/*扫雷游戏 尚未完成功能: 存储和导入个人记录; 残局和继续; 中途结束和重新开始; 等等。。。。。 */ //符号○●⊙①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨◎¤★□ //○代表无,●代表有 #include <iostream> #include<time.h> #define MINE 30 using namespace std; bool mine[10][10];//储存雷的状况 int minenum[10][10];//存储周围雷数 int state[10][10];//标记是否显示过,0表示没显示过,1表示显示过数字,2表示显示过★ bool vacant[10][10];//保存是否要显示的空位置 int counter,num,COUNT; char onceagain; void statistics();//统计周围雷数 void Output(int number); void fun1(int r,int l); void fun2(int r,int l); void fun3(int r,int l); void fun4(int r,int l); //布雷函数 void laymine() { COUNT=0; for (int m=0;m<10;m++) { for (int n=0;n<10;n++) { cout<<"□"; } cout<<endl; } srand((unsigned)time(0)); for (int m=0;m<10;m++) { for (int n=0;n<10;n++) { mine[m][n]=false; state[m][n]=0; vacant[m][n]=false; } } counter=0; do { int x=rand()%10; int y=rand()%10; if(mine[x][y]==false) { mine[x][y]=true; counter++; if(counter==MINE) {break;} } } while (counter<MINE); num=0; statistics(); } void statistics() { //统计非边界区域周围雷数 for (int i=1;i<9;i++) { for (int j=1;j<9;j++) { if (mine[i][j]==false) { for (int k=i-1;k<=i+1;k++) { for (int t=j-1;t<=j+1;t++) { if (mine[k][t]==true) { num++; } } } minenum[i][j]=num; num=0; } } } /*边界区域雷数*/ //最上一行 for (int top=1;top<9;top++) { if (mine[0][top]==false) { for(int r=0;r<=1;r++) { for (int t1=top-1;t1<=top+1;t1++) { if (mine[r][t1]==true) { num++; } } } minenum[0][top]=num; num=0; } } //最下一行 for (int buttom=1;buttom<9;buttom++) { if (mine[9][buttom]==false) { for(int r=8;r<=9;r++) { for (int t2=buttom-1;t2<=buttom+1;t2++) { if (mine[r][t2]==true) { num++; } } } minenum[9][buttom]=num; num=0; } } //最左一列 for (int left=1;left<9;left++) { if (mine[left][0]==false) { for(int l=0;l<=1;l++) { for (int t3=left-1;t3<=left+1;t3++) { if (mine[t3][l]==true) { num++; } } } minenum[left][0]=num; num=0; } } //最右一列 for (int right=1;right<9;right++) { if (mine[right][9]==false) { for(int l=8;l<=9;l++) { for (int t4=right-1;t4<=right+1;t4++) { if (mine[t4][l]==true) { num++; } } } minenum[right][9]=num; num=0; } } //四个顶点 if (mine[0][0]==false) { minenum[0][0]=mine[0][1]+mine[1][0]+mine[1][1]; } if (mine[9][9]==false) { minenum[9][9]=mine[8][9]+mine[8][8]+mine[9][8]; } if (mine[0][9]==false) { minenum[0][9]=mine[0][8]+mine[1][8]+mine[1][9]; } if (mine[0][0]==false) { minenum[9][0]=mine[8][2]+mine[8][0]+mine[9][1]; } } //清屏刷新显示 void refresh() { system("cls"); for (int m=0;m<10;m++) { for (int n=0;n<10;n++) { if (state[m][n]==1) { Output(minenum[m][n]);//显示过的无雷的 } else if(mine[m][n]==true) { cout<<"●";//有雷 } else { cout<<"□"; } } cout<<endl; } } //输出符号 void Output(int number) { switch (number) { case 0:cout<<"◎";break; case 1:cout<<"①";break; case 2:cout<<"②";break; case 3:cout<<"③";break; case 4:cout<<"④";break; case 5:cout<<"⑤";break; case 6:cout<<"⑥";break; case 7:cout<<"⑦";break; case 8:cout<<"⑧";break; } } void explosion() { cout<<"¤ "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A W "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Wi "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Win "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winm "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmi "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmin "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine G "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Ga "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Gam "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game P "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Pr "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Pro "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Prog "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Progr "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Progra "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Program "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programm "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programme "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed B "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed By "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed By D "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed By Du "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed By Dua "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed By Duan "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed By Duan C "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed By Duan Co "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed By Duan Con "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed By Duan Cong "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed By Duan Cong!Enjoy "<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed By Duan Cong!Enjoy Yourself!"<<endl; system("cls"); cout<<"¤A Winmine Game Programmed By Duan Cong!Enjoy Yourself!¤"<<endl; system("cls"); } void fun1(int r,int l) { if((mine[r-1][l-2]==false)&&l>1&&r>1) { //state[r-1][l-2]=1; vacant[r-1][l-2]=true; fun1(r-1,l); fun2(r-1,l); fun3(r-1,l); fun4(r-1,l); } } void fun2(int r,int l) { if((mine[r-2][l-1]==false)&&(r>1)&&l>0) { //state[r-2][l-1]=1; vacant[r-2][l-1]=true; fun2(r,l-1); } } void fun3(int r,int l) { if(mine[r][l-1]==false) { //state[r][l-1]=1; vacant[r][l-1]=true; fun2(r+1,l); } } void fun4(int r,int l) { if(mine[r-1][l]==false) { //state[r-1][l]=1; vacant[r-1][l]=true; fun4(r,l+1); } } int main() { //开始计时 clock_t start, finish; double duration; //cout<<"¤¤¤¤¤A Winmine Game Programmed By Duan Cong!Enjoy Yourself!¤¤¤¤¤¤"<<endl<<endl; explosion(); cout<<"Game Rules:"<<endl; cout<<"○ means no mine"<<endl; cout<<"● stands for mine"<<endl; cout<<"★ is used to mark the known mines"<<endl; cout<<"□ shows the unsolved ones"<<endl; cout<<"◎①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨ represent numbers of mines around"<<endl; cout<<"Enter (0,0) to begin marking the mines"<<endl<<endl; int row,line; //laymine(); onceagain='y'; while(onceagain=='y') { loop2: duration = 0.0; start = clock(); laymine(); loop1: cout<<endl<<"Please putin the number of your line and row :"<<endl; cin>>row>>line; if (row==0&&line==0) { cout<<endl<<"Enter the row and line to mark the mine!"<<endl; cin>>row>>line; system("cls"); for (int m=0;m<10;m++) { for (int n=0;n<10;n++) { if ((m==row-1)&&(n==line-1)) { cout<<"★"; state[m][n]=2; if (mine[m][n]==true) { COUNT++; if (COUNT==MINE) { cout<<"Congratulations! You have finished the mission! Once again?(Enter y/n)"<<endl; goto end; } } } else if (state[m][n]==1) { Output(minenum[m][n]); } else if (state[m][n]==0) { cout<<"□"; } else if (state[m][n]==2) { cout<<"★"; } } cout<<endl; } goto loop1; } else if(row>=0&&row<11&&line>=0&&line<11) { if (mine[row-1][line-1]==false) { state[row-1][line-1]=1; vacant[row-1][line-1]=true; system("cls"); fun1(row,line); fun2(row,line); fun3(row,line); fun4(row,line); for (int m=0;m<10;m++) { for (int n=0;n<10;n++) { if (vacant[m][n]==true) { if(state[m][n]==1) { Output(minenum[m][n]); } else if (state[m][n]==2) { cout<<"★"; } else { cout<<"○"; state[m][n]=1; } } else if (state[m][n]==2) { cout<<"★"; } else { cout<<"□"; } } cout<<endl; } goto loop1; } else { refresh(); cout<<endl<<"You have discovered "<<COUNT<<" mines"; //计时 finish = clock(); duration = (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout<<endl<<"The time you have spend is:"<<duration<<" seconds"<<endl; //重新开始 cout<<endl<<"Sorry! Game over! Once again? (Enter y/n)"<<endl; end: cin>>onceagain; if (onceagain=='y') { system("cls"); goto loop2; } else { exit(0); } } } else { cout<<endl<<"Attention!Illegal iput!"<<endl; goto loop1; } } return 0; }