3 import static com.whatisjee.ssf.web.jsf.FacesUtils.getService;
5 import java.io.Serializable;
7 import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType;
8 import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Create;
9 import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;
10 import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Scope;
12 import com.whatisjee.ssf.domain.entity.Log;
13 import com.whatisjee.ssf.domain.service.AppService;
14 import com.whatisjee.ssf.misc.LogCriteria;
15 import com.whatisjee.ssf.misc.Page;
16 import com.whatisjee.ssf.misc.PagingList;
17 import com.whatisjee.ssf.web.jsf.PagingDataModel;
19 @Name( " logsAct " )
20 @Scope(ScopeType.PAGE)
21 public class LogsAction implements Serializable {
22 private static final long serialVersionUID = - 5252797451562495196L ;
24 private LogCriteria criteria;
25 private PagingDataModel < Log > data;
26 private String detail;
28 public LogCriteria getCriteria() {
29 return criteria;
30 }
32 public PagingDataModel < Log > getData() {
33 return data;
34 }
36 public String getDetail() {
37 return detail;
38 }
40 public void setDetail(String detail) {
41 this .detail = detail;
42 }
44 @Create
45 public void init() {
46 criteria = new LogCriteria();
47 data = new PagingDataModel < Log > ( " #{logsAct.find} " , false );
48 }
50 public PagingList < Log > find(Page page) {
51 AppService service = getService( " appService " , AppService. class );
52 return service.findLogs(criteria, page);
53 }
55 public void find() {
56 data.refresh();
57 }
59 public void showDetail() {
60 Log log = (Log) data.getRowData();
61 detail = log.getDetail();
62 }
63 }
3 import static com.whatisjee.ssf.misc.Page.ORDER_ASC;
4 import static com.whatisjee.ssf.misc.Page.ORDER_DESC;
5 import static org.richfaces.model.Ordering.ASCENDING;
6 import static org.richfaces.model.Ordering.DESCENDING;
8 import java.io.IOException;
9 import java.io.Serializable;
10 import java.util.Collection;
11 import java.util.Collections;
12 import java.util.List;
13 import java.util.Map;
14 import java.util.Set;
16 import javax.el.ELContext;
17 import javax.el.ELException;
18 import javax.el.ExpressionFactory;
19 import javax.el.MethodExpression;
20 import javax.faces.application.Application;
21 import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;
22 import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
24 import org.ajax4jsf.model.DataVisitor;
25 import org.ajax4jsf.model.Range;
26 import org.ajax4jsf.model.SequenceRange;
27 import org.ajax4jsf.model.SerializableDataModel;
28 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
29 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
30 import org.richfaces.model.FilterField;
31 import org.richfaces.model.Modifiable;
32 import org.richfaces.model.Ordering;
33 import org.richfaces.model.SortField2;
35 import com.whatisjee.ssf.misc.Page;
36 import com.whatisjee.ssf.misc.PagingList;
37 import com.whatisjee.ssf.misc.Page.Order;
39 /**
40 * This PagingDataModel is built to support "true" paging and sorting for Richfaces's data iteration components
41 * e.g. <rich:dataTable/>, <rich:dataGrid/>. The "true" paging and sorting means those kinds of things can be
42 * done in database by SQL.
43 * @author Max Yuan([email protected])
44 * @param <T> A class which must be Serializable.
45 */
46 public class PagingDataModel < T extends Serializable > extends SerializableDataModel implements
47 Modifiable {
48 private static final long serialVersionUID = - 5956332259881655981L ;
49 private static final Log _LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PagingDataModel. class );
50 private static final String KEY_PAGE = " PAGE " ;
51 private static final String KEY_LIST = " LIST " ;
53 public static final int DEFAULT_ROWS = 10 ;
54 public static final String DEFAULT_ID = " DEFAULT " ;
56 private Page page;
57 private PagingList < T > list;
58 private String el;
59 private String keyPage;
60 private String keyList;
61 private boolean stateful;
63 private Integer rowKey = new Integer( 0 );
64 private boolean cached, changed, modified;
66 private static Map < String, Object > DUMMY_MAP = new Map < String, Object > () {
67 public void clear() {}
69 public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return false ; }
71 public boolean containsValue(Object value) { return false ; }
73 public Set < java.util.Map.Entry < String, Object >> entrySet() { return null ; }
75 public Object get(Object key) { return null ; }
77 public boolean isEmpty() { return false ; }
79 public Set < String > keySet() { return null ; }
81 public Object put(String key, Object value) { return null ; }
83 public void putAll(Map <? extends String, ? extends Object > m) {}
85 public Object remove(Object key) { return null ; }
87 public int size() { return 0 ; }
89 public Collection < Object > values() { return null ; }
90 };
93 /**
94 * This is construction method to create a PagingDataModel which you can fully control it's behavior.
95 * @param el An EL expression points to a method which must like "public PagingList<T> xxx(Page xxx)".
96 * @param page To specify the total records and initial sorting criteria.
97 * @param id Use to identify this PagingDataModel from another one.
98 * @param stateful Use to specify whether to keep the state to avoid loading data every time page is loaded.
99 * If the Managed Bean who contains this PagingDataModel can keep state, e.g. Session Scope Bean, Application Scope Bean,
100 * Page Scope(only available for Seam) Bean, then this parameter can be "false", otherwise please set it "true".
101 */
102 public PagingDataModel(String el, Page page, String id, boolean stateful) {
103 this .el = el;
104 this .keyPage = KEY_PAGE + " $ " + id;
105 this .keyList = KEY_LIST + " $ " + id;
106 this .stateful = stateful;
108 Map < String, Object > attrs = getAttributes();
109 Object _page = attrs.get(keyPage);
110 if (_page != null ) {
111 this .page = (Page) _page;
112 cached = true ;
113 } else {
114 this .page = page;
115 attrs.put(keyPage, page);
116 }
117 }
119 /**
120 * This construction method create a PagingDataModel with default amount of rows is 10.
121 * @param el An EL expression points to a method which must like "public PagingList<T> xxx(Page xxx)".
122 * @param id Use to identify this PagingDataModel from another one.
123 * @param stateful Use to specify whether to keep the state to avoid loading data every time page is loaded.
124 * If the Managed Bean which contains this PagingDataModel can keep state, e.g. Session Scope Bean, Application Scope Bean,
125 * Page Scope(only available for Seam) Bean, then this parameter can be "false", otherwise please set it "true".
126 */
127 public PagingDataModel(String el, String id, boolean stateful) {
128 this (el, new Page( 0 , DEFAULT_ROWS), id, stateful);
129 }
131 /**
132 * This construction method create a PagingDataModel with default amount of rows is 10 and the id set to be "DEFAULT"
133 * for only one PagingDataModel in a page.
134 * @param el An EL expression points to a method which must like "public PagingList<T> xxx(Page xxx)".
135 * @param stateful Use to specify whether to keep the state to avoid loading data every time page is loaded.
136 * If the Managed Bean which contains this PagingDataModel can keep state, e.g. Session Scope Bean, Application Scope Bean,
137 * Page Scope(only available for Seam) Bean, then this parameter can be "false", otherwise please set it "true".
138 */
139 public PagingDataModel(String el, boolean stateful) {
140 this (el, new Page( 0 , DEFAULT_ROWS), DEFAULT_ID, stateful);
141 }
143 /**
144 * This construction method create a PagingDataModel with default amount of rows is 10 and can keep state.
145 * @param el An EL expression points to a method which must like "public PagingList<T> xxx(Page xxx)".
146 * @param id Use to identify this PagingDataModel from another one.
147 */
148 public PagingDataModel(String el, String id) {
149 this (el, new Page( 0 , DEFAULT_ROWS), id, true );
150 }
152 /**
153 * This construction method create a PagingDataModel with default amount of rows is 10, can keep state and
154 * the id parameter set to be "DEFAULT" for only one PagingDataModel in a page.
155 * @param el An EL expression points to a method which must like "public PagingList<T> xxx(Page xxx)".
156 */
157 public PagingDataModel(String el) {
158 this (el, new Page( 0 , DEFAULT_ROWS), DEFAULT_ID, true );
159 }
161 @Override
162 public void update() {
164 }
166 @Override
167 public Object getRowKey() {
168 return rowKey;
169 }
171 @Override
172 public void setRowKey(Object rowKey) {
173 this .rowKey = (Integer) rowKey;
174 }
176 private Map < String, Object > getAttributes() {
177 Map < String, Object > attrs = null ;
178 if (stateful){
179 UIViewRoot root = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot();
180 attrs = root.getAttributes();
181 } else {
182 attrs = DUMMY_MAP;
183 }
184 return attrs;
185 }
187 @SuppressWarnings( " unchecked " )
188 private PagingList < T > getList() {
189 if (changed) {
190 refresh();
191 } else if (stateful) {
192 list = (PagingList < T > ) getAttributes().get(keyList);
193 }
194 return list;
195 }
197 @Override
198 public void walk(FacesContext context, DataVisitor visitor, Range range,
199 Object argument) throws IOException {
200 SequenceRange seqRange = (SequenceRange) range;
201 boolean isNew = page.getFirstRow() != seqRange.getFirstRow();
202 if (isNew) {
203 page.setFirstRow(seqRange.getFirstRow());
204 }
205 page.setRows(seqRange.getRows());
207 if ( ! cached || isNew || modified) {
208 changed = true ;
209 modified = false ;
210 cached = true ;
211 }
213 int i = 0 ;
214 List < T > data = getList().getData();
215 if (data != null ) {
216 for (@SuppressWarnings( " unused " ) T t : data) {
217 visitor.process(context, i ++ , argument);
218 }
219 }
220 }
222 @Override
223 public int getRowCount() {
224 PagingList < T > list = getList();
225 return (list == null ) ? 0 : list.getCount();
226 }
228 @Override
229 public Object getRowData() {
230 PagingList < T > list = getList();
231 return (list == null || list.getData() == null || rowKey == null ) ? null
232 : list.getData().get(rowKey.intValue());
233 }
235 @Override
236 public int getRowIndex() {
237 throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
238 }
240 @Override
241 public Object getWrappedData() {
242 throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
243 }
245 @Override
246 public boolean isRowAvailable() {
247 PagingList < T > list = getList();
248 return (list != null ) && (list.getData() != null ) && (rowKey != null )
249 && (rowKey.intValue() < list.getData().size());
250 }
252 @Override
253 public void setRowIndex( int arg0) {
254 throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
255 }
257 @Override
258 public void setWrappedData(Object arg0) {
259 throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
260 }
262 /**
263 * Use to execute the <i>el</i> method to refresh data manually.
264 */
265 @SuppressWarnings( " unchecked " )
266 public void refresh() {
267 list = (PagingList < T > ) evaluateEL(el, PagingList. class ,
268 new Class <?> [] { Page. class }, page);
269 if (list == null ) {
270 list = PagingList.EMPTY_LIST;
271 }
272 getAttributes().put(keyList, list);
273 changed = false ;
274 }
276 private static Object evaluateEL(String el, Class <?> returnType,
277 Class <?> [] paramTypes, Object

278 Object result = null ;
279 FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
280 ELContext elc = fc.getELContext();
281 Application app = fc.getApplication();
282 ExpressionFactory ef = app.getExpressionFactory();
283 MethodExpression me = ef.createMethodExpression(elc, el, returnType, paramTypes);
284 try {
285 result = me.invoke(elc, params);
286 } catch (ELException e) {
287 Throwable cause = e.getCause();
288 if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
289 throw ((RuntimeException) cause);
290 } else {
291 if (_LOG.isErrorEnabled()) {
292 _LOG.error( " Exception occured during evaluation of EL, because " , cause);
293 }
294 }
295 }
296 return result;
297 }
299 @Override
300 public SerializableDataModel getSerializableModel(Range range) {
301 return this ;
302 }
304 public Page getPage() {
305 return page;
306 }
308 @SuppressWarnings( " unchecked " )
309 public List < T > getData() {
310 PagingList < T > list = getList();
311 return list != null ? list.getData() : Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
312 }
314 public void modify(List < FilterField > filterFields,
315 List < SortField2 > sortFields) {
316 if (sortFields != null && sortFields.size() > 0 ) {
317 SortField2 sf = sortFields.iterator().next();
319 String prop = sf.getExpression().getExpressionString();
320 String orderBy = prop.substring( 2 , prop.length() - 1 );
321 if ( ! orderBy.equals(page.getOrderBy())) {
322 page.setOrderBy(orderBy);
323 modified = true ;
324 }
326 Ordering ordering = sf.getOrdering();
327 Order order = page.getOrder();
328 if (ASCENDING.equals(ordering) && ! ORDER_ASC.equals(order)) {
329 page.setOrder(ORDER_ASC);
330 modified = true ;
331 } else if (DESCENDING.equals(ordering) && ! ORDER_DESC.equals(order)) {
332 page.setOrder(ORDER_DESC);
333 modified = true ;
334 }
335 }
336 }
338 }
2 < rich:column sortBy ="#{loggedAt}" styleClass ="align-c" headerClass ="align-c" selfSorted ="true" sortOrder ="DESCENDING" >
3 < f:facet name ="header" >
4 < h:outputText value ="#{messages['log.loggedAt']}" />
5 </ f:facet >
6 < h:outputText value ="#{_log.loggedAt}" >
7 < s:convertDateTime pattern ="#{messages['cmm.shortDateTime']}" />
8 </ h:outputText >
9 </ rich:column >
10 < rich:column sortBy ="#{username}" styleClass ="align-l" headerClass ="align-l" >
11 < f:facet name ="header" >
12 < h:outputText value ="#{messages['log.username']}" />
13 </ f:facet >
14 < h:outputText value ="#{_log.username}" />
15 </ rich:column >
16 < rich:column sortBy ="#{terminal}" styleClass ="align-c" headerClass ="align-c" >
17 < f:facet name ="header" >
18 < h:outputText value ="#{messages['log.terminal']}" />
19 </ f:facet >
20 < h:outputText value ="#{_log.terminal}" />
21 </ rich:column >
22 < rich:column sortBy ="#{severity}" styleClass ="align-c" headerClass ="align-c" >
23 < f:facet name ="header" >
24 < h:outputText value ="#{messages['log.severity']}" />
25 </ f:facet >
26 < h:outputText value ="#{messages[$c['LOG_LABELS'][_log.severity - 1][1]]}" />
27 </ rich:column >
28 < rich:column sortBy ="#{summary}" styleClass ="align-l" headerClass ="align-l" >
29 < f:facet name ="header" >
30 < h:outputText value ="#{messages['log.summary']}" />
31 </ f:facet >
32 < h:outputText value ="#{sf:getLogSummary(_log)}" />
33 </ rich:column >
34 < rich:column styleClass ="align-c" headerClass ="align-c" >
35 < f:facet name ="header" >
36 < h:outputText value ="#{messages['log.detail']}" />
37 </ f:facet >
38 < a4j:commandLink action ="#{logsAct.showDetail}" reRender ="itDetail" oncomplete ="Richfaces.showModalPanel('mpDetail')" rendered ="#{not empty _log.detail}" styleClass ="icon" >
39 < h:graphicImage value ="/common/image/view.gif" alt ="#{messages['cmm.remove']}" />
40 </ a4j:commandLink >
41 </ rich:column >
42 </ rich:dataTable >
43 < rich:datascroller for ="dtLogs" />