


2:EJB源文件:InterestCalculator.java( 远程接口)
package ejb;

// Java core libraries
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

// Java standard extensions
import javax.ejb.EJBObject;

public interface InterestCalculator extends EJBObject {
   // set principal amount
   public void setPrincipal( double amount )
      throws RemoteException;
   // set interest rate
   public void setInterestRate( double rate )
      throws RemoteException;
   // set loan length in years
   public void setTerm( int years )
      throws RemoteException;
   // get loan balance
   public double getBalance() throws RemoteException;
   // get amount of interest earned
   public double getInterestEarned() throws RemoteException;  
2: InterestCalculatorHome.java(本地接口)
package ejb;

// Java core libraries
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

// Java standard extensions
import javax.ejb.*;

public interface InterestCalculatorHome extends EJBHome {
   // create InterestCalculator EJB
   public InterestCalculator create() throws RemoteException,
3: InterestCalculatorBean .java(EJB的Bean文件,核心)

package ejb;

// Java core libraries
import java.util.*;

// Java standard extensions
import javax.ejb.*;

public class InterestCalculatorBean implements SessionBean {
   private SessionContext sessionContext;
   // state variables
   private double principal;
   private double interestRate;
   private int term;  
   // set principal amount
   public void setPrincipal( double amount )
      principal = amount;
   // set interest rate
   public void setInterestRate( double rate )
      interestRate = rate;
   // set loan length in years
   public void setTerm( int years )
      term = years;
   // get loan balance
   public double getBalance()
      // calculate simple interest
      return principal * Math.pow( 1.0 + interestRate, term );
   // get amount of interest earned
   public double getInterestEarned()
      return getBalance() - principal;
   // set SessionContext
   public void setSessionContext( SessionContext context )
      sessionContext = context;
   // create InterestCalculator instance
   public void ejbCreate() {}
   // remove InterestCalculator instance
   public void ejbRemove() {}  

   // passivate InterestCalculator instance
   public void ejbPassivate() {}
   // activate InterestCalculator instance
   public void ejbActivate() {}

4:EJB客户端(注意: env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "");
package client;

// Java core libraries
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;

// Java standard extensions
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.rmi.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.ejb.*;

// Deitel libraries
import ejb.*;

public class InterestCalculatorClient extends JFrame {
   // InterestCalculator remote reference
   private InterestCalculator calculator;
   private JTextField principalTextField;
   private JTextField rateTextField;
   private JTextField termTextField;
   private JTextField balanceTextField;
   private JTextField interestEarnedTextField;
   // InterestCalculatorClient constructor
   public InterestCalculatorClient()
      super( "Stateful Session EJB Example" );   
      // create InterestCalculator for calculating interest
      // create JTextField for entering principal amount
      // create JTextField for entering interest rate

      // create JTextField for entering loan term
      // create uneditable JTextFields for displaying balance
      // and interest earned
      balanceTextField = new JTextField( 10 );
      balanceTextField.setEditable( false );     
      interestEarnedTextField = new JTextField( 10 );
      interestEarnedTextField.setEditable( false );
      // layout components for GUI
      // add WindowListener to remove EJB instances when user
      // closes window
      addWindowListener( getWindowListener() );
      setSize( 425, 200 );
      setVisible( true );
   } // end InterestCalculatorClient constructor
   // create InterestCalculator EJB instance
   public void createInterestCalculator()
      // lookup InterestCalculatorHome and create
      // InterestCalculator EJB
      try {
        Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
      env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "");
         InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext(env);
         // lookup InterestCalculator EJB
         Object homeObject =
            initialContext.lookup( "InterestCalculator" );
         // get InterestCalculatorHome interface
         InterestCalculatorHome calculatorHome =
            ( InterestCalculatorHome )
               PortableRemoteObject.narrow( homeObject,
                  InterestCalculatorHome.class );        
         // create InterestCalculator EJB instance
         calculator = calculatorHome.create();
      } // end try
      // handle exception if InterestCalculator EJB not found
      catch ( NamingException namingException ) {
      // handle exception when creating InterestCalculator EJB
      catch ( RemoteException remoteException ) {
      // handle exception when creating InterestCalculator EJB
      catch ( CreateException createException ) {
   } // end method createInterestCalculator
   // create JTextField for entering principal amount
   public void createPrincipalTextField()
      principalTextField = new JTextField( 10 );
         new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
               // set principal amount in InterestCalculator
               try {
                  double principal = Double.parseDouble(
                     principalTextField.getText() );

                  calculator.setPrincipal( principal );

               // handle exception setting principal amount
               catch ( RemoteException remoteException ) {
               // handle wrong number format
               catch ( NumberFormatException
                  numberFormatException ) {
      ); // end addActionListener     
   } // end method createPrincipalTextField  
   // create JTextField for entering interest rate
   public void createRateTextField()
      rateTextField = new JTextField( 10 );
         new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
               // set interest rate in InterestCalculator
               try {
                  double rate = Double.parseDouble(
                     rateTextField.getText() );

                  // convert from percentage
                  calculator.setInterestRate( rate / 100.0 );

               // handle exception when setting interest rate
               catch ( RemoteException remoteException ) {
      ); // end addActionListener           
   } // end method createRateTextField  
   // create JTextField for entering loan term
   public void createTermTextField()
      termTextField = new JTextField( 10 );
         new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
               // set loan term in InterestCalculator
               try {
                  int term = Integer.parseInt(
                     termTextField.getText() );

                  calculator.setTerm( term );

               // handle exception when setting loan term
               catch ( RemoteException remoteException ) {
      ); // end addActionListener     
   } // end method getTermTextField  
   // get JButton for starting calculation
   public JButton getCalculateButton()
      JButton calculateButton = new JButton( "Calculate" );
         new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
               // use InterestCalculator to calculate interest
               try {

                  // get balance and interest earned
                  double balance = calculator.getBalance();
                  double interest =

                  NumberFormat dollarFormatter =
                        Locale.US );

                     dollarFormatter.format( balance ) );

                     dollarFormatter.format( interest ) );

               // handle exception when calculating interest
               catch ( RemoteException remoteException ) {
            } // end method actionPerformed
      ); // end addActionListener
      return calculateButton;
   } // end method getCalculateButton
   // lay out GUI components in JFrame
   public void layoutGUI()
      Container contentPane = getContentPane();
      // layout user interface components
      JPanel inputPanel = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 5, 2 ) );
      inputPanel.add( new JLabel( "Principal" ) );
      inputPanel.add( principalTextField );
      inputPanel.add( new JLabel( "Interest Rate (%)" ) );
      inputPanel.add( rateTextField );
      inputPanel.add( new JLabel( "Term (years)" ) );
      inputPanel.add( termTextField );
      inputPanel.add( new JLabel( "Balance" ) );
      inputPanel.add( balanceTextField );
      inputPanel.add( new JLabel( "Interest Earned" ) );
      inputPanel.add( interestEarnedTextField );     
      // add inputPanel to contentPane
      contentPane.add( inputPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
      // create JPanel for calculateButton
      JPanel controlPanel = new JPanel( new FlowLayout() );
      controlPanel.add( getCalculateButton() );
      contentPane.add( controlPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
   // get WindowListener for exiting application
   public WindowListener getWindowListener()
      return new WindowAdapter() {
         public void windowClosing( WindowEvent event )
            // check to see if calculator is null
            if ( calculator.equals( null ) ) {
               System.exit( -1 );
            else {
               // remove InterestCalculator instance
               try {

               // handle exception removing InterestCalculator
               catch ( RemoveException removeException ) {
                  System.exit( -1 );

               // handle exception removing InterestCalculator
               catch ( RemoteException remoteException ) {
                  System.exit( -1 );
               System.exit( 0 );
   } // end method getWindowListener
   // execute the application
   public static void main( String[] args )
      new InterestCalculatorClient();
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