; Query Facility errors (continued due to limit of 256 messages
;                              per severity per facility)
;** Documentum DocuServer
;** Confidential Property of Documentum, Inc.
;** (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 1991-2002
;** All rights reserved.
.facility DM_QUERY2
; These are the error messages returned by the query facility during the processing of
; DQL queries.  The convention followed for determining the severity of an error message
; is as follows:
; An error which occurs because of something the user did (incorrect specification
; of a query, trying to create a type that already exists, ...) is of severity,
; An error which the user really has no control over (a schema table couldn't be
; opened, a rollback operation failed leaving the database inconsistent, ...) is
; classified as severity, FATAL.
; This second file was created because the ERROR severity section of the DM_QUERY facility
; is close to 'full' due to a limit of 256 messages per severity per facility. 
; Currently the errors related to Data Dictionary processing are in this file, but
; eventually all new ERROR severity messages for the QUERY facility will
; need to go in this file.
.severity TRACE
.severity WARNING
DROP_TYPE_CANNOT_FETCH_AGGR_DOMAIN    DS       "Cannot fetch the dm_aggr_domain object with ID '%s' while dropping type %s.  Proceeding with drop type operation."
; CAUSE:  The type referenced a dm_aggr_domain object that does not exist.
; ACTION:  No action necessary since the type is being dropped.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the object id of the dm_aggr_domain object.
;              The second parameter is the name of the type being dropped.

NO_PRIMARY_KEY            "No primary key exists to DROP.  DROP clause ignored."
; CAUSE:  An attempt was made to drop a primary key that does not exist.
; ACTION:  Verify that the type or attribute you specified has a primary key.
;          This is merely a warning.  The DROP clause was ignored.
NO_UNIQUE_KEY            "No unique key matching the one specified exists to DROP.  DROP clause ignored."
; CAUSE:  An attempt was made to drop a unique key that does not exist.
; ACTION:  Verify that the type or attribute you specified has a unique key with the
;          combination of key attributes that you specified.
;          This is merely a warning.  The DROP clause was ignored.
NO_FOREIGN_KEY            "No foreign key matching the one specified exists to DROP.  DROP clause ignored."
; CAUSE:  An attempt was made to drop a foreign key that does not exist.
; ACTION:  Verify that the type or attribute you specified has a foreign key with the
;          combination of key attributes that you specified.  Keep in mind that
;          the child type, child attributes, parent type, and parent attributes must
;          all match.
;          This is merely a warning.  The DROP clause was ignored.
ATTRS_NOT_ALTERED_FTINDEX S "String-valued attributes are not marked for fulltext indexing because index objects of type %s already exist. Please see the documentation for more information."
; CAUSE: An attempt was made to mark string-valued attributes for indexing after indexed objects of the type already exist.
; ACTION: Since this happened during the "alter type add" operation, this warning notifies
;         that the attributes are not automatically marked for fulltext indexing. Please
;         see the Server Reference Manual for more information.
; PARAMETERS: The type name.
DATA_DICTIONARY_PUBLISH_FAILURE_A_C S "ALTER/CREATE for type %s: The Data Dictionary encountered a failure while trying to publish Data Dictionary information. The ALTER/CREATE has succeeded, but the user should manually try to publish the Data Dictionary information for this type using the publish_dd API. More detailed error messages should follow."
; CAUSE: While processing an ALTER/CREATE statement the explicit publish that was requested
;        encountered an error.
;        The ALTER/CREATE succeeded, however, Data Dictionary information was not published.
;        Additional error messages should accompany this warning with more specific details
;        regarding the cause of the error.       
; ACTION: The user must manually publish the Data Dictionary information by using the
;       publish_dd API. Otherwise, if the Data Dictionary Publisher Job is active, that
;         should take care of publishing the Data Dictionary changes.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the name of the type involved
CONVERSION_ERROR S "Conversion error message from the query plug-in: %s"
; CAUSE: Query plug-in fails to translate the DQL to Search Engine's query.
; ACTION: None. Content Server will execute the DQL constraint via DB.

.severity ERROR
PIPER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET_TYPE_A_C        SS      "ALTER/CREATE for type %s:  Feature (%s) is not yet supported in Piper."
; CAUSE:  This message should only be seen during Piper development.
;         You have attempted an operation on a type that requires Data Dictionary
;         support that has not yet been added to Piper.
; ACTION: Remove the indicated construct until it is supported.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the type name.
;              The second parameter describes the un-implemented feature.
DD_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED_ATTR_A_C        SSS      "ALTER/CREATE for type %s, attribute %s:  Feature (%s) is not yet supported in Documentum 4i Server."
; CAUSE:  You have attempted an operation on a type that requires Data Dictionary
;         support that has not yet been added to Documentum 4i Server.
; ACTION: Remove the indicated construct until it is supported.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the type name.
;              The second parameter is the attribute name.
;              The third parameter describes the un-implemented feature.
DATA_DICT_ERROR_FOR_TYPE_A_C    S       "The following error(s) occurred processing an ALTER/CREATE statement for type %s."
; CAUSE:  This message is providing additional information about the error
;         message(s) that follow involving constructs applied
;         to the specified type.
; ACTION:  Correct the errors indicated by the following message(s).
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the type name.
DATA_DICT_ERROR_FOR_ATTR_A_C    SS      "The following error(s) occurred processing an ALTER/CREATE statement for type %s, attribute %s."
; CAUSE:  This message is providing additional information about the error
;         message(s) that follow involving constructs applied
;         to the specified attribute of the specified type.
; ACTION:  Correct the errors indicated by the previous message.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the type name.
;              The second parameter is the attribute name.
NO_FUNCTION_LOCATION    S       "User function %s must specify a location by object id or folder path."
; CAUSE:  The user function specification has no location information.
; ACTION:  Add the location information to the user function.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the user function.
BAD_FUNCTION_LOCATION_ID        SD      "The location id for user function %s is invalid (%s)."
; CAUSE:  The user function specification has a bad object id given as the location.
; ACTION:  Correct the location object id information to the user function.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the name of the user function.
;              The second parameter is the invalid location object id.
UNSUPPORTED_DD_VALUE_SPECIFICATION              "Only literals, NULL, USER, date(now), date(today), date(tomorrow), and date(yesterday) are allowed here."
; CAUSE:  A form of value specification was used that is not supported for default values
;         or value assistance lists.
; ACTION:  Change the unsupported value specification to one of those listed.
UNSUPPORTED_DD_DATE_FUNCTION            "Only date(now), date(today), date(tomorrow), and date(yesterday) are allowed here."
; CAUSE:  A date function was used that is not supported for default values
;         or value assistance lists.
; ACTION:  Change the unsupported date function to one of those listed.
BAD_VALUE_LIST_ELEMENT          "Only literal values are allowed in a value assistance list."
; CAUSE:  An expression, or some other form of value was used in the value
;         list for the list form of value assistance.
; ACTION:  Use a literal value instead of an expression.
LITERAL_REQUIRED                "Only literal values are allowed here."
; CAUSE:  An expression, or some other form of value was used where
;         a literal value is required.
; ACTION:  Use a literal value instead of an expression.
VALUE_ASSIST_FOR_WHOLE_TYPE     S       "Value assistance was specified for type %s.  It is only allowed on individual attributes."
; CAUSE:  A value assistance clause was specified for the entire type, rather
;         than for an individual attribute.
; ACTION:  Remove the value assistance clause, or move it to apply to an attribute.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type.
VALUE_LIST_WRONG_TYPE   SSSS "A literal in the value assistance list for type %s, attribute %s is the wrong type.  Expected %s, found %s."
; CAUSE:  One of the literal values in a value assistance list is not the
;         same data type as the attribute that the value assistance belongs to.
; ACTION:  Change the literal to one of the correct type.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the name of the type.
;              The second parameter is the name of the attribute.
;              The third parameter is the data type of the attribute.
;              The fourth parameter is the data type of the value found.
MAPPING_TABLE_FOR_WHOLE_TYPE    S       "A mapping table was specified for type %s.  It is only allowed on individual attributes."
; CAUSE:  A mapping table clause was specified for the entire type, rather
;         than for an individual attribute.
; ACTION:  Remove the mapping table clause, or move it to apply to an attribute.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type.
MAPPING_TABLE_WRONG_TYPE        SSSS "A literal in the mapping table value list for type %s, attribute %s is the wrong type.  Expected %s, found %s."
; CAUSE:  One of the literal values in a mapping table value list is not the
;         same data type as the attribute that the mapping table value list belongs to.
; ACTION:  Change the literal to one of the correct type.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the name of the type.
;              The second parameter is the name of the attribute.
;              The third parameter is the data type of the attribute.
;              The fourth parameter is the data type of the value found.
BAD_UPDATE_CLAUSE_IN_MODIFIER   S       "The '%s' form of the update clause is not allowed in a type/attribute modifier."
; CAUSE:  A form of the update clause was used that is not supported for
;         type/attribute modifiers.
; ACTION:  Remove the unsupported form of update.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the update construct used.
BAD_UPDATE_VALUE_IN_MODIFIER            "Only literals are allowed in the update form of a type/attribute modifier."
; CAUSE:  A value was specified that was not a literal for an update modifier.
; ACTION:  Change the update to use a literal.

DATE_LITERAL_IN_UPDATE_MODIFIER         "Date literals are not supported in the update form of a type/attribute modifier."
; CAUSE:  A value was specified that was not a date literal for an update modifier.
; ACTION:  There are no modifiers of type date, so specify the correct type of literal.

SAVE_AGGR_DOMAIN_FAILED S       "Save of type/attribute modifiers failed for type %s."
; CAUSE:   One or more type/attribute modifiers contained errors.  See these error messages for details.
; ACTION:  Correct the individual errors and try again.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type.

BAD_COMPONENT_ID   SS      "Bad object id '%s' for component classifier %s."
; CAUSE:   The object id of the component specified for the indicated component classifier is invalid.
; ACTION:  Specify a legal object id.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the object id.
;              The second parameter is the component classifier.

BAD_ATTR_FOR_TYPE       SS      "Attribute '%s' does not exist for type '%s'."
; CAUSE:   The attribute does not exist in the given type.
; ACTION:  Specify a legal attribute.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the attribute name.
;              The second parameter is the type name.

DUPLICATE_VALUE_ESTIMATE                "Duplicate VALUE ESTIMATE clause for value assistance."
; CAUSE:   The VALUE ESTIMATE clause was specified more than once in value assistance.
; ACTION:  Remove the extra clauses.

BAD_VALUE_ESTIMATE      I       "VALUE ESTIMATE (%d) must be greater than zero."
; CAUSE:   The VALUE ESTIMATE specified was not greater than zero.
; ACTION:  Specify a value greater than zero.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the value estimate.

DUPLICATE_IS_COMPLETE           "Duplicate IS COMPLETE clause for value assistance."
; CAUSE:   The IS COMPLETE clause was specified more than once in value assistance.
; ACTION:  Remove the extra clauses.

DUPLICATE_QRY_ATTR              "Duplicate QRY ATTR clause for value assistance."
; CAUSE:   The QRY ATTR clause was specified more than once in value assistance.
; ACTION:  Remove the extra clauses.

BAD_QRY_ATTR      S              "The attribute '%s' specified in the QRY ATTR clause does not exist in the type."
; CAUSE:   The QRY ATTR clause specified an invalid attribute.
; ACTION:  Use a valid attribute name.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the attribute name specified.

DUPLICATE_ALLOW_CACHING         "Duplicate ALLOW CACHING clause for value assistance."
; CAUSE:   The ALLOW CACHING clause was specified more than once in value assistance.
; ACTION:  Remove the extra clauses.

DUPLICATE_VALUE_SEPARATOR       "Duplicate SEPARATOR clause for value assistance."
; CAUSE:   The SEPARATOR clause was specified more than once in value assistance.
; ACTION:  Remove the extra clauses.

BAD_VALUE_SEPARATOR    S         "The string '%s' specified in the SEPARATOR clause is not length 1."
; CAUSE:   The SEPARATOR clause specified an invalid string.
; ACTION:  Use a single-character string.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the string specified.

BAD_VA_FOR_QRY_ATTR             "The QRY ATTR clause can only be specified for QRY value assistance."
; CAUSE:   The QRY ATTR clause was specified for value assistance that is not QRY.
; ACTION:  Only use the QRY ATTR clause for QRY value assistance.

BAD_VA_FOR_ALLOW_CACHING        "The ALLOW CACHING clause can only be specified for QRY value assistance."
; CAUSE:   The ALLOW CACHING clause was specified for value assistance that is not QRY.
; ACTION:  Only use the ALLOW CACHING clause for QRY value assistance.

BAD_VA_FOR_VALUE_SEPARATOR      "The SEPARATOR clause can only be specified for FUNCTION value assistance."
; CAUSE:   The SEPARATOR clause was specified for value assistance that is not FUNCTION.
; ACTION:  Only use the SEPARATOR clause for FUNCTION value assistance.
QUERY_VA_NOT_SELECT    "The QRY form of value assistance must use a SELECT statement."
; CAUSE:   The query_string specified for QRY value assistance is not a SELECT statement.
; ACTION:  Only use a SELECT statement for QRY value assistance.

VA_QUERY_SYNTAX                SS      "For the query string used in QRY value assistance, a parser error (%s) has occurred in the vicinity of:  %s"
; CAUSE:   The query_string specified for QRY value assistance is not syntactically valid.
; ACTION:  Correct the syntax error. 
;          See the CAUSE and ACTION for the error SYNTAX above.
; PARAMETERS:  See the PARAMETERS for the error SYNTAX above.

; CAUSE:   The value specified for APPEND, INSERT, REMOVE, or TRUNCATE was the keyword NULL.
; ACTION:  Remove the keyword NULL, or use SET.
; CAUSE:   The object id specified for the DEFAULT BUSINESS POLICY is the null object id.
; ACTION:  Specify a valid object id, or use one of the keywords NULL or NONE.

BAD_DEFAULT_FOR_REPEATING SS "Attribute %s of type %s is repeating, so the list form of the DEFAULT value clause must be used."
; CAUSE:   The single value form of the DEFAULT value was used where the list form is required.
; ACTION:  Use a parenthesized list of comma separated values.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the name of the attribute.
;              The second parameter is the name of the type.

BAD_DEFAULT_FOR_NON_REPEATING SS "Attribute %s of type %s is not repeating, so the single value form of the DEFAULT value clause must be used."
; CAUSE:   The list form of the DEFAULT value was used where the single value form is required.
; ACTION:  Use a single DEFAULT value.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the name of the attribute.
;              The second parameter is the name of the type.

DEFAULT_FOR_WHOLE_TYPE     S       "A default value was specified for type %s.  A default value is only allowed on individual attributes."
; CAUSE:  A DEFAULT value clause was specified for the entire type, rather
;         than for an individual attribute.
; ACTION:  Remove the DEFAULT value clause, or move it to apply to an attribute.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type.

NO_ADD_FOREIGN_KEY_PRIV            "You have insufficient privilege to add a foreign key."
; CAUSE:  You do not have at least sysadmin privilege.
; ACTION:  Ask your system administrator about creating the foreign key for you.

NO_DROP_FOREIGN_KEY_PRIV            "You have insufficient privilege to drop a foreign key."
; CAUSE:  You do not have at least sysadmin privilege.
; ACTION:  Ask your system administrator about dropping the foreign key for you.

NO_PRIMARY_KEY            "No primary key exists to DROP."
; CAUSE:  An attempt was made to drop a primary key that does not exist.
; ACTION:  Verify that the type or attribute you specified has a primary key.
NO_UNIQUE_KEY            "No unique key matching the one specified exists to DROP."
; CAUSE:  An attempt was made to drop a unique key that does not exist.
; ACTION:  Verify that the type or attribute you specified has a unique key with the
;          combination of key attributes that you specified.
NO_FOREIGN_KEY            "No foreign key matching the one specified exists to DROP."
; CAUSE:  An attempt was made to drop a foreign key that does not exist.
; ACTION:  Verify that the type or attribute you specified has a foreign key with the
;          combination of key attributes that you specified.  Keep in mind that
;          the child type, child attributes, parent type, and parent attributes must
;          all match.
CANNOT_GENERATE_FOREIGN_KEY_NAME   SS      "Cannot generate a foreign key name for type %s attribute %s."
; CAUSE:   There are too many foreign keys on the same type/attribute combination.
; ACTION:  Remove any unneeded foreign keys.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the type name.
;              The second parameter is the attribute name.
QUERY_VA_STAR_SELECT_LIST    "The QRY form of value assistance cannot use '*' in the select list."
; CAUSE:   The query_string specified for QRY value assistance uses SELECT *.
; ACTION:  Change the select list to reference specific attributes, rather than '*'.

QUERY_VA_AS_NAME S   "The QRY form of value assistance cannot use an AS name (%s) in the select list."
; CAUSE:   The query_string specified for QRY value assistance uses an 'as' name.
; ACTION:  Change the select list to not use an 'as' name.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the 'as' name.

QUERY_VA_BAD_FIRST_VALUE    "The first value in the select list for QRY value assistance is not a simple attribute name."
; CAUSE:   If no QRY ATTR is specified, the first element of the select list must be
;          a simple attribute name.
; ACTION:  Change the select list to have a simple attribute name first, or use the
;          QRY ATTR clause to specify a different attribute.

QUERY_VA_QUERY_ATTR_NOT_FOUND  S  "The attribute specified in the QRY ATTR clause (%s) was not found in the select list for the QRY value assistance query."
; CAUSE:   If QRY ATTR is specified, the attribute must be present in the select list.
; ACTION:  Add the QRY ATTR to the select list.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the attribute name from the QRY ATTR clause.

QUERY_VA_ATTR_NOT_FOUND SS   "The query attribute from QRY value assistance (%s) does not exist in type %s."
; CAUSE:   The result attribute for QRY value assistance does not exist in the named type.
; ACTION:  Use a legal attribute name from the type.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the result attribute for QRY value assistance.
;              The second parameter is the name of the type.

QUERY_VA_ATTR_WRONG_TYPE SSSSS   "The type of the query attribute (%s) from QRY value assistance does not match the type of attribute %s in type %s.  Expected %s, found %s."
; CAUSE:   The result attribute for QRY value assistance is the wrong data type.
; ACTION:  The result attribute must match the type of the attribute for which the
;          value assistance is defined.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the result attribute for QRY value assistance.
;              The second parameter is the name of the attribute for which the value
;              assistance is being defined.
;              The third parameter is the name of the type.
;              The fourth parameter is the expected data type.
;              The fifth parameter is the actual data type.

ALTER_BAD_POLICY_ID S   "The business policy id (%s) specified in ALTER TYPE is not valid."
; CAUSE:   The object id specified in the FOR POLICY clause of ALTER TYPE is not valid.
; ACTION:  Use a valid business policy object id.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the business policy object id specified.

ALTER_CANNOT_FETCH_POLICY D   "Could not fetch the business policy id (%s) specified in ALTER TYPE."
; CAUSE:   The policy object specified in the FOR POLICY clause of ALTER TYPE does not exist.
; ACTION:  Use a valid business policy object id.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the business policy object id specified.

ALTER_BAD_STATE_NAME DS   "The business policy with object id %s does not have a state named %s."
; CAUSE:   The state specified does not exist in the business policy.
; ACTION:  Use a valid state name.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the business policy object id specified.
;              The second parameter is the business policy state name.

DROP_TYPE_COMMIT_EXTERNAL_TRANSACTION S   "DROP TYPE for %s is not allowed inside an explicit transaction if Data Dictionary information is present."
; CAUSE:   An attempt was made to drop a type that has Data Dictionary information specified
;          while an explicit user transaction was open.
; ACTION:  Move the drop type outside of the explicit transaction.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type.

DUPLICATE_DEFAULT    "Duplicate DEFAULT value clause."
; CAUSE:   A duplicate DEFAULT value clause was found.
; ACTION:  Remove the duplicate clause.

; CAUSE:   A duplicate DEFAULT BUSINESS POLICY clause was found.
; ACTION:  Remove the duplicate clause.

; CAUSE:   A duplicate COMPONENTS clause was found.
; ACTION:  Remove the duplicate clause.

; CAUSE:   A duplicate COMPUTED FROM clause was found.
; ACTION:  Remove the duplicate clause.

; CAUSE:   A duplicate VALUE ASSISTANCE clause was found.
; ACTION:  Remove the duplicate clause.

; CAUSE:   A duplicate MAPPING TABLE clause was found.
; ACTION:  Remove the duplicate clause.

; CAUSE:   A duplicate DROP DEFAULT clause was found.
; ACTION:  Remove the duplicate clause.

; CAUSE:   A duplicate DROP NOT NULL clause was found.
; ACTION:  Remove the duplicate clause.

; CAUSE:   A duplicate DROP CHECK clause was found.
; ACTION:  Remove the duplicate clause.

; CAUSE:   A duplicate DROP COMPUTED FROM clause was found.
; ACTION:  Remove the duplicate clause.

; CAUSE:   A duplicate DROP VALUE ASSISTANCE clause was found.
; ACTION:  Remove the duplicate clause.

; CAUSE:   A duplicate DROP MAPPING TABLE clause was found.
; ACTION:  Remove the duplicate clause.

; CAUSE:   A duplicate DROP COMPONENTS clause was found.
; ACTION:  Remove the duplicate clause.

NO_COLUMNS_FOR_TYPE_LEVEL_PRIMARY_KEY    "A Primary Key specified at the type level must contain an attribute list."
; CAUSE:   The attribute list was omitted from a primary key specification at the type level.
; ACTION:  Specify an attribute list.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type.

NO_COLUMNS_FOR_TYPE_LEVEL_UNIQUE_KEY    "A Unique constraint specified at the type level must contain an attribute list."
; CAUSE:   The attribute list was omitted from a unique constraint specification at the type level.
; ACTION:  Specify an attribute list.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type.

NO_CHILD_COLUMNS_FOR_TYPE_LEVEL_FOREIGN_KEY    "A Foreign Key specified at the type level must contain a child attribute list."
; CAUSE:   The child attribute list was omitted from a foriegn key specification at the type level.
; ACTION:  Specify a child attribute list.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type.

ALTER_NOT_PRIMARY_TYPE_FOR_POLICY    SSD "The type being altered (%s) is not the primary type (%s) for the busines policy with object id '%s'."
; CAUSE:   An attempt was made to alter a type for a specific business policy state,
;          but the type altered is not the primary type for the business policy.
; ACTION:  Alter the primary type.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the name of the type being altered.
;              The second parameter is the the primary type for the business policy.
;              The third parameter is the object id of the business policy.

NOT_ENOUGH_PRIVILEGE_FOR_USER_FUNCTION    S "To invoke code in a user-provided function (%s) you must have at least sysadmin privilege."
; CAUSE:   An attempt was made to specify a user-written function as an expression
;          but the user did not have at least sysadmin privilege.
; ACTION:  Use a simple expression, or have an administrator add the user-written function.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the user-written function.

DEFAULT_STORAGE_FOR_POLICY_OVERRIDE "You cannot specify a DEFAULT STORAGE clause for a business policy state."
; CAUSE:   A DEFAULT STORAGE clause was specified in an ALTER TYPE statement
;          for a business policy state.
; ACTION:  Remove the DEFAULT STORAGE clause.

DEFAULT_PERMIT_FOR_POLICY_OVERRIDE "You cannot specify a (default) PERMIT clause for a business policy state."
; CAUSE:   A PERMIT clause was specified in an ALTER TYPE statement
;          for a business policy state.
; ACTION:  Remove the PERMIT clause.

DEFAULT_GROUP_FOR_POLICY_OVERRIDE "You cannot specify a DEFAULT GROUP clause for a business policy state."
; CAUSE:   A DEFAULT GROUP clause was specified in an ALTER TYPE statement
;          for a business policy state.
; ACTION:  Remove the DEFAULT GROUP clause.

DEFAULT_ACL_FOR_POLICY_OVERRIDE "You cannot specify a DEFAULT ACL clause for a business policy state."
; CAUSE:   A DEFAULT ACL clause was specified in an ALTER TYPE statement
;          for a business policy state.
; ACTION:  Remove the DEFAULT ACL clause.

ADD_ATTRIBUTES_FOR_POLICY_OVERRIDE "You cannot ADD type attributes for a business policy state."
; CAUSE:   An ADD attribute clause was specified in an ALTER TYPE statement
;          for a business policy state.
; ACTION:  Remove the ADD attribute clause.

DROP_ATTRIBUTES_FOR_POLICY_OVERRIDE "You cannot DROP type attributes for a business policy state."
; CAUSE:   A DROP attribute clause was specified in an ALTER TYPE statement
;          for a business policy state.
; ACTION:  Remove the DROP attribute clause.

ADD_FULLTEXT_FOR_POLICY_OVERRIDE "You cannot specify an ADD_FTINDEX clause for a business policy state."
; CAUSE:   An ADD_FTINDEX clause was specified in an ALTER TYPE statement
;          for a business policy state.
; ACTION:  Remove the ADD_FTINDEX clause.

DROP_FULLTEXT_FOR_POLICY_OVERRIDE "You cannot specify a DROP_FTINDEX clause for a business policy state."
; CAUSE:   A DROP_FTINDEX clause was specified in an ALTER TYPE statement
;          for a business policy state.
; ACTION:  Remove the DROP_FTINDEX clause.

CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH_FOR_POLICY_OVERRIDE S "You cannot modify the length of an attribute (%s) for a business policy state."
; CAUSE:   A MODIFY attribute length clause was specified in an ALTER TYPE statement
;          for a business policy state.
; ACTION:  Remove the MODIFY attribute length clause.
NON_ACL "Non-ACL Permissions are no longer supported."
; CAUSE:  ACL permissions are the only permissions system supported.
; ACTUON: Convert your docbase to ACL permissions.
DUPLICATE_FOREIGN_KEY  "You cannot supply two foreign keys with the same child attributes."
; CAUSE:   Two foreign keys were supplied for the same type or attribute that have the same child attributes.
; ACTION:  Remove all but one of the duplicates.

DUPLICATE_UNIQUE_KEY  "You cannot supply two unique keys with the same attributes."
; CAUSE:   Two identical unique keys were supplied for the same type or attribute.
; ACTION:  Remove all but one of the duplicates.

DUPLICATE_PRIMARY_KEY  "You cannot supply two primary keys for the same type."
; CAUSE:   Two primary keys were supplied for the same type.
; ACTION:  Remove all but one of the duplicates.

DEFAULT_FOR_ADDED_ATTRIBUTE "You cannot supply a DEFAULT value when adding an attribute."
; CAUSE:   You supplied a DEFAULT value in the same ALTER TYPE statement that you added the attribute.
; ACTION:  ADD the attribute without a DEFAULT value, then ALTER the type in a separate
;          ALTER TYPE statement to add the DEFAULT value.

LITERAL_EXPR_STRING_TOO_LONG SII "The the length of literal expression '%s' (%d) exceeds the maximum allowed for a literal (%d)."
; CAUSE:   You have specified a literal value that is too long.
; ACTION:  Use a shorter literal value.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the literal.
;              The second parameter is the length of the literal.
;              The third parameter is the maximum allowed length.

LITERAL_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE   SSSS "A literal supplied for type %s, attribute %s is the wrong type.  Expected %s, found %s."
; CAUSE:  A literal value is not the
;         same data type as the attribute that the value was supplied to.
; ACTION:  Change the literal to one of the correct type.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the name of the type.
;              The second parameter is the name of the attribute.
;              The third parameter is the data type of the attribute.
;              The fourth parameter is the data type of the value found.
ANY_PREDICATE_TYPES  "You have specified attributes from more than one type in your ANY predicate."
; CAUSE:  The repeating attributes specified in the search condition of an ANY predicate
;         must all be from the same type.
; ACTION: Either correct the specification error, or reformulate your query, as needed.
TOO_MANY_TYPES_IN_JOIN  "Your query has too many types in the FROM clause."
; CAUSE:  There is a maximum number of types allowed in a FROM clause (currently 10).
;         You will get this message for each type over the allowed maximum that you
;         have in your FROM clause.
; ACTION: Reformulate your query so fewer joins can be used (use subselects, if possible,
;         or do multiple queries.
REPEAT_TYPE_JOIN   "Your query is selecting repeating attributes and joining types."
; CAUSE:  It is a restriction that when you join multiple types together, you may not
;         also select repeating attributes in the select list.
; ACTION: Reformulate your query without the repeating attributes, or without the type join.
OWNERNAME_QUAL S  "You have qualified a typename or correlation (%s) name with an ownername qualifier."
; CAUSE:  Only a tablename may be qualified with an ownername.
; ACTION: Correct the query and retry.
JOIN_SEARCH  "Your query specifies both a fulltext query and a multi-type join."
; CAUSE:  Only one type may be specified in the FROM clause when fulltext querying is done.
; ACTION: Correct the query and retry.
UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_REPEATING S "The Data Dictionary attribute %s is not repeating."
; CAUSE:   You attempted to APPEND or INSERT into a Data Dictionary attribute that is
;          not repeating.
; ACTION:  Remove the update clause for the named attribute or use a repeating attribute.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the Data Dictionary attribute.
ILLEGAL_ATTR_LEVEL_PRIMARY_KEY  SS   "The primary key specified at the attribute level for attribute %s references another attribute (%s)."
; CAUSE:   You have attempted to define a primary key at the attribute level involving
;          another attribute.
; ACTION:  Move this primary key specification to the type level.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the name of the attribute on which the primary key is defined.
;              The second parameter is the name of the offending attribute.

ILLEGAL_ATTR_LEVEL_UNIQUE_KEY  SS   "The unique key specified at the attribute level for attribute %s references another attribute (%s)."
; CAUSE:   You have attempted to define a unique key at the attribute level involving
;          another attribute.
; ACTION:  Move this unique key specification to the type level.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the name of the attribute on which the unique key is defined.
;              The second parameter is the name of the offending attribute.

COLLECTION_FAIL  S   "Error executing query; the query collection terminated abnormally. Query was: %s"
; CAUSE:   The query was started properly but an error occurred while iterating
;          through the results.  Typically this error is triggered by an error
;          on the underlying database cursor. 
;          The system should have logged a previous error giving a more
;          detailed reason for the error.
; ACTION:  Check error log for previous error giving more detail on the problem.
;          Look for errors in the database logs.
;    %1    Query text that was being executed.
DATA_DICTIONARY_PUBLISH_FAILURE  S   "While trying to publish Data dictionary information (dmi_dd_common/type/attr info) for object defined by %s, an error occured."
; CAUSE:   There may be an error in the dmi_dd_common/dmi_dd_type/dmi_dd_attr s and r tables.
; ACTION:  Try repeating the statement without an explicit PUBLISH command, or try repeating
;          the statement. Contact Documentum.
;          The first parameter is the name of the type being published, the attribute name, business policy and state name
DATA_DICTIONARY_PUBLISH_SYNTAX S "The alter/create statement should either have the word PUBLISH, or be left blank. %s is an invalid argument."
; CAUSE:   There is a syntax error in the alter/create type statement.
; ACTION:  The word PUBLISH should be spelled correctly, or not be appended to the dql statement. Try leaving the word publish off.
;          The parameter is the syntax token that is unrecognized.
DATA_DICTIONARY_LOGGING_FAILURE  S   "While trying to log Data dictionary information (in dd_publish_log) for object defined by %s, an error occured."
; CAUSE:   There may be an error in the dd_publish_log table.
; ACTION:  Try repeating the statement without an explicit PUBLISH command, or try repeating
;          the statement. Contact Documentum.
;          The first parameter is the name of the type being published, the attribute name, business policy and state name
DD_FILE_NOT_FOUND_IN_DOCBASE     SS   "The object with the path %s and version %s is not found in the docbase."
; CAUSE:  The user has specified an incorrect path and version to a sysobject.
; ACTION:  Correct the path and version number to the sysobject. Try not specifying the version number
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the path of the sysobject, which consists of the folder path and object name
;              The second parameter is the version of the sysobject.

DD_DO_NOT_HAVE_READ_PERMISSION    SS   "You do not have permission to read the sysobject with the path %s and version %s."
; CAUSE:  The user does not have permission to read the sysobject specified by the given path and version.
; ACTION:  The user has to obtain permission to at least read the sysobject.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the path of the sysobject, which consists of the folder path and object name
;              The second parameter is the version of the sysobject.
SYSOBJECT_FOR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_IN_DOCBASE SSS "The sysobject with object id: %s for the path %s and version %s is not found in the docbase."
; CAUSE:  The sysobject with the given r_object_id could not be fetched.
; ACTION:  Try seeing if the sysobject exists in the docbase. Try querying in the database for objects corresponding to the given r_object_id. Try not specifying the version number
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the r_object_id of the sysobject which is being fetched.
;              The second parameter is the path of the sysobject, which consists of the folder path and object name
;              The third parameter is the version of the sysobject.
DROP_FTATTRS_FAILED S "An attempt to drop an indexed attribute(s) failed because there are existing indexed objects of type %s in the docbase."
; CAUSE: An attempt was made to drop an indexed attribute from a type with existing indexed objects.
; ACTION: Drop and recreate or reset the fulltext index before dropping indexed attributes.
; PARAMETERS: The type name
UP_OUT_OF_RANGE S "Unable to set attribute %s because the value being assigned is out of range"
; CAUSE: Attempt to assign a value to an attribute which is out of range of the attribute's datatype. For example, assigning
;        a value to an integer attribute larger than the largest allowable integer.
; ACTION: Either scale the values being assigned to such an attribute, or increase the range of the attribute to allow
;         such values. For example, turn an attribute of type integer into type double.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the attribute name
UNRECOGNIZED_HINT S "%s is an unknown hint or is being used incorrectly."
; CAUSE: Either the query was passed in with a DQL hint that is not recognized by the server, or the syntax used for the hint was incorrect.
; ACTION: Please see the documentation for recognized database hints. Try running the query without hints.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the unrecognized hint.
INVALID_LOCALE_SETTING SS "ALTER/CREATE TYPE: The session_locale setting of '%s' in the sessionconfig object is not a valid locale in the docbase. The ALTER/CREATE is disallowed because it contains locale sensitive information for an invalid locale. Please either set the session_locale to a valid dd_locales value (%s), or add a new locale entry to dd_locales (dm_docbase_config)."
; CAUSE: The session_locale setting in the sessionconfig does not match any of the dd_locales
;        values that are specified in the dm_docbase_config object. As a result, any language
;        sensitive information that may be affected by the ALTER/CREATE is ambiguous.
; ACTION: To remedy this problem, the session_locale setting in the sessionconfig object
;         should be changed to a valid dd_locales (dm_docbase_config) value. If you want to
;         add a new locale to the Data Dictionary, you can modify the dd_locales parameter in
;         the dm_docbase_config object. However, the user should be careful and ensure that they
;         actually want to add another language to the Data Dictionary before modifying the
;         dd_locales attribute.
TABLE_NOT_FOUND S "The database table or view was not found in the database. Error from the database was: '%s'"
; CAUSE: The table or view specified in the query does not exist in the database.
; ACTION: Correct the name of the table in the database and reissue the query.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the error message from the database.
CREATE_ALTER_TYPE_FAILURE SS "An error was encountered during a CREATE/ALTER statement for type '%s'. Failed query was: '%s'"
; CAUSE: The CREATE/ALTER type statement failed
; ACTION: Additional error messages should be reported that indicate the
;         cause of the error.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the name of the type.
;             The second parameter is the query that failed.

TOO_MANY_FOLDERS_FOR_FTDQL I "The folder predicate in the query exceeds the maximum number of supported folders (%d)."
; CAUSE: A query with FOLDER() predicate with DESCEND keyword, and with a SEARCH
; clause was executed. The total number of descendents exceeds the maximum allowed
; folders.
; ACTION: Cannot execute the query with SEARCH clause in this case, it's a limitation.

ALLOW_ASPECTS_MUST_BE_SUPERMOST_TYPE SS "ALTER TYPE statement to ALLOW ASPECTS can be executed on a type with no super types only. Type (%s) has a super type (%s)"
; CAUSE: The alter type .. allow aspects statement was executed on a type
; that's not the super most type.
; ACTION: This statement cannot be executed on a type with a super-type.
; You must specify the super-most type in a type hierarchy in the statement.

ALLOW_ASPECTS_SYSOBJECT_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED S "ALTER TYPE statement to ALLOW ASPECTS cannot be executed on a sysobject sub-type. Type (%s) is a sysobject sub-type"
; CAUSE: The ALTER TYPE .. ALLOW ASPECTS statement was executed on a sysobject
; sub-type.
; ACTION: No need to alter a sysobject sub-type to have aspects. dm_sysobject
; and their sub-types are aspect enabled out of the box.

ALLOW_ASPECTS_CANT_ALLOW S "Type %s cannot be altered to allow aspects because the type or a sub-type in the type hierarchy has an attribute named r_aspect_name"
; CAUSE: The type being altered to allow aspects has the r_aspect_name attribute
; or a sub-type (direct or indirect) of the type being altered has an attribute
; named r_aspect_name.
; ACTION: Drop the r_aspect_name attribute from the type or its sub-type and
; then execute the statement on the type.

ALLOW_ASPECTS_NOT_SUPERUSER S "You do not have super-user privileges to alter (%s) type to allow aspects"
; CAUSE: You do not have super user privileges to alter a type to allow
; aspects.
; ACTION: Login as a user with super-user privileges and re-issue the statement

ALTER_ASPECT_NOT_SUPER_USER "You must be a super user to execute an alter aspect statement"
; CAUSE: You don't have super-user permission to alter an aspect.
; ACTION: You must login as super-user or a user with super-user privileges
; and re-execute the statement.

ALTER_ASPECT_UNABLE_TO_FETCH_TYPE S "Unable to fetch type (%s)"
; CAUSE: The type mentioned in the error message is not found in the repository.
; ACTION: This is a server intrinsic type and is created by a script
; that runs during server configuration or upgrade. Check if there was
; any failure while configuring the repository and address them.

ALTER_ASPECT_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE SS "Type (%s) does not have the attribute (%s)"
; CAUSE: An expected attribute of the specified type is not defined
; in that type.
; ACTION: This is a server intrinsic type and is created/altered by a
; script that runs during server configuration or upgrade. Check if there
; was any failure while configuring the repository and address them.

ALTER_ASPECT_ATTR_DEF_MISMATCH "Invalid data type or nature of i_attr_def attribute"
; CAUSE: The data type or the nature of the i_attr_def attribute in the
; dmc_aspect_type type does not match the expectation of the Content Server.
; ACTION: This is a server intrinsic type and is created/altered by a
; script that runs during server configuration or upgrade. Check if there
; was any failure while configuring the repository and address them.

ALTER_ASPECT_UNABLE_TO_FETCH_ASPECT SD "Unable to fetch the aspect with name (%s) id (%s)"
; CAUSE: A database error occured while fetching an aspect object.
; ACTION: Check associated error messages that contain database error.

ALTER_ASPECT_MULTIPLE_ASPECTS_FOUND S "Multiple aspects with the name (%s) was found in the repository"
; CAUSE: More than one aspect with the same name was found in the repository.
; ACTION: Aspects must be uniquely named.

ALTER_ASPECT_INVALID_ASPECT S "Aspect (%s) is invalid and is not found in the repository"
; CAUSE: There is no aspect in the repository with the specified name.
; ACTION: Specify a valid aspect name in the command/DQL statement.

ALTER_ASPECT_FAILED  "Alter aspect statement failed."
; CAUSE: Alter aspect statement failed.
; ACTION: Refer to other error messages in the session.

ALTER_ASPECT_INVALID_OPERATION SSS "Cannot perform (%s) action on aspect (%s) because %s"
; CAUSE: An invalid operation is specified in the alter aspect statement
; for an aspect whose state is not inconsistent with attempted operation.
; ACTION: Refer to the reason as part of the error message.

ALTER_ASPECT_INVALID_TYPE_OBJECT SS "The internal type (%s) referenced by aspect (%s) for aspect attributes is invalid"
; CAUSE: The internal dm_type object referenced by the specified aspect
; for which the alter aspect statement was executed is invalid. The type
; does not exist in the repository.
; ACTION: Set the i_attr_def attribute of the dmc_aspect_type object with
; the reported aspect name to an empty string and retry the alter aspect
; statement.

ALTER_ASPECT_CANT_GET_TEMP_DATABASE_CONNECTION "Unable to get a temporary database connection to perform the alter aspect operation"
; CAUSE: A database error occured when attempting to obtain a database
; connection.
; ACTION: See the accompanying error message(s).

ALTER_ASPECT_CANNOT_TOGGLE_OPTIMIZEFETCH S "Optimization options for aspect attributes OPTIMIZEFETCH or NO OPTIMIZEFETCH specified does not match the current setting for aspect (%s)"
; CAUSE: An ALTER ASPECT statement was executed with OPTIMIZEFETCH or NO
; OPTIMIZEFETCH for an aspect to which attributes have been previously
; defined, and the optimization option differs from what was specified
; the first time attributes were added to the aspect.
; ACTION: optimization options for aspect attributes specified in the
; ALTER ASPECT statement the first time it was executed for an aspect
; cannot be changed when adding additional attributes to the same aspect.
; Execute the statement without specifying any optimization options.


TYPE_NOT_ASPECTS_ENABLED SS "Type (%s) specified in the from clause is not enabled for aspects. Cannot reference aspect attribute(s) in the %s of the query"
; CAUSE: An aspect attribute was specified in the select list or where clause
; of the query. But the type specified in the from clause of the query
; is not aspects enabled.
; ACTION: Cannot specify aspect attributes in the query if the type referenced
; in the from clause is not enabled for aspects.

AMBIGUOUS_ASPECT_ATTR_USAGE SS "Query has multiple types in the from clause. Could not resolve ambiguity of association of the aspect attribute %s in the %s of the query"
; CAUSE: A query contained multiple types in the from clause and an
; aspect attribute is specified in the select list or where clause of the
; query. Because of multiple types in the from clause, server cannot resolve
; to which type the aspect attributes are to be associated.
; ACTION: Qualify the aspect attribute in the form of
; typename.aspect_name.attr_name

INVALID_TYPE_CORRELATION_FOR_ASPECT_ATTR S "Invalid type or correlation qualifier specified for aspect attribute %s"
; CAUSE: An invalid type or correlation was specified for an aspect attribute
; in the select list or where clause of a query. The type name or the
; correlation is not found in the from clause of the statement.
; ACTION: Specify a valid type name or correlation for the aspect attribute.

INVALID_ASPECT_ATTRIBUTE SS "Aspect (%s) does not have a attribute named (%s)"
; CAUSE: An aspect attribute referenced in the select list or where clause
; of a DQL statement is invalid.
; ACTION: Specify a valid aspect attribute in the statement or add the
; attribute to the aspect first.
NOT_SHAREABLE_TYPE S "Shared parent type (%s) is not a shareable type."
;CAUSE: When you create a lightweight type, the shared parent type must be
 a shareable type.
;ACTION: Use a shareable type as shared parent.
;PARAMETERS:  The type name.
NOT_DMSYSOBJECT_TYPE S   "Type (%s) is not dm_sysobject or a dm_sysobject subtype."
;CAUSE: You attempted to create a lightweight type with a non dm_sysobject type as the shared parent. A shared parent type must be dm_sysobject or a dm_sysobject subtype.
;ACTION: Don't use a non dm_sysobject type as shared parent.
;PARAMETER: The type name.
LITETYPE_NOT_SHAREABLE "Lightweight object types cannot be set to shareable"
;CAUSE: You tried to alter a lightweight type to make it shareable. Lightweight object types cannot be shareable.
;ACTION: Change the type name in the statement to a valid type name. You can only alter a regular dm_sysobject type or a subtype as shareable.
ALREADY_SHAREABLE S "Type (%s) is already a shareable type."
;CAUSE: You attempted to alter a shareable type to shareable.
;ACTION: Correct your query by specifying a currently non-shareable type. The type must be dm_sysobject or a dm_sysobject subtype.
NOT_LITETYPE S "%s is not a lightweight type."
MISS_LIGHTWEIGHT_OR_SHARES "lightweight and shares keywords must co-exist to create a lightweight type."
;CAUSE:  You attempted to create a lightweight type without specifying either lightweight or shares keyword.
;ACTION: Change the create statement so that it has both lightweight and shares keywords to create a lightweight type.
NO_ARCHIVE_SERVICE_LICENSE  "An Archive Services license is required to create a lightweight or shareable type"
; CAUSE: User tried to create a lightweight or shareable type,
;        but there is no valid AS license configured for the respository.
; ACTION: Contact EMC Technical support to purchase a AS license.
MIXED_TYPE_REPEATING_ATTRS "Repeating attributes from shared parent type and repeating attributes from lightweight type, or repeating attribute and single attributes cannot be referenced in an expression in a select list item when querying a lightweight type."
;CAUSE: You atempted to combine repeating attributes from shared parent type and repeating attributes from lightweight type in a select list item.
;ACTION: You need to modify the select statement to separate repeating attributes from shared parent type and repeating attributes from lightweight type.
INCORRECT_GROUPBY_FOR_LIGHTWEIGHT_AGGREGATE "The DQL statement has an aggregate function on a lightweight repeating attribute, the group by clause can only have r_object_id."
;CAUSE: This is the limitation with aggregate function and lightweight repeating attribute in the same DQL statement.
;ACTION: Correct the DQL statement by adding r_object_id in the select list and group by clause.
MISSING_OBJECTID_IN_SELECT_LIST "The DQL statement has non-qualifiable attribute(s) or repeating attribute(s) from lightweight type or repeating aspect attribute(s) in the select list, r_object_id is required in the select list."
;CAUSE: r_object_id is not in the select list while a repeating lightweight or aspect attribute is in the select list.
;ACTION: Add r_object_id into the DQL select list.
LIGHTWEIGHT_REPEATING_IN_SUBQUERY "You cannot specify lightweight repeating attribute(s) in the select list of a subquery."
;CAUSE: This is the limitation of DQL query with lightweight repeating attributes.
;ACTION: revise the query, don't query lightweight repeating in subquery.
MIXED_TYPE_REPEATING_ASPECT_ATTRS "Repeating attributes from different aspects cannot be referenced in an expression in a select list item."
;CAUSE: You attemped to combine repeating attributes from different aspects in a select list item.
;ACTION: You need to modify the select statement to separate repeating attributes from different aspects.
INCORRECT_GROUPBY_FOR_ASPECT_AGGREGATE "The DQL statement has an aggregate function on a repeating aspect attribute, the group by clause can only have r_object_id."
;CAUSE: This is the limitation with aggregate function and repeating aspect attribute in the same DQL statement.
;ACTION: You need to modify the DQL statement by adding r_object_id in the select list and group by clause.
REPEATING_ASPECT_ATTR_IN_SUBQUERY "You cannot specify a repeating aspect attribute(s) in the select list of a subquery."
;CAUSE: This is the limitation of DQL query with repeating aspect attributes.
;ACTION: revise the query, don't put repeating aspect arribute in the select list of a subquery.
NQA_IN_WHERE_CLAUSE S "You cannot specify nonqualifiable attributes (%s) in where, order by and group by clause."
;CAUSE: This is the unsearchable aspect of nonqualifiable attributes.
;ACTION: revise the query, don't put nonqualifiable arribute in where clause.
NQA_IN_FUNCTION S "You cannot specify nonqualifiable attributes (%s) in the functions or expressions."
;CAUSE: Nonqualifiable attributes cannot be passed to SQL functions and expressions.
;ACTION: revise the query, don't put nonqualifiable arribute in SQL functions and expression.
NQA_IN_SUBQUERY "You cannot specify a nonqualifiable attribute in the select list of a subquery."
;CAUSE: This is the limitation of DQL query with nonqualifiable attributes.
;ACTION: revise the query, don't put nonqualifiable arribute in the select list of a subquery.
TYPE_ALREADY_PARTITIONED S "Type (%s) is already partitioned."
;CAUSE: You attempted to enable partition for a type which is already partitioned.
;ACTION: None.
CANNOT_PARTITION "You need to run the data partitioning script generated by the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method against the database server before you can enable partitioning for any type."
;CAUSE: You have attempted to use "alter type" to set a type partitionable without properly upgrading your docbase using the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method and the script it generates.
;ACTION: Issue the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method against your docbase and then run the script the apply method generates against your database server.
PARTITION_NOT_SUPPORTED "Data partitioning is not supported."
;CAUSE: You attempted to run some functionalities related to data partitioning feature which is not supported for the database vendor that content server is running on.
;ACTION: None.
PARTITION_API_INVALID_ARG "You specified arguments incorrectly for the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method."
;CAUSE: You did not specify a value for PARTITION or RANGE repeating arguments. Or the number of values you have specified for PARTITION and RANGE arguments do not match.
;ACTION: correct the command you issued.
PARTITION_API_INVALID_ARG2 "DEFAULT_PARTITION and DEFAULT_TABLESPACE need to co-exist if you specify any of them in the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method."
;CAUSE: You have specified either DEFAULT_PARTITION or DEFAULT_TABLESPACE, but not both in the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method.
;ACTION: You can specify both or neither of them.
DEFAULT_ASPECTS_NOT_SUPERUSER S "You do not have Superuser privileges to alter the (%s) type to set/add/remove default aspects"
; CAUSE: You do not have Superuser privileges to alter a type to set/add/remove default
; aspects.
; ACTION: Login as a user with Superuser privileges and re-issue the statement
DEFAULT_ASPECTS_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED S "The type (%s) specified in the ALTER TYPE statement is not enabled for default aspects."
; CAUSE: The type specified in the ALTER TYPE [SET|ADD|REMOVE] statement is either a lightweight type or is not aspects enabled.
;        You cannot define default aspects for lightweight object types, nor for non-lightweight object types that do not allow aspects.
; ACTION: If the type is not a lightweight type, issue an ALTER TYPE ALLOW ASPECTS on the specified type's supermost type before
;         re-issuing this statement again. Note that you cannot issue an ALTER TYPE to allow aspects on lightweight object type.
NON_PARTITIONABLE_TYPE S "Internal type %s cannot be partitioned."
;CAUSE: You attempted to alter a nonpartition-able internal type to a partitioned type.
;ACTION: Don't do this.
REPEATING_ASPECT_ATTR_IN_INVALID_CLAUSE S "You cannot specify a repeating aspect attribute(s) in %s clause."
;CAUSE: This is the limitation of DQL query with repeating aspect attributes.
;ACTION: revise the query, don't put repeating aspect arribute in the specified clause.
INCONSISTENT_UNION   SS "Incompatible select list items (%s) and (%s) have been specified in the union clauses."
;CAUSE: You have specified incompatible select list items (e.g. lightweight repeating attributes, etc.) in a union.
;ACTION: If you have select list items that require post processing in a union, you should have the same item in every union clause.
;PARAMETERS: The incompatible select list items.
ALREADY_LIGHTWEIGHT S "Type (%s) is already a lightweight type."
;CAUSE: You attempted to alter a lightweight type to lightweight.
;ACTION: Specify a currently non-lightweight type. The type must be dm_sysobject or a dm_sysobject subtype.
SHAREABLE_NOT_LITETYPE "Shareable object types cannot be set to lightweight"
;CAUSE: You tried to alter a shareable type to make it lightweight. Shareable object types cannot be lightweight.
;ACTION: Specify a non-shareable type. You can only alter a regular dm_sysobject type or a subtype as lightweight.
NO_SHAREABLE_SUBTYPES S "Cannot make type %s shareable as it has shareable subtypes"
;CAUSE: You are trying to make a type shareable when it already has subtypes that are shareable
;ACTION: Create a new shareable subtype instead.
; PARAMETER: The parameter is the name of the type that cannot be made shareable.
FTDQL_LITE_TYPE_FAIL S "Cannot execute FTDQL for lightweight type %s that does not have fulltext support."
;PARAMETER: Type name
;CAUSE:  You have attempted to execute an FTDQL against a lightweight
;  type that does not support fulltext.
;ACTION: Just execute regular DQL query against the same type.
OP_DISALLOW_DATATYPE SS "Operation %s does not support datatype %s"
;PARAMETER: Operation name & datatype name
;CAUSE:  You have tries to apply an operation to an disallowed datatype.
;ACTION: You must apply the operation to allowed datatype.
NO_HIGH_VOLUME_SERVER_LICENSE   "A High-Volume Server license is required to create a lightweight or shareable type"
; CAUSE: User tried to create a lightweight or shareable type,
;        but there is no valid HVS license configured for the respository.
; ACTION: Contact EMC Technical support to purchase a HVS license.
.severity  FATAL
CREATE_SET_OVERRIDE_FAILED      S       "CREATE TYPE:  Unable to set the type_override attribute in the dmi_type_info object for type %s."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type being created.
CREATE_STORE_OVERRIDE_FAILED    S       "CREATE TYPE:  Unable to store the updated type_override in the dmi_type_info object for type %s."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type being created.
BAD_MODIFIER_TYPE       IS      "ALTER/CREATE TYPE:  Unknown modifier type (%d) for type %s."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the internal modifier type code.
;             The second parameter is the name of the type being created/altered.
BAD_CONSTRAINT_TYPE     IS      "ALTER/CREATE TYPE:  Unknown constraint type (%d) for type %s."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the internal constraint type code.
;             The second parameter is the name of the type being created/altered.
BAD_KEY_TYPE    IS      "ALTER/CREATE TYPE:  Unknown key type (%d) for type %s."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the internal key type code.
;             The second parameter is the name of the type being created/altered.
BAD_EXPRESSION_TYPE     IS      "ALTER/CREATE TYPE:  Unknown expression type (%d) for type %s."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the internal expression type code.
;             The second parameter is the name of the type being created/altered.
BAD_UPDATE_TYPE IS      "ALTER/CREATE TYPE:  Unknown update type (%d) for type %s."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the internal update type code.
;             The second parameter is the name of the type being created/altered.
INTERNAL_ERROR_IN_MODIFIER      SS      "ALTER/CREATE TYPE:  An internal error occurred while processing a Data Dictionary modifier for type %s: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the name of the type being created/altered.
;             The second parameter describes the internal error.
INTERNAL_ERROR_IN_ATTR_MODIFIER SSS     "ALTER/CREATE TYPE:  An internal error occurred while processing a Data Dictionary modifier for type %s, attribute %s: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the name of the type being created/altered.
;             The second parameter is the name of the attribute of the type.
;             The third parameter describes the internal error.
BAD_EXPRESSION_LANGUAGE         IS      "ALTER/CREATE TYPE:  Unknown expression language (%d) for type %s."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the internal expression language code.
;             The second parameter is the name of the type being created/altered.
BAD_VALUE_ASSISTANCE_TYPE       IS      "ALTER/CREATE TYPE:  Unknown value assistance type (%d) for type %s."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the internal value assistance code.
;             The second parameter is the name of the type being created/altered.
BAD_LITERAL_TYPE        IS      "ALTER/CREATE TYPE:  Unknown literal type (%d) for type %s."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the internal literal type code.
;             The second parameter is the name of the type being created/altered.
BAD_VA_OPTION_TYPE      I       "ALTER/CREATE TYPE:  Unknown value assistance option (%d)."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the internal value assistance option type code.

BAD_UPDATE_MODIFIER_TYPE I "Unknown update modifier (%d)."
; CAUSE:   This is an internal error.
; ACTION:  Collect all the errors that have been set for this session,
;          and contact your Documentum site representitive.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the internal update modifier type code.

BAD_BUSINESS_POLICY_MODIFIER_TYPE I "Unknown business policy modifier type (%d)."
; CAUSE:   This is an internal error.
; ACTION:  Collect all the errors that have been set for this session,
;          and contact your Documentum site representitive.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the internal business policy modifier type code.

CANNOT_EXPUNGE_AGGR_DOMAIN DS "DROP TYPE could not expunge the dm_aggr_domain object with id '%s' when dropping type %s."
; CAUSE:   This is an internal error.
; ACTION:  Collect all the errors that have been set for this session,
;          and contact your Documentum site representitive.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the object id of the dm_aggr_domain object.
;              The second parameter is the name of the type being dropped.
CANNOT_FETCH_AGGR_DOMAIN DS "DROP TYPE could not fetch the dm_aggr_domain object with id '%s' when dropping type %s."
; CAUSE:   This is an internal error.
; ACTION:  Collect all the errors that have been set for this session,
;          and contact your Documentum site representitive.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the object id of the dm_aggr_domain object.
;              The second parameter is the name of the type being dropped.

ALTER_SET_OVERRIDE_FAILED      S       "ALTER TYPE:  Unable to set the type_override attribute in the dmi_type_info object for type %s."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type being altered.

ALTER_STORE_OVERRIDE_FAILED    S       "ALTER TYPE:  Unable to store the updated type_override in the dmi_type_info object for type %s."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type being altered.
INVALIDATE_DD_CACHE_FAILED    S       "ALTER TYPE: Unable to flush the Data Dictionary cache for type %s."
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type being altered.

BAD_UPDATE_VALUE_TYPE I "Unknown update value type (%d)."
; CAUSE:   This is an internal error.
; ACTION:  Collect all the errors that have been set for this session,
;          and contact your Documentum site representitive.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the internal update value type code.

BAD_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TYPE I "Unknown default element type (%d)."
; CAUSE:   This is an internal error.
; ACTION:  Collect all the errors that have been set for this session,
;          and contact your Documentum site representitive.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the internal default element type code.

DROP_TYPE_COMMIT_FAILURE S "Commit failed for expunge of Data Dictionary information when dropping type %s."
; CAUSE:   This is an internal error.
; ACTION:  Collect all the errors that have been set for this session,
;          and contact your Documentum site representitive.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the internal default element type code.

MARK_FOR_RESYNC_FAILED S "Failure attempting to mark subtypes of type %s for Data Dictionary re-synchronization."
; CAUSE:   This is an internal error.
; ACTION:  Collect all the errors that have been set for this session,
;          and contact your Documentum site representitive.
; PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the internal default element type code.

DROP_DMI_DD_INFO_FOR_TYPE    S       "Unable to drop Data dictionary information stored in the dmi_dd_common_info/dmi_dd_type_info/dmi_dd_attr_info tables about type %s "
;CAUSE:  This is an internal error. It may be related to the database.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
;        and contact your Documentum site representative. Check the database tables to see if the type is listed.
;PARAMETERS:  The parameter is the name of the type being dropped.

