

Source statements in different programming languages shall be counted separately. The programming language used shall be identi?ed for each count along with its software module name. If two languages are used in the development, for example Pascal and C, the quantity of source statements of each language shall be counted and reported separately. Combining counts of different languages into a single count shall not be permitted.



This standard requires that only those source statements written by people be counted.


A PSS measurement is line counting where a typical line format is 80 characters. Any deviation from the typical line format shall be noted.




All counts of LSS and PSS shall be kept by source module, and identi?ed by module name and software language. The counts may be combined for all modules when expressing aggregate results for the software product, but the combined count shall be only of those modules of the same software source language.


 a) Developed source statements. Source statements added or modi?ed for the speci?c product being
measured shall be counted as new source statements. Added source statements are those that did not previously exist and were created speci?cally for this product. Modi?ed source statements are those taken from another software product to which any changes were made to make the software suitable for this application.

 b) Nondeveloped source statements. Source statements that were not developed new for this product are counted in two categories: deleted source statements and reused source statements. Deleted source statements shall be the count of all source statements that have been removed or modified from an earlier version of this software product. Reused source statements are unmodified source statements obtained for the product from an external source of software. The size (LSS or PSS) of this external source would be counted as original source statements and could be a previous version of this product, a reuse library, or acquired software. Reused source statements shall be counted as a part of the software module count. Modifying a source statement is considered to be the process of removing one existing source statement and then adding one or more new source statements. When a single source statement is modi?ed, and the result is two or more source statements, all but one source statement shall be counted in added source statements, and one shall be counted as a modified source statement.



Number of New SS = Number of Added SS + Number of Modified SS
Number of Deleted SS = Number of Modi?ed SS + Number of Removed SS
Number of Reused SS = Number of Original SS – Number of Modified SS – Number of Removed SS



The differences between software languages are suf?ciently great to make cross-language comparisons of productivity difficult. This standard provides a foundation for collecting accurate productivity data. This may make cross-language comparisons possible in the future.


a) new = added + modified or, n = a + m
b) deleted = modified + removed or, d = m + re
c) reused = original – deleted or, r = o – m – re


Consequently, the total product size, which is the sum of the new and the reused statements
