Follow your heart(95)--- Q got success in her restaurant business,

Q 在qq里和我打招呼,我问她,生意还好? 心情还好?。她说,心情还不错  ,告诉你一个好消息 ,上海吃蚝好去处,小黑蚝情排第一位。  我真是替她高兴啊。一点点靠自己努力取得这么多成绩。她也承认,自己现在的店,在上海算是小有名气啦  。别家挂牌出来要P K 小黑 

She bought my book in a bookstore in Chongqing in 2007, and then found my blog, then found my qq number and added me. Now we are already good friends. She is from Zhanjiang, ,began her restaurant business 4 years ago in SH, it was a very hard way, met many problems in between,  now she got success.Every year, the profit of her restaurant is over 1 M.  When i was in SH , i often visited her . She also visited me in GZ, in HZ. I knew her all stories.  She also knows mine.

Today ,I told her:



by the way, yesterday evening ,  I was really moved by "天凉好个秋“, he asked about my status, and showed his spirital support . Sometimes, people really have soul communication.He knew nothing about my past , just  knew me a little bit through my blogs here, but he has already many understanding with me.



