摘自: http://blog.yesky.com/128/javafoot/1197628.shtml
tomcat 5.0
mysql 5.0.16
1 、 %JBPM_HOME%\src\resources\mysql下,创建create.db.hibernate.properties,将“hsqldb ” 目录改名为 “mysql” ,并修改 create.db.hibernate.properties文件,内容如下:
2 # a hypersonic database in the build / db directory that contains
3 # the jbpm tables and a process deployed in there
4 hibernate.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
5 hibernate.connection.driver_class = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
6 hibernate.connection.url = jdbc:mysql: // localhost:3306/jbpm
7 hibernate.connection.username = root
8 hibernate.connection.password =
9 hibernate.show_sql = true
2 、修改 %JBPM_HOME%\build.deploy.xml 文件中 “target” 为 “create.db” 的內容,删除 “db.start” , “db.stop” ,将所有的 “hsqldb” 替换为 “mysql”
2 there " >
3 < jbpmschema actions = " create " properties = " ${basedir}/src/resources/mysql/create.db.hibernate.properties " />
4 < loadidentities file = " ${basedir}/src/resources/mysql/identity.db.xml " properties = " ${basedir}/src/resources/mysql/create.db.hibernate.properties " />
5 < ant antfile = " build.xml " target = " build.processes " inheritall = " false " />
6 < deploypar properties = " ${basedir}/src/resources/mysql/create.db.hibernate.properties " >
7 < fileset dir = " build " includes = " *.par " />
8 </ deploypar >
9 </ target >
三、为 ant 创建 jbpm.war 包修改相关配置文件
1 、修改 %JBPM_HOME%\src\config.files\hibernate.cfg.xml 文件中数据库连接配置部分,内容如下:
2 <!-- jdbc connection properties -->
3 < property name = " hibernate.dialect " > org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect </ property >
4 < property name = " hibernate.connection.driver_class " > com.mysql.jdbc.Driver </ property >
5 < property name = " hibernate.connection.url " > jdbc:mysql: // localhost:3306/jbpm</property>
6 < property name = " hibernate.connection.username " > root </ property >
7 < property name = " hibernate.connection.password " > rootrootrootroot </ property >
8 <!-- other hibernate properties -->
9 < property name = " hibernate.show_sql " > true </ property >
10 ……
2 jbpm.task.instance. class = org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance
3 # uncomment the next line if JbpmSessionFactory.getInstance()
4 # should lookup the singleton instance from JNDI instead of creating
5 # a default one.
6 #
7 # jbpm.session.factory.jndi.name = java: / jbpm / JbpmSessionFactory
8 # uncomment the next line to use the file system instead of the database for
9 # storing files related to a process definition
10 #
11 # jbpm.files.dir = c: / jbpm.data
12 # resource path to a properties file that will overwrite all the hibernate
13 # properties. For database specific builds in db project there is a different
14 # hibernate.properties file on the classpath for each database. You could change
15 # the default database for any testing runs by uncommenting the next line and
16 # adding a hibernate.properties file in the basedir.
17 #
18 jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml = jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml
19 # jbpm.hibernate.properties = jbpm.hibernate.properties
3 、修改 %JBPM_HOME%\src\resources\jbpm.sar\jbpm.hibernate.properties ,只用 hibernate.cfg.xml 来配置 hibernate ,因此全部注释掉,内容如下:
2 # hibernate.connection.datasource = java: / DefaultDS
3 # hibernate.show_sql = true
4 、修改 %JBPM_HOME%\build.deploy.xml 文件, “target” 为 “build.webapp” 的內容,原文件相关的 jar 包未包含全,因此补全,内容如下:
2 < ant antfile = " build.xml " target = " build " /><!-- 原文件是target = " build.webapp " -->
3 < mkdir dir = " build/jbpm.war.dir " />
4 < copy todir = " build/jbpm.war.dir " >
5 < fileset dir = " src/resources/jbpm.war " />
6 </ copy >
7 < copy todir = " build/jbpm.war.dir/WEB-INF/lib " >
8 < fileset dir = " build " includes = " jbpm*.jar,converter.jar " excludes = " *src*.jar " />
9 < fileset dir = " lib/jsf " includes = " *.jar " />
10 < fileset dir = " lib/dom4j " includes = " *.jar " />
11 <!-- fileset dir = " lib/jaxen " includes = " *.jar " / included in lib / hibernate -->
12 < fileset dir = " lib/hibernate " includes = " *.jar " />
13 < fileset dir = " lib/mysql " includes = " *.jar " />
14 < fileset dir = " lib/commons " includes = " commons-digester-*.jar, commons-beanutils-*.jar " />
15 < fileset dir = " lib/jboss " includes = " *.jar " excludes = " jboss*.jar,*servlet*.jar,*hsql*.jar,dom4j*.jar " />
16 </ copy >
17 < jar destfile = " build/jbpm.war " >
18 < fileset dir = " build/jbpm.war.dir " />
19 </ jar >
20 </ target >
四、执行 Ant
1 、创建并初始化 jbpm 例子所需的 table
2 、生成 jbpm.war
五、 tomcat 拥抱 jbpm
将 %JBPM_HOME%\build\jbpm.war 文件复制到 Tomcat 的 webapp 目录下,启动 Tomcat 自动部署 jbpm ,访问 http://localhost:8080/jbpm ,出现登录页面,配置成功。