XmlWriter is a stream based Xml processor. The Stream based XML process is more effeicent in memory and low in CPU usage. however, it does not have convenient wasy as the DOM based one, where you can easily load and write to string.
here is an example shows how you can write with XmlWriter to a string.
[Test] public void Test_XmlWriter_to_String_Should_be_Valid() { //var xmlWriter = new XmlWriter(); // basically this is going to write to StringWriter // what you need to do is just to apply the decorator pattern, // XmlWriter -> StringWriter using (var sw = new StringWriter()) { using (var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(sw)) { xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Metrics"); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Keys"); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("SessionID"); xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Type", "System.String"); xmlWriter.WriteString("{sessionId}"); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.Flush(); } Assert.AreEqual("<?xmlversion=\"1.0\"encoding=\"utf-16\"?><Metrics><Keys><SessionIDType=\"System.String\">{sessionId}</SessionID></Keys></Metrics>", sw.ToString().Replace("\r\n", "").Replace(" ", "")); }
next we are going to discuss the Formatter and etc...
The discussion C# XmlTextWriter to provide simple formatting when writing to StringWriter.