@import url(http://www.blogjava.net/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=style&file=SyntaxHighlighter.css);@import url(/css/cuteeditor.css); 话不多说,上代码
 1  <? xml version="1.0" ?>
 2  <!--  Simple example to demonstrate the Spark List component  -->
 3  < s:Application  xmlns:fx ="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"  xmlns:s ="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" >
 5       < fx:Script >
 6           <![CDATA[
 7              import spark.events.IndexChangeEvent;
 9              //this function is called when the selection is going to change
10              private function selectionChangingHandler(evt:IndexChangeEvent):void {
11                  var item:* = list.dataProvider.getItemAt(evt.newIndex);
12                  if (item.type != "employee") {
13                      evt.preventDefault();
14                  }
15              }
16           ]]>
17       </ fx:Script >
19       < s:Panel  title ="Spark List Component Example"
20              width ="75%"  height ="75%"
21              horizontalCenter ="0"  verticalCenter ="0" >
22           < s:VGroup  left ="20"  right ="20"  top ="20"  bottom ="20" >
23               < s:Label  width ="330"
24                  text ="Select a name to see employee's phone number. You should not be able to select the first name." />
25               < s:List  id ="list"  changing ="selectionChangingHandler(event);" >
26                   <!--  itemRenderer is inline in this sample  -->
27                   < s:itemRenderer >
28                       < fx:Component >
29                           < s:ItemRenderer >
30                               < s:states >
31                                   < s:State  name ="normal"   />
32                                   < s:State  name ="hovered"   />
33                                   < s:State  name ="selected"   />
34                               </ s:states >
35                               < s:Rect  left ="0"  right ="0"  top ="0"  bottom ="0" >
36                                   < s:fill >
37                                       < s:SolidColor  color ="0x999999"  alpha ="0"  alpha.hovered ="0.2"
38                                              alpha.selected ="0.6"   />
39                                   </ s:fill >
40                                </ s:Rect >
41                                < s:Label  id ="nameLabel"  text ="{data.lastName}, {data.firstName}"  top ="5"  left ="5"  right ="5"   />
42                                < s:Label  y ="20"  id ="phoneLabel"  text ="{data.phone}"  includeIn ="selected"  top ="25"  bottom ="5"  left ="5"  right ="5"   />
43                           </ s:ItemRenderer >
44                       </ fx:Component >
45                   </ s:itemRenderer >
46                   < s:dataProvider >
47                       < s:ArrayList >
48                           < fx:Object  type ="hr"  firstName ="Ann"   lastName ="Green"    />
49                           < fx:Object  type ="employee"  firstName ="Tom"   lastName ="Smith"  phone ="415-155-1212"   />
50                           < fx:Object  type ="employee"  firstName ="John"  lastName ="Black"  phone ="408-344-1234"   />
51                           < fx:Object  type ="employee"  firstName ="Jane"  lastName ="White"  phone ="415-235-7878"   />
52                           < fx:Object  type ="employee"  firstName ="Bill"  lastName ="Jones"  phone ="415-875-7800"   />
53                       </ s:ArrayList >
54                   </ s:dataProvider >
55               </ s:List >
56           </ s:VGroup >
57        </ s:Panel >
59  </ s:Application >
@import url(http://www.blogjava.net/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=style&file=SyntaxHighlighter.css);@import url(/css/cuteeditor.css);