; Storage errors

;     (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 1991 - 1995. All rights reserved
.facility DM_STORAGE
; These are the errors encountered during Storage processing.
.severity WARNING

NO_SYSOBJECT_DEFAULT "No default storage was set for type dm_sysobject"

CHECK_PERMISSIONS SSS "The directory %s exists (for filestore %s). All files should be %s."

REMOVE_FILES SS "Filestore %s deleted. Files in %s can be removed."

NO_PATH_FOR_FAR_STORE  SS "No path defined for location %s for far filestore %s."

CANT_CHANGE SS "Can't change %s attribute for storage object %s"

REPLICA_EXISTS S "A replica already exists in the store %s"

NOT_SUPPORTED SS "The %s storage type is not supported on this platform (%s)"

CANT_FETCH_FORMAT I "Unable to fetch format object with id %d"
; CAUSE: The format object does not exist in the docbase - possibly deleted
; ACTION: Locate the content objects that refer to this format id and reset the format

LINKSTORE_CLEANUP "Cleanup of Linked Storage areas being skipped due to errors.  Could not complete cleanup of links created by old getfile operations."
; CAUSE:  A failure looking for, validating, or removing old links.
; ACTION: Check the error log for earlier error messages indicating the
;         the cause of the error.

CANT_FETCH_FORMAT2 D "Unable to fetch format object with id '%s'."
; CAUSE: The format object does not exist in the docbase - possibly deleted
; ACTION: Locate the content objects that refer to this format id and reset the format

ACL_USER_MISMATCH SS "Your program may be unable to open the file because it will attempt the open as the user who is logged onto your computer (%s), whereas file permissions are granted to the user connected to the docbase (%s)."
; CAUSE: The security of the underlying file system grants permission to specific users in specific domains; the documentum system grants permission to thed user logged into the system.  If those credentials don't match the security of the system will prevent access
; ACTION: Login to the workstation or computer as the same user you are logging into Documentum

ACL_DOMAIN_MISMATCH SS "Your program may be unable to open the file because it will attempt the open as the domain who is logged onto your computer (%s), but file security is granted to the domain connected to the docbase (%s)."
; CAUSE: The security of the underlying file system grants permission to specific users in specific domains; the documentum system grants permission to thed user logged into the system.  If those credentials don't match the security of the system will prevent access
; ACTION: Login to the workstation or computer as the same user you are logging into Documentum

RENAME_MULTIPLE SI "During the scan for files matching the pattern (%s) (%d) files were found.  This is unexpected and should be investigated."
; CAUSE: Access to a file in a filestore determined that the requested file needed to be renamed to match the dos_extension attribute specified in the corresponding format.  However, multiple files matched which is unexpected.  This could be caused by someone directly manipulating files in a filestore.
; ACTION: Look at all the files in the filestore matching the one named in the error message.

SUBCONTENT_SAVE_FAILED "Failed to save the turbostore content as subcontent object."

SIZE_MISMATCH II "Actual content size of %d is different from record content size of %d."

CA_STORE_CONTENT_METADATA_FIELD_NOT_FOUND SS "Field %s not found for object %s."
; CAUSE: this error occurs when one of the values specified for
;        a_content_attr_name in the underlying dm_ca_store object is not set
;  using the setcontentattrs API before saving the parent object.
;  This is a client side error reported when saving an object with
;  its storage set to a dm_ca_store object.
; ACTION: This is just a warning message. Content would still be saved
;   without the attributes value being set as a tag value in the
;   storage system. Have the Docbase Administrator check the
;   values specified for a_content_attr_name
;   attribute for the dm_ca_store object.

CA_STORE_ORPHAN_CONTENT_ADDRESS S "Content Address %s is orphaned because of transaction rollback"
; CAUSE: This error appears when the content for an object is stored
;        successfully in a dm_ca_store storage area, but the sysobject
;  and content objects are not saved in the docbase due to
;  transaction rollback. The transaction is being rolled back
;  due to some other error.
; ACTION: This is an informational message to indicate that there
;   is no content object in the docbase that refers to this
;   content address. if there is no retention period set on
;   the reported content address user can destroy the content
;   represented by the content address using native storage
;   system tools. Otherwise, user needs to wait until the retention
;   period expires to be able to destroy the content.

CA_STORE_UNABLE_TO_READ_FULL_CONTENT SSS "Unable to read full content for content address %s. Size in the docbase is %s bytes. Bytes read from the store is %s"
; CAUSE: This warning message appears when the Content Server is unable to read
; the full content from a storage area represented by a dm_ca_store object.
; ACTION: Check other error messages from the storage object. Verify
; that any thirdparty libraries required for the operation of the dm_ca_store
; object is the right version.

CA_STORE_TIME_MISMATCH SIIS "Local time in UTC and Storage time in UTC do not match. Storage Address: %s, Local time in UTC: %d, Storage time in UTC: %d, Storage Object id: %s"
; CAUSE: This warning is reported when the time settings on the Content
; server host and the Storage system differ by more than 5 minutes. This
; warning is reported only if the storage object is retention enabled, since
; the difference in time settings will result miscalculation of retention
; expiration.
; ACTION: Synchronize the time settings between the Content Server host and
; Storage system.

BLOB_INDEX_DB2_RULE S "On DB2 platforms, blobstore names must be unique within the first 16 characters.  The index creation failure could have occurred because an index with the same name already exists, created for a different blobstore with a name similar to %s."
; CAUSE:  This error is given whenever an error is encountered during the create
;         index step of blobstore creation.   It alerts the user that the index
;         creation will fail if another blobstore exists with a similar store
;         name.
; ACTION: Check to see if the blobstore being created has a unique name.  Also
;         check the database error given by the previous error message for more
;         information on the create-index failure.

.severity ERROR

BAD_TYPE I "Can't make storage for type %d -- type not registered"

DUPLICATE_NAME S "Attempt to make storage object with name %s -- name already used"

MKDIR_FAILED S "Cannot create storage directory %s"

COPY_FAILED SS "Copy of file %s to file %s failed"

CREATE_FAILED S "Cannot create storage file %s"

CANT_MAKE_OTHER_FILE S "Can't create file %s for other content"

NO_PROTOCOL "Attempt to store other file using invalid protocol specification"

BAD_TICKET SSI "Use of invalid ticket for storage object with name %s; storage may be improperly configured.\nTicket was %s.  Data Ticket was %i."

WRONG_PROTOCOL SSI "Protocol for server does not match stored protocol for storage object with name%s.\nTicket was %s.  Data Ticket was %i."

LINK_SAVE_FAIL IS "Can't save link record while fetching ticket %d from storage object %s"

CANT_LINK SS "Could not make link between %s and %s."

NO_CLOSE_REPLICA IS "Could not find close replica fetching ticket %d from storage object %s. \n Fetch or copy failed."

NOT_ONLINE S "Could not update storage object %s. Storage is not online"

OFFLINE S "Could not read from storage object %s. Storage is offline"

READONLY S "Could not write to storage object %s. Storage is marked Read-Only"

NO_LOCAL_STORE S "No local storage exists for distributed store %s."

BAD_LINK_STORE S "Linked storage object %s has no component."

NO_STORE_FOR_NAME S "There is no storage object with name %s."

NO_STORE_FOR_ID S "There is no storage object with id %s."

BAD_DEFAULT_STORE SS "The default store (%s) for type %s does not exist."

NO_PATH SS "The location %s for filestore %s is not defined in the server configuration"

CANT_DESTROY SS "Cannot destroy storage object %s because %s."

FAR_STORE_WRITE S "Cannot write directly to far store %s. This storage area is not accessible by the current server."
;CAUSE:   An validation check on a referenced storage area showed that the
;         location is not currently accessible by the server.  This could be
;         due to the disk being temporarily unmounted or could be because the
;         storage area is remote to the current documentum server.
;ACTION:  Check the error log for other errors.  Check whether the objects and
;         storage areas referenced should be accessible by your current site.
;         You may need to issue the requested operation on a different server
;         where the storage area is not listed as a Far Store.
;ARGUMENTS: %s - the name of the storage area

FAR_STORE_READ S "Attempt to read from far store %s"

NO_NAME "Attempt to create new storage object without giving it a name"

DUPLICATE_LOCATIONS SS "Storage object %s already using location %s"

NOT_SYS_ADMIN S "You must have sys admin privileges to perform a %s operation"

NO_FULLTEXT_INDEX SS "No fulltext index exists for storage %s -- can't mark content %s for indexing"

BLOB_SAVE_FAILED S "Attempt to save content in blob store %s failed"

LINK_LOCATION_UNDEFINED S "Link location name %s is not location object name"
BLOB_INSERT_FAILED SS "Could not insert data in blob store %s. %s"
BLOB_TABLE_CREATE SS "Could not create the table for blob store %s. %s"
BLOB_COLUMN_ALLOCATE SS "Could not allocate columns in blob store %s. %s"
BLOB_MEMORY S "Out of memory for blob store %s."
FILE_WRITE_FAILED SS "Error writing to content file %s. File size %s bytes."
;CAUSE:  An error was returned during an attempt to store a new content file.
;ACTION: Check for available diskspace to create the new file with the
;        indicated size.

MAX_BLOB_SIZE_EXCEEDED S "Attempt to store into blob failed -- size (%s) must be less than 65535 bytes"

NOT_COMPONENT SS "Store %s is not a component of the distributed store %s"

LAST_REPLICA S "Can't delete last replica in storage %s"

NO_REPLICA S "No replica exists in the component store %s"

NOT_DISTRIBUTED S "The store %s is not a distributed store"

REPLICATE_BAD_TYPE S "The type specified for replication (%s) is not a sysobject subtype"

BAD_COMPONENT SS "The store %s cannot be used in as a component in a %s store"

NOT_FILESTORE S "The store %s is not a file store"

NO_ROOT "Attempt to create filestore without specifying root location"

SIZE_MISMATCH SS "Files sizes disagree when doing import -- expected %s bytes, but file had %s bytes"

NOT_A_FILE S "File %s could not be opened for reading"

COMPONENT_ALREADY_EXISTS SS "The component %s already exists in store %s"

RESTORE_NO_FILE "The RESTORE method must include a file_path argument from which to restore the document content."
;CAUSE:  The RESTORE method was invoked without the required file_path argument.
;ACTION: Check syntax of command.

RESTORE_MISMATCH LL "The file specified in the RESTORE request has a size of %d bytes which does not match the recorded content size (%d bytes)."
;CAUSE:  The file given in a RESTORE operation had a size which was different
;        than the original size of the document as recorded in the dmr_content
;        object.  A document can only be restored from a file if the file
;  looks like it matches existing content meta-data.
;ACTION: The document cannot be restored using the specified content file.
;        This check can be overridden by first zeroing out the data_ticket
;        field of the dmr_content object being restored.
;ARGUMENTS: The size of the external file data (in bytes).
;           The size recorded in the dmr_content object (in bytes).

RESTORE_FAILED S "Content restore failed because %s."
;CAUSE:  PURGE_CONTENT operation failed. There should usually be a previous
;        error message giving more detail on the reason of failure.
;ACTION: Check the error log for other errors.

NOT_ACCESSIBLE SS "Storage area %s is not currently accessible.  Reason: %s."
;CAUSE:   An validation check on a referenced storage area showed that the
;         location is not currently accessible by the server.  This could be
;         due to the disk being temporarily unmounted or could be because the
;         storage area is remote to the current documentum server.
;ACTION:  Check the error log for other errors.  Check whether the objects and
;         storage areas referenced should be accessible by your current site.
;         You may need to issue the requested operation on a different server.
;ARGUMENTS: %s - the name of the storage area
;  %s - the operating system message from the attempted access

REPLICATE_NOACCESS S "Cannot replicate to storage area %s as it is not directly accessible by this server."
;CAUSE:   An validation check on a referenced storage area showed that the
;         location is not currently accessible by the server.  This could be
;         due to the disk being temporarily unmounted or could be because the
;         storage area is remote to the current documentum server.
;ACTION:  Check the error log for other errors.  Check whether the objects and
;         storage areas referenced should be accessible by your current site.
;         You may need to issue the requested operation on a different server.
;ARGUMENTS: %s - the name of the storage area

DELETEREP_NOACCESS S "Cannot delete replica from storage area %s as it is not directly accessible by this server."
;CAUSE:   An validation check on a referenced storage area showed that the
;         location is not currently accessible by the server.  This could be
;         due to the disk being temporarily unmounted or could be because the
;         storage area is remote to the current documentum server.
;ACTION:  Check the error log for other errors.  Check whether the objects and
;         storage areas referenced should be accessible by your current site.
;         You may need to issue the requested operation on a different server.
;ARGUMENTS: %s - the name of the storage area

BLOB_INDEX_CREATE SS "Could not create the index for blob store %s. %s."
;CAUSE:   An error occurred during the creation of a blobstore.  The error
;   occurred attempting to create an index on the blobstore table.
;   When the user creates a blobstore storage area, an RDBMS table is
;   created to hold the content data.  The table is named the same as
;   the storage area and an index is created (<tablename>_i) on the
;   'ticket' column.
;   The error occurred trying to create this index.
;ACTION:  Check the error log for other errors.  Check the RDBMS error message
;   included with this message.
;   Check for available space in the RDBMS.
;ARGUMENTS: %s - the name of the storage area
;  %s - the RDBMS error message

LAUNCH_FAIL SS "Failed to launch the command: %s. os_error: %s."
;CAUSE: Unable to lauch command successfully.
;ACTION: You may run out of processes or see your system administrator.

WAIT_FAIL SS "Failed to wait for the command: %s. os_error: %s."
;CAUSE: Unable to wait for command to finish successfully.
;ACTION: See your system administrator.

EXEC_FAIL SS "Command execution failure: %s. os_error: %s."
;CAUSE: Unable to execute the command successfully
;ACTION: See your system administrator.

SECURITY_PRIVATE SS "Unable to change file system security on file %s.  Operating System error: %s'
;CAUSE: Operating system unable to complete requested operation
;ACTION: Check the permissions on the specified file.  Check the effective user of the running server process.

SECURITY_PUBLIC SS "Unable to change file system security on file %s.  Operating System error: %s'
;CAUSE: Operating system unable to complete requested operation
;ACTION: Check the permissions on the specified file.  Check the effective user of the running server process.

FILE_LINK SSS "An unexpected failure occurred while attempting to link file %s to file %s.  Operating System error: %s"
;CAUSE: Operating system unable to complete requested operation
;ACTION: Check the permissions on the specified file.  Check the effective user of the running server process.

RESET_FILE SS "An unexpected failure occurred while attempting to set file security on file %s.  Operating System error: %s" 
;CAUSE: Operating system unable to complete requested operation
;ACTION: Check the permissions on the specified file.  Check the effective user of the running server process.

BAD_NAME SS  "Illegal name %s for storage object of type %s"
;CAUSE: Storage object names are limited to alphanumeric characters and the underscore character ('_').  Also the name of blobstore objects are limited by the maximum length tablename for the underlying database; for Oracle and Sybase, this length is 30 characters, for Informix, it is 18 characters.
;ACTION: Chose a different name and try to save the object again

RENAME_EXT_SEARCH SSS "Unable to rename a file matching (%s) to (%s).  Operating System error: %s"

RENAME_FAIL SSS "Unable to rename a file (%s) to (%s).  Operating System error: %s"

NO_FULLTEXT_PARENT SS "Can't mark content %s for indexing, because parent %s is not an index_parent"

INCORRECT_ATTR_COUNT SS  "Attribute count for %s and %s should be equal"

CANT_OPEN_PLUGIN  SSI "Could not open shared library %s for external store object %s, error : %d"

INVALID_PLUGIN S "%s is not a valid shared library"

CANT_INITIALIZE_PLUGIN SSS "Could not initialize plugin ID: %s, Path: %s, Reason : %s"

SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND SS "Could not find API %s in %s"

PLUGIN_INIT_FAILED SSI  "%s API in %s returned a failure code of %d"

NO_PLUGIN_FOUND SS "No plugin found for external store object %s for %s execution mode"

GETFILE_NOT_ALLOWED S "getfile not allowed for sysobject %s, because the storagetype for the object has not plugin configured"

CANT_GET_PLUGIN_PATH S "Could not obtain path of the plugin for %s object"

CANT_GET_CONTENT_TOKEN S "Could not obtain content token for %s object"

CANT_CREATE_PLUGIN_READER SS "Could not open plugin reader %s to read %s"

CANT_USE_EXTERNAL_STORE S "Object %s cannot be used as a plugin because it uses external storage"

CANT_FETCH_PLUGIN SS  "%s failed for plugin object %s"

EXTERNAL_STORE_CANT_CHANGE SS "Cannot update %s because %s"

MOUNT_NOT_SUPPORTED S "mount cannot be executed for %s because it is not a dm_extern_file object"

NOT_A_DIRECTORY SSS "argument (%s) specified for mount for (%s) is not a valid directory on %s"

INVALID_OBJECT_NAME S "%s is not a valid external store object name"

INVALID_OBJECT_ID  S "%s is not a valid external store object id"

MOUNT_FAILED SSI "mount failed for %s because %s %d"

MOUNT_NOT_EXECUTED S "You must execute mount for %s before retrieving content"

SYNTAX_ERROR "Incorrect syntax for mount command"

INVALID_PLATFORM_INDICATOR I "Invalid value for a_platform attribute : %d. Should be between 1 and 5"

DUPLICATE_PLATFORM_INDICATOR I "Cannot specify duplicate platform indicator values for a_platform attribute: %d"

INVALID_PLUGIN_OBJECT_ID S "%s is not a valid object id value for a_plugin_id attribute. Object does not exist in docbase"

NO_PLUGIN_CONTENT S "There is no content for plugin object %s"

NO_TEMP_LOCATION   "No temp location specified in server config"

NEED_LOCATION SS "Can't use temp location %s, oserror: %s"

INVALID_URL S  "%s is not a valid URL"

INVALID_LOCATION_NAME S "%s is not a valid location object name"

TURBO_SAVE_FAILED  "Database and/or network error occured while saving turbo content"

CURSOR_FETCH_FAIL S "Database error occured while fetching sub content object(s). Error from database was %s"

CURSOR_EXEC_FAIL S "Database error occured while executing a cursor. Error from database was %s"

INVALID_PLUGIN_OBJECT_TYPE SS "Plugin objects should be of dm_plugin type. %s is of type %s"

DUMP_WITH_CONTENT_NOT_SUPPORTED "Dump with content is not supported for objects that use external storage"

FULLTEXT_INDEX_NOT_SUPPORTED "Fulltext indexing not supported for content in external storage"

SERVER_PLATFORM_INDICATOR "Unable to obtain server platform indicator"

CANT_INITIALIZE_LOCALAREA "Unable to initialize localarea for plugin content"

CANT_MAKE_LOCALDIR "Unable to make directory for downloading plugin content"

CANT_DOWNLOAD_PLUGIN_CONTENT "Unable to download plugin library content"

CANT_OBTAIN_PLUGIN_VERSION S "Unable to obtain plugin protocol version. Plugin path: %s"

INCORRECT_PLUGIN_VERSION IIS "Plugin protocol version %d.%d is not supported. Plugin path :%s"

INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER_SIZE II "Turbo content retrieval requires a minimum buffer size of %d. Supplied buffer size is %d"

REPLICA_FETCH D "Error fetching replica record: %s."
;  %1 - Object id of dmi_replica_record object
;CAUSE:  Replica record with specified id could not be fetched from database.
;ACTION: Check error log for other messages that should give more detailed
;        information on the error.

REPLICA_UPDATE D "Error updating replica record: %s."
;  %1 - Object id of dmi_replica_record object
;CAUSE:  Replica record with specified id could not be updated in database.
;ACTION: Check error log for other messages that should give more detailed
;        information on the error.

SYNC_REP_RECORDS "Error performing SYNC_REPLICA_RECORDS operation."
;CAUSE:  Could not execute the SYNC_REPLICA_RECORDS operation.
;ACTION: Check error log for other messages that should give more detailed
;        information on the error.

WRONG_THUMB_KEY D "Either the thumbnail key file is missing or the key length is less than 24 bytes for store ('%s') that requires ticket."
;CAUSE:  Either the thumbnail key file, thumbserver.key, is missing or the length of the key
;        is less than 24 while the store requires the thumbnail URL to be encripted
;        (i.e., its require_ticket flag is set to true).
;ACTION: Talk to your sysadmin to either create a thumbnail key file under $DM_HOME/bin or
;        turn the require_ticket flag off on that store.
TAR_FAILURE SI "Tar step failed during %s operation -- OS error was %d"
CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED S "The attribute %s is not allowed to be changed after the storage object is created."
;CAUSE:  User tried to change some attribute (e.g. media_type) after the storage object is created.
;ACTION: Due to security reason, some attribute like media_type is not allowed to be changed after the
;        storage object is created.

NO_MORE_MEMORY "No more memory to perform an operation"
;CAUSE:  The system has run out of memory to perform an operation.
;ACTION: Make sure you have enough system resources to perform the operation.

MAKE_SOURCE_FAILED S "Could not create source object while attempting to decrypt shared library - %s."
;CAUSE:  The path pointing to the encrypted shared library is probably not correct.
;ACTION: Make sure that the shared library exists at the path specified.

COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_WRITE S " The file- %s could not be opened for writing"
;CAUSE:  The directory to write the file probably does not exist.
;ACTION: Make sure that the directory to write the file exists.

CA_STORE_PLUGIN_ERROR_DURING_READ SSI "Plugin ID: %s returned error: %s, error code:%d"
; CAUSE: The CAS store plugin returned an error while performing a read content
;        operation.
; ACTION: the error code returned is plugin specific. Address the problem in
;         your environment.
CA_STORE_PLUGIN_ERROR_DURING_WRITE SSI "Plugin ID: %s returned error: %s, error code:%d"
; CAUSE: The dm_ca_store store plugin returned an error while performing a write
;        content operation.
; ACTION: the error code returned is plugin specific. Address the problem in
;         your environment.
CA_STORE_PLUGIN_ERROR_DURING_SET_METADATA SSI "Plugin ID: %s returned error: %s, error code:%d"
;CAUSE: The dm_ca_store plugin returned an error while performing a set metadata
;       operation.
;ACTION: the error code returned is plugin specific. Address the problem in
;       your environment.
CA_STORE_PLUGIN_ERROR_DURING_PREPARE_FOR_READ SSI "Plugin ID: %s returned error: %s, error code:%d"
;CAUSE: The dm_ca_store plugin returned an error while performing
;       prepare for read operation.
;ACTION: the error code returned is plugin specific. Address the problem in
;       your environment.
CA_STORE_PLUGIN_ERROR_DURING_PREPARE_FOR_WRITE SSI "Plugin ID: %s returned error: %s, error code:%d"
;CAUSE: The dm_ca_storestore plugin returned an error while performing
;       prepare for write operation.
;ACTION: the error code returned is plugin specific. Address the problem in
;       your environment.
CA_STORE_PLUGIN_ERROR_DURING_WRITE_CLOSE SSI "Plugin ID: %s returned error: %s, error code:%d"
;CAUSE: The dm_ca_storestore plugin returned an error while performing
;       a write close operation.
;ACTION: the error code returned is plugin specific. Address the problem in
;       your environment.
CANT_OPEN_CA_STORE_PLUGIN  SSIS "Could not open plugin library %s for content addressable store object %s, error : %d. Plugin ID: %s"
; CAUSE: An error occured while attempting to read content from a content
;        addressable store (dm_ca_store object). Common cause for this
;        error is a corrupt plugin library.
; ACTION: check the content for plugin id specified, at page 0. Test the
;         plugin library outside of Documentum server environment to check
;        if it loads successfully.
CA_STORE_PLUGIN_CALLBACK_ATTR_NOT_FOUND S "Requested attribute %s not found in the dm_ca_store type."
; CAUSE: A dm_ca_store plugin library called the server callback function to
;        obtain an storage object attribute value, for an attribute not
;        found for the dm_ca_store type.
; ACTION: Check if the attribute has been spelt right in the plugin while
;         calling the callback function. Attribute names are case
;         sensitive. Refer to the Object Reference manual for dm_store
;   and dm_ca_store attribute information.
CA_STORE_PLUGIN_CALLBACK_INVALID_POSITION S "Incorrect argument value for position, for attribute %s"
; CAUSE: A dm_ca_store plugin library called the server callback function
;        with an incorrect value for postion argument.
; ACTION: While calling the callback to obtain a value for a single attribute
;        the position argument value must be 0 and to obtain a value for
;        repeating attribute, the position should be 0 or more.
CA_STORE_PLUGIN_CALLBACK_INVALID_STORE_ID S "Invalid storage object id %s"
; CAUSE: A dm_ca_store plugin passed in an incorrect storage object id to the
;        callback function
; ACTION: The storage object id passed to the callback function should be
;         the same that was supplied during a call to
;         dm_casplugin_prepare_for_write()  or
;         dm_casplugin_prepare_for_read() functions in the plugin. Verify
;   that you are passing the same storage id.
CA_STORE_STORE_MISSING_RETENTION_FIELD S "Field value (%s) specified for a_retention_attr_name is missing in a_content_attr_name"
; CAUSE: While creating a dm_ca_store object, value specified for a_retention
;        _attr_name was not specified as one of the values for a_content_attr_name
;  repeating attribute.
; ACTION: Specify the a_retention_attr_name value as one of the values for
;   a_content_attr_name attribute.
CA_STORE_PLUGIN_WRITE_ERROR SII "dm_casplugin_write function in plugin %s returned incorrect number of bytes written. Expected: %d, Returned: %d"
; CAUSE: dm_casplugin_write() method failed to write all the data. The
;        function is expected to return the number of bytes written and
;        the value returned by the function is not equal to the size of
;  data to be written supplied by Content Server.
; ACTION: This is a plugin specific error. Check other messages and address
;        the problem in your environment.
CA_STORE_PLUGIN_CONTENT_ADDRESS_SIZE_EXCEEDS_MAXIMUM SII "dm_casplugin_write_close() method in plugin %s returned -1 because it requires %d bytes for content address. The maximum is %d."
; CAUSE: dm_casplugin_write_close() method returned -1 to Content Server
;  indicating that size of the buffer passed to that function is not
;  enough to return the content address.
; ACTION: The maximum size of the content address that could be returned by
;   a dm_ca_store Plugin is 2000 bytes. The plugin implementation should
;   not exceed that limit. Address the problem in your environment.
CA_STORE_MISSING_RETENTION_FIELD_VALUE S "No value was specified for attribute %s. Value for this attribute is required because its value defines the retention period of the content"
; CAUSE: While saving an object, user did not specify value for the attribute
;        as indicated in the error message. Value for the indicated attribute
;  is required because its value is used by the dm_ca_store plugin to
;  set the retention period on the content.
; ACTION: Specify a value for the indicated attribute and reattempt save.
CA_STORE_RETENTION_FIELD_TYPE_INCORRECT S "Type of value field %s is not correct. Beause this field defines the retention period, it should be of DATE type."
; CAUSE:  This error occurs while saving an object that uses dm_ca_store type
;   object for storage. The error indicates that the value for the
;   a_retention_attr_name in the storage object is not of type DATE. Because
;   the retention attribute value is used to set retention period on
;   the content stored in the storage area, type of the attribute name
;   specified for a_retention_attr_name should be of type DATE.
; ACTION: The Administrator should set the value for a_retention_attr_name value
;   for the underlying storage object to a right attribute name.
CA_STORE_UNABLE_TO_OBTAIN_CONTENT_ADDRESS S "Unable to obtain content address for content object %s"
; CAUSE:  This error occurs during save of an object with content stored
;   in a dm_ca_store type object. The generated content address token
;   could not be obtained by the client from server for the pushed
;   and saved content.
; ACTION: This error probably occured because of a previous error from
;   dm_ca_store Plugin library. Check other messages. If there is no other
;   error message, re-issue the save command on the parent object.
CA_STORE_REMOVE_CONTENT_NOT_SUPPORTED "Removing content from a dm_ca_store type storage is not supported. Contact Documentum Technical Support."
; CAUSE: User attempted to destroy a sysobject whose content resides in a
;  dm_ca_store type storage.
; ACTION: We do not currently support removing content from a dm_ca_store
;   type storage area. This will be supported in future.
CA_STORE_PLUGIN_UNABLE_TO_GET_RETENTION_PERIOD SSIS "Unable to obtain retention period for content address %s through plugin %s. Error code from dm_casplugin_get_retention_period is %d. Storage id is %s."
; CAUSE: The function dm_casplugin_get_retention_period in the specified
;        plugin for the dm_ca_store object returned an error code.
; ACTION: This error is specific to the plugin and storage object. Address
;        the problem in your environment.
CA_STORE_NO_VALUE_FOR_ATTR S "Value not specified for '%s' attribute."
; CAUSE: This error appears when no value was specified for an
;        attribute for which a value is required, while creating
;  a dm_ca_store type object.
; ACTION: Specify an appropriate value for the specified attribute.
CA_STORE_CONTENT_CANNOT_BE_DESTROYED SSS "Content object %s cannot be destroyed because the retention period has not expired. Content Address is %s. Storage area name is '%s'."
; CAUSE: A retention period has been set on the content residing in a
;  dm_ca_store type storage, that prevents destroying of the
;  dmr_content object.
; ACTION: None. Content object with a retention period set to a future
;   date cannot be destroyed.
CA_STORE_PLUGIN_ERROR_DURING_DELETE_CONTENT SSISS "An error occured while attempting to destroy content through plugin %s, for storage %s: Error Code: %d. Error Message: %s. Content Address is %s."
; CAUSE: An error occured while destroying content stored in a CAS Store.
;        The dm_casplugin_delete() plugin library returned an error code.
; ACTION: Check the content retention settings at the storage level. Check
;   connectivity errors. Take action based on the error code in your
;   environment.
CA_STORE_DUMP_WITH_CONTENT_NOT_SUPPORTED "Dump with content is not supported for objects using dm_ca_store type object for storing content."
; CAUSE: dump with content is not supported for objects that use a
;  storage area of dm_ca_store type.
; ACTION: Either perform a dump without content or exclude objects that use
;   dm_ca_store storage from the dump.
CA_STORE_SETCONTENTATTRS_NOT_CALLED S "setcontentattrs API must be called prior to saving the object. You must specify a DATE value for '%s' using setcontentattrs API first. "
; CAUSE: This error occurs when user executes a save command for an
;        object whose content is configured to be saved in a dm_ca_store
;  storage and the underlying storage object has been configured
;  to accept a retention value.
; ACTION: Call setcontentattrs API with a DATE value for the specified 'name'
;        and then call 'save' API.
; CAUSE: An error occured while executing the PUSH_CONTENT_ATTRS apply
;        method.
; ACTION: Incorrect/invalid arguments specified for the apply method.
;         see the second part of the error message for more information.
CA_STORE_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_CAN_DELETE SSI "Unable to check if storage '%s' allows deletes because dm_casplugin_can_delete() in plugin %s returned error code %d"
; CAUSE: Content Server failed to check if the dm_ca_storage object allows
;        deleting of content.
; ACTION: Check the error code returned by the plugin as part of the message
;        and take corrective action in the plugin implementation.
CA_STORE_ERROR_DURING_WRITE  S "Error while attempting to write content to dm_ca_store object : %s"
; CAUSE: A transient error has occured while attempting to save content
;  in a dm_ca_store storage.
CA_STORE_CONTENT_NOT_NEW IS "Page %d of object %s is not new."
; CAUSE: User executed setcontentattrs api for an object and the content
;        object identified by the specified arguments is not new.
; ACTION: setcontattrs API can be executed only for new content objects.
;        If content attributes are to be updated for an existing content,
;  use SET_CONTENT_ATTRS Apply method.
CA_STORE_DUPLICATE_VALUE SS "Value %s for attribute %s is specified more than once."
; CAUSE: This error appears while saving a new dm_ca_store object or
;  while saving an existing dm_ca_store object after changes and
;  same value has been specified more than once for a repeating attribute.
; ACTION: Clear the one of the duplicate values for the specified repeating
;  attribute and save.
CA_STORE_UNABLE_TO_GET_CONTENT_ATTRS S "Unable to collect content attributes from content object %s during load."
; CAUSE: This error occurs when the content server is unable to obtain
;  content attribute values whose values are to be pushed to the
;  storage, during the load operation of a content object.
; ACTION: See other messages
INVALID_COMPONENT SS "Store %s is an invalid component for distributed store %s"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when user specified a dm_ca_store object as a component
;        while creating a distributed store object.
; ACTION: dm_ca_store objects cannot be specified as a component of a distributed
;  distributed store. Do not specify dm_ca_store object as a component of a
;  distributed store.
CA_STORE_UNABLE_TO_FETCH_CONTENT SS "Unable to fetch content for content address '%s' in storage '%s'"
; CAUSE: This error occurs while Content Server attempts to fetch the content
;        for the specified content address. Content Server is attempting
;  to fetch content for full-text indexing or to create a rendition
;  for full-text indexing. This error is reported after the plugin
;  for the specified storage object failed to retrieve the content
;  from the storage area.
; ACTION: Look at other error messages for the plugin specific error
;  that occured while fetching the content. Address the problem
;  reported by the plugin. Because of this failure the full index
;  batch would have failed and sysobjects will need to be marked for
;  indexing again.
CA_STORE_LOCATION_NOT_FOUND_FOR_FETCH SSS "A dm_location object with name '%s' not found while attempting to fetch content for content address '%s' in storage '%s'"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when the Content Server attempts to fetch
;        the content for the specified content address from the storage area
;  specified. Content Server creates a dm_location object with the
;  reported name during server initialization and the location is
;  used as temporary storage for content fetched from dm_ca_store
;  storage objects. The temporary storage is necessary for full text
;  indexing of the content or creating renditions for full-text
;  indexing.
; ACTION: Verify that a dm_location object with the reported name exists
;  in the docbase and that it's valid. If it's not valid, destroy
;  the specified dm_location object, stop the server and restart.
;  Content Server would check for the existence of the specified
;  dm_location object and create if it does not exist in the docbase.
CA_STORE_FETCH_FAILURE SSSS "An Operating System error occured while attempting to write content to '%s' : %s. Content Address is '%s', storage is '%s'"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when the Content Server attempts to fetch content
;  for the specified content address in the specified storage.
;  Content Server fetches the content to a temporary location
;  for full-text indexing or to create a rendition for full-text
;  indexing.
; ACTION: Look at the operating system specific error message. This could
;  be a permission problem or not enough disk space to create/write
;  to the temporary file.
; PARAMETERS: S Name of the temporary file.
;       S Operating system error message
;       S Content Address for which Content Server attempts to
;  fetch the content
;       S Storage object name
CA_STORE_UNABLE_TO_SAVE_LOCATION_OBJECT S "Unable to save '%s' dm_location object."
; CAUSE: This error occurs when Content Server attempts to save the specifed
;  dm_location object and that save had failed. Content Server creates
;  the specified dm_location object which is used as temporary
;  storage when content in a dm_ca_store needs to be retrieved for
;  full-text indexing or to create a rendition of the content for
;  full-text indexing if the primary format of the content is not
;  full-text indexable.
; ACTION: Look at the other error messages and take appropriate action.
CA_STORE_INVALID_CONTENT_ADDRESS "Content address is either empty or NULL"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when Content Server attempts to read content
;  in a dm_ca_store and the specified content address is either
;  empty or NULL. This can happen if the content address stored
;  in the dmr_content object is modified directly in the database
;  or if the content object was created using a 4.2.x client (dmcl).
; ACTION: Verify that the i_contents attribute of the content object
;  for the sysobject for which 'getfile' or 'getcontent' was executed.
;  If you had created the sysobject with 4.x dmcl, content
;  address is lost and the object is unusable.
CA_STORE_INCORRECT_CLIENT_VERSION S "Incorrect client version ('%s') to store content in a dm_ca_store object."
; CAUSE: An older version of dmcl is being used to push content to a
;        dm_ca_store which is not supported.
; ACTION: Use dmcl that's same or later version as the Content Server.
CA_STORE_OTHERFILE_NOT_ALLOWED "Resource fork files cannot be saved in a CA Store"
; CAUSE: This error occurs while attempting to save the mac resource
;  fork file into a CA Storage.
; ACTION: None. CA Store cannot be used to save content that have
;   mac resource fork files associated with it.
CA_STORE_FEATURE_NOT_ENABLED "Content Addressable Storage Services feature is not enabled for the server installation. Contact Documentum Technical Support."
; CAUSE: User attempted to create a CA store object in a server installation
;  for which Content addressable Storage services feature is not
;  enabled.
; ACTION: Contact Documentum Technical Support to know how to enable
;  the feature.
CA_STORE_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_STORAGE SSS "Content object '%s' cannot be destroyed because storage '%s' does not allow deletes. Content Address is %s"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when running the DESTROY_CONTENT apply method
;        for a content object whose content is in a CA store and the
;  underlying storage system does not allow delete operation.
; ACTION: There is no action required. Content object cannot be
;        destroyed if the underlying storage does not allow deletion
;  of content.
EXTERNAL_STORE_TYPE_UPGRADE_FAIL SSS "Unable to upgrade %s type, %s attribute failed for %s"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when Content Server fails to upgrade one of
;  the external store types. Most likely a database error is the
;  cause.
CA_STORE_SETCONTENTATTRS_FAILED  "Invalid storage to process content attributes"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when client (DMCL) finds that the storage for an object is invalid. This
;        can occur when an application destroys a CA store object and recreates one with the same
;  name and uses the newly created CA store object to store content of an object.
; ACTION: Shutdown and restart the server and the client application.
DIGITAL_SHREDDING_FAILURE SSS "The file %s in store %s could not be shredded. OS/Other error: %s."
; CAUSE: This error may occur if the file does not exist, the file format is not supported, the file cannot
;        be opened for write access or there was an error writing to the file.
; ACTION: If the file exists it should be shredded and removed by an alternate mechanism.

INVALID_ARGUMENTS S "Invalid arguments passed to %s"
FORCE_DELETE_FAILED ISS "Error %d (%s) occured during force delete. Content Address %s"
FORCE_DELETE_NOT_SUPER_USER "You must be a super user or a retention manager to perform force delete operation"
FORCE_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_EXTERNAL_TRANSACTION "You cannot perform force delete after having initiated an explicit transaction"
INVALID_STORE_TYPE_FOR_COMPRESSION "compression_mode can be set only for dm_filestore and dm_ca_store storage types."
INVALID_VALUE  IS  "Invalid value (%d) specified for %s attribute"
FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_STORAGE_TYPE SS "The '%s' feature is not supported for '%s' storage type"

CASTORE_UNABLE_TO_WIDEN_ATTR S "A database failure occured while widening the length of attribute %s"
; CAUSE: A database error occured while attempting to widen a CA store type
; attribute.
; ACTION: See the action for the accompanying database errors.

CASTORE_UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_VERSION_STAMP I "Unable to update the version stamp of ca_store_version to %d"
; CAUSE: A database error occured while attempting to update the version
; stamp of CA store type.
; ACTION: See the action for the accompanying database errors.

CASTORE_INVALID_ATTR_VALUE SSS "%s is not a valid value for %s as it's a value for %s attribute"
; CAUSE: Value specified for a_retention_attr_name is also specified for
; a_content_attr_name or vice versa.
; Value for a_retention_attr_name cannot appear in the list of values
; for a_content_attr_name.
; ACTION: Either remove the value from the list of values for
; a_content_attr_name or specify a different value for a_retention_attr_name

CASTORE_NOT_SUPPORTED S "Content Addressable Storage type is not supported on %s architecture"
; EMC Centera 32 Bit SDK is NOT available on HPUX IA64 Platform

BLOB_READ_FAILED SS "Database error %s occured when reading blob from blob store %s"
; CAUSE: A database error occured when attempting to read the blob data
; from  a dm_blobstore
; ACTION: Refer to the database error.

UNABLE_TO_LOCK SSSS "Unable to lock storage object (%s) for ticket allocation, object id is %s, Lock statement: %s, Error from database: %s"
; CAUSE: A database error occured when attempting to lock a storage object
; during ticket allocation. Internal programming error.
; ACTION: Contact tech support with exact error message.

CA_STORE_PLUGIN_MISSING_ENTRY_POINT DSS "Incorrect version of CA store Plugin with id %s, path %s , missing entry point %s"
; CAUSE: Incorrect version of CA store plugin.
; ACTION: Make sure the the content of the dm_plugin object reported
; in the error message is the same as the one under $DM_HOME/bin.
; The name of the plugin library is emcplugin.dll (windows), (Solaris, Linux, AIX) and (HP-UX).
; Fetch the dm_plugin object reported in the error message, set the page 0 content of the object to the CA store plugin
; library as described above (depending on the Operating system), save the dm_plugin object. Or, copy the CA store plugin
; to the plugin path reported in the error message directly as the install owner/administrator.

CA_STORE_PLUGIN_FILE_NOT_FOUND SS "Error accessing file (%s) while migrating the content to CA store. Operating System error is %s"
; CAUSE: File not found at the path specified
; ACTION: refer to the Operating system error and take appropriate action.

OBSOLETE_CMD S "Apply method %s has been obsolete."
;CAUSE: User tries to run an obsolete apply method.
;ACTION: Don't do this.
;PARAMETER: Name of the apply method.

; CAUSE: Required parameters were not supplied to the GET_FILESTORE_METADATA_AND_PATH server api call.
; ACTION: Refer to the server documentation for the required parameters.

GFSMP_INVALID_STORE_TYPE SS "Store %s has storage type %s not supported by GET_FILESTORE_METADATA_AND_PATH"
; CAUSE: Storage supplied to GET_FILESTORE_METADATA_AND_PATH must be dm_filestore or dm_distributedstore.
; ACTION: Refer to the server documentation for the required parameters.

GFSMP_DATA_TICKET_PATH S "Cannot allocate data ticket and path for filestore %s."
; CAUSE: The system was unable to create a data ticket and path for the specified filestore.
; ACTION: Restart your server.

GFSMP_OTHER_TICKET_PATH S "Cannot allocate other ticket and path for filestore %s."
; CAUSE: The system was unable to create a other ticket and path for the specified filestore.
; ACTION: Restart your server

GET_STORAGE_INFO_ERROR SS "Unable to get the storage info for [%s]: %s"
; CAUSE: This error is returned by GetStorageInfo apply call when it
; encounters an operating system or storage system error
; ACTION: Refer to the second part of the error message and take
; corrective action.

CA_STORE_PLUGIN_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_EBR S "Unable to verify Event Based Retention. Error : %s"
; CAUSE: Error occurred trying to verify if EBR is set or not.
; ACTION: See if EBR is supported or check the plugin error and address the problem in the environment.

CA_STORE_PLUGIN_EBR_NOT_ENABLED S "Unable to enable EBR for the clip, Error : %s"
; CAUSE: Error occurred while trying to enable the clip for Event Based Retention.
; ACTION: See the server log for the detail of the error.

CA_STORE_CLIP_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED_AS_UNDER_EBR S "The clip %s is under Event Based Retention and cannot be deleted."
; CAUSE: Delete operation is not allowed when the clip is under Event Based Retention.
; ACTION: Not Supported.

; CAUSE: Error occurred while trying to get the retention period set by conditional retainer.
; ACTION: See the server log for further details of the operation.

CA_STORE_EBR_NOT_SUPPORTED "Event Based Retention is not supported on the centera cluster."
; CAUSE: Error occurred becuase Event Based Retention is not supported or enabled  on the Centera Cluster.
; ACTION: Contact centera support if this feature is required.

; CAUSE: Error occurred when trying to trigger the clip with Event Based Retention.
; ACtion: Look at the error message and take appropiate action.

CA_STORE_PLUGIN_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_TRIGGER SIS "Unable to verify if the clip %s is triggered or not. Error Code : %d, Error message : %s"
; CAUSE: Error occurred while trying to see if the clip was triggered with conditional retainer or not.
; ACTION: Look at the server log for details on the error message.

CA_STORE_TRIGGER_EBR_WITH_PERIOD_FAILED S "Unable to save the subcontent object with address %s"
; CAUSE: Error in saving the subcontent object to the database after the clip was successfully triggered.
; ACTION: Look for Database related errors in the server log and take appropiate action.

CA_STORE_ENABLE_EBR_WITH_PERIOD_FAILED S "Unable to save teh subcontent object with address %s"
; CAUSE: Error in saving the subcontent object to the database after the clip was successfully enabled for EBR.
; ACTION: Look for database errors in the server log and take appropiate action.

CA_STORE_PLUGIN_ERROR_DURING_PREPARE_FOR_EBR SIS "Plugin Id: %s, Error code: %d , Error message %s"
; CAUSE: Error occurred in dm_casplugin_prepare_for_ebr_utils while performing EBR related operation.
; ACTION: Error is plugin specific , Address problem in your environment.

CA_STORE_PLUGIN_ERROR_DURING_CLIP_CLOSE SIS "Error during closing the clip %s, Error code %d, Error message %s"
; CAUSE: Error occurred becuase clip could not be closed.
; ACTION: Look at the server log for appropiate error message.


COMPONENT_PREFERENCE_MISMATCH SSS "Setting of attribute %s on store %s does not match distributed store %s."
; CAUSE: This error occurs when the user attempts to add a component store whose deduping
;  preference does not match the distributed store.
; ACTION: If the distributed store has the deduping preference enabled you may only
;  add component stores which have enabled deduping.
COMPONENT_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED SS "The attribute %s is not allowed to be changed on a component store %s."
;CAUSE:  The user has attempted to change an attribute on a component store which must be kept synchronized
;  with the corresponding attribute on the distributed store.
;ACTION: The store has to be removed from the distributed store before the attribute can be changed.

CANT_CHANGE SS "Can't change %s attribute for storage object %s"

CA_STORE_PLUGIN_ERROR_DURING_PREPARE_FOR_RH SIS "Plugin Id: %s, Error code: %d , Error message %s"
; CAUSE : Error occured in dm_casplugin_prepare_for_rh_utils while performing Retention Hold related operation.
; ACTION : Error is plugin specific, Address problem in your environment.

CA_STORE_PLUGIN_RH_NOT_ENABLED "Retention Hold is not supported on the centera cluster."
; CAUSE: Error occurred becuase Retention Hold is not supported or enabled  on the Centera Cluster.
; ACTION: Contact centera support if this feature is required.

CA_STORE_PLUGIN_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_RH SIS "Unable to verify Retention Hold for content address %s, Error Code: %d, Error message: %s."
; CAUSE: Error occurred trying to verify if clip is under retention hold or not.
; ACTION: See if Retention Hold is supported or check the plugin error and address the problem in the environment.

; CAUSE : Error occured while try to propagating retention holds to CA Store.
; ACTION : Error is plugin specific, Address problem in your environment.
GET_REPLICA_FAILED D "Failed to get the replica record of content %s during computing its other file size in distributed store."
; CAUSE : Getting replica record of content failed. -1 will be returned as computed other file size.
; ACTION : Check error log to figure out the failure reason of getting replica record.
EXTSTORE_PLUGIN_ERROR SSS "Session: %s, Store: %s, message: %s"
; CAUSE : Error occured in the external store plugin
; ACTION : Error is plugin specific, address problem based on error message
EXTERNAL_STORE_OTHERFILE_NOT_ALLOWED "Resource fork files cannot be saved in an External Store"
; CAUSE: This error occurs while attempting to save the mac resource
;  fork file into an External Storage.
; ACTION: None. External Store cannot be used to save content that have
;   mac resource fork files associated with it.

.severity  FATAL

TYPE_CONVERSION I "Failed to convert type dm_store to version %d."
; CAUSE: Type conversion failed.
; ACTION: Report the problem.

VERSION_STAMPING I "Failed to version stamp dm_store object to %d."
; CAUSE: Type conversion failed.
; ACTION: Report the problem.
MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED S "Unable to allocate memory for %s object"

NO_CONTENT_STORAGE_SERVICE_LICENSE  "A Content Storage Services license is required to configure a storage object for content hash generation"
; CAUSE: User specified a non-zero value for content_hash_mode attribute while creating a storage
; object, but there is no valid CSS license configured for the respository.
; ACTION: Contact EMC Technical support to purchase a CSS license.

NO_CONTENT_STORAGE_SERVICE_LICENSE_FOR_PM  "A Content Storage Services license is required set the PARALLEL_DEGREE parameter for the CONTENT_MIGRATION method to a value greater than zero."
; CAUSE: User attempted to do parallel migration using the CONTENT_MIGRATION method,
;        but there is no valid CSS license configured for the respository.
; ACTION: Contact EMC Technical support to purchase a CSS license.

UNABLE_TO_COMPUTE_DATE_EPOCH S "Unable to get epoch for the date %s"
; CAUSE: Unable to compute the epoch (seconds elapsed since 1/1/1970)
; for the date specified. This would happen if the date is less than
; 1/1/1970 or greater than 1/1/2038
; ACTION: ??
NO_CONTENT_STORAGE_OR_ARCHIVE_SERVICE_LICENSE  "A Content Storage or Archive Services license is required to configure a storage object for compression and content duplication prevention"
; CAUSE: User specified a non-zero value for compression_mode or
; content_dupl_pref attribute while creating a storage
; object, but there is no valid CSS or AS license configured for the respository.
; ACTION: Contact EMC Technical support to purchase a CSS or AS license.
NO_CONTENT_STORAGE_OR_HIGH_VOLUME_LICENSE  "A Content Storage or High-Volume Server license is required to configure a storage object for compression and content duplication prevention"
; CAUSE: User specified a non-zero value for compression_mode or
; content_dupl_pref attribute while creating a storage
; object, but there is no valid CSS or HVS license configured for the respository.
; ACTION: Contact EMC Technical support to purchase a CSS or HVS license.

APPENDCONTENT_NOT_ALLOWED S "appendcontent disallowed for %s, because it uses external storage"

INSERTCONTENT_NOT_ALLOWED S "insertcontent disallowed for %s, because it uses external storage"

CANT_CHECKOUT S "can't checkout %s, because it uses external storage"

OTHERFILE_NOT_ALLOWED S "otherfile disallowed for %s, because it uses external storage"

SETCONTENT_NOT_ALLOWED S "setcontent disallowed for %s, because it uses external storage"

STORAGE_NAME_REQUIRED S "A valid storage name is required since %s uses external storage"

CANT_USE_EXTERNAL_STORE "Cannot use an external store for addrendition"


DM_STORAGE_E_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED_CRYPTO_MODE "Changing crypto-mode attribute is not allowed."
; CAUSE:  An attempt was made to update the crypto_mode attribute..
; ACTION: Do not attempt to  modify the crypto_mode attribute.

.severity TRACE


EXTSTORE_TRACE SSS "Session: %s, Store: %s, message: %s"


