spark-sql是Spark bin目录下的一个可执行脚本,它的目的是通过这个脚本执行Hive的命令,即原来通过
spark-sql可以使用内置的Hive metadata-store,也可以使用已经独立安装的Hive的metadata store
关于Hive build into Spark
Spark SQL can be built with or without Apache Hive, the Hadoop SQL engine. Spark SQL with Hive support allows us to access Hive tables, UDFs (user-defined functions), SerDes (serialization and deserialization formats), and the Hive query language (HiveQL). Hive query language (HQL) It is important to note that including the Hive libraries does not require an existing Hive installation.
2.关于Hive和Spark SQL的关系,参见:
Note that if you don’t have an existing Hive installation, Spark SQL will create its own Hive metastore (metadata DB) in your program’s work directory, called meta store_db. In addition, if you attempt to create tables using HiveQL’s CREATE TABLE statement (not CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE), they will be placed in the /user/hive/warehouse directory on your default filesystem (either your local filesystem, or HDFS if you have a hdfs-site.xml on your classpath).
1. 将Hive的conf目录的hive-site.xml拷贝到Spark的conf目录
2. 将hive-site.xml中关于时间的配置的时间单位,比如ms,s全部删除掉
3. 将mysql jdbc的驱动添加到Spark的Classpath上
export SPARK_CLASSPATH=$SPARK_CLASSPATH:/home/hadoop/software/spark-1.2.0-bin-hadoop2.4/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.34.jar
4.启动Spark SQL
[hadoop@hadoop bin]$ ./spark-sql Spark assembly has been built with Hive, including Datanucleus jars on classpath SET spark.sql.hive.version=0.13.1
5. 显示所有的数据库
spark-sql> show databases; OK default financials financials2 sales Time taken: 18.67 seconds
6. 显示表
spark-sql> use default; OK Time taken: 0.657 seconds spark-sql> show tables; OK abc avro_table employees invites my_word mytable1 parquet_table table1 word word3 word4 word5 Time taken: 1.011 seconds
7. 查询
spark-sql> select * from word > ; 1 MSN 10 QQ 100 Gtalk 1000 Skype NULL NULL Time taken: 39.852 seconds
spark-sql> create table word6 (id int,word string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile ; OK Time taken: 10.852 seconds
spark-sql> load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/word.txt' into table word6; Copying data from file:/home/hadoop/word.txt Copying file: file:/home/hadoop/word.txt Loading data to table default.word6 Table default.word6 stats: [numFiles=1, numRows=0, totalSize=31, rawDataSize=0] OK Time taken: 2.307 seconds