3.NullRMStateStore--do nothing,什么都不做,就是不保存应用状态信息。
/** * Base class to implement storage of ResourceManager state. * Takes care of asynchronous notifications and interfacing with YARN objects. * Real store implementations need to derive from it and implement blocking * store and load methods to actually store and load the state. * 保存RM资源状态信息的基类,也是一个服务对象类 */ public abstract class RMStateStore extends AbstractService { .... /** * State of an application attempt * 一次应用尝试状态信息类 */ public static class ApplicationAttemptState { //应用尝试ID final ApplicationAttemptId attemptId; //主容器 final Container masterContainer; //凭证信息 final Credentials appAttemptCredentials; .... } /** * State of an application application * 应用状态信息类 */ public static class ApplicationState { //应用提交上下文对象 final ApplicationSubmissionContext context; //应用提交时间 final long submitTime; //提交者 final String user; //应用尝试信息对 Map<ApplicationAttemptId, ApplicationAttemptState> attempts = new HashMap<ApplicationAttemptId, ApplicationAttemptState>(); .... } public static class RMDTSecretManagerState { // DTIdentifier -> renewDate //RM身份标识符ID对时间的映射 Map<RMDelegationTokenIdentifier, Long> delegationTokenState = new HashMap<RMDelegationTokenIdentifier, Long>(); Set<DelegationKey> masterKeyState = new HashSet<DelegationKey>(); int dtSequenceNumber = 0; .... } /** * State of the ResourceManager * RM状态信息类 */ public static class RMState { //RM中的应用状态对图 Map<ApplicationId, ApplicationState> appState = new HashMap<ApplicationId, ApplicationState>(); RMDTSecretManagerState rmSecretManagerState = new RMDTSecretManagerState(); .... }重点关注,在此类中定义的几个应用状态类,与上面第一张进行对比。下面看下在这个父类中定义的几个应用保存相关的方法:
/** * Non-Blocking API * ResourceManager services use this to store the application's state * This does not block the dispatcher threads * RMAppStoredEvent will be sent on completion to notify the RMApp * 保存应用状态方法,触发一次保存event事件,此方法为非阻塞方法 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized void storeApplication(RMApp app) { ApplicationSubmissionContext context = app .getApplicationSubmissionContext(); assert context instanceof ApplicationSubmissionContextPBImpl; ApplicationState appState = new ApplicationState( app.getSubmitTime(), context, app.getUser()); //触发一次应用信息保存事件,由中央调度器进行事件分发处理 dispatcher.getEventHandler().handle(new RMStateStoreAppEvent(appState)); } /** * Blocking API * Derived classes must implement this method to store the state of an * application. * 保存应用状态信息的阻塞方法,由子类具体实现 */ protected abstract void storeApplicationState(String appId, ApplicationStateDataPBImpl appStateData) throws Exception;保存应用状态方法分为阻塞式的方法和非阻塞式的方法,非阻塞式的方法时通过事件驱动的方式实现,阻塞式的方法由具体子类去实现。移除应用的方法有小小的不同点
/** * Non-blocking API * ResourceManager services call this to remove an application from the state * store * This does not block the dispatcher threads * There is no notification of completion for this operation. * There is no notification of completion for this operation. * RM中移除应用状态信息,主要是移除里面的应用尝试信息列表 */ public synchronized void removeApplication(RMApp app) { ApplicationState appState = new ApplicationState( app.getSubmitTime(), app.getApplicationSubmissionContext(), app.getUser()); //取出此应用中的运行尝试信息状态 for(RMAppAttempt appAttempt : app.getAppAttempts().values()) { Credentials credentials = getCredentialsFromAppAttempt(appAttempt); ApplicationAttemptState attemptState = new ApplicationAttemptState(appAttempt.getAppAttemptId(), appAttempt.getMasterContainer(), credentials); appState.attempts.put(attemptState.getAttemptId(), attemptState); } //进行移除操作 removeApplication(appState); }移除应用需要把目标应用内包含的所有应用尝试信息都取出,然后进行移除操作,removeApplication操作又会又如上面的2个方法分支
/** * Non-Blocking API */ public synchronized void removeApplication(ApplicationState appState) { dispatcher.getEventHandler().handle(new RMStateStoreRemoveAppEvent(appState)); } /** * Blocking API * Derived classes must implement this method to remove the state of an * application and its attempts */ protected abstract void removeApplicationState(ApplicationState appState) throws Exception;在这个类中特别介绍一下,下面这个类是干嘛的
public static class RMDTSecretManagerState { // DTIdentifier -> renewDate //RM身份标识符ID对时间的映射 Map<RMDelegationTokenIdentifier, Long> delegationTokenState = new HashMap<RMDelegationTokenIdentifier, Long>(); Set<DelegationKey> masterKeyState = new HashSet<DelegationKey>(); int dtSequenceNumber = 0; .... }里面保存了RM身份标识位到时间的映射,RMDelegationonTokenIdentifier标识位可以用来表明此RM是旧的RM还是新启动的RM,对于应用来说。下面说说3个具体实现类。
//内存RM状态信息保存类实现 public class MemoryRMStateStore extends RMStateStore { RMState state = new RMState(); @VisibleForTesting public RMState getState() { return state; } ...刚刚开始的时候,state是一个没有任何信息内容的实例对象。然后他定义了保存应用信息对象的方法
@Override public void storeApplicationState(String appId, ApplicationStateDataPBImpl appStateData) throws Exception { //生成新的应用状态对象实例 ApplicationState appState = new ApplicationState( appStateData.getSubmitTime(), appStateData.getApplicationSubmissionContext(), appStateData.getUser()); if (state.appState.containsKey(appState.getAppId())) { Exception e = new IOException("App: " + appId + " is already stored."); LOG.info("Error storing info for app: " + appId, e); throw e; } //加入state对象中 state.appState.put(appState.getAppId(), appState); }保存应用尝试状态信息方法
@Override public synchronized void storeApplicationAttemptState(String attemptIdStr, ApplicationAttemptStateDataPBImpl attemptStateData) throws Exception { ApplicationAttemptId attemptId = ConverterUtils .toApplicationAttemptId(attemptIdStr); ... ApplicationAttemptState attemptState = new ApplicationAttemptState(attemptId, attemptStateData.getMasterContainer(), credentials); ApplicationState appState = state.getApplicationState().get( attemptState.getAttemptId().getApplicationId()); if (appState == null) { throw new YarnRuntimeException("Application doesn't exist"); } if (appState.attempts.containsKey(attemptState.getAttemptId())) { Exception e = new IOException("Attempt: " + attemptState.getAttemptId() + " is already stored."); LOG.info("Error storing info for attempt: " + attemptState.getAttemptId(), e); throw e; } //加入appState的运行尝试信息状态列表中 appState.attempts.put(attemptState.getAttemptId(), attemptState); }应用状态信息保存完毕之后,如何从内存中进行加载呢,这个也是我们所关心的,;loadState()方法实现了这个需求
//相当于返回一个内存中维护的RM状态拷贝对象 @Override public synchronized RMState loadState() throws Exception { // return a copy of the state to allow for modification of the real state //新建一个RMState对象,拷贝内存中维护的RMstate对象 RMState returnState = new RMState(); //拷贝appState returnState.appState.putAll(state.appState); returnState.rmSecretManagerState.getMasterKeyState() .addAll(state.rmSecretManagerState.getMasterKeyState()); returnState.rmSecretManagerState.getTokenState().putAll( state.rmSecretManagerState.getTokenState()); returnState.rmSecretManagerState.dtSequenceNumber = state.rmSecretManagerState.dtSequenceNumber; return returnState; }相当于MemoryStateStore对象的RMState深拷贝。
/** * A simple class for storing RM state in any storage that implements a basic * FileSystem interface. Does not use directories so that simple key-value * stores can be used. The retry policy for the real filesystem client must be * configured separately to enable retry of filesystem operations when needed. * RM状态信息文件系统保存类 */ public class FileSystemRMStateStore extends RMStateStore { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FileSystemRMStateStore.class); private static final String ROOT_DIR_NAME = "FSRMStateRoot"; private static final String RM_DT_SECRET_MANAGER_ROOT = "RMDTSecretManagerRoot"; private static final String RM_APP_ROOT = "RMAppRoot"; private static final String DELEGATION_KEY_PREFIX = "DelegationKey_"; private static final String DELEGATION_TOKEN_PREFIX = "RMDelegationToken_"; private static final String DELEGATION_TOKEN_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_PREFIX = "RMDTSequenceNumber_"; //文件系统对象 protected FileSystem fs; //RM保存的文件路径 private Path rootDirPath; private Path rmDTSecretManagerRoot; private Path rmAppRoot; private Path dtSequenceNumberPath = null; @VisibleForTesting Path fsWorkingPath;声明了多种路径,不同对象实例有不同的路径,然后还有1个总文件系统操作对象。下面看核心的保存应用方法
@Override public synchronized void storeApplicationState(String appId, ApplicationStateDataPBImpl appStateDataPB) throws Exception { Path appDirPath = getAppDir(rmAppRoot, appId); fs.mkdirs(appDirPath); //获取待写入的目录路径 Path nodeCreatePath = getNodePath(appDirPath, appId); LOG.info("Storing info for app: " + appId + " at: " + nodeCreatePath); //获取待写入的状态数据 byte[] appStateData = appStateDataPB.getProto().toByteArray(); try { // currently throw all exceptions. May need to respond differently for HA // based on whether we have lost the right to write to FS //进行状态信息的写入 writeFile(nodeCreatePath, appStateData); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.info("Error storing info for app: " + appId, e); throw e; } }对应的加载RM应用状态方法
@Override public synchronized RMState loadState() throws Exception { //新建RM状态对象 RMState rmState = new RMState(); //调用方法,从文件中进行恢复 // recover DelegationTokenSecretManager loadRMDTSecretManagerState(rmState); // recover RM applications loadRMAppState(rmState); return rmState; }加载应用操作
private void loadRMAppState(RMState rmState) throws Exception { try { List<ApplicationAttemptState> attempts = new ArrayList<ApplicationAttemptState>(); for (FileStatus appDir : fs.listStatus(rmAppRoot)) { for (FileStatus childNodeStatus : fs.listStatus(appDir.getPath())) { assert childNodeStatus.isFile(); String childNodeName = childNodeStatus.getPath().getName(); //读取文件数据信息 byte[] childData = readFile(childNodeStatus.getPath(), childNodeStatus.getLen()); //如果是应用状态信息 if (childNodeName.startsWith(ApplicationId.appIdStrPrefix)) { // application LOG.info("Loading application from node: " + childNodeName); ApplicationId appId = ConverterUtils.toApplicationId(childNodeName); ApplicationStateDataPBImpl appStateData = new ApplicationStateDataPBImpl( ApplicationStateDataProto.parseFrom(childData)); ApplicationState appState = new ApplicationState(appStateData.getSubmitTime(), appStateData.getApplicationSubmissionContext(), appStateData.getUser()); // assert child node name is same as actual applicationId assert appId.equals(appState.context.getApplicationId()); rmState.appState.put(appId, appState); } else if (childNodeName .startsWith(ApplicationAttemptId.appAttemptIdStrPrefix)) { // attempt //如果是应用产生信息 LOG.info("Loading application attempt from node: " + childNodeName); ApplicationAttemptId attemptId = ConverterUtils.toApplicationAttemptId(childNodeName); ApplicationAttemptStateDataPBImpl attemptStateData = new ApplicationAttemptStateDataPBImpl( ApplicationAttemptStateDataProto.parseFrom(childData)); Credentials credentials = null; if (attemptStateData.getAppAttemptTokens() != null) { credentials = new Credentials(); DataInputByteBuffer dibb = new DataInputByteBuffer(); dibb.reset(attemptStateData.getAppAttemptTokens()); credentials.readTokenStorageStream(dibb); } ApplicationAttemptState attemptState = new ApplicationAttemptState(attemptId, attemptStateData.getMasterContainer(), credentials); // assert child node name is same as application attempt id assert attemptId.equals(attemptState.getAttemptId()); attempts.add(attemptState); } else { LOG.info("Unknown child node with name: " + childNodeName); } } }
//空RM信息状态保存类,不实现保存方法的任何操作 @Unstable public class NullRMStateStore extends RMStateStore { .... //不实现加载状态方法 @Override public RMState loadState() throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot load state from null store"); } //具体保存应用方法也不实现 @Override protected void storeApplicationState(String appId, ApplicationStateDataPBImpl appStateData) throws Exception { // Do nothing } @Override protected void storeApplicationAttemptState(String attemptId, ApplicationAttemptStateDataPBImpl attemptStateData) throws Exception { // Do nothing } @Override protected void removeApplicationState(ApplicationState appState) throws Exception { // Do nothing } ..... }