
;CAUSE:      Verification of the audit record failed.
;ACTION:     Verify the status of the dm_addesignature audit record.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the id of the audit record which is being verified.
ESIGN_INVALID_HASH_FORMAT_AUDIT SD "The format of hash attribute value '%s' in audit record %s is invalid."
;CAUSE:      The server supports a fixed set of hash values. Initially only the format "SHA-1" is supported.
;ACTION:     Verify the hash format in the specified audit record.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the hash format.
;            The second parameter is the audit record ID.
ESIGN_INVALID_PRE_SIGNATURE_HASH_FORMAT S "The format of the preSignatureHash argument '%s' is invalid."
;CAUSE:      The server supports a fixed set of hash values. Initially only the format "SHA-1" is supported.
;ACTION:     Verify the hash format of the preSignatureHash argument passed in the call to addesignature.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the hash format.
ESIGN_PRE_SIGNATURE_HASH_MISMATCH DSS "Mismatch between object %s with hash string '%s' and preSignatureHash argument %s."
;CAUSE:      The preSignatureHash argument was found to be invalid.
;ACTION:     Verify that the client application is properly hashing the document prior to calling addesignature.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the sysobject that is being signed.
;            The second parameter is the hash of the sysobject.
;            The third parameter is the hash value that was passed into addesignature.
ESIGN_AUDIT_HASH_MISMATCH DSDS "Mismatch between object %s with hash string '%s' and audit record %s with hash string '%s'."
;CAUSE:      The sysobject signature is invalid.        
;            The hash of the signed object does not match the one stored in the audit record.
;ACTION:     Check the sysobject to see if it has been altered since the signature was made.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the sysobject that is being signed.
;            The second parameter is the hash value for the sysobject.
;            The third parameter is the ID of the audit record being used for verification.
;            The fourth parameter is the hash value from the audit record.
ESIGN_CANT_DECRYPT_PASSWORD I "Password decryption failed with error code %d."
;CAUSE:      The passed in password could not be successfully decrypted.
;ACTION:     Check the password format..
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the error code .
ESIGN_CANT_AUTHENTICATE_USER S "User %s could not be authenticated."
;CAUSE:      The password argument did not properly authenticate the user..
;ACTION:     Verify the user's login name and password.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the user name.
ESIGN_OBJECT_NOT_CHECKED_IN D "Object %s is checked out. Objects must be checked in to be signed."
;CAUSE:      A signature cannot be added to a checked-out sysobject..
;ACTION:     Check-in the sysobject that is to be signed..
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the sysobject that is being signed..
ESIGN_PREEXISTING_SIGNATURE_INVALID D "The previous electronic signature for object %s is invalid. New signatures may not be added."
;CAUSE:      An object cannot be signed if a pre-existing signature is invalid.
;ACTION:     Verify the validity of any existing electronic signatures.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the sysobject that is being signed.
ESIGN_CANT_HASH_PRIMARY_CONTENT D "The primary content for object %s could not be hashed."
;CAUSE:      The sysobject's content could not be hashed prior to signing.
;ACTION:     Verify that the sysobject has content in the signature format.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the sysobject that is being signed.
ESIGN_CANT_HASH_RENDITION_CONTENT D "The rendition to be signed for object %s could not be hashed."
;CAUSE:      The sysobject's content could not be hashed prior to signing.
;ACTION:     Verify that the sysobject has content in the signature format.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the sysobject that is being signed.
ESIGN_AUDIT_CREATION_FAILED D "An electronic signature audit record for object %s could not be created."
;CAUSE:      The signature process failed because an audit record could not be created.
;ACTION:     Verify that audit records can be created.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the sysobject that is being signed.
ESIGN_VERIFICATION_FAILED D "The electronic signature for object %s is invalid.
;CAUSE:      Verification of a pre-existing electronic signature failed.
;ACTION:     Verify the validity of the audit record hash data.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the sysobject that is being signed.
ESIGN_CANT_CREATE_TEMP_FILE SS "Unable to create temporary file '%s'. Error: %s."
;CAUSE:      A file system error occured when trying to create a temprorary file.
;ACTION:     Verify that the name and path to the temporary file are valid.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the temporary file name.
;            The second parameter is the operating system error code.
ESIGN_CANT_WRITE_TO_TEMP_FILE SSS "Unable to write content to temporary file '%s' at position '%s'. Error: %s."
;CAUSE:      An error occurred while writing a content file to a temporary file.
;ACTION:     Verify the validity of the content for the sysobject that is being signed.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the temporary file path.
;            The second parameter is the file position where the error occurred.
;            The third parameter is the OS error number..
ESIGN_CANT_READ_DATA_SOURCE D "Failed to read the data from content object '%s'."
;CAUSE:      The content object could not be read.
;ACTION:     Verify the validity of the sysobject that is being signed.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the content object that is being signed.
ESIGN_CANT_CREATE_TEMP_DIRECTORY S "Can't create the temporary directory '%s'."
;CAUSE:      An error occurred while creating the directory used by the addesignature temporary files.
;ACTION:     Verify that the path doesn't already exist.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the path to the temporary directory.
ESIGN_CANT_WRITE_CONTENT_TO_FILE D "Can't write content object %s to file '%s'."
;CAUSE:      The content could not be written.
;ACTION:     Check for the existence of a pre-existing file.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the content object
;            The secord parameter is the file name of the temporary file.
ESIGN_CANT_FIND_METHOD S "Can't find method '%s'."
;CAUSE:      The requested signature page method could not be found.
;ACTION:     Verify the existence of the signature page method.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the method name.
ESIGN_SIGNATURE_METHOD_FAILED SS "Method '%s' failed. Arguments: %s."
;CAUSE:      The signature page method .
;ACTION:     Look in the server log for errors pertaining to this failure.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the method name.
;            The second parameter is the argument list.
ESIGN_CANT_UPDATE_CONTENT D "Can't update the content for object '%s'."
;CAUSE:      The content object could not be saved.
;ACTION:     Verify the status of the sysobject that is being signed..
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the sysobject that is being signed.
ESIGN_CANT_DELETE_TEMPORARY_FILE S "Can't delete the temporary file '%s'."
;CAUSE:      A temporary file could not be cleaned up.
;ACTION:     Check the temporary file for open handles.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the temporary file name.
ESIGN_SIGNATURE_NUMBER_ERROR D "Invalid electronic signature number for object '%s'. Signature numbers must be consecutive and increase beginning with 1."
;CAUSE:      All previous dm_addesignature audit records must be present.
;ACTION:     Verify that one or more audit records were altered. Objects in this state can no longer be signed.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the sysobject that is being signed.
ESIGN_SIGNATURE_METHOD_NOT_RUN S "The signature method '%s' did not execute."
;CAUSE:      The signature page method could not be found.
;ACTION:     Verify the existence of the signature page method file.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the name of the signature page method..
ESIGN_CANT_SAVE_ORIGINAL "The original content could not be saved."
;CAUSE:      The original content could not be saved with the page modifier "dm_sig_source".
;ACTION:     Verify the status of the sysobject content in the signature format.
ESIGN_SIGNATURE_NUMBER_MISSING ID "Missing electronic signature number %d for object '%s'. Signature numbers must be consecutive and increase beginning with 1."
;CAUSE:      All previous dm_addesignature audit records must be present.
;ACTION:     Verify that one or more audit records were deleted. Objects in this state can no longer be signed.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the number electronic signature number.
;            The second parameter is the object ID of the sysobject that is being signed.
ESIGN_SIGNATURE_SOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS DD "Object '%s' appears unsigned but a signature source content object '%s' already exists for it."
;CAUSE:      Unsigned objects will not be signed if a rendition with the page modifier
;            dm_sig_source already exists. This prevents the re-signing of sysobjects
;            if there dm_addesignature audit records were all deleted.          
;ACTION:     Verify that sysobject was already signed. Determine what happened to the audit records.   
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the sysobject that is being signed.
;            The second parameter is the dm_sig_source object ID.
ESIGN_CURSOR_ERROR S "A database error has occurred during the creation of a cursor needed for reading addesignature audit trail records ('%s')."
;CAUSE:  A SQL statement that queries the Documentum schema has failed. This error message
;        indicates that a failure occurred during the parsing of the generated
;        SQL statement by the underlying RDBMS.
;ACTION: The error message from the RDBMS is shown in the message. Use that
;        error message to figure out what has happened.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the database error number.
ESIGN_USER_MISMATCH SS "The optional user name argument '%s' if provided must match the name of the logged in user '%s'."
;CAUSE:  The user name argument and the name of the logged in user do not match.
;ACTION: Either omit the user name argument or pass in the name of the logged in user.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the user name that was passed into the function
;            The secord parameter is the name of the user who logged in.
UPDATE_RETAIN_UNTIL_UNABLE_TO_SAVE S "Unable to save %s after updating i_retain_until attribute value"
; CAUSE: Unable to save sysobject after updating the i_retain_until attribute.
; Action: Refer to the action of other error messages.
UPDATE_RETAIN_UNTIL_UNABLE_TO_EXECUTE_QUERY S "An error occured while executing a DQL statement to fetch objects to update the i_retain_until attribute: Query: %s"
; apply method had syntax errors.
; ACTION: Refer to other error messages for the session and take corrective
; action to fix those problems and reexecute the apply method.
UPDATE_RETAIN_UNTIL_INVALID_OBJECT S "%s is not a valid sysobject"
; CAUSE: An invalid object id was specified for UPDATE_RETAIN_UNTIL_DATE apply method
; ACTION: Supply a valid sysobject id.
; CAUSE: UPDATE_RETAIN_UNTIL_DATE apply method was executed with invalid arguments.
; ACTION: Refer to the Content Server Administrator guide for valid arguments.
UPDATE_RETAIN_UNTIL_UNABLE_TO_COMMIT_BATCH I "An error occured while attempting to commit changes made to %d objects"
; CAUSE: A database error occured while committing a batch of objects after
; having updated the i_retain_until attribute of those objects.
; ACTION: Refer to other error messages for the session and take corrective
; action suggested for those errors.
CANT_REMOVE_RENDITION2 IS "Rendition page %d is not removed for %s because retention period has not expired"
SETSTORAGE_EXISTING_CONTENT_OBJECT "setstorage API cannot be executed on an existing dmr_content object."
; CAUSE: cannot call setstorage on an existing dmr_content object.
; ACTION: Either check out the object or wait until retention is expired.
SETSTORAGE_INVALID_STORAGE S "The storage name specified '%s' is invalid."
; CAUSE: Storage name specified for the setstorage api is invalid.
; ACTION: specify a valid storage area name.

SETSTORAGE_UNABLE_TO_VALIDATE_STORAGE S "Unable to validate the specified storage area name '%s'"
; CAUSE: A communication error occured while attempting to validate the
; storage area name specified, with the content server.
; ACTION: Check the server log for any errors.
NOT_IN_RESTRICTED_FOLDERS D "The sysobject ('%s') is not in any folder (or subfolder of the folder) specified in the user's restricted_folder_ids."
; CAUSE:  If restricted_folder_ids is specified, every sysobject fetched/saved must reside in at least one folder
;         specified in the restricted_folder_ids or a subfolder of any folder in the list.
;         The ID you have specified may be a valid object ID, but it does not reside in a
;         folder (or subfolder) specified in the user's restricted_folder_ids.
; ACTION: Fetch another object or link the object to one of the restricted folders or their subfolders.
; PARAMETERS:  The first ID value is the sysobject id and the second one is the offending folder id.

OBJECT_NOT_CHECKEDOUT SS "Object %s has not been checked out prior to calling %s API"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when an application calls setfile or setcontent API
; to set the content of an existing page of an existing sysobject that's using
; a retention enabled CA Store. To alter the content page of a sysobject that
; is using a retention enabled CA store, the object must be checked out first.
; ACTION: checkout the sysobject and retry changing the content.

INVALID_STORAGE_TYPE_CHANGE SSSSS "Storage type for object %s cannot be changed from %s to %s, because %s is a retention enabled store and %s is not"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when a_storage_type attribute of an existing
; sysobject is changed from a retention enabled CA store to a non-retention
; enabled CA store. A CA store is retention enabled if it is configured
; to require a retention period or is configured to use a default retention
; date.
; ACTION: You cannot initiate an implicit migration of content from a
; retention enabled CA store to non-retention enabled CA store.  Specify
; a retention enabled store object name if you want to change the storage type
; and retry the operation.

CANT_FORCE_DELETE SSS "Can't force delete object (%s) because storage (%s) does not allow the operation, for the specified authorization parameters (%s)"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when attempting to forcedelete a sysobject and
; its content, where the storage area does not allow the force delete
; operation for the specified the authroization parameters.
; ACTION: Consult your system administrator to create a proper authorization
; file to be used as a value for the forcedelete API.
FORCE_DELETE_CANT_EXPUNGE_CONTENT_OBJECT DD "force delete failed because an error occured during deletion of content object %s. Sysobject is %s"
FORCE_DELETE_CANT_EXPUNGE_SUBCONTENT_OBJECT DDD "force delete failed because an error occured during deletion of a subcontent object (%s), content object is %s, Sysobject is %s"
MUST_OWNED_BY_RET_MANAGER S "The owner '%s' needs to be a retention manager."
;CAUSE: Only a retention manager can own a dm_retainer object.
;ACTION: The owner needs to be a member, direct or indirect, of the dm_retention_managers group.
CANT_VERSION_A_RETAINER S "Cannot version %s since it is a retainer object."
;CAUSE: User has tried to create a new version of a retainer object.
;ACTION: Retainer objects are not allowed to be versioned.
CANT_DELETE_RETAINER S "Cannot delete retainer object %s since it is used by other objects."
;CAUSE: Cannot delete a retainer object when it is still in use.
;ACTION: Make sure that the retainer object is not referenced in the i_retainer_id of any other
;        sysobject.
NEED_RETAINER_OBJ SD "The operation %s applied to a sysobject requires the object '%s' to be a retainer object."
;CAUSE: A user tried to execute a retainer-specific operation on a non-retainer object.
;ACTION: Make sure that the object is a retainer.
CANT_ACTIVATE_RETAINER D "You cannot activate the retainer object %s when it is inactive."
;CAUSE: A user tried to activate a retainer object when it is inactive.
;ACTION: An inactive retainer can never be re-activated.
CANT_ATTACH_RETAINER_TO_RETAINER DS "You cannot attach the retainer object %s to sysobject %s which is also a retainer."
;CAUSE: A user tried to attach a retainer object to another retainer object.
;ACTION: A retainer can never be attached to another retainer object.
CANT_ATTACH_RETAINER_TO_DIST_COPY DS "You cannot attach the retainer object %s to sysobject %s which is either a reference or replica object."
;CAUSE: A user tried to attach a retainer object to an object which is either a reference or replica object.
;ACTION: A retainer can never be attached to any distributed object.
ONLY_ATTACH_ACTIVE_RETAINER DS "You cannot attach a locked or inactive retainer object %s to sysobject %s."
;CAUSE: A user tried to attach a locked or inactive retainer object to a sysobject.
;ACTION: A locked or inactive retainer can never be attached to another retainer object.
ATTACH_NON_RET_MANAGER_OWNED_RETAINER D "The retainer object %s needs to be owned by retention managers in order to attach to a sysobject."
;CAUSE: A user tried to attach a retainer object that is not owned by retention managers to a sysobject.
;ACTION: A retainer not owned by retention managers can never be attached to a sysobject.
NEED_READ_OR_RET_USER_MANAGER SSS "The session user %s needs to have READ permit on the sysobject %s or a retention user/manager in order to call %s."
;CAUSE: A user wants to perform some operation (e.g., addretention) which requires the user to
;       either have READ permit on the object or be a retention user/manager of the sysobject.
;ACTION: Make sure the user has enough privilege.
NEED_RELATE_OR_RET_MANAGER SSS "The session user %s needs to have relate permit on the sysobject %s or a retention manager in order to call %s."
;CAUSE: A user wants to perform some operation (e.g., removeretention) which requires the user to
;       be either a retention manager or have relate permit on the sysobject.
;ACTION: Make sure the user has enough privilege.
CANT_CHANGE_CONTENT_UNDER_RETENTION S "You can not change/add any primary content to sysobject %s when it is under retention unless you are a retention manager."
;CAUSE: A user who is not a retention manager tried to add a new primary content or change an existing one when the object is under retention.
;ACTION: You can only add/change any primary content when the object is not under retention if you are not a retention manager.
CANT_CHANGE_RENDITION_UNDER_RETENTION S "You can not change/delete any rendition from sysobject %s when it is under retention."
;CAUSE: A user tried to change an existing rendition or delete one when the object is under retention where
;       at least one retainer has the rendition_rule set to ALL (i.e., 0).
;ACTION: You can only change/delete rendition when the object is not under retention or all of its associated
;        retainers have the rendition_rule set to PRIMARY (i.e., 1).
CANT_ATTACH_EXPIRED_RETENTION DS "You cannot attach the retainer object %s to sysobject %s because the retention is expired."
;CAUSE: A user tried to attach a retainer object whose retention is already expired.
;       This can happen when either the retention_interval is a negative value (retention_rule_type is INTERVAL)
;       or the retention_date is older than the current date (retention_rule_type is DATE).
;ACTION: You must attach a retainer object with valid retention period.
CANT_DELETE_UNDER_RETENTION  S  "Object %s is under retention and cannot be deleted."
;CAUSE:  You do not have the necessary permit to delete this sysobject as it
;        is managed under retention rules.
;ACTION: Object cannot be deleted without contacting the System Administrator.
NEED_ACTIVE_RETAINER_OBJ SD "The operation %s applied to a sysobject requires the retainer '%s' to be non-inactive."
;CAUSE: A user tried to execute a retainer-specific operation on a retainer which is inactive.
;ACTION: Make sure that the object is either an active or locked retainer.

SAVEASNEW_KEEP_STORAGE_INVALID_STORAGE_ON_TARGET SS "Storage (%s) does not exist in (%s) respository"
; CAUSE: User executed saveasnew api with keepOriginalStorages flag set
; to TRUE, to copy an object from one repository to another. But a
; storage area that exists in the source repository does not exist in
; the target repository.
; ACTION: You cannot specify TRUE for keepOriginalStorages in the
; saveasnew Api because there is a storage incompatibility between the
; source and target repositories. Either create identically named storages
; and of the same storage type on both the repositories or specify FALSE
; for the keepOriginalStorages.

SAVEASNEW_KEEP_STORAGE_INCOMPATIBLE_STORAGE_TYPE SSSSS "Storage area (%s) on source repository (%s) is of type (%s) and on target repository (%s) it's of type (%s)"
; CAUSE: User executed saveasnew api with keepOriginalStorages flag set
; to TRUE, to copy an object from one repository to another. But a storage
; area that exists on both repositories is of different type.
; ACTION: You cannot specify TRUE for keepOriginalStorages in the
; saveasnew Api because there is a storage incompatibility between the
; source and target repositories. Either create identically named storages
; and of the same storage type on both the repositories or specify FALSE
; for the keepOriginalStorages.
CANT_CHANGE_CONTAINMENT_UNDER_RETENTION S "You can not change/add/remove any containment to sysobject %s when it is under retention unless you are a retention manager."
;CAUSE: A user who is not a retention manager tried to change/add/remove a containment
; when the parent object is under retention.
;ACTION: You can only change/add/remove any containment when the parent object
; is not under retention or you need to be a retention manager.
ESIGN_UNSUPPORTED_HASH_ALGORITHM S "'hash_algorithm' '%s' is not supported ";
;CAUSE:  addeignature gets an unsupported Hash Algorithm parameter from dmcl
;ACTION: SHA-1 is the only Supported Algorthm. Return error to the caller.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the unsupported Hash Algorithm supplied the dmcl/client
ESIGN_FAILED_AUDIT_CREATION_FAILED D "An esignature audit record for object %s could not be created for the failed addesignature API Call"
;CAUSE:      The signature process failed when trying to create dm_addesignature_failed audit.
;ACTION:     Verify that audit records can be created.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object ID of the sysobject that is being signed.
ESIGN_METHOD_TIMED_OUT S "eSignature Method Timed Out; Please increase the timeout_max and timeout_default values for ('%s') method"
;CAUSE:  When a huge size file (50mb) is submitted for eSign, fusion.exe takes 40 mins to eSign.
;        Workaround is to increase timeout parameters for eSign Method.
;ACTION: Ask your Documentum Administrator to correct it.
CANT_ASSEMBLE_WITH_OPEN_TRAN DI "Cannot build the assembly for %s sysobject with frequency (%d) greater than zero when there is an open transaction."
;CAUSE: The user tried to assemble a compound document with a specified transaction commit frequency
;       when there is already an open transaction.
;ACTION: Either close the transaction or reset the frequency to -1 before assemblying a compound document.
LIGHTWEIGHT_CANNOT_CREATE "Cannot create a new lightweight sysobject"
;CAUSE: Could not successfully create a new lightweight sysobject.
; Either the network connection or database connection
; could not be established, or other error reported in the previous message.
;ACTION: See  your System Administrator.
LIGHTWEIGHT_NO_BROWSE_ACCESS S "No Browse access to the lightweight sysobject named '%s'."
;CAUSE:You do not have Browse access to this lightweight sysobject.
;ACTION:Ask a System Administrator or the owner of the lightweight sysobject to give you the access.
LIGHTWEIGHT_CANNOT_FETCH_INVALID_ID D "Cannot fetch the lightweight sysobject; the object ID %s is invalid"
;CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
;ACTION: This is probably caused by a bad ID.  Or, possibly, a connection
; to the Documentum server could not be established.
LIGHTWEIGHT_CANNOT_SAVE S  "Cannot save a lightweight sysobject ('%s')"
;CAUSE: Could not successfully create a new lightweight sysobject.
; Either the network connection or database connection
; could not be established, or other error reported in the previous message.
;ACTION: See  your System Administrator.
LIGHTWEIGHT_ILLEGAL_PARENT_ID D "The parent id (%s) is illegal"
;CAUSE: The parent ID is illegal for one of the following reasons:
;       a) It is a null ID.
;       b) It points to a non-existent object.
;       c) It is not an instance of a shareable type.
;       d) The parent type is not declared as the parent type of the lightweight type.
;       e) The parent is not the CURRENT version or has been versioned.
;ACTION: Reset the parent id to a legal id.
CANT_DELETE_SHARED_BY_LIGHTWEIGHT S "Cannot delete object %s because it is shared by lightweight objects."
;CAUSE: You cannot delete a sysobject that is shared by one or more lightweight objects.
;ACTION: Make sure that the sysobject is not referenced in the i_sharing_parent property of
;        any unmaterialized lightweight objects.
CANT_CREATE_VERSION_WHEN_SHARED S "Cannot create a new version of the sysobject named '%s' when it is shared."
;CAUSE: You cannot version a sysobject that shares its properties with one or more lightweight objects.
;ACTION: To version the sysobject, first detach it from any lightweight objects that share its properties.
CANNOT_MATERIALIZE D "Cannot materialize the lightweight object (%s)"
;CAUSE: System failed to materialize the specified lightweight object. The following are some possible reasons:
;       a) There is no memory for creating a materialized object.
;       b) The old parent can not either be found or cloned.
;ACTION: Make sure there is enough memory and the old parent still exists.
DISALLOWED_OP_FOR_UNMATERIALIZED_OBJ SD "The operation %s performed on object %s is disallowed because the lightweight object is not materialized"
; CAUSE: The specified operation, most likely a setter, was performed on an unmaterialized lightweight object
;        which is not allowed on server side. If it happened on DFC and the lightweight type allows auto
;        materialization, DFC should materialized the lightweight object before sending the request to server.
; ACTION: Materialize the lightweight object and try again.
DISALLOWED_OP_FOR_NONSHAREABLE_TYPE SDS "The operation %s performed on object %s is disallowed because its type %s is not shareable"
; CAUSE: The specified operation was performed on an object whose type is not shareable.
; ACTION: Make sure that the object is an instance of a shareable type before performing the operation.
CANNOT_CHANGE_RETENTION_ATTRS_WHEN_SHARED S "Cannot change any retention-related attribute of %s since it is shared by some lightweight object and its allow_propagating_changes flag is false."
;CAUSE: User has tried to change some ftindex attribute of an object which is shared by some lightweight object
;       and its allow_parent_ftchange flag is false.
;ACTION: User should avoid changing any ftindex attribute on the parent object when it is shared by lots of
;        children object. However, if it is not the case, then user can set the allow_parent_ftchange flag
;        to true so that the operation can succeed.
CANNOT_CHANGE_FT_ATTRS_WHEN_SHARED S "Cannot change any ftindex attribute of %s since it is shared by some lightweight object and its allow_propagating_changes flag is false."
;CAUSE: User has tried to change some ftindex attribute of an object which is shared by some lightweight object
;       and its allow_parent_ftchange flag is false.
;ACTION: User should avoid changing any ftindex attribute on the parent object when it is shared by lots of
;        children object. However, if it is not the case, then user can set the allow_parent_ftchange flag
;        to true so that the operation can succeed.
CANNOT_SHARE_PARENT_WITH_DIFF_LIGHTWEIGHT_TYPES DSS "Cannot share object %s with an instance of type %s because it is already shared by instances of type %s"
;CAUSE: User has tried to share an object which is already shared by instances of a different lightweight type
;       which the type of the new sharing child is not a subtype of.
;ACTION: User should only share the parent with either the same sharing type (recorded in i_sharing_type)
;        or any of its subtypes.
STORAGE_TYPE_CHANGE_DISALLOWED_PARKED_STATE SI "Cannot change a_storage_type of %s because content for page %d is in parked state"
;CAUSE: User changed the a_storage_type of an object whose content is in parked state and is
;not directly accessible to the Content Server to process the storage type change.
;ACTION:Wait until the content is uploaded from parked state to actual storage destination and then
; change the storage type.

CANNOT_ATTACH_CONDITIONAL_RETAINER D "Cannot attach conditional retainer to sysobject %s because it has triggered conditional retainers attached to it."
; CAUSE: Cannot attach conditional retainer after the clip has been triggered for EBR.
; ACTION: Not Supported.

NEED_TRIGGERED_CONDITIONAL_RETAINER D "The Object %s doesn not have any triggered conditional retainers attached."
; CAUSE: Operation TRIGGER_CONDITIONAL_RETAINER failed because none of the retainers attached to the sysobject was triggered.
; ACTION: Trigger all the conditional retainers attached to a sysobject and then retry the operation.

NEED_CONDITIONAL_RETAINER SD "The operation %s requires the object %s to have conditional retainers attached."
; CAUSE: An operation requiring that conditional retainer was attempted on a sysobject without any conditional retainers.
; ACTION: Attach conditional retainers and then retry the operation.

FAILED_TO_TRIGGER_ONE_OR_MORE_CLIPS D "One or more clips could not be triggered for sysobject %s."
; CAUSE: Error occurred while trying to trigger clips related to a sysobject.
; ACTION: See the server log for further details.

FAILED_TO_CHECK_IF_CONTENT_TRIGGERED D "Failed to check if the content objects for sysobject %s were triggered."
; CAUSE: The content list for the sysobject was invalid.

ESIGN_SIGNATURE_METHOD_FAILED_02 SSL "Method '%s' failed :: Arguments '%s' :: Method Returned '%d'"
;CAUSE:      The esignature method has failed / aborted.
;ACTION:     Look in the server log for errors pertaining to this failure.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the method name.
;            The second parameter is the argument list.
;            The third parameter is the returned value from esign method
NEED_RET_MANAGER SSD "The session user %s needs to be a retention manager in order to call %s on the sysobject with ID '%s'."
;CAUSE: A user wants to perform some operation (e.g., removeretention) which requires the user to
;       be a retention manager on the sysobject because the sysobject is under retention.
;ACTION: Make sure the user is a retention manager or the sysobject is not under retention.
TRIGGER_COND_RET_DISALLOWED_PARKED_STATE SD "Cannot trigger Conditional Retainer of sysobject %s because one of the contents with ID %s is in Parked State.
;CAUSE : Content for the particular object is in Parked State, and has not been uploaded to the repository yet. Trigger is only allowed once the content object is in the repository..
;ACTION : Wait for the content object to get uploaded from parked state to actual storage destination and then try and trigger.

FAILED_CHECK_FOR_PARKED_CONTENT SD "Failed to check if any content object for the sysobject %s , ID : %s is parked."
;CAUSE : Could not get the collection for all the content objects for this sysobject.
;ACTION : See the server logs for further details.

CANNOT_CHECKOUT_IMMUTABLE_HOLD S "Cannot checkout sysobject %s because it is under an immutable retention hold."
;CAUSE : Sysobject is under retention hold and the immutability_rule attribute of the hold is set to TRUE.
;ACTION : Operation Checkout is not supported until retention hold is removed.

;CAUSE : When sysobject is under retention hold, call apply method SAVE_CONT_ATTRS with its content.
;ACTION : Apply method SAVE_CONT_ATTRS should fail.

CANNOT_BRANCH_ON_HOLD S "Cannot branch sysobject %s because this sysobject is under retention hold."
;CAUSE : Cannot branch a sysobject because it is under retention hold.
;ACTION : Operation branch on this sysobject should fail.

CANNOT_SAVE_ON_HOLD S "Cannot save modifications on sysobject %s because it was under retention hold."
;CAUSE : SysObject under retention hold cannot be modified except changes related to adding/removing retainers.
;ACTION : Cannot modify SysObject until the retention hold is removed.

CANT_CHANGE_CONTENT DSS "Content [%s] cannot be changed for sysobject [%s]. Reason: %s."
;CAUSE : A user tried to change an existing rendition or delete one when the object is under retention where
;        at least one retainer has the rendition_rule set to ALL (i.e., 0).
;ACTION: You can only change/delete rendition when the object is not under retention or all of its associated
;        retainers have the rendition_rule set to PRIMARY (i.e., 1).

CANT_FORCE_DELETE_UNDER_HOLD S "Can't force delete object (%s) because it is under retention hold."
; CAUSE : This error occurs when attempting to force-delete a sysobject which is under retention hold(s).
; ACTION: Remove the retention hold(s) applied on the sysobject and then try deleting it again.

CANT_CHANGE_RETAINER_TYPE S "Can't change the value of aging_method attribute of an existing retainer object (%s)."
; CAUSE : This error occurs when attempting to change the aging_method of a dm_retainer object.
; ACTION: Cannot change the aging_method attribute value of an existing dm_retainer object. 
;    Create a new dm_retainer and attach it to object(s).
ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_VALUE SSSS "You have specified a wrong value (%s) for parameter (%s) in the apply method (%s). The legal values are (%s)"
; CAUSE: An illegal value was used for the specified parameter in the apply method.
; ACTION: Use one of the legal values as listed in the error message.
CANT_CREATE_JOB_REQUEST_FOR_SHARED_PARENT D "Can't Create Job Request for Shared Parent %s after retention was pushed successfully."
; CAUSE: This error occurs after the retention is pushed for the shared parent and we try and create a job request to propagate
 the retention changes for all its lightweight children.
; ACTION: Look at the server log for error messages.

LIGHTWEIGHT_UTILITIES_FAILED S "The server RPC LIGHTWEIGHT_UTILITIES failed for one or more Shared Parents in dm_job_request.The EXECUTION_MODE was %s."
;CAUSE: Look at the server log for detailed error messages.
;ACTION: Look in the dm_job_request type for entries with request_completed to true and job_name dm_Lightweight_Utilities and run LIGHTWEIGHT_UTILITIES RPC manually in recovery mode by passing RECOVERY_MODE,B,T as one of the arguments.
; If the errors persist report them with appropiate error messages in the logs.
INCONSISTENT_JMS_SERVLET_ATTRS "The number of jms servlet attributes (servlet_name, base_uri) is not consistent."
; CAUSE: Failed to maintain same value count while editing these attributes.
; ACTION: Add or remove attribute values to make them consistent.

DUPLICATED_JMS_SERVLET_NAME S "The repeating attribute servlet_name contains a duplicate for '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to maintain unique servlet_name values while editing these attributes.
; ACTION: Remove attribute values to make servlet_name unique.
RETAINERS_NOT_COMPATIBLE SDD "The operation %s applied to a sysobject requires the two retainer objects '%s' and '%s' to be compatible."
;CAUSE: A user tried to swap two incompatible retainers on an object.
;ACTION: Make sure that the two retainer objects are compatible. Two retainers are compatible
;        if and only if the following attributes are identical:
;          . owner_name
;          . acl_domain            
;          . acl_name
;          . retainer_strategy
;          . r_retention_status
;          . retention_rule_type
;          . rendition_rule
;          . enforcement_rule
;          . immutability_rule
;          . aging_method
MAT_OPTION_MISMATCH D "Failed to materialize object %s due to the materialization option mismatch"
;CAUSE: A user tried to materialize an object which is against the type's materialization option.
;ACTION: If the materialization option of the lightweight type is not AUTO MATERIALIZATION,
;        you need to provide a shared parent ID while creating a lightweight instance.
;        This error is most likely caused by a DQL CREATE statement. Please revise the DQL CREATE
;        statement to provide a shared parent ID for each newly-created lightweight object.

.severity FATAL
INIT1            "The dm_sysobject type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site Representative.

INIT2  II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the dm_sysobject object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  If your software and data are
; consistent, then report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
INIT3           "The type manager returned an error storing the dm_sysobject type."
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
INT1   S "The following database query %s could not be executed."
;CAUSE: Inconsistency between the server and the sysobject type.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the database.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
;       Representative.

INIT4           "The type manager returned an error converting the dm_sysobject type."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error message logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
TYPE_CONVERSION I "Failed to convert type dm_sysobject to version %d."
; CAUSE: Type conversion failed.
; ACTION: Report the problem.
INIT7 "The default security mode is unknown. Verify that the parameter '-security' is specified in the server command line with a value of 'acl' or 'none'."
INIT5 "Failed to set the security version stamps."
INIT6 "The conversion vstamp object is missing."
LIGHTWEIGHT_INIT2  II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the dm_lightweight object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  If your software and data are
; consistent, then report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
ATTR_NOT_FOUND SS "Could not find attribute %s on type %s"
;CAUSE: Inconsistency between the server and the type definition.
;ACTION: Report the problem.
