Windows Mobile 6 sdk installation error, COM3 in use,please check the implementation

问题:Windows Mobile 6 sdk installation error, COM3 in use,please check the implementation


1. Windows->open "Run" ->click "regedit.exe" //点击windows按钮,在运行框中输入regedit,然后回车

2. Move to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/services"//找到注册表项HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/services

3. Delete "xpvcom" folder and restart Visual Studio 2005//删除xpvcom文件夹

4. In case if no "xpvcom" folder is found, try searching the same in other ControlSetxxx folders in place of CurrentControlSet and delete.//如果没找到,搜索以下

For me "xpvcom" folder existed in ControlSet001 and deleting the folder did the trick.



然后重新安装mobile sdk

你可能感兴趣的:(Windows Mobile 6 sdk installation error, COM3 in use,please check the implementation)