How To Determine if Your Computer Is 32-Bit or 64-Bit(forward)

How To Determine if Your Computer Is 32-Bit or 64-Bit(forward)

how to check window version

run: Winver

Here's How:
  1. Open the System Information

    Open the Start menu, and click on Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information


  2. Look in the System Summary

    The System Information tool will display detailed information about your Windows operating system. Once opened it will show the "System Summary" – it’s an overview of your computer and operating system.

  3. Look for the System Type Item

    On the right hand side of the window you will see a list of items. Look for the item called "System Type".

    The value of this item will tell you whether your computer is 32-bit or 64-bit:

    • x86-based PC: It’s a 32-bit computer.
    • x64-based PC: It’s a 64-bit computer.


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